38 research outputs found


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    The problem raised in this study is how the innovation of "New Sakpole" as an e-government-based public service strategy for motor vehicle tax payments in Central Java. Based on the formulation of the problem, this study aims to describe the "New Sakpole" innovation as an e-government-based public service strategy for the payment of motor vehicle taxes by the Central Java Government. The theory used in this research is the theory of public policy and innovation. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis (data reduction, presentation and conclusion). The results of the study indicate that "New Sakpole" is an innovation of the Central Java government's public policy in terms of encouraging people to be obedient and disciplined in paying motor vehicle taxes. This policy is very effective because it can cut people's time and energy, and does not cause crowds of people. The public policy of "New Sakpole" as one of the innovations of the Central Java government is a breakthrough that has never been done by other governments. This policy can be imitated by other governments in order to boost the income of the tax sector, especially the motor vehicle tax sector


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    Local autonomy as an application of decentralization is needed to place public service close to the people in cities and regencies. The split up of one local government (regency, city) into two local governments is a common practice in this local government era, which is said as part of an effort for the betterment of public service delivery to the people. In practice, this split up cause some negative impacts because both the government and the people are usually have not ready yet in terms of social, cultural and economic aspects. Among the impacts of the split up of Musi Rawas Regency is the emergence of conflict quarrelling for local potencies. This is because Musi Rawas Regency as the mother-regency does not want to loose asset it has long developed and constitute as its important local revenue sources. Therefore, in the split up area local indigenous wisdom of elite and bureaucracy is badly needed

    Membangun Kembali Pemerintahan Pasca Pandemi COVID-19; Studi Pada Kapasitas Manajer Publik Untuk Kolaborasi

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    The post-pandemic government is faced with the challenge of reorganizing the sectors affected by COVID-19. Cross-sectoral collaboration is one approach to this arrangement. This study aims to analyze the skills of public managers that can encourage government organizations to collaborate. This study uses a systematic review. Research stages: first identify studies using sources from several publishers, such as science direct, scopus, and emerald insight. Second, limiting the search in several fields of science, namely social science, management, political science, public administration, multidisciplinary, and health related to the handling of COVID-19. Third, conduct an assessment of the relevance and quality of the research objectives. Fourth, extracting data by categorizing, and Fifth, synthesizing data. There are five skills that must be possessed by public managers to collaborate across sectors, namely: program design skills or partnership projects; risk analysis skills, communication skills in this case able to negotiate well with stakeholders; skills to create public accountability, and fifth, skills to monitor and evaluate partnership programs. These skills must be possessed by public managers to achieve success in partnership or collaboration programs after the COVID-19 pandemic. So that efforts to rebuild sectors affected by COVID-19 can run effectively and efficiently through collaboration mechanisms

    Marriage Services at The Office of Religious In The Pandemic Era Of Covid-19

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has caused major changes in almost all aspects of human life, including the implementation of public services. Government policies that implement work from home (WFH) for government agencies located in areas with a certain risk of transmission, have caused public service activities to undergo changes. public services during the Covid-19 pandemic while maintaining health protocols has become a separate issue and has led to many innovations in the field of public services. One of the public services affected during the Covid-19 pandemic is marriage services at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA). Complaints from a number of communitiesaimed at marriage services at the KUA with suspected maladministration. This study aims to analyze marriage services at the KUA during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted using the literature study method with data sources for journal articles, government agency websites and related documents. Since the beginning of the pandemic period, the implementation of marriage services at the KUA has been regulated by three circular letters from the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, taking into account developments in the condition of the community. Online marriage registration is optimized, and is demonstrated by the high rate of registration of marriage registrations during the Covid-19 pandemic

    Divided Government and Its Impact on the Performance of Legislation in the Indonesian Province of Aceh

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    The Indonesian Province of Aceh holds a special autonomy to have a local political party that is expected to promote the people’s interests in Aceh. In this sense, the privileged autonomy should have to have a good governance performance.  Nevertheless, it has not yet impacted significantly the performance of legislation. After the 2017 local election, two major local political parties dominate Aceh’s provincial government, which discord with each other crucially that results in a divided government. This research aims to observe factors that take effect on the performance of legislation in the province of Aceh in the course of 2014 to 2018. This study employs qualitative methods. It reveals that in the legislation process, there is ineffective communication between the provincial government of Aceh and the local parliament (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh/DPRA) to legislate a local regulation called qanun. This phenomenon is also triggered by the dispute over the parliament, which is split between two major local political parties. With ineffective communication between the government and the parliament, they did not work optimally to legislate many bills in every one-year term. Divided government leads to the vacuum or unproductivity of elements of the provincial government

