47 research outputs found

    Influence of Amphiphiles on Percolation of AOT-Based Microemulsions Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    In this chapter, the ability of artificial neural networks was evaluated to predict the influence of amphiphiles as additive upon the electrical percolation of dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (AOT)/isooctane/water microemulsions. In particular, water/AOT/isooctane microemulsion behaviour has been modelled. These microemulsions have been developed in presence of 1-n-alcohols, 2-n-alcohols, n-alkylamines and n-alkyl acids. In all cases, a neural network has been obtained to predict with accuracy the experimental behaviour to identify the physico-chemical variables (such as additive concentration, molecular mass, log P, pKa or chain length) that exert a greater influence on the model. All models are valuable tools to evaluate the percolation temperature for AOT-based microemulsions

    Identification of Relevant Phytochemical Constituents for Characterization and Authentication of Tomatoes by General Linear Model Linked to Automatic Interaction Detection (GLM-AID) and Artificial Neural Network Models (ANNs)

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    Hay un gran número de cultivos de tomate con una amplia gama de características morfológicas, químicas, nutricionales y sensoriales. Son muchos los factores conocidos que influyen en el contenido de nutrientes de cultivos de tomate. Un completo estudio de los efectos de estos factores requeriría un exhaustivo diseño experimental, un enfoque científico multidisciplinario y un método estadístico adecuado. Algunas técnicas de análisis multivariante como análisis de componentes principales (PCA) o el análisis factorial (FA) han sido ampliamente aplicados para buscar patrones en el comportamiento y reducir la dimensión de un conjunto de datos por un nuevo conjunto de variables latentes no correlacionados. Sin embargo, en algunos casos no es útil para sustituir las variables originales con estas variables latentes. En este estudio, la interacción automática (ayuda) del algoritmo de detección y los modelos de una red neuronal artificial (RNA) se aplican como alternativa a la PCA, AF y otras técnicas de análisis multivariante para identificar los componentes fitoquímicos relevantes para la caracterización y la autenticación de los tomates. Para demostrar la viabilidad de la ayuda del algoritmo y del modelo Ann para lograr el propósito de este estudio, ambos métodos se aplican sobre un conjunto de datos con veinticinco parámetros químicos analizados en 167 muestras de tomate de Tenerife (España). Cada muestra de tomate fue definida por tres factores: cultivo, prácticas agrícolas y fecha de cosecha. El modelo lineal general (GLM ligada a la ayuda-AID) de estructura de árbol se organiza en 3 niveles de acuerdo con el número de factores. El ácido p-Coumaric era el compuesto permitido para distinguir las muestras de tomate según el día de la cosecha. Era necesario más de un parámetro químico para distinguir entre las diferentes prácticas agrícolas y entre los cultivos de tomate. Fueron desarrollados varios modelos de ANN, con 25 y 10 variables de entrada, para la predicción de cultivo, prácticas agrícolas y fecha de cosecha. Por último, los modelos con 10 variables de entrada fueron elegidos por situarse entre el 44 y el 100%. El menor encaje recayó en los cultivos y la clasificación, de modo que debe emplearse otro tipo de parámetro químico para identificar los cultivos de tomate.There are a large number of tomato cultivars with a wide range of morphological, chemical, nutritional and sensorial characteristics. Many factors are known to affect the nutrient content of tomato cultivars. A complete understanding of the effect of these factors would require an exhaustive experimental design, multidisciplinary scientific approach and a suitable statistical method. Some multivariate analytical techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Factor Analysis (FA) have been widely applied in order to search for patterns in the behaviour and reduce the dimensionality of a data set by a new set of uncorrelated latent variables. However, in some cases it is not useful to replace the original variables with these latent variables. In this study, Automatic Interaction Detection (AID) algorithm and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models were applied as alternative to the PCA, AF and other multivariate analytical techniques in order to identify the relevant phytochemical constituents for characterization and authentication of tomatoes. To prove the feasibility of AID algorithm and ANN models to achieve the purpose of this study, both methods were applied on a data set with twenty five chemical parameters analysed on 167 tomato samples from Tenerife (Spain). Each tomato sample was defined by three factors: cultivar, agricultural practice and harvest date. General Linear Model linked to AID (GLM-AID) tree structured was organized into 3 levels according to the number of factors. p-Coumaric acid was the compound the allowed to distinguish the tomato samples according to the day of harvest. More than one chemical parameter was necessary to distinguish among different agricultural practices and among the tomato cultivars. Several ANN models, with 25 and 10 input variables, for the prediction of cultivar, agricultural practice and harvest date, were developed. Finally, the models with 10 input variables were chosen with fit’s goodness between 44 and 100%. The lowest fits were for the cultivar classification, this low percentage suggests that other kind of chemical parameter should be used to identify tomato cultivars.• Junta de Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria: Beca postdoctoral (Plan 12C) P.P.0000 421S 140.08 • Junta de Extremadura: Ayuda GR10084peerReviewe

