109 research outputs found

    Diet Quality Among Adolescents: A Population-based Study In Campinas, Brazil [qualidade Da Dieta De Adolescentes: Estudo De Base Populacional Em Campinas, Sp]

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    We assessed the overall diet quality and adequacy of diet consumption of each component of the diet of adolescents according to demographic, socioeconomic and body mass index (BMI) data. A cross-sectional population-based study analyzed a representative sample of 409 adolescents, aged 12-19 years, using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI). We estimated the prevalence of diets classified in the first quartile of the HEI and the average scores of each component of the HEI. Linear and Poisson multiple regressions were used in the analysis. The mean score of HEI was 59.7. We observed a lower prevalence of inadequate diets in the segment with heads of household presenting higher schooling. The lower socioeconomic status segments, measured by income and schooling, showed a lower consumption of vegetables, fruits, dairy products and a less diversified diet, and a higher intake of cereals and legumes. Overweight/obese adolescents consume more meat and eggs and less fruit compared to low weight/normal weight adolescents. Girls had a higher intake of total fat and lower sodium intake. The results identified diet components that deserve more attention in the strategies to promote healthy eating, and the more vulnerable segments among adolescents.153605616(2010) Child and adolescent health and development: Progress report 2009: Highlights, , World Health Organization, Geneva(2011) Ministério da Saúde, , Brasil, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Departamento de Análise de Situação de Saúde. Plano de ações estratégicas para o enfrentamento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) no Brasil 2011-2022. BrasíliaLevy, R.B., Castro, I.R.R., Cardoso, L.O., Tavares, L.F., Sardinha, L.M.V., Gomes, F.S., Consumo e comportamento alimentar entre adolescentes brasileiros: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE), 2009 (2010) Rev Cien Saúde Colet, 15 (S2), pp. 3085-3097Toral, N., Slater, B., Cintra, I.P., Fisberg, M., Comportamento alimentar de adolescentes em relação ao consumo de frutas e verduras (2006) Rev Nutr, 19 (3), pp. 331-340(2011) Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares-2008-2009: Análise do consumo alimentar pessoal no Brasil, , Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Rio de Janeiro(2010) Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares-2008-2009: Antropometria e estado nutricional de crianças, adolescentes e adultos no Brasil, , Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Rio de JaneiroCervato, A.M., Vieira, V.L., Índices dietéticos na avaliação da qualidade global da dieta (2003) Rev Nutr, 16 (3), pp. 347-355Kennedy, E.T., Ohls, J., Carlson, S., Fleming, K., The Healthy Eating Index: Design and applications (1995) J Am Diet Assoc, 95, pp. 1103-1108Fisberg, R.M., Slater, B., Barros, R.R., Lima, F.D., Cesar, C.L.G., Carandina, L., Índice de Qualidade da Dieta: Avaliação da adaptação e aplicabilidade (2004) Rev Nutr, 17 (3), pp. 301-308Alves, M.C.G.P., Plano de amostragem (2008) As dimensões da saúde: Inquérito populacional em Campinas, pp. 46-55. , In: Barros MBA, Cesar CLG, Carandina L, Goldbaum M, org, São Paulo: Aderaldo & RothschildGodoy, F.C., Andrade, S.C., Morimoto, J.M., Carandina, L., Goldbaum, M., Barros, M.B.A., Índice de qualidade da dieta de adolescentes residentes no distrito do Butantã, município de São Paulo, Brasil (2006) Rev Nutr, 19 (6), pp. 663-671Thompson, F.E., Byers, T., Dietary assessment resource manual (1994) J Nutr, (124 S), pp. 2245-2317de Onis, M., Onyango, A.W., Borghi, E., Siyam, A., Nishida, C., Siekmann, J., Development of a WHO growth reference for school-aged children and adolescents (2007) Bull World Health Organ, 85, pp. 660-667Nielsen, S.J., Adair, L., An alternative to dietary data exclusions (2007) J Am Diet Assoc, 107, pp. 792-799de Andrade, S.C., Barros, M.B.A., Carandina, L., Goldbaum, M., Cesar, C.L.G., Fisberg, R.M., Dietary Quality Index and associated factors among adolescents of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil (2010) J Peds, 156 (3), pp. 456-460Pinheiro, A.C., Atalah, E., Propuesta de una metodología de análisis de la calidad global de la alimentación (2005) Rev Méd Chile, 133 (2), pp. 175-182Fernández, I., Aguilar Vilas, M.V., Mateos Vega, C.J., Martínez Para, M.C., Calidad de la dieta de una población de jóvenes de Guadalajara (2009) Nutr Hosp, 24, pp. 200-206Goodwin, D.K., Knol, L.K., Eddy, J.M., Fitzhugh, E.C., Kendrick, O., Donohue, R.E., Sociodemographic correlates of overall quality of dietary intake of US adolescents (2006) Nutr Res, 26, pp. 105-110Garriguet, D., Diet quality in Canada (2009) Stat Canada, 20 (3), pp. 1-12Gomes, M.A., Pereira, M.L.D., Família em situação de vulnerabilidade social: Uma questão de políticas públicas (2005) Cien Saúde Colet, 10 (2), pp. 357-363Levy-Costa, R.B., Sichieri, R., Pontes, N.S., Monteiro, C.A., Disponibilidade domiciliar de alimentos no Brasil: Distribuição e evolução (2005) Rev Saúde Pública, 39 (4), pp. 530-540Fisberg, R.M., Morimoto, J.M., Bueno, M.B., Hábito alimentar: Qualidade da dieta (2008) As dimensões da saúde, pp. 59-66. , In: Barros MBA, Cesar CLG, Carandina L, Goldbaum M (org), Inquérito populacional em Campinas. São Paulo: Aderaldo & RothschildOrtiz-Hernández, L., Gómez-Tello, B.L., Food consumption in Mexican adolescents (2008) Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health, 24 (2), pp. 127-135Riediger, N.D., Shooshtari, S., Moghadasian, M.H., The influence of sociodemographic factors on patterns of fruit and vegetable consumption in Canadian adolescents (2007) J Am Diet Assoc, 107, pp. 1511-1518Panigassi, G., Segall-Corrêa, A.M., Marin-León, L., Pérez-Escamilla, R., Maranha, L.K., Sampaio, M.F.A., Insegurança alimentar intrafamiliar e perfil de consumo de alimentos (2008) Rev Nutr, 21 (S), pp. 135-144Lorson, B.A., Melgar-Quinonez, H.R., Taylor, C.A., Correlates of fruit and vegetable intakes in US children (2009) J Am Diet Assoc, 109, pp. 474-478Amin, T.T., Al-Sultan, A.I., Ali, A., Overweight and obesity and their relation to dietary habits and sócio-demographic characteristics among male primary school children in Al-Hassa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2008) Eur J Nutr, 47 (6), pp. 310-318(2006) Ministério da Saúde, p. 210. , Brasil, Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. 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New York: Oxford University PressJúnior, J.C.F., Validade das medidas autorreferidas de peso e estatura para o diagnóstico do estado nutricional de adolescentes (2007) Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant, 7 (2), pp. 167-174Fonseca, H., Silva, A.M., Matos, M.G., Esteves, I., Costa, P., Guerra, A., Validity of BMI based on self-reported weight and height in adolescents (2010) Acta Paediatrica, 99 (1), pp. 83-88Waijers, P.M.C.M., Feskens, E.J.M., Ocké, M.C., A critical review of predefined diet quality scores (2007) Br J Nutr, 97 (2), pp. 219-23

    The 2012–2013 Montes Claros earthquake series in the São Francisco\ud Craton, Brazil: new evidence for non-uniform intraplate stresses\ud in mid-plate South America

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    On 2012 May 19, an mb = 4 earthquake shook the town of Montes Claros, Brazil in the\ud middle of the S˜ao Francisco Craton. Because of the scarce seismicity in the area, an event\ud like this could provide valuable information to characterize the governing seismotectonics and\ud stress field for the region. Here, we present the results of more than 1 yr of local seismic\ud monitoring after the main shock. We found that the seismicity originated at approximately\ud 1-km depth in an NNW-oriented blind reverse fault, dipping to the E. The magnitude of\ud the main shock was 4mb, with aftershocks reaching up to 3.6mb. Focal mechanisms from\ud first motion polarities and waveform moment tensor inversions indicate a reverse faulting in\ud agreement with the orientation of the aftershock locations. In addition, we derived a new 1-D\ud local velocity model using a simultaneous inversion of hypocentres and velocity layers. The\ud results indicate P-wave velocities of 4.5 km s−1 for the upper layer of carbonate rocks and 5.23\ud and 5.69 km s−1 for the lower fractured and compact crystalline basement layers, respectively.\ud Higher Vp/Vs ratios were obtained for the upper two layers compared to the lowermost layer,\ud possibly indicating presence of rock fracturing and percolated water. The calculated stress drop\ud for the main event is 0.33 MPa, which is a relatively low value for an intraplate earthquake\ud but still within the observed range. The inversion of the main shock focal mechanism and\ud previously published focal mechanisms suggests a compressional stress regime in the central\ud part of the S˜ao Francisco Craton, which is different from the strike-slip regime in the southern\ud part, although both have an EW-oriented σ1. On the other hand, focal mechanisms of events\ud located to the west of the craton indicate an NW–SE oriented σ1 for central Brazil. This\ud variability highlights the importance of local sources of stresses (e.g. flexural stresses) in\ud mid-plate South America, unlike other mid-plate areas of the world, such as central and east\ud North America, where a more uniform stress field is observedPetrobras - BRASIS projec

    Investigation in SrTi'O IND.3'-CaTi'O IND.3'-PbTi'O IND.3' ternary thin films by dielectric proprieties and Raman spectroscopy

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    Dielectric and Raman scattering experiments were performed on polycrystalline Pb1−x−yCaxSryTiO3 thin films as a function of temperature. Temperature-dependent dielectric measurements revealed a decreasing ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition temperature and peak dielectric permittivity showed a broad phase transition near room temperature with increasing levels of CaO12 and SrO12 clusters. Therefore, for higher levels of substitution, the possible random position of the CaO12 and SrO12 clusters leads to a diffuse state. At 100 kHz, the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition temperatures were 633, 495 and 206 K for PCST90 (Pb0.90Ca0.05Sr0.05TiO3), PCST70 (Pb0.70Ca0.15Sr0.15TiO3) and PCST30 (Pb0.30Ca0.35Sr0.35TiO3) thin films, respectively. The evolution of the Raman spectra was also studied as a function of temperature. The temperature dependence of the E(1TO) soft mode frequencies was used to characterize the phase transition. Raman peaks were observed above the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition temperature, although all optical modes should be inactive in Raman scattering. The origin of these modes was interpreted as a breakdown of the local cubic symmetry by the random distribution of CaO12 and SrO12 clusters.CNPqCAPESFAPESP/CEPID (06/53926-4)FAPESP/CEPID (08/53515-7)FAPESP/CEPID (06/51640-6

    Sleep-effects on implicit and explicit memory in repeated visual search

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    In repeated visual search tasks, facilitation of reaction times (RTs) due to repetition of the spatial arrangement of items occurs independently of RT facilitation due to improvements in general task performance. Whereas the latter represents typical procedural learning, the former is a kind of implicit memory that depends on the medial temporal lobe (MTL) memory system and is impaired in patients with amnesia. A third type of memory that develops during visual search is the observers’ explicit knowledge of repeated displays. Here, we used a visual search task to investigate whether procedural memory, implicit contextual cueing, and explicit knowledge of repeated configurations, which all arise independently from the same set of stimuli, are influenced by sleep. Observers participated in two experimental sessions, separated by either a nap or a controlled rest period. In each of the two sessions, they performed a visual search task in combination with an explicit recognition task. We found that (1) across sessions, MTL-independent procedural learning was more pronounced for the nap than rest group. This confirms earlier findings, albeit from different motor and perceptual tasks, showing that procedural memory can benefit from sleep. (2) Likewise, the sleep group compared with the rest group showed enhanced context-dependent configural learning in the second session. This is a novel finding, indicating that the MTL-dependent, implicit memory underlying contextual cueing is also sleep-dependent. (3) By contrast, sleep and wake groups displayed equivalent improvements in explicit recognition memory in the second session. Overall, the current study shows that sleep affects MTL-dependent as well as MTL-independent memory, but it affects different, albeit simultaneously acquired, forms of MTL-dependent memory differentially

    Clinicopathological analysis of recurrence patterns and prognostic factors for survival after hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatectomy is recommended as the most effective therapy for liver metastasis from colorectal cancer (CRCLM). It is crucial to elucidate the prognostic clinicopathological factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighty-three patients undergoing initial hepatectomy for CRCLM were retrospectively analyzed with respect to characteristics of primary colorectal and metastatic hepatic tumors, operation details and prognosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall 5-year survival rate after initial hepatectomy for CRCLM was 57.5%, and the median survival time was 25 months. Univariate analysis clarified that the significant prognostic factors for poor survival were depth of primary colorectal cancer (≥ serosal invasion), hepatic resection margin (< 5 mm), presence of portal vein invasion of CRCLM, and the presence of intra- and extrahepatic recurrence. Multivariate analysis indicated the presence of intra- and extrahepatic recurrence as independent predictive factors for poor prognosis. Risk factors for intrahepatic recurrence were resection margin (< 5 mm) of CRCLM, while no risk factors for extrahepatic recurrence were noted. In the subgroup with synchronous CRCLM, the combination of surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy controlled intrahepatic recurrence and improved the prognosis significantly.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Optimal surgical strategies in conjunction with effective chemotherapeutic regimens need to be established in patients with risk factors for recurrence and poor outcomes as listed above.</p

    A Deep Insight into the Sialome of Rhodnius neglectus, a vector of chagas disease

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    Background Triatomines are hematophagous insects that act as vectors of Chagas disease. Rhodnius neglectus is one of these kissing bugs found, contributing to the transmission of this American trypanosomiasis. The saliva of hematophagous arthropods contains bioactive molecules responsible for counteracting host haemostatic, inflammatory, and immuneresponses. Methods/Principal Findings Next generation sequencing and mass spectrometry-based protein identification were performed to investigate the content of triatomine R. neglectus saliva.We deposited 4,230 coding DNA sequences (CDS) in GenBank. A set of 636 CDS of proteins of putative secretory nature was extracted from the assembled reads, 73 of them confirmed by proteomic analysis. The sialome of R. neglectus was characterized and serine protease transcripts detected. The presence of ubiquitous protein families was revealed, including lipocalins, serine protease inhibitors, and antigen-5. Metalloproteases, disintegrins, and odorant binding protein families were less abundant. Conclusions/Significance The data presented improve our understanding of hematophagous arthropod sialomes, and aid in understanding hematophagy and the complex interplay among vectors and their vertebrate hosts

    Genotype and phenotype landscape of MEN2 in 554 medullary thyroid cancer patients: the BrasMEN study

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) is an autosomal dominant genetic disease caused by RET gene germline mutations that is characterized by medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) associated with other endocrine tumors. Several reports have demonstrated that the RET mutation profile may vary according to the geographical area. In this study, we collected clinical and molecular data from 554 patients with surgically confirmed MTC from 176 families with MEN2 in 18 different Brazili an centers to compare the type and prevalence of RET mutations with those from other countries. The most frequent mutations, classified by the number of families affected, occur in codon 634, exon 11 (76 families), followed by codon 918, exon 16 (34 families: 26 with M918T and 8 with M918V) and codon 804, exon 14 (22 families: 15 with V804M and 7 with V804L). When compared with other major published series from Europe, there are several similarities and some differences. While the mutations in codons C618, C620, C630, E768 and S891 present a similar prevalence, some mutations have a lower prevalence in Brazil, and others are found mainly in Brazil (G533C and M918V). These results reflect the singular proportion of European, Amerindian and African ancestries in the Brazilian mosaic genome83289298CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL - FAPERGSSem informaçãoSem informação2006/60402-1; 2010/51547-1; 2013/01476-9; 2014/06570-6; 2009/50575-4; 2010/51546-5; 2012/21942-116/2551-0000482-

    Ancestry of the Brazilian TP53 c.1010G>A (p.Arg337His, R337H) founder mutation : clues from haplotyping of short tandem repeats on Chromosome 17p

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    Rare germline mutations in TP53 (17p13.1) cause a highly penetrant predisposition to a specific spectrum of early cancers, defining the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS). A germline mutation at codon 337 (p.Arg337His, c1010G>A) is found in about 0.3% of the population of Southern Brazil. This mutation is associated with partially penetrant LFS traits and is found in the germline of patients with early cancers of the LFS spectrum unselected for familial his- tory. To characterize the extended haplotypes carrying the mutation, we have genotyped 9 short tandem repeats on chromosome 17p in 12 trios of Brazilian p.Arg337His carriers. Results confirm that all share a common ancestor haplotype of Caucasian/Portuguese-Ibe- ric origin, distant in about 72–84 generations (2000 years assuming a 25 years intergenera- tional distance) and thus pre-dating European migration to Brazil. So far, the founder p. Arg337His haplotype has not been detected outside Brazil, with the exception of two resi- dents of Portugal, one of them of Brazilian origin. On the other hand, increased meiotic recombination in p.Arg337His carriers may account for higher than expected haplotype diversity. Further studies comparing haplotypes in populations of Brazil and of other areas of Portuguese migration are needed to understand the historical context of this mutation in Brazil.This study was funded by grant # 478430/2012-4 from CNPq (RFA MCT/CNPq - No 14/2012; Universal), Brazil.We would like to thank UFRGS, UFPA, AC Camargo, HC Barretos and University of Minho for their support during this work

    Experimental Gastric Carcinogenesis in Cebus apella Nonhuman Primates

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    The evolution of gastric carcinogenesis remains largely unknown. We established two gastric carcinogenesis models in New-World nonhuman primates. In the first model, ACP03 gastric cancer cell line was inoculated in 18 animals. In the second model, we treated 6 animals with N-methyl-nitrosourea (MNU). Animals with gastric cancer were also treated with Canova immunomodulator. Clinical, hematologic, and biochemical, including C-reactive protein, folic acid, and homocysteine, analyses were performed in this study. MYC expression and copy number was also evaluated. We observed that all animals inoculated with ACP03 developed gastric cancer on the 9th day though on the 14th day presented total tumor remission. In the second model, all animals developed pre-neoplastic lesions and five died of drug intoxication before the development of cancer. The last surviving MNU-treated animal developed intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma observed by endoscopy on the 940th day. The level of C-reactive protein level and homocysteine concentration increased while the level of folic acid decreased with the presence of tumors in ACP03-inoculated animals and MNU treatment. ACP03 inoculation also led to anemia and leukocytosis. The hematologic and biochemical results corroborate those observed in patients with gastric cancer, supporting that our in vivo models are potentially useful to study this neoplasia. In cell line inoculated animals, we detected MYC immunoreactivity, mRNA overexpression, and amplification, as previously observed in vitro. In MNU-treated animals, mRNA expression and MYC copy number increased during the sequential steps of intestinal-type gastric carcinogenesis and immunoreactivity was only observed in intestinal metaplasia and gastric cancer. Thus, MYC deregulation supports the gastric carcinogenesis process. Canova immunomodulator restored several hematologic measurements and therefore, can be applied during/after chemotherapy to increase the tolerability and duration of anticancer treatments

    Failure of SOX9 Regulation in 46XY Disorders of Sex Development with SRY, SOX9 and SF1 Mutations

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    In human embryogenesis, loss of SRY (sex determining region on Y), SOX9 (SRY-related HMG box 9) or SF1 (steroidogenic factor 1) function causes disorders of sex development (DSD). A defining event of vertebrate sex determination is male-specific upregulation and maintenance of SOX9 expression in gonadal pre-Sertoli cells, which is preceded by transient SRY expression in mammals. In mice, Sox9 regulation is under the transcriptional control of SRY, SF1 and SOX9 via a conserved testis-specific enhancer of Sox9 (TES). Regulation of SOX9 in human sex determination is however poorly understood.We show that a human embryonal carcinoma cell line (NT2/D1) can model events in presumptive Sertoli cells that initiate human sex determination. SRY associates with transcriptionally active chromatin in NT2/D1 cells and over-expression increases endogenous SOX9 expression. SRY and SF1 co-operate to activate the human SOX9 homologous TES (hTES), a process dependent on phosphorylated SF1. SOX9 also activates hTES, augmented by SF1, suggesting a mechanism for maintenance of SOX9 expression by auto-regulation. Analysis of mutant SRY, SF1 and SOX9 proteins encoded by thirteen separate 46,XY DSD gonadal dysgenesis individuals reveals a reduced ability to activate hTES.We demonstrate how three human sex-determining factors are likely to function during gonadal development around SOX9 as a hub gene, with different genetic causes of 46,XY DSD due a common failure to upregulate SOX9 transcription