66 research outputs found


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    Kejahatan kekerasan seksual di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan tiap tahunnya. Hukuman pidana bagi pelaku kekerasan seksual sebagaimana tercantum dalam KUHP dan UU Perlindungan Anak dianggap belum efektif sehingga Pemerintah menerbitkan UU Nomor 17 Tahun 2016 yang menerapkan pemberatan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku  kekerasan seksual diantaranya dengan memberlakukan kebiri secara kimiawi. Penerapan kebiri secara kimiawi ini menimbulkan pro dan kontra di tengah-tangah masyarakat terkait efektifitasnya dan pemberlakuannya yang dianggap melanggar hak asasi manusia sebagaimana termuat dalam UUD 1945 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang HAM. Untuk menggali problematika tersebut maka perumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah : bagaimana tujuan hukum kebiri kimia bagi pelaku kejahatan seksual terhadap anak? Bagaimana penerapan hukum kebiri kimia bagi pelaku kejahatan seksual terhadap anak di Indonesia? Bagaimana efektifitas hukuman kebiri kimia bagi pelaku kejahatan seksual terhadap anak dikaitkan dengan hak asasi manusia? Metode penelitian dalam kaitannya dengan penulisan tesis ini termasuk jenis penelitian hukum normatif, yaitu penelitian hukum yang didasarkan pada data sekunder. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan pendekatan konsep (conceptual approach). Hasil penelitian tesis ini menunjukkan: (1) Hukuman kebiri kimia dalam UU No. 17 Tahun 2016 bertujuan untuk memberikan efek jera bagi pelaku, pidana kebiri kimia dalam undang-undang tersebut merupakan pidana tambahan sebagaimana yang dirumuskan dalam ketentuan Pasal 81 Ayat (7). (2) Penerapan hukuman kebiri kimia diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 70 Tahun 2020 tentang Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Tindakan Kebiri Kimia, Pemasangan Alat Pendeteksi Elektronik, Rehabilitasi, dan Pengumuman Identitas PelakuKekerasan Seksual terhadap Anak. (3) Efektivitas penegakkan hukuman kebiri kimia sangat tergantung pada hubungan sinergi antara faktor-faktor penegakan hukum, yaitu faktor undang-undang itu sendiri, faktor aparat penegak hukum, faktor sarana dan prasarana, dan faktor budaya hukum masyarakat

    Pemberdayaan IPM Melalui Perpustakaan Mini Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Produktivitas Baca-Tulis di Kapas Madya Baru Surabaya

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    Library is the most important thing in sharpening youth knowledge. So as a strategy in order to form productivity mabaca and nenulis juveniles. Because adolescents with their sensitivity are very sensitive to the environment so it triggers the juvenile delinquency. Therefore, this dedication is carried out during the one-month time allocation through the procurement of multi-source mini libraries that are established through the form of training or workshops that are teenagers strategic in the formation of the growth of literacy productivity. The results obtained show that the formation of reading and writing culture through multi-source library conducted with the guidance of inten. Workshops or reading and writing skills can make it easier for youth IPM to give creativity and innovation. So denagan kegitan like that a bit much can minimize juvenile delinquency. Therefore, the need to hold a mini library in a mosque with activities of literacy and adolescent literacy should be done in a sustainable manner