    Assessment of different machine learning methods for reservoir outflow forecasting

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    Reservoirs play an important function in human society due to their ability to hold and regulate the flow. This will play a key role in the future decades due to climate change. Therefore, having reliable predictions of the outflow from a reservoir is necessary for early warning systems and adequate water management. In this sense, this study uses three approaches machine learning (ML)-based techniques—Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (ANN)—to predict outflow one day ahead of eight different dams belonging to the Miño-Sil Hydrographic Confederation (Galicia, Spain), using three input variables of the current day. Mostly, the results obtained showed that the suggested models work correctly in predicting reservoir outflow in normal conditions. Among the different ML approaches analyzed, ANN was the most appropriate technique since it was the one that provided the best model in five reservoirs.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. FPU2020/0614

    Modelling polyphenol extraction through ultrasound-assisted extraction by machine learning in Olea europaea leaves

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    The study of the phenolic compounds present in olive leaves (Olea europaea) is of great interest due to their health benefits. In this research, different machine learning algorithms such as RF, SVM, and ANN, with temperature, time, and volume as input variables, were developed to model the extract yield and the total phenolic content (TPC) from experimental data reported in the literature. In terms of extract yield, the neural network-based ANNZ-L model presents the lowest root mean square error (RMSE) value in the validation phase (9.44 mg/g DL), which corresponds with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 3.7%. On the other hand, the best model to determine the TPC value was the neural network-based model ANNR, with an RMSE of 0.89 mg GAE/g DL in the validation phase (MAPE of 2.9%). Both models obtain, for the test phase, MAPE values of 4.9 and 3.5%, respectively. This affirms that ANN models would be good modelling tools to determine the extract yield and TPC value of the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) process of olive leaves under different temperatures, times, and solvents.Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional | Ref. 22CO1/00823

    Comparison of machine learning techniques for reservoir outflow forecasting

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    Número especial: Advances in machine learning for natural hazards risk assessment[Abstract:] Reservoirs play a key role in many human societies due to their capability to manage water resources. In addition to their role in water supply and hydropower production, their ability to retain water and control the flow makes them a valuable asset for flood mitigation. This is a key function, since extreme events have increased in the last few decades as a result of climate change, and therefore, the application of mechanisms capable of mitigating flood damage will be key in the coming decades. Having a good estimation of the outflow of a reservoir can be an advantage for water management or early warning systems. When historical data are available, data-driven models have been proven a useful tool for different hydrological applications. In this sense, this study analyzes the efficiency of different machine learning techniques to predict reservoir outflow, namely multivariate linear regression (MLR) and three artificial neural networks: multilayer perceptron (MLP), nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX) and long short-term memory (LSTM). These techniques were applied to forecast the outflow of eight water reservoirs of different characteristics located in the Miño River (northwest of Spain). In general, the results obtained showed that the proposed models provided a good estimation of the outflow of the reservoirs, improving the results obtained with classical approaches such as to consider reservoir outflow equal to that of the previous day. Among the different machine learning techniques analyzed, the NARX approach was the option that provided the best estimations on average.FEDER; 0034_RISC_ML_6_EXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/44Xunta de Galicia; ED481B-2021-108Universidade de Vigo; 0000 131H TAL 64

    Artificial Intelligence Models to Predict the Influence of Linear and Cyclic Polyethers on the Electric Percolation of Microemulsions

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    This book chapter presents three predictive models, based on artificial neural networks, to determine the percolation temperature of different AOT microemulsions in the presence of different additives (crown ethers, glymes, and polyethylene glycols), which were developed in our laboratory by different authors. An artificial neural network model has been developed for each additive. The models developed, multilayer perceptron, were implemented with different input variables (chosen among the variables that define the packing or its chemical properties) and different intermediate layers. The best model for crown ethers has a topology of 10-8-1, for glymes the selected topology is 5-5-1, and for polyethylene glycol, the best topology was 5-8-8-5-1. The selected models are capable of predicting the electrical percolation temperature with good adjustments in terms of the root mean square error (RMSE), presenting values below 1°C for glymes and polyethylene glycols. According to these results, it can be concluded that the models presented good predictive capacity for percolation temperature. Nevertheless, the adjustments obtained for the crown ethers model indicate that it would be convenient to study new input variables, increase the number of cases, and even use other training algorithms and methods

