100 research outputs found

    Current constraints on the EFT for the \Lambda N --> N N transition

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    The relation between the low energy constants appearing in the effective field theory description of the \Lambda N --> N N transition potential and the parameters of the one-meson-exchange model previously developed are obtained. We extract the relative importance of the different exchange mechanisms included in the meson picture by means of a comparison to the corresponding operational structures appearing in the effective approach. The ability of this procedure to obtain the weak baryon-baryon-meson couplings for a possible scalar exchange is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Octet baryon magnetic moments from lattice QCD: Approaching experiment from a three-flavor symmetric point

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    Lattice QCD calculations with background magnetic fields are used to determine the magnetic moments of the octet baryons. Computations are performed at the physical value of the strange quark mass, and two values of the light quark mass, one corresponding to the SU(3)(F)-symmetric point, where the pion mass is m(pi) similar to 800 MeV, and the other corresponding to a pion mass of m(pi) similar to 450 MeV. The moments are found to exhibit only mild pion-mass dependence when expressed in terms of appropriately chosen magneton units-the natural baryon magneton. A curious pattern is revealed among the anomalous baryon magnetic moments which is linked to the constituent quark model, however, careful scrutiny exposes additional features. Relations expected to hold in the large-N-c limit of QCD are studied; and, in one case, a clear preference for the quark model over the large-Nc prediction is found. The magnetically coupled Lambda-Sigma(0) system is treated in detail at the SU(3)(F) point, with the lattice QCD results comparing favorably with predictions based on SU(3)(F) symmetry. This analysis enables the first extraction of the isovector transition magnetic polarizability. The possibility that large magnetic fields stabilize strange matter is explored, but such a scenario is found to be unlikely

    Unitary Limit of Two-Nucleon Interactions in Strong Magnetic Fields

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    Two-nucleon systems are shown to exhibit large scattering lengths in strong magnetic fields at unphysical quark masses, and the trends toward the physical values indicate that such features may exist in nature. Lattice QCD calculations of the energies of one and two nucleons systems are performed at pion masses of mπ∼450m_\pi\sim 450 and 806 MeV in uniform, time-independent magnetic fields of strength {\bf B}| \sim 10^{19}−-10^{20}$ Gauss to determine the response of these hadronic systems to large magnetic fields. Fields of this strength may exist inside magnetars and in peripheral relativistic heavy ion collisions, and the unitary behavior at large scattering lengths may have important consequences for these systems.Comment: Accepted journal versio

    The Magnetic Structure of Light Nuclei from Lattice QCD

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    Lattice QCD with background magnetic fields is used to calculate the magnetic moments and magnetic polarizabilities of the nucleons and of light nuclei with A≤4A\le4, along with the cross-section for the M1M1 transition np→dγnp\rightarrow d\gamma, at the flavor SU(3)-symmetric point where the pion mass is mπ∼806m_\pi\sim 806 MeV. These magnetic properties are extracted from nucleon and nuclear energies in six uniform magnetic fields of varying strengths. The magnetic moments are presented in a recent Letter. For the charged states, the extraction of the polarizability requires careful treatment of Landau levels, which enter non-trivially in the method that is employed. The nucleon polarizabilities are found to be of similar magnitude to their physical values, with βp=5.22(+0.66/−0.45)(0.23)×10−4\beta_p=5.22(+0.66/-0.45)(0.23) \times 10^{-4} fm3^3 and βn=1.253(+0.056/−0.067)(0.055)×10−4\beta_n=1.253(+0.056/-0.067)(0.055) \times 10^{-4} fm3^3, exhibiting a significant isovector component. The dineutron is bound at these heavy quark masses and its magnetic polarizability, βnn=1.872(+0.121/−0.113)(0.082)×10−4\beta_{nn}=1.872(+0.121/-0.113)(0.082) \times 10^{-4} fm3^3 differs significantly from twice that of the neutron. A linear combination of deuteron scalar and tensor polarizabilities is determined by the energies of the jz=±1j_z=\pm 1 deuteron states, and is found to be βd,±1=4.4(+1.6/−1.5)(0.2)×10−4\beta_{d,\pm 1}=4.4(+1.6/-1.5)(0.2) \times 10^{-4} fm3^3. The magnetic polarizabilities of the three-nucleon and four-nucleon systems are found to be positive and similar in size to those of the proton, β3He=5.4(+2.2/−2.1)(0.2)×10−4\beta_{^{3}\rm He}=5.4(+2.2/-2.1)(0.2) \times 10^{-4} fm3^3, β3H=2.6(1.7)(0.1)×10−4\beta_{^{3}\rm H}=2.6(1.7)(0.1) \times 10^{-4} fm3^3, β4He=3.4(+2.0/−1.9)(0.2)×10−4\beta_{^{4}\rm He}=3.4(+2.0/-1.9)(0.2) \times 10^{-4} fm3^3. Mixing between the jz=0j_z=0 deuteron state and the spin-singlet npnp state induced by the background magnetic field is used to extract the short-distance two-nucleon counterterm, Lˉ1{\bar L}_1, of the pionless effective theory for NNNN systems (equivalent to the meson-exchange current contribution in nuclear potential models), that dictates the cross-section for the np→dγnp\to d\gamma process near threshold. Combined with previous determinations of NN scattering parameters, this enables an ab initio determination of the threshold cross-section at these unphysical masses.Comment: 49 pages, 24 figure