    Expanding the Indonesian Tarbiyah Movement through Ta‘āruf and Marriage

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    This paper will shed light into the most current phenomena of how Islamist groups create and expand their influence and membership. In view of the Islamists like the Indonesian Tarbiyah movement, Islamisation of society and the state is the ultimate goal to be achieved. Families become the most important means of Islamisation. If all families have been successfully made “Islamic”, people and the country will follow suit. Preparing the family as the basis of making up society and the establishment of an Islamic state is, therefore, urgent. One of the ways is to match young men and women to get married through taʻāruf or “Islamic introduction”, which goes against the very popular trend of dating among youths nowadays. In addition to be practiced within Tarbiyah members, marriage is also promoted to the larger public. This group of Islamists use most contemporary modern media to expand their influence. By doing so, this kind of movement will have a tremendous and strong socio-political implication in the long run of Indonesian politics.[Tulisan ini mengkaji fenomena kontemporer tentang bagaimana sebuah kelompok (Gerakan Tarbiyah) membentuk dan meluaskan pengaruh serta keanggotaannya. Kelompok Islam tersebut melihat bahwa Islamisasi masyarakat dan Negara merupakan tujuan utama yang harus dicapai termasuk yang terpenting adalah keluarga. Mereka menganggap bahwa jika unit keluarga sudah menjadi ‘Islam’ maka masyarakat dan Negara secara otomatis akan mengikutinya. Oleh karena itu keluarga perlu disiapkan sebagai pondasi menuju masyarakat dan Negara yang Islamis. Salah satu cara paling awal adalah dengan memperkenalkan konsep Taʻāruf bagi muda mudi yang ingin menikah, sekaligus sebagai tandingan terhadap konsep ‘pacaran’ yang saat ini populer. Untuk mempromosikan konsep tersebut ke khalayak yang lebih luas, mereka pun menggunakan media yang paling modern dan masif. Sehingga gerakan mereka tampak kuat implikasinya dalam peta perpolitikan di Indonesia. ]

    Identity Politics: a Study of the Historicity Politics Identity of the Hadrami Community in Indonesia

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     The community of Arab descent in Indonesia is a marginalized or minority community. In addition, they are also the least studied community in Indonesia. Many non-Arabs do not know that most of the Arabs in Indonesia are Hadrami people who come from Yemen and not from the original Arabs or Hejaz. Most Indonesians are also unaware of the significant social and cultural differences between countries in the Middle East region, particularly with regard to the history of internal relations within the Hadrami community in Indonesia. The Hadrami people come to Indonesia with several motivations, namely getting a better life, getting away from criminal and civil problems, the existence of conflicts and wars in their place of origin and so on. Different backgrounds in terms of culture and social become a problem. These cultural and social differences make it difficult for them to adapt and acculturate to indigenous peoples. Even so, they are still looking for a balance point in order to become part of the indigenous community. For example, they marry native women and men. This accommodation process is experienced by many other diaspora communities, which is always accompanied by pressure due to the increasing number of mixed-breed populations in their communities. In the book entitled, Seeking Identity, the internal relations between Arabs as immigrant communities and their external relations with the wider community are explained, including the top level authorities, namely the government, during the Dutch East Indies, the Japanese occupation and the Republic of Indonesia. This article deals with the history of identity by using research materials which are dominated by library materials. The title raised is Identity Politics: Historical Studies of the Identity Politics of the Hadrami Society in Indonesia. There are three questions in this article. First, what is the identity and identity politics of the Hadrami people in Indonesia. Second, what is the history of the Hadrami people in Indonesia. Third, what is the history of the Hadrami community's identity politics in Indonesia. This paper uses an analytical context approach to explain the concept of identity and identity politics. In addition, the purpose of this article, namely: 1). knowing the identity and identity politics of the Hadrami community in Indonesia; 2). knowing the history of the identity politics of the Hadrami people in Indonesia; and 3). knowing the identity politics of the Hadrami people in Indonesia


