173 research outputs found

    Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Isolat Rhizobacteri Osmotoleran dari Merapi

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    Rhizobacteri Merapi isolates have been detected, and MA, MB, and MD isolates could withstand osmotic stress up to 2.75 M NaCl. MD isolate was stronger in dissolving phospate than MA and MB isolates, but MA and MB isolates had much stronger nitrification capability and could perform ammonification than MD isolate. This research studied about Rhizobacteri Merapi isolates as identification, as well as their characterization. The results show that there is a difference in colonial characteristic of four Rhizobacteri Merapi isolates where MB and MC isolates (white circular-entire shape), except for MA isolate (curled-white with undulate edge) and MC isolate (ramose-yellow with filamentous edge) and also that MD isolate have the largest diameter (1,5 mm). Cell characteristics, however, were the same, gram-negative and were rod shaped, except for MD isolate (coccus). All showed aerob and fermentative characteristics, although MD isolate was able to very strongly hydrolyze starchs. The growth type is fast growing which reach log phase for after 48 hours and then the number of colony decrease

    Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Isolat Rhizobacteri Osmotoleran dari Merapi

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    Rhizobacteri Merapi isolates have been detected, and MA, MB, and MD isolates could withstand osmotic stress up to >2.75 M NaCl. MD isolate was stronger in dissolving phospate than MA and MB isolates, but MA and MB isolates had much stronger nitrification capability and could perform ammonification than MD isolate. This research studied about Rhizobacteri Merapi isolates as identification, as well as their characterization. The results show that there is a difference in colonial characteristic of four Rhizobacteri Merapi isolates where MB and MC isolates (white circular-entire shape), except for MA isolate (curled-white with undulate edge) and MC isolate (ramose-yellow with filamentous edge) and also that MD isolate have the largest diameter (1,5 mm). Cell characteristics, however, were the same, gram-negative and were rod shaped, except for MD isolate (coccus). All showed aerob and fermentative characteristics, although MD isolate was able to very strongly hydrolyze starchs. The growth type is fast growing which reach log phase for after 48 hours and then the number of colony decrease


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan konsentrasi asam sulfat optimum pada proses hidrolisa asam, mengisolasi jamur penghasil amylase dan memformulasi inovasi starter dari jamur dan yeast serta menguji prototipe alat destilator yang telah dimodifikasi untuk menghasilkan bioetanol dengan rendemen tinggi. Metode penelitian terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu : (1) Hidrolisis asam, (2) isolasi jamur penghasil amylase, (3) optimasi fermentasi menggunakan starter inovatif, (4) Produksi Bioetanol dengan modifikasi desain destilator bersirip tiga dan penambahan regulator untuk control temperature dari motor servo. Inovasi starter diuji daya hidrolisis pati. Hasil Hidrolisis asam dan fermentasi diuji jod, gula reduksi, pH, asam tertitrasi, rendemen alcohol dan kadar etanol. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Proses hidrolisis asam limbah kantin memerlukan konsentrasi asam sulfat optimum 0,1N sebesar 10 %. Diperoleh jamur Aspergillus sp yang terbukti dapat menghidrolisis pati. Fermentasi limbah kantin menggunakan inovasi starter ragi tape dapat menghasilkan rendemen tertinggi (5 ml) dengan kadar alcohol 3%. Inovasi pesangan sirip-sirip di evaporator pada proses destilasi bioetanol terbukti mempercepat pemanasan .Pemasangan regulator dengan kontrol temperature dan motor servo, sudah dapat mencapai suhu 70-80 derajat, namun belum stabil. Kata Kunci : destilator, bioetanol, hidrolisa asam

    Penerapan Iptek Budidaya Padi Berwawasan Lingkungan Untuk Kemandirian Kelompok Wanita Tani Di Desa Kranggan, Kulonprogo

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    Prioritas permasalahan yang akan diselesaikan yaitu sulit merubah perilaku penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida sintetik, pengelolaan sampah dan bahan organik menjadi pupuk kompos, akar bambu yang belum dimanfaatkan sebagai MOL. Target luaran adalah terbangun kesadaran menggunakan pupuk organik dan biopestisida pada budidaya padi. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu 1) Kunjungan dan belajar ke petani organik Sayegan; 2) penyuluhan, dengan materi pembuatan kompos, MOL dan biopestisida; 3) transfer teknologi alat fermentor galon dan alat enkast; 4) Demplot budidaya padi oleh anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT);5) pendampingan dan monevhingga berhasil melakukan praktek budidaya padi yang sehat dan ramah lingkungan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa telah dilaksanakan penyuluhan dan pelatihan kepada anggota KWT Kranggan yaitu pembuatan kompos, PGPR dan biopestisida CORIN untuk diaplikasi pada budidaya padi sehat. Setelah penyuluhan tentang bahaya residu pupuk dan pestisida, ada peningkatan 26,6 % dari yang semula ragu menjadi mantap. Dan sebagian besar anggota KWT (95%) sudah mengetahui tentang “Pertanian Sehat” dan hanya 5% yang belum tahu. Namun setelah penyuluhan ini, menjadi yain 100%. Apalagi setelah kunjungan ke petani organik di Sayegan, maka anggota KWT yang semula sudah yakin (85%) bahwa pertanian menjadi sehat dengan pupuk organik, dan 5% yang semula belum yakin serta 10% ragu-ragu, semua menjadi yakin 100%. Sebagian besar anggota KWT (77,5 %) semula tidak mengetahui tentang pembuatan “MOL-kompos, PGPR, CORIN” dan ada 5% yang ragu-ragu. Namun setelah pelatihan ini, maka ada peningkatan ketrampilan sebesar 77,5% . Setelah aplikasi kompos, PGPR, biopestisida CORIN pada budidaya padi sehat, maka hasil padi yang dipanen menghasilkan gabah yang lebih ber-”nas” dengan bobot sekitar 30 kg beras SEHAT. Kata Kunci : pupuk kompos, MOL, biopestisida, budidaya padi seha