    Ab initio calculation of the np→dγnp \to d \gamma radiative capture process

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    Lattice QCD calculations of two-nucleon systems are used to isolate the short-distance two-body electromagnetic contributions to the radiative capture process np→dγnp \to d\gamma, and the photo-disintegration processes γ(∗)d→np\gamma^{(\ast)} d \to np. In nuclear potential models, such contributions are described by phenomenological meson-exchange currents, while in the present work, they are determined directly from the quark and gluon interactions of QCD. Calculations of neutron-proton energy levels in multiple background magnetic fields are performed at two values of the quark masses, corresponding to pion masses of mπ∼450m_\pi \sim 450 and 806 MeV, and are combined with pionless nuclear effective field theory to determine these low-energy inelastic processes. Extrapolating to the physical pion mass, a cross section of σlqcd(np→dγ)=332.4(+5.4−4.7) mb\sigma^{lqcd}(np\to d\gamma)=332.4({\tiny \begin{array}{l}+5.4 \\ - 4.7\end{array}})\ mb is obtained at an incident neutron speed of $v=2,200\ m/s,consistentwiththeexperimentalvalueof, consistent with the experimental value of \sigma^{expt}(np \to d\gamma) = 334.2(0.5)\ mb$

    Microscopic approach to the proton asymmetry in the nonmesonic weak decay of Λ hypernuclei

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    The nonmesonic weak decay of polarized Λ hypernuclei is studied with a microscopic diagrammatic formalism in which one- and two-nucleon-induced decay mechanisms, Λ→N → NN and Λ→NN → NNN, are considered together with (and on the same ground of) nucleon final state interactions. We adopt a nuclear matter formalism extended to finite nuclei via the local density approximation. Our approach adopts different one-meson-exchange weak transition potentials, while the strong interaction effects are accounted for by a Bonn nucleon-nucleon interaction. We also consider the two-pion-exchange effect in the weak transition potential. Both the twonucleon-induced decay mechanism and the final state interactions reduce the magnitude of the asymmetry. The quantum interference terms considered in the present microscopic approach give rise to an opposite behavior of the asymmetry with increasing energy cuts to that observed in models describing the nucleon final state interactions semiclassically via the intranuclear cascade code. Our results for the asymmetry parameter in Λ¹²C obtained with different potential models are consistent with the asymmetry measured at KEK.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Física La Plat

    Pi-K Scattering in Full QCD with Domain-Wall Valence Quarks

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    We calculate the pi+ K+ scattering length in fully-dynamical lattice QCD with domain-wall valence quarks on MILC lattices with rooted staggered sea-quarks at a lattice spacing of b=0.125 fm, lattice spatial size of L =2.5 fm and at pion masses of m_pi=290, 350, 490 and 600 MeV. The lattice data, analyzed at next-to-leading order in chiral perturbation theory, allows an extraction of the full pi K scattering amplitude at threshold. Extrapolating to the physical point gives m_pi a_3/2 = -0.0574 (+- 0.0016)(+0.0024 -0.0058) and m_pi a_1/2 = 0.1725 (+- 0.0017)(+0.0023 -0.0156) for the I=3/2 and I=1/2 scattering lengths, respectively, where the first error is statistical and the second error is an estimate of the systematic due to truncation of the chiral expansion.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
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