502 research outputs found

    A rapid and scalable method for multilocus species delimitation using Bayesian model comparison and rooted triplets

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    Multilocus sequence data provide far greater power to resolve species limits than the single locus data typically used for broad surveys of clades. However, current statistical methods based on a multispecies coalescent framework are computationally demanding, because of the number of possible delimitations that must be compared and time-consuming likelihood calculations. New methods are therefore needed to open up the power of multilocus approaches to larger systematic surveys. Here, we present a rapid and scalable method that introduces two new innovations. First, the method reduces the complexity of likelihood calculations by decomposing the tree into rooted triplets. The distribution of topologies for a triplet across multiple loci has a uniform trinomial distribution when the 3 individuals belong to the same species, but a skewed distribution if they belong to separate species with a form that is specified by the multispecies coalescent. A Bayesian model comparison framework was developed and the best delimitation found by comparing the product of posterior probabilities of all triplets. The second innovation is a new dynamic programming algorithm for finding the optimum delimitation from all those compatible with a guide tree by successively analyzing subtrees defined by each node. This algorithm removes the need for heuristic searches used by current methods, and guarantees that the best solution is found and potentially could be used in other systematic applications. We assessed the performance of the method with simulated, published and newly generated data. Analyses of simulated data demonstrate that the combined method has favourable statistical properties and scalability with increasing sample sizes. Analyses of empirical data from both eukaryotes and prokaryotes demonstrate its potential for delimiting species in real cases

    Management of erectile dysfunction post-radical prostatectomy

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    © 2015 Saleh et al.Radical prostatectomy is a commonly performed procedure for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. One of the long-term complications is erectile dysfunction. There is little consensus on the optimal management; however, it is agreed that treatment must be prompt to prevent fibrosis and increase oxygenation of penile tissue. It is vital that patient expectations are discussed, a realistic time frame of treatment provided, and treatment started as close to the prostatectomy as possible. Current treatment regimens rely on phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors as a first-line therapy, with vacuum erection devices and intraurethral suppositories of alprostadil as possible treatment combination options. With nonresponders to these therapies, intracavernosal injections are resorted to. As a final measure, patients undergo the highly invasive penile prosthesis implantation. There is no uniform, objective treatment program for erectile dysfunction post-radical prostatectomy. Management plans are based on poorly conducted and often underpowered studies in combination with physician and patient preferences. They involve the aforementioned drugs and treatment methods in different sequences and doses. Prospective treatments include dietary supplements and gene therapy, which have shown promise with there proposed mechanisms of improving erectile function but are yet to be applied successfully in human patients

    Optimization techniques for a multi-dimensional drilling model.

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    The method of Hooke and Jeeves using Fibonacci line search has been used to solve the non-linear, multi-variable, unconstrained, objective function. A comparison between the Hooke and Jeeves searching method and other optimization techniques, such as discrete Hooke and Jeeves and Rosenbrock methods is given. Also the effects of changing one decision variable on the drilling cost are studied for all the six variables.It is concluded that the new developed drilling model gives better results than the Galle and Woods model. Therefore, the drilling companies could save thousands of dollars on one well and perhaps millions on one field. The optimum solution, using the accelerated Hooke and Jeeves search method, is more economical and realistic than solutions produced by other optimization techniques.A new non-linear, unconstrained, mathematical model for the drilling process has been developed. The number of parameters to optimize are six, namely, the weight on bit, the rotary speed, the drilling fluid volumetric flow rate, the jet nozzle diameter, and the drilling fluid density and viscosity


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIM-RS) Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Kota Gorontalo dan memberikan rekomendasi agar sistem berjalan lebih baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini melibatkan sebanyak 34 orang sebagai responden yang merupakan pegawai administrasi dan programmer di rumah sakit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan pengguna untuk seluruh variabel EUCS berada pada kategori puas dan sangat puas yang menandakan bahwa pengguna sudah merasa puas sehingga perlu dipertahankan. Sehingga direkomendasikan untuk melihat dari segi hardware seperti pengecekan perangkat komputer apabila ada perangkat yang sudah usang dan perlu diganti, atau dari segi brainware seperti meninjau kemampuan operator dalam mengoperasikan sistem atau melakukan pelatihan penggunaan sistem kepada operato

