45 research outputs found


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    Pengolahan tanah menggunakan traktor roda-4 sudah menjadi kebutuhan dan kewajiban dalam proses budi daya tebu untuk memperbaiki kualitas fisik tanah sehingga tanaman tebu dapat tumbuh dengan baik dan menghasilkan kualitas yang baik. Pengolahan tanah untuk lahan tebu dilakukan sebanyak dua kali pembajakan dan pembuatan alur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas dan efisiensi dari pengolahan tanah di lahan perkebunan tebu dengan tenaga traktor roda-4 yang menggunakan tiga jenis implemen. Parameter unjuk kerja traktor dalam pengolahan tanah yang meliputi slip roda, kapasitas kerja yang terdiri atas kapasitas lapang teoritis dan kapasitas lapang efektif, efisiensi lapang. Hasil pengamatan kinerja traktor menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas lapang teoritis yang terbesar yakni pada kegiatan pengkairan, kapasitas lapang efektif yang terbesar pada kegiatan putus akar, dan efisiensi yang tertinggi adalah pengolahan tanah pertama atau bajak I

    Potensi Lahan Pekarangan dan Pengetahuan Warga Kelurahan Bubulak Terhadap Pola Pertanaman dan Jenis Tanaman

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    Utilization of the yard as agricultural land is one alternative to meet family food needs. Homeyards can be used as living barns, food stalls, or even living pharmacies. In general, there are twoobjectives of this activity, namely to be able to know the potential use of house yards as a cropcultivation area in Bubulak Village and to analyze the level of knowledge of Bubulak Villageresidents on plant cultivation techniques by utilizing home yards. Residents’ knowledge aboutcultivation techniques in the yard was measured through interviews. The data used are secondarydata and primary data. Sampling method used in sampel selection is the accidental sampling method,while the analytical method used is the descriptive analysis method. The results of this activityindicate that the residents' houses in Bubulak Village have the potential to be used as land forcultivation. In addition, The residents have have sufficient knowledge of horizontal croppingpatterns and potting media as well as about TOGA plant. However, knowledge of verticulture andvegetable cultivation is still very low. Counseling or socialization is needed for residents of Bubulak RW 6 related to cultivation techniques in the use of the yard, especially related to verticulturetechniques for vegetable crops

    Analisis Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Kampung Batuhulung, Bubulak, Bogor

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    Bubulak Village is one of the villages in West Bogor District that located near the center of Bogor City. Easy access for transportation and it’s location that located near the city center are two factors that can be an opportunities for rural communities to empower rural economic through Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The purpose of writing this report is to identify problem and the alternative solution for the MSMEs located in Batuhulung Village, Bubulak Village, Bogor. The method that used to write the report was descriptive qualitative method and supported by primary and secondary data. The sample was determined through the Purposive Sampling method and the data was collected using interview and direct observations. There are two main problems that MSMEs Batuhulung Village face in order to develop themself. The first problem is capital and the second problem is the limited human resources

    Motivasi Sebagai Mediasi Pengaruh Pelatihan Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Medis Instalasi Rawat Inap B RSUP Sanglah Denpasar

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    This study aimed to explain the effect of work training and work environment on the performance of medical staff Inpatient Installation B Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar through motivation as an intervening variable. The type of data used in this study is qualitative and quantitative data, with data sources namely primary and secondary data. The data collection method is an interview, distributing questionnaires to respondents and library research, while the data analysis technique used Smart PLS 3.2.9. The results of this study showed that work training had a positive effect but not significant on motivation, work environment had a positive effect and significant on motivation, work training had a positive effect and significant on performance, work environment had a positive effect but not significant on performance, motivation had a positive effect but not significant on performance, work training had a positive effect but not significant on performance through motivation, work environment had a positive effect but not significant on performance through motivation medical staff Inpatient Installation B Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar

    Analisis Sistem Budi Daya Tanaman Talas (Colocasia esculenta L.) di Kelurahan Bubulak, Bogor Barat, Jawa Barat

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    Taro plant (Colocasia esculenta L.) is a food crop in the form of tubers with a high carbohydrate content and is one of the alternative and functional food ingredients in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to describe the types of taro cultivation systems in Bubulak Village, Bogor, West Java, and identify the factors that influence the taro cultivation system. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, which is knowing and getting a picture of the kinds of taro cultivation systems in Bubulak Village. This study uses indicators of the cultivation system which includes cropping patterns, cultivation management, cultivation production results, cultivation constraints, and the sustainability of the taro cultivation system in Bubulak Village. Based on the results of the analysis, there are two kinds of taro cultivation systems in Bubulak Village, namely monoculture and polyculture. Polyculture taro cultivation system with intercropping is considered more appropriate and effective because it can increase land productivity and create ecological stability by decreasing pest and disease attacks. Keywords: Cultivation management, cultivation system, monoculture, polyculture, tar

    Sistim gotong royong dalam masyarakat pedesaan daerah Bali

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    Kiranya perlu disampaikan juga bahwa buku ini merupakan cetak ulang untuk kedua kalinya dan tidak diadakan perubahan yang mendasar. Hanya saja pada kulit buku diadakan perubahan gambar

