13 research outputs found

    Salud es Vida: Development of a Cervical Cancer Education Curriculum for Promotora Outreach With Latina Farmworkers in Rural Southern Georgia

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    Methods: A systematic review was conducted to synthesize evidence from all prospective controlled studies on effectiveness of CHW programs in improving screening mammography rates. Studies reported in English and conducted in the United States were included if they: (i) evaluated a CHW intervention designed to increase screening mammography rates in women 40 years of age or older without a history of breast cancer; (ii) were a randomized controlled trial (RCT), case-controlled study, or quasi-experimental study; and (iii) evaluated a CHW intervention outside of a hospital setting. Results: Participation in a CHW intervention was associated with a statistically significant increase in receipt of screening mammography [risk ratio (RR): 1.06 (favoring intervention); 95% CI: 1.02-1.11, P = 0.003]. The effect remained when pooled data from only RCTs were included in meta-analysis (RR: 1.07; 95% CI: 1.03-1.12, P = 0.0005) but was not present using pooled data from only quasi-experimental studies (RR: 1.03; 95% CI: 0.89-1.18, P = 0.71). In RCTs, participants recruited from medical settings (RR: 1.41; 95% CI: 1.09-1.82, P = 0.008), programs conducted in urban settings (RR: 1.23; 95% CI: 1.09, 1.39, P = 0.001), and programs where CHWs were matched to intervention participants on race or ethnicity (RR: 1.58, 95% CI: 1.29-1.93, P = 0.0001) showed stronger effects on increasing mammography screening rates. Conclusions: CHW interventions are effective for increasing screening mammography in certain settings and populations. Impact: CHW interventions are especially associated with improvements in rate of screening mammography in medical settings, urban settings, and in participants who are racially or ethnically concordant with the CHW

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Changes in Cognitive Functioning in Adults Undergoing Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation

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    Evidence is mixed regarding the effects of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) on changes in cognitive functioning among adults. Meta-analysis, which is designed to help reconcile conflicting findings, has not yet been conducted on studies of adults receiving HCT. To fill this gap, the current study provides a systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive functioning in adults receiving HCT. A search of PubMed, PsycInfo, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library yielded 732 abstracts, which were independently evaluated by pairs of raters. Seventeen studies were systematically reviewed; eleven were retained for meta-analysis. There was agreement that cognitive impairments are evident for a subset of patients prior to HCT. Meta-analytic findings of 404 patients revealed no significant changes in cognitive functioning pre- to post-HCT (P values > .05). Age, time since transplant, and total body irradiation were not associated with changes in cognitive functioning. Patients who received autologous transplants were more likely to demonstrate improvements in attention (P = .004). The systematic review identified several limitations of existing literature, including small, clinically heterogeneous samples. Large, cooperative group studies are needed to address these design limitations. Nevertheless, results from the current meta-analysis suggest that cognitive functioning does not significantly change following HCT

    Motivational Interviewing to Promote Physical Activity in Breast Cancer Survivors

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    Abstract Despite documented health benefits, most breast cancer survivors (BCS) do not meet physical activity (PA) guidelines. Hence, evaluating diverse intervention approaches to promote PA in BCS is imperative. Motivational Interviewing (MI) offers a non-prescriptive, client-centered approach to PA promotion that has not been adequately evaluated in BCS. In this randomized-controlled trial, 66 Stage 0-IIIa BCS within three years post-treatment, insufficiently active and contemplating increasing PA were randomly assigned to a MI intervention or an active control condition. The MI intervention implemented motivational and behavior change strategies consistent with MI principles. The active control condition provided education and prescriptive recommendations on diet, PA, and stress management. Participants completed two in-person and one phone-based sessions over 4 weeks. Outcomes were assessed at baseline, 6-week, and 12-week follow-up. The primary outcome was efficacy of the MI intervention to promote PA. Contrary to the hypothesis that the MI intervention would be superior, PA improvements were evident for both groups, with 60% of all participants meeting PA guidelines at 12-week follow-up. Secondary outcomes involved intervention effects on depressive symptoms, fatigue, vigor, and aerobic fitness. Contrary to hypotheses, improvements in secondary outcomes were evident for both groups. Exploratory moderation analyses yielded no group differences in PA outcomes based on baseline activity level, perceived stress, age, or body mass index. Exploratory mediation analyses indicated that the relationships between group assignment and change in secondary outcomes were not mediated by change in PA. In analyses of the combined sample, higher baseline aerobic fitness predicted greater improvement in PA over time. Overall, results suggest that diverse intervention approaches can help promote PA in BCS. Future research should evaluate long-term maintenance of gains and theoretical mechanisms of the intervention effect

    Validity of the multidimensional fatigue symptom inventory-short form in an African-American community-based sample

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    OBJECTIVES: This study examined the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory-Short Form (MFSI-SF) in a community-based sample of African Americans. Design. A sample of 340 African Americans (116 men, 224 women) ranging in age from 18–81 years were recruited from the community (e.g., churches, health fairs, beauty salons). Participants completed a brief demographic survey, the MFSI-SF and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. RESULTS: The structural validity of the MFSI-SF for a community-based sample of African Americans was not supported. The five dimensions of fatigue (General, Emotional, Physical, Mental, Vigor) found for Whites in prior research were not found for African Americans in this study. Instead, fatigue, while multidimensional for African Americans, was best represented by a unique four-four profile in which general and emotional fatigue are collapsed into a single dimension and physical fatigue, mental fatigue, and vigor are relatively distinct. Hence, in the absence of modifications, the MFSI-SF cannot be considered to be structurally invariant across ethnic groups. A modified four-factor version of the MFSI-SF exhibited excellent internal consistency reliability and evidence supports its convergent validity. Using the modified four-factor version, gender and age were not meaningfully associated with MFSI-SF scores. CONCLUSION: Future research should further examine whether modifications to the MFSI-SF would, as the findings suggest, improve its validity as a measure of multidimensional fatigue in African Americans