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    Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Lipase Dari Rebung Bambu Betung Dendrocalamusasper

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    This research was conducted to get the extract of rough lipase produced by bamboo shoots (Dendrocalamus asper). Lipase isolation from bamboo shoots was done by blending bamboo shoots to produce the crude extract of the enzyme. Lipase crude extracts that occurred at centrifugation at 12000 rpm for 30 minutes at 4°C. The crude extracts obtained were then tested using quantitative pH 7, temperature 30ºC and substrate 1% (v/v). Based on research there is activity of crude extract of lipase equal to 2,24 U/ml


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    AbstractThis quasi experiment research aimed to know the effect of realistic mathematic education approach to student’s conceptual understanding and problem solving ability in linear inequality of one variable subject. There were two class as samples of this research, there were experiment class and control class. Experiment class had 37 students and control class had 38 students. Based on result of Independent Samples T Test, the signifficant score was 0,0000. The score showed that there was difference of average score between realistic mathematic education approach and conventional approach to student’s conceptual understanding and problem solving ability. So that the effect size’s score of conceptual underpstanding was 0,78 and categorized as medium. Then, the effect size’s score of problem solving ability was 0,73 and categorized as medium. Based on these result, we can conclude there was more positive effect to student’s conceptual understanding and problem solving ability using realistic mathematic education approach in linear inequality of one variable subject than conventional approach.Keyword :Realistic Mathematich Education, conceptual understanding, problem solvng

    Contribution of Rhizobium–Mycorrhiza–Merapi-indigenous Rhizobacteria Association on Growth and Yield of Three Cultivars Soybean Cultivated on Coastal Sandy Soil

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    A study was conducted to examine the effect of inoculum association between Rhizobium sp., mycorrhizae and Merapi-indigenous Rhizobacteria on the growth and yield of 3 soybean cultivars, and to determine the best inoculum and cultivars for soybean cultivation on coastal sandy soil. The study was conducted in the Agro-biotechnology and Research Laboratory and experimental station of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta during the period of September 2015 to June 2016. Experiments were conducted by using coastal sandy soil as planting medium in polybags by employing 4 x 3 factorial experiments, arranged in completely randomised design, and placed under the field condition. The first factor used was inoculation treatment consisted of 4 combination of inoculums: (1) Rhizobium sp. – mycorrhizae, (2) Rhizobium sp. – Merapi-indigenous Rhizobacteria, (3) Rhizobium sp. – mycorrhizae – Merapi-indigenous Rhizobacteria, and (4) without inoculation. The second factor was soybean cultivars consisted of 3 varieties: (1) Grobogan, (2) Detam-1, and (3) Petek. Observation was carried out on nodulation, mycorrhizal effect, Rhizobacterial population dynamics, plant growth and yield. The results showed that Rhizobium sp.–mycorrhizae inoculated on Petek increased root growth, leaf area and yield (5,97 tonnes/ha). Rhizobium sp.–mycorrhizae inoculation only increased diameter of nodules. It was also observed that the best soybean cultivar for coastal sandy soil was Petek


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    Globalisasi dapat mengancam keberlanjutan identitas suatu kota melalui pengaruh dualisme budaya terhadap sistem pola pikir dan perilaku masyarakat setempat. Dalam paradigma pembangunan, dualisme dimanifestasikan ke dalam bentuk struktur ruang perkotaan yang terkesan tidak kompak, khususnya dalam mewadahi kebutuhan masa kini dengan masa lampau sehingga yang terjadi adalah psikologi warga yang merasa terasing dari lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Sebagai kota bersejarah Jawa, Yogyakarta telah mengalami peristiwa politik yang sangat kompleks dengan Islam sebagai faktor budaya yang dominan dalam menentukan arah perkembangan Yogyakarta selanjutnya. Islam memasuki wilayah perairan Jawa pada abad 12 dan berasimilasi dengan budaya setempat yang telah terlebih dulu memperoleh pengaruh dari budaya Hindu-Buddha. Masyarakat Jawa bersikap terbuka terhadap unsur budaya asing dan mengintegrasikan unsur-unsur tersebut dengan jati dirinya hingga membentuk satu entitas pribadi. Proses budaya tersebut dikenal dengan istilah “sinkretisme”. Kawasan bersejarah Jawa-Islam yang menjadi bukti proses sinkretisme adalah kawasan Masjid Pathok Nagari yang pembentukannya dipengaruhi oleh rencana tata ruang Hindu yang disebut mancapat. Mancapat adalah sistem klasifikasi simbolis ruang yang membagi wilayah ke dalam empat penjuru mata angin dengan satu titik pusat. Tokoh kiai atau ulama memiliki peran simbolis yang merepresentasikan kekuatan Islam di setiap penjuru wilayah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendukung upaya pelestarian kawasan bersejarah Jawa-Islam di Yogyakarta melalui penelusuran sejarah dengan menggunakan metode analisis sinkronik-diakronik
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