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    ABSTRAKBadaya merupakan sebuah jabatan di dalam pertunjukan Wayang yang merujuk kepada emban geulis yang bertugas untuk mempersipkan segala kebutuhan Keraton sekaligus menari di hadapan Raja dan petinggi Keraton. Di awal perkembangannya, tari Badaya ini digunakan sebagai tari bubuka dalam pertunjukan Wayang Wong, yang kini telah beralih fungsi menjadi sebuah tari komoditi yang digunakan sebagai materi pokok dalam rangkaian Upacara Adat Mapag Panganten Sunda. Perubahan yang terjadi tidak hanya secara tekstual pada bentuk seninya, melainkan terhadap masyarakat itu sendiri sebagai pelaku dalam sektor ekonomi, industri, politik, dan pariwisata. Tulisan ini berupaya untuk menjelaskan bagaimana proses terjadinya tari Badaya menjadi sebuah tari komoditi dalam Upacara Adat Mapag Panganten melalui pemikiran Raymond Williams dan Theodor W. Adorno. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan secara etnografi dan historical analysis. Kajian ini memperoleh hasil bahwa komodifikasi tari Badaya memiliki standarisasi yang menggiring kemasan dengan pemadatan koreografi, durasi penampilan yang singkat, busana yang glamour dan mewah, rias sederhana, serta aksesibilitas instrumen pengiringnya.ABSTRACKBadaya is a position in the Wayang performance that refers to the Emban Geulis whose job is to prepare all the needs of the palace as well as dance in front of the king and other palace officials. At the beginning of its development, this Badaya dance was used as a powder dance in the Wayang Wong performance, which has now changed its function into a commodity dance which is used as the main material in a series of Sundanese Mapag Panganten Traditional Ceremonies. Changes that occur are not only textual in the form of art, but also to the community itself as an actor in the economic, industrial, political, and tourism sectors. This paper attempts to explain how the process of the Badaya dance becoming a commodity dance in the Mapag Panganten Traditional Ceremony through the thoughts of Raymond Williams and Theodor W. Adorno. The method used is a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach and historical analysis. This study finds that the commodification of Badaya dance has standardization that leads to packaging with compaction of choreography, short duration of performance, glamorous and luxurious clothing, simple make-up, and accessibility of accompanying instruments


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    The quality of mathematics education in Indonesia is still low. This is at least acquired from the attainment of the students of Indonesia participating in international assessments, such as PISA and TIMSS. Some of the main causes are mathematics learning that is poorly related to the contexts of living that students experience. In addition, teacher lacks facilitating students in problem solving activities. Therefore, teacher needs to familiarize students with PISA and TIMSS like questions in mathematics learning and teach them the process and strategies of solving problem. Within this article, it is given an alternative problem solving process for PISA and TIMSS like questions with 4 (four) stages, along with 12 (twelve) core strategies of problem solving and other strategies that can also be taught to students


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    Teaching religious and cultural diversities would possibly be one of the greatest challenges to teachers of Islamic in Southern Thai Islamic schools due to the strong Islamic ideology they hold, lack of proper training for their professional growth, and the ongoing ethno-political conflict in the area. This paper explores how such a challenge has been faced. It particularly describes the teaching process of Islamic studies in Thai Islamic schools and explores opportunities within it for promoting religious and cultural diversities. We also look into possible opportunities for Islamic teachers to teach and students to learn about the diverse reality of society. We found that the deliveries of Islamic fell squarely within the concept of teaching into religion using a heavy confessional approach. Indoctrination with a little encouragement of critical thinking was common in Islamic classes. The presentation of other faiths and cultures was designed to explore their weaknesses and fallacies from a single believed-Islamic perspective. [Pengajaran keragaman budaya dan agama merupakan sebuah tantangan besar bagi guru pendidikan keislaman pada sekolah di Thailand Selatan, seiring dengan pemahaman keislaman mereka yang kuat, kesenjangan tingkat perkembangan profesionalitas, dan konflik politik etnik di daerah tersebut. Tulisan ini mengetengahkan persoalan yang mereka hadapi, khususnya deskripsi proses pengajaran studi keislaman di sekolah Islam lokal dan peluang dalam promosi keragaman budaya dan agama. Tulisan ini juga melihat kemungkinan peluang bagi guru agama Islam dan anak didiknya untuk saling belajar dari realitas keragaman dalam masyarakat. Kami menemukan bahwa menyampaikan pengetahuan keislaman harus tepat dengan konsep pengajaran bagi pemeluk agamanya menggunakan pendekatan keyakinan yang lurus. Indoktrinasi dengan sedikit dorongan pemikiran kritis merupakan kewajaran dalam kelas agama. Presentasi agama dan budaya lain didesain untuk eksplorasi kekurangan dan kesalahan dari perspektif yang monolitik