    Collaboration of Districts in Fulfilling Rajangan Madura Tobacco National Production

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    This study aims to analyze the concept of collaboration between districts in fulfilling the national production of Rajangan Madura tobacco national and to know the factors causing the decline in Rajangan Madura tobacco production. The problems are focused on the decline in tobacco production and the area of agricultural land in each district, and the instability of the price of tobacco which causes anxiety for farmers. The production and area of Madura tobacco farming land has decreased since 2013 with the production produced is only 3.5 tons with an area of 8.4 ha. If the accumulated decline in production and the area of tobacco farming land per year has decreased by 15%of the total normal production per year as much as 29 thousand tons from a land area of 32 hectares in each district.To approach this problem, Wright's theoretical reference was used, there were five key elements in the implementation of intergovernmental relations, namely 1) the roles of government, 2) the interactions of public officials, 3) sustainability communication, 4) the roles administrators, and 5) focus attentions on the policy. The data were collected through observation and literature study and analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. This study concluded that collaboration between districts has shown good cooperation by dividing the roles and tasks of each region. The interaction of public officials had shown cooperation in behavior, beliefs, perceptions and preferences. With regard to the communication that was built from the four regions, looking for ways and solutions to increase Madura tobacco production and prevent instability in the price of Madurese tobacco in the harvest season. This collaboration had a target of achieving the fulfillment of Rajangan Madura tobacco production to increase by thirty percent, namely the production of Madura tobacco in each year was targeted at eighty tons. Three factors caused the decline in Rajangan Madura tobacco production, namely, first, the decline in tobacco prices was a major factor for farmers in producing tobacco. Second, climatic factors also influenced the maturation process of tobacco until it wasready for harvest. Third, the reduction of land owned by the government and the community due to the fulfillment of development in the infrastructure sector


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    The Government's commitment to empowering the Autonomous Region to eradicatepoverty today is very beneficial to the development of a region, but the commitment mustbe coupled with the willingness of the local government concerned and appropriatepolicies. The policy of the Red Grass Village Program in the form of providing capital tothe community in the form of farmer groups in Lamboya Sub-district is a form ofgovernment commitment to eradicate poverty in the area. The problem that occurred inthe policy of Red Mandiri Anggur Village Program is that the policy does not reduce thepoverty rate, does not encourage the empowerment of village institutions, and the absenceof new entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the success of the red winevillage self-service program policy by looking at Willyam Dunn's evaluation indicatorsof effectiveness, responsiveness, and accuracy. And to analyze the factors inhibiting thesuccess of Dedy Mulyadi policy that is the content of policies, implementers, andenvironment. This research uses a qualitative approach with a purposive technique todetermine key informant. The results of the evaluation indicate that the policy of MandiriAnggur Merah Village Program in Lamboya Sub-district of West Sumba Regency has notsucceeded in reducing the poverty level after the policy, unsuccessful to encourage theempowerment of village institutions and the creation of new entrepreneurs. While theobstacles to the success of the policy are the lack of clear policy content such asorganizing, the implementation of less socialized programs to the community and the lackof support from the community and government

    Hexa Helix: Stakeholder Model in the Management of Floodplain of Lake Tempe

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    The main problem in the management of the floodplain of Lake Tempe is the weak involvement of affected communities in disaster management. The purpose of this research is to comprehensively analyze and map stakeholders in managing floodplain. The penta helix concept is used in stakeholder mapping. This research applied mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews with various parties who understand the problem of research and direct observation "pre", "whilst", and "post" a disaster occured. Affected communities are found to be an important part of the disaster management stage. Affected communities, who have been the object of disaster, should be the subject of disaster management. The recommendation for the results of this research is that the concept of five stakeholders in penta helix was ​​not sufficient in disaster management. Affected communities deserve to be placed as one of the stakeholders, in addition to the government, business world, universities, NGOs, mass media. This six-stakeholder concept is called "hexa helix".  Key words: Stakeholders Mapping, Penta Helix, Flood Disaster Management, Lake Tempe