921 research outputs found

    Design for automated manufacture of composite structures

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    New trends in manufacturing highlight the growing use of composite materials to produce lightweight, high performance structures. This requires the design stage to account for complex manufacturing constraints, and as industry begins to move towards automated manufacturing of composites, the more complex manufacturing constraints can introduce severe limitations to the design space, reducing the opportunity for designers to optimise a product. To address these limitations, this research proposes strategies for implementing design for manufacture specifically accounting for automated manufacture of composite structures. As a composite design develops, more detail is added, increasing the design fidelity. Typically design for manufacturing practices are only applied when the design fidelity is detailed enough to see individual plies. However, by implementing design for manufacturing practice at earlier stages of the design, when the design fidelity is low and design change is easy to implement, the greatest performance and manufacturing gains can be achieved. This research aims to develop a design process that uses digital technology to facilitate design for automated manufacture for composite structures. This research uses a systematic approach to create a generic design process and supporting tools, capable of identifying the key manufacturing constraints, and accounting for them at the earliest possible stages of the design. The proposed design process uses a strategy to apply design for manufacture using digital tools, and identifies actions required to enable automated composite manufacturing. The development of the design process is guided by the capture of the current industrial design practices. The proposed process is validated through the design and manufacture of an industrial demonstration structure, produced using an automated composite manufacturing process. The results from validation confirm the hypothesis that it is possible to have a generic design process to support the design for automated manufacturing of composites components

    Digital Fabrication, Wearable Designs, + Overseas Partnerships

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    Digital Fabrication + Overseas Partnerships

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    Short Abstract: This presentation encompasses UW-Stout’s Industrial Design partnership with the National University of Science and Technology (NITU) MiSIS FABLAB in Moscow Russia. Examples of both student and faculty work utilizing the digital fabrication tools including utilizing 3D printers will be showcased. Full Abstract: This presentation encompasses UW-Stout’s Industrial Design partnership with the National University of Science and Technology (NITU) MiSIS FABLAB in Moscow Russia. This partnership has been mutually beneficial in expanding UW-Stout’s industrial design programs’ knowledge in digital fabrication and developing faculty applied research. This opportunity has not only enabled growth in the industrial design’s digital fabrication methodology, but also encouraged development in rapid prototyping. Examples of both student and faculty work utilizing the digital fabrication tools including utilizing 3D printers will be showcased

    Speaking in a Visceral Language: From performer preparation to performance composition

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    This article presents the hypothesis that sophisticated psychophysical training is vital for the development of the creative relationship between the performer and the director. Using a fragment of original performance and with reference to training practices drawn from the Chinese martial arts this presentation explains how the author and his collaborator use psychophysical training to facilitate the creation "theatrical opposition." Originally a live lecture/demonstration, the article is supplemented by numerous illustrations of practical examples of original performance and Chinese martial arts training. Résumé Cet article, qui était à l’origine une conférence/démonstration en direct, montre en quoi l’entraînement psychologique et physique de haut niveau est d’une importance vitale pour le développement de la relation de création entre comédien et metteur en scène. À l’aide d’un extrait tiré de la représentation originale et d’exemples puisés des pratiques d’entraînement d’arts martiaux chinois, cette présentation explique comment l’auteur et son collaborateur se sont servis de l’entraînement physique et psychologique pour faciliter l’« opposition théâtrale » créative

    Sounding the tidalectic: decolonial poetics 32 SARGAϨϨO 64

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    This Creative/Critical Thesis explores locally generated pistemological frameworks as alternatives to metropolitan postcolonial ideas of literary analysis and production. Focusing on Kamau Brathwaite’s idea of the ‘tidalectic’, the Caribbean epistemologicaltraditions underpinning this idea are deeply sounded. Tidalectic methodologies of wrecking are examined as means for assimilating diverse cultural flotsam in a region characterized by migration and conquest. An accompanying book-length collection expresses and enacts the ideas of the critical thesis in the form of poetry