    Machine learning to predict the adsorption capacity of microplastics

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    Nowadays, there is an extensive production and use of plastic materials for different industrial activities. These plastics, either from their primary production sources or through their own degradation processes, can contaminate ecosystems with micro- and nanoplastics. Once in the aquatic environment, these microplastics can be the basis for the adsorption of chemical pollutants, favoring that these chemical pollutants disperse more quickly in the environment and can affect living beings. Due to the lack of information on adsorption, three machine learning models (random forest, support vector machine, and artificial neural network) were developed to predict different microplastic/water partition coefficients (log Kd) using two different approximations (based on the number of input variables). The best-selected machine learning models present, in general, correlation coefficients above 0.92 in the query phase, which indicates that these types of models could be used for the rapid estimation of the absorption of organic contaminants on microplastics.Ministerio de Universidades | Ref. FPU2020/0614

    Global solar irradiation modelling and prediction using machine learning models for their potential use in renewable energy applications

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    Global solar irradiation is an important variable that can be used to determine the suitability of an area to install solar systems; nevertheless, due to the limitations of requiring measurement stations around the entire world, it can be correlated with different meteorological parameters. To confront this issue, different locations in Rias Baixas (Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spain) and combinations of parameters (month and average temperature, among others) were used to develop various machine learning models (random forest -RF-, support vector machine -SVM- and artificial neural network -ANN-). These three approaches were used to model and predict (one month ahead) monthly global solar irradiation using the data from six measurement stations. Afterwards, these models were applied to seven different measurement stations to check if the knowledge acquired could be extrapolated to other locations. In general, the ANN models offered the best results for the development and testing phases of the model, as well as for the phase of knowledge extrapolation to other locations. In this sense, the selected ANNs obtained a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) value between 3.9 and 13.8% for the model development and an overall MAPE between 4.1 and 12.5% for the other seven locations. ANNs can be a capable tool for modelling and predicting monthly global solar irradiation in areas where data are available and for extrapolating this knowledge to nearby areas

    Stability assessment of extracts obtained from Arbutus unedo L. fruits in powder and solution systems using machine-learning methodologies

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    Arbutus unedo L. (strawberry tree) has showed considerable content in phenolic compounds, especially flavan-3-ols (catechin, gallocatechin, among others). The interest of flavan-3-ols has increased due their bioactive actions, namely antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, and by association of their consumption to diverse health benefits including the prevention of obesity, cardiovascular diseases or cancer. These compounds, mainly catechin, have been showed potential for use as natural preservative in foodstuffs; however, their degradation is increased by pH and temperature of processing and storage, which can limit their use by food industry. To model the degradation kinetics of these compounds under different conditions of storage, three kinds of machine learning models were developed: i) random forest, ii) support vector machine and iii) artificial neural network. The selected models can be used to track the kinetics of the different compounds and properties under study without the prior knowledge requirement of the reaction system.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO, Portugal (UIDB/00690/2020); L. Barros thanks the national funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract. The authors are also grateful to FEDER-Interreg VA España-Portugal (POCTEP) programme for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E and TRANSCoLAB 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P. G. Astray thanks to the University of Vigo for his contract “Programa de retención de talento investigador da Universidade de Vigo para o 2018” with budget application 0000 131H TAL 641. M.A. Prieto thanks to the MICINN for the financial support for the Ramón and Cajal grant. G. Astray thanks to RapidMiner GmbH. for the Free and Educational version of RapidMiner Studio software.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Machine learning applied to the oxygen-18 isotopic composition, salinity and temperature/potential temperature in the Mediterranean sea

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    This study proposed different techniques to estimate the isotope composition (δ18O), salinity and temperature/potential temperature in the Mediterranean Sea using five different variables: (i–ii) geographic coordinates (Longitude, Latitude), (iii) year, (iv) month and (v) depth. Three kinds of models based on artificial neural network (ANN), random forest (RF) and support vector machine (SVM) were developed. According to the results, the random forest models presents the best prediction accuracy for the querying phase and can be used to predict the isotope composition (mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) around 4.98%), salinity (MAPE below 0.20%) and temperature (MAPE around 2.44%). These models could be useful for research works that require the use of past data for these variables.Universidade de Vigo | Ref. 0000 131H TAL 641Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2018/42Xunta de Galicia | Ref. POS-B / 2016/00