    Pengeringan Produk Tanaman Herbal di Kelurahan Bubulak

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    Traditional medicine is the cultural heritage of the Indonesian people that needs to be preserved and developed to support health, one of which is herbal medicine using herbal plants. Community service activities at Bubulak Urban Village, West Bogor sub-district, Bogor City were found to be ready for consumption. One of them is the drying process so that the plants can last a long time and reach consumers. In RW 06, Bubulak, there is Mr. Ma'mun who processes herbs. The method used is interviews and observations so that concluded the processing of herbal plants is an indirect drying technique and can last up to three months. One of the supporting factors is packaging with plastic and storing it in a dry place. Keywords : community, drying, herbal plants, servic


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    ABSTRAK Selama ini, aspek finansial atau keuangan memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam mengukur kinerja perusahaan. Terfokusnya pada finansial inilah yang sering membuat perusahaan terjebak pada orientasi pencapaian keuntungan dalam jangka waktu yang pendek, yang secara tidak langsung mengabaikan aspek-aspek diluar aspek finansial, dimana aspek-aspek tersebut sebenarnya juga berperan penting terhadap kelangsungan hidup perusahaan dalam jangka panjang. Pengukuran ini bertujuan untuk Mengevaluasi kinerja perusahaan periode 2009 untuk dibandingkan oleh hasil pencapaian kinerja perusahaan periode 2012 dan melakukan analisis OMAX dengan Traffic Light System terhadap Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang dihasilkan. Pengukuran kinerja dalam penelitian ini juga didukung oleh beberapa metode antara lain pembobotan dengan Analytic Hierachy Process (AHP) untuk mengetahui skala bobot kepentingan/prioritas setiap Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Scoring system dengan metode Objectives Matrix (OMAX) untuk menentukan pencapaian kinerja dari masing-masing indikator dan untuk mengetahui KPI yang memerlukan perbaikan kinerja PT Mitra Rekatama Mandiri. Hasil pengukuran kinerja PT Mitra Rekatama Mandiri dengan Integrated Performance Measurement Systems dari perhitungan scoring system pencapaian kinerja dengan menggunakan OMAX diperoleh kinerja PT Mitra Rekatama Mandiri tahun 2012 sebesar 3,567 yang berarti pencapaian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja perusahaan jika dibandingkan dengan hasil pencapaian periode 2009 memang terjadi penurunan ke level 3.567 dari level pencapaian kinerja periode 2009 sebesar 5.7559. walaupun pencapain kinerja periode 2012 menurun, bukan berarti kondisi perusahaan berada pada level buruk, karena pencapaian ke level 3.567 masih berada pada kondisi normal dan bisa dikatakan bahwa pencapaian kinerja perusahaan saat ini masih berada pada level normal. Kata kunci: integrated performance measurement systems, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), objective matrix (OMAX) dengan Traffic Light System

    Pengaruh Tinggi Tumpukan dan Proses Tempering Terhadap Mutu Gabah yang Dikeringkan dengan Fluidized Bed Dryer

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    Salah satu pengeringan mekanis yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengeringkan gabah yaitu fluidized bed dryer (FBD), namun penggunaan suhu tinggi yang terlalu lama dapat mempengaruhi kualitas gabah yang dihasilkan sehingga diperlukan proses tempering. Tempering dilakukan diantara pengeringan pertama dan pengeringan selanjutnya untuk mencegah terjadinya keretakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji kinerja pengeringan FBD dua tahap dengan dan tanpa tempering, serta menguji mutu beras berdasarkan persentase beras kepala dan beras patah hasil pengeringan menggunakan FBD dengan dan tanpa tempering yang dilanjutkan dengan pengeringan pada suhu udara lingkungan. Secara garis besar gabah dikeringkan menggunakan alat pengering FBD hingga kadar air ±20% basis basah dengan tinggi tumpukan 10 dan 15 cm, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses tempering dan dikeringkan menggunakan udara lingkungan. Fluidisasi dapat berlangsung dengan baik pada kisaran kecepatan superfisial 3,963-3,946 m/s di tinggi tumpukan 10 cm dan 3,640-3,623 m/s pada tinggi tumpukan 15 cm. Persentase beras kepala yang paling tinggi terdapat pada perlakuan yang menggunakan tempering selama 2 jam dan dilanjutkan dengan kering angin lingkungan sebesar 96,38+0,180% pada tinggi tumpukan 10 cm dan 92,38+0,333% pada tinggi tumpukan 15 cm, sedangkan perlakuan tempering yang dikeringkan kembali menggunakan FBD menghasilkan persentase beras kepala yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan tanpa tempering yaitu sebesar 86,23+0,201% pada tinggi tumpukan 10 cm dan 84,41+0,279% pada tinggi tumpukan 15 cm

    The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Company Value in Life Company Cycle

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    This study aim is to get empirical evidence about the effect of good corporate governance on corporate value at company life cycle. This research is conducted from 2011 - 2015 periods. The 81 samples are selected by purposive sampling technique. The data is analyzed by Simple Linear Regression. The research results show empirical evidence that good corporate governance affect on corporate values at each life cycle. At growth and stagnant stage, good corporate governance does not affect the company value. However, different results were obtained for companies in mature stage, good corporate governance has a positive effect on company value. This is due to different characteristics for each company in each company life cycle. Keywords: Corporate Value, Good Corporate Governance, Corporate Life Cycle