    Libertad individual, salud y habitantes de la calle

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    The recognition of health in the context of people that lives in homelessness condition rises a conflict between the State's obligation to guarantee access to this right under equal conditions and the exercise of the right to individual freedom. This implies an analysis of the idea of equality established in the Political Constitution in relation to the principles on which the aims of the state are based, and in particular, with the notion of justice in which the legal order is inspiredEl reconocimiento de la salud en el contexto de las personas que habitan en la calle plantea un conflicto entre la obligación estatal de garantizar el acceso a este derecho en igualdad de condiciones y el ejercicio del derecho a la libertad individual. Esto supone un análisis de la idea de igualdad establecida en la Constitución Política en relación con los principios en los que se basan los fines del Estado y, en particular, con la noción de justicia en la que se inspira el orden jurídico

    The Kepler Problem on Complex and Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds

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    The motion of objects in the sky has captured the attention of scientists and mathematicians since classical times. The problem of determining their motion has been dubbed the Kepler problem, and has since been generalized into an abstract problem of dynamical systems. In particular, the question of whether a classical system produces closed and bounded orbits is of importance even to modern mathematical physics, since these systems can often be analysed by hand. The aforementioned question was originally studied by Bertrand in the context of celestial mechanics, and is therefore referred to as the Bertrand problem. We investigate the qualitative behaviour of solutions to the generalized Kepler problem, in which particles travel in an abstract space called a manifold. We find that although Bertrand\u27s results do not generalize to even the most simple non-trivial example of a complex manifold, we can partially reduce the problem through the use of a function called a momentum map. We then study the generalized Kepler problem on pseudo-Riemannian surfaces of revolution. In this case we are able to demonstrate that a generalization of Bertrand\u27s theorem holds, and we compute explicit expressions for the shape and period of the orbits. Furthermore, we compute a generalization of the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector, which allows one to determine all solutions to the equations of motion in terms of three constant quantities

    Foraging density for squirrel monkey Saimiri sciureus in two forests in Puerto Lopez - Colombia

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    ABSTRACT Objective. Forest remnants were analyzed to determine the density of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and the degree of alteration of the forest, by selecting areas for the conservation and maintenance of the species in natural environments. Materials and methods. Linear transects were conducted on two wooden fragments, “La Reforma” and “Campo Hermoso” farms (Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia), recording sightings of squirrel monkeys and identifying the tree species used by the primates. Results. The fragments studied correspond to trails at the edge of water bodies with low connectivity. Highest density values were observed on the second transect of La Reforma, a possible consequence of an overcrowding phenomenon due to the high degree of isolation of the fragment. The species preferentially used as refuge and food source were: Bellucia grossularioides, Eugenia jambos, Inga alba, Mauritia flexuosa, Pseudolmedia laevis and Rollinia edulis. Conclusions. The phenology of the plant species allows for a dynamic food supply, considering the constant availability of food for the primates. Therefore, despite the evident ecological problem of these forests, it is possible to use active restoration programs to strengthen the existing dynamics and balance the biogeochemical dynamics of the ecosystem, so that socioeconomic human activities are not in conflict with conservation efforts and vice versa

    Foraging density for squirrel monkey Saimiri sciureus in two forests in Puerto Lopez - Colombia

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    ABSTRACTObjective. Forest remnants were analyzed to determine the density of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and the degree of alteration of the forest, by selecting areas for the conservation and maintenance of the species in natural environments. Materials and methods. Linear transects were conducted on two wooden fragments, “La Reforma” and “Campo Hermoso” farms (Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia), recording sightings of squirrel monkeys and identifying the tree species used by the primates. Results. The fragments studied correspond to trails at the edge of water bodies with low connectivity. Highest density values were observed on the second transect of La Reforma, a possible consequence of an overcrowding phenomenon due to the high degree of isolation of the fragment. The species preferentially used as refuge and food source were: Bellucia grossularioides, Eugenia jambos, Inga alba, Mauritia flexuosa, Pseudolmedia laevis and Rollinia edulis. Conclusions. The phenology of the plant species allows for a dynamic food supply, considering the constant availability of food for the primates. Therefore, despite the evident ecological problem of these forests, it is possible to use active restoration programs to strengthen the existing dynamics and balance the biogeochemical dynamics of the ecosystem, so that socioeconomic human activities are not in conflict with conservation efforts and vice versa