    Face Recognition Based on Intelligent System

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    Face recognition is one of the most attractive and challenging topics in the fields of pattern recognition used in many biometric security applications. In this research, we use Two Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform (2D-DWT) to decompose face image for extracting features and Principle Component Analysis (PCA) for dimensional reduction of these features. For classification, we use ANFIS technique which is a combination between Fuzzy Inference System and Neural Network, Furthermore, we implemented Back Propagation Neural Network for the extracted features to compare its efficiency with ANFIS. Implementing proposed work get a best recognition rate and less computation where the recognition rate increases until it reaches maximum value (96%)

    Local community ecotourism business experiences in Kuala Tahan, Malaysia

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    Many ecotourism destinations were developed with the dual purpose of resource conservation and local economic well-being. In order to achieve these noble goals, there is a need to incorporate local community participation in ecotourism activity. The vital justification for such participation can be found in the form of linking the economic benefits and conservation. Interest in such linkage was the premise of the present study which was set in Kuala Tahan (Taman Negara National Park), a well known ecotourism destination in Malaysia. The study was designed to examine the experience of the locals in businesses and how they benefited from their participation in ecotourism activities. A census was conducted in Kuala Tahan in 2010 of 69 locals who were involved in businesses providing services to the ecotourists in the park. Results of the study demonstrate an encouraging business atmosphere in Kuala Tahan, and the locals are optimistic about the future of the area. Several changes in business profiles were identified and compared to a previous survey which was conducted in 1993. Although most of the locals are still operating businesses in a conventional manner, some had explored and are thriving in new ventures. A number of problems which could impede the local business growth were also noted and corrective measures suggested

    Identifikasi Pola Sebaran Intrusi Batuan Bawah Permukaan Menggunakan Metode Geomagnet di Sungai Jenelata Kabupaten Gowa

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    This research has been conducted using geomagnetic method at Jenelata River, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi. The purpose of this study is to identify subsurface geological structure of the study area. The number of measurement points as much as 248 points with area 70 × 300 meters. The process of data acquisition using a magnetometer. Data processing was carried out with the diurnal correction and IGRF correction and using filter upward continuation. Modelling conducted using forward modeling using the software Mag2DC. The total magnetic field ranges from 42,456 to 43,111.6 nT. Based on a qualitative interpretation obtain local magnetic anomaly contour variations values between -320 to 240 nT. While the quantitative interpretation indicates basalt rocks with susceptibility values to SI, which breached pyroclastic rocks with susceptibility values to SI, in the form of dyke

    Assessment of Readiness of Newly Graduated Health Professionals to Communicate with Patients in Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

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    Communication Skills (CS) are essential to health workforce to conduct effective professional-patient interaction. In Iraq, majority of newly graduated health professionals are engaged in provision of direct health services. However, undergraduate curricula preparing these professionals include no distinct component to train them on CS. This study aims at assessing the status of CS among Health Professions Education (HPE) graduates of University of Duhok (UoD) and estimating the perception of their patients toward those skills. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2014. Data on communication skills was obtained, from samples of different health professionals which included: medical doctors (junior residents, nurses, dentists and pharmacists) who recently graduated from different colleges at the UoD. Also, data from was obtained, their patients, to assess their satisfaction of the professionals’ CS. For assessing core CS, a specially designed checklist was adopted from Calgary-Cambridge Guide. Also, senior clinicians were asked on CS performed by their junior residents. Results show that 88% of the senior academic staff regarded CS as “highly essential” and 66% of them were not satisfied with interns’ conduct and suggested that CS should clearly be included in the medical curricula. The basic CS were perceived by patients as either not practiced or wrongly practiced. Patients were unsatisfied with the CS of their attending HPs during observed consultation sessions. The study shows obvious lack of CS among HPE graduates of UoD with patients’ dissatisfaction of their CSs. It seems legitimate to propose that relevant training elements to be designed and incorporated within training modules are needed to realize as a core element of the curriculum of all HPE colleges at the UoD. Keywords: Communication, skills, perception, graduates, Kurdistan-Iraq. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/73-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    A study of the L1 and L2 writing processes and strategies of Arab learners with special reference to third-year Libyan university students

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    PhD ThesisA number of studies have attempted to examine the writing processes of skilled and non-skilled native and non-native speakers of English. However, few studies have examined the writing processes of Arab university students, and none has been conducted on Libyan students' writing processes. This study examines the writing processes in L1 (Arabic) and L2 (English) of twelve Third-Year Libyan University Students (TYLUS), as they verbalised and produced written texts in both languages. The study investigates the process and product data separately to see if any relationship exists between an individual subject's process skill and product quality in either language. Observation, think-aloud protocols, interviews, questionnaires, and written products have been utilised to gather data in a triangulated case study. The composing sessions were audio-taped; the tapes were then transcribed, translated, and coded for analysis, along with the drafts and the final written compositions. The investigation into Ll and L2 writing processes was guided by one main and three sub-research questions. The main research question was: what writing processes do Libyan University students use while writing in Ll Arabic and in L2 English? Do they follow similar or different strategies? The first sub-research question was: how is the linguistic knowledge of the students reflected in Ll and L2 writing? The second was: does the Arabic rhetorical pattern affect the students' English writing? And lastly, how does instruction influence the writing processes and products of these students? The L1 and L2 protocol data yielded a number of interesting findings. Most subjects had a purpose in mind while composing their texts, but had little concern for audience. Individually, each subject displayed a unitary composing style across languages, tending to compose in the Ll and L2 similarly, with some variations in specific aspects. , As a group, the subjects' writing process differences were manifested in planning, time and content; writing time was shorter in L1 than in L2; reviewing in L1 focused on organisation and content, but on form, grammar and vocabulary in L2. Similarities were apparent in mental planning and reliance on internal resources as the subjects alternated between writing, repeating, and rehearsing. The L2 compositions gradually emerged with repetitions, pauses, and the use of L1, and seemed to be constrained by the subjects' linguistic knowledge and imperfect mastery of L2. This suggests that the composing knowledge and skills of Ll could potentially be transferred into L2 composing, and the subjects had employed many similar strategies deemed necessary for writing in both languages but were unable to apply accurately them in L2. In addition, the subjects used Ll to facilitate their composing in L2. They tended to comment and repeat portions of texts in words, rehearse in phrases, and engage in other composing activities at sentence level. Translated segments occurred at almost every level but mainly at phrase level. Finally, and interestingly, some subjects made more errors in L1 than in L2. A tentative composing process model showing the locations in which LI was used during the writing process is proposed. Implications for EFL, particularly. for Libyan University students, and suggestions for further research are also provided


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    Geothermal energy is an attractive energy source which may significantly offset fossil fuels because of its potential to produce sustainable, widespread, and affordable heat. Cornell University is exploring the subsurface at its Ithaca, New York campus to access the naturally hot deep rocks and produce geothermal fluids for direct use as a thermal source with which to heat campus buildings. A reconnaissance fairway analysis of the geothermal potential of the Appalachian Basin revealed that rocks with suitable natural permeability and heat for geothermal reservoirs are likely to be at 2.3 - 3 km depth. This study investigates the in-situ geological properties and geothermal reservoir potential of the Cambro-Ordovician limestones, dolostones and sandstones underlying the Knox Unconformity at ~2.3 km to 2.8 km depth in Ithaca, New York. This new evaluation is based on repurposing geophysical well logs, drill cuttings and core reports, supplemented by new cuttings analyses, from 78 pre-existing hydrocarbon industry boreholes in central and western New York. Gamma ray, neutron porosity hydrogen index, density and photoelectric factor logs are utilized to derive estimates of the lithologies and porosity of the Cambro-Ordovician strata. Coupled with the logs are cuttings reports and analyses for the interpolation of depths and thickness through the construction of cross-sections and isopach maps. Three intervals of strata are identified as potential reservoirs: the zone at which the basal Ordovician Little Falls Formation limestone or dolostone is interbedded with the upper Galway Formation sandstone known as the Rose Run member in New York; the interbedded sand and dolomite beds of the Galway Formation informally labeled in this study as the Yellowjacket member in New York; and the feldspathic sandstones of the basal Ausable member of the Potsdam Formation. These occur at depths below Ithaca of roughly 2.55 km, 2.7 km and 2.8 km +/ 0.2 km, respectively