38 research outputs found

    Residential Architecture of the XIX Century in Malaga, Europe: Review and Case Study

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    This work shows the main characteristics of the vernacular architecture of the XIX century in Malaga. A study about daylight and cross ventilation has been made. Current rules for new buildings have been also studied, the position of the courtyard, clear high between the floor and the roof. Finally, a new building based on old features is showed. The building has seventeen dwelling and is placed on Malaga. As a results of the study is concluded that densification of urban areas and therefore retrofitting of existing heritage in urban settings is one of the key for developed world cities and new building can be designed attended to the new and vernacular rules.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Fundamentos jurídico-políticos de la Primavera de los Pueblos en España-Italia

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    La intención de este trabajo es aproximarnos a las décanas más reivindicativas del siglo XIX. A veces se nos olvida que, actualmente, nuestro legado político deriva de dicha época. Los nacionalismos modernos echan raíces en una Europa fracturada y magullada, que intenta alzarse tras las Guerras Napoleónicas. Resulta algo complicado, ya que Bonaparte, creó un nuevo tipo de conflicto, el intelectual. Observaremos las revoluciones que suscitaron la Unificación Italiana, las mismas que consiguieron que la ideología progresista alcanzara los rincones más carismáticos de Europa. Paulatinamente, el pensamiento crítico racionalisma se abrió paso, alcanzando todos los estamentos. El clero, la burguesía e incluso celebridades aristocráticas, tendrán conflictos con sus iguales, por la disparidad de pensamiento. La élite europea sufre un cisma que no se asemeja a ninguno hasta la fecha, ya que previamente las crisis conocidas tenían como fundamento la fe y la religión. En conclusión, la metamorfosis ideológica comienza en la Revolución Francesa y eclosiona con la caída de Napoleón. El efecto mariposa, bate sus alas en Santa Elena y crea un huracán que se prolongaría hasta el siglo XX. Incluso a día de hoy los problemas de entonces crean el calco de los actuales; el abismo diferencial económico e industrial del norte y sur de Italia, los roces entre Lombardía y Nápoles o el Independentismo Catalán.The intention of this work is to approach the most demanding décanas of the 19th century. We sometimes forget that, today, our political legacy derives from that time. Modern nationalism takes root in a fractured and bruised Europe, which is trying to rise up after the Napoleonic Wars. It is somewhat complicated, because Bonaparte created the new type of conflict, the intellectual one. We will observe the revolutions that brought about the Italian Unification, the same ones that made the progressive ideology reach the most charismatic corners of Europe. Gradually, rational critical thinking broke through, reaching all levels. The clergy, the bourgeoisie and even aristocratic celebrities will have conflicts with their peers over the disparity of disparity of thought. The European elite suffers a schism that does not resemble any to date, since previously the known crises were based on faith and religion. In conclusion, ideological metamorphosis begins in the French Revolution and hatches with the fall of Napoleon. The butterfly effect flaps its wings in Saint Helena and creates a hurricane that would last until the 20th century. Even today the problems of that time create the trace of the current ones; the differential economic and industrial abyss of the north and south of Italy, the friction between Lombardy and Naples or the Catalan Independence.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155

    Life Cycle Assessment of a solar thermal system in Spain, eco-design alternatives and derived climate change scenarios at Spanish and Chinese national levels

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    Solar thermal energy is considered a ‘clean’ form of energy; however, environmental impacts occur during its life-cycle. The present work compares the environmental performance of two scenarios: a solar thermal system for providing domestic hot water (DHW) used in conjunction with a traditional natural gas heating system, and the natural gas heating system on its own. Weak points are found and different eco-design scenarios are evaluated in order to achieve a more circular economy. In addition, the authors explore what would be the national Greenhouse Gas emission reduction potential of a wider use of domestic solar hot water systems (DSHW) in China’s and Spain’s built environment. In this case, five displacement methods are suggested to show how the emissions reduction vary. Through a review of the state of the art and a Life Cycle Assessment of a solar system the two scenarios are assessed. Some impact categories, such as global warming, suggest a markedly better performance of the solar system (-65%). However, weak points in the solar solution have been identified as there is an increase of impacts in cases such as acidification (+6%) and eutrophication (+61%), mostly due to the metals used. The components with higher environmental impact are the collector, the tank, and the copper tubes. The reduction of national emissions by promoting DSHW depends on the actual displaced technology/ies. The consequences on national emissions reduction depending on these choices are assessed. The potential reduction of emissions, if 30% of the DHW were covered with solar sources, would be between 0.38% and 0.50% in the case of Spain and between 0.12% and 0.63% in China


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    The reaction of 5-azido-5-de­oxy-2,3-O-isopropyl­idene-2-C-methyl-d-ribose with N,N-diethyl-2-(dimethyl­sulfuranyl­idene)acetamide gave the title compound, C15H26N4O5, as the major product arising from initial formation of an epoxide which was subsequently opened by intra­molecular attack of the free 4-hydroxyl group. X-ray crystallography confirmed the relative stereochemistry of the title compound and the absolute configuration was determined by the use of d-ribose as the starting material. The crystal structure contains chains of mol­ecules running parallel to the a axis, being linked by weak bifurcated O—H⋯(N,N) hydrogen bonds

    Energy impact of the air infiltration in residential buildings in the Mediterranean area of Spain and the Canary islands

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    Air infiltration through the building envelope has already been proven to have a significant energy impact in dwellings. Different studies have been carried out in Europe, but there is still a lack of knowledge in this field regarding mild climates. An experimental field study has been carried out in the Mediterranean climate area of Spain and the Canary Islands in order to assess the air permeability of the building envelope and its energy impact. A wide characterization and Blower Door tests have been performed in 225 cases in Alicante, Barcelona, Málaga, Sevilla and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for this purpose. The obtained mean air permeability rate for the 225 studied cases was 6.56 m3/(h·m2). The influence of several variables on airtightness was statistically analysed, although only location, climate zone and window material were found to be significant. Air infiltration has an energy impact between 2.43 and 16.44 kWh/m2·year on the heating demand and between 0.54 and 3.06 kWh/m2·year on the cooling demand.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIA2015-64321-R) under the research project INFILES: Repercusión energética de la permeabilidad al aire de los edificios residenciales en España: estudio y caracterización de sus infiltraciones

    Methodology for the Study of the Envelope Airtightness of Residential Buildings in Spain: A Case Study

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    Air leakage and its impact on the energy performance of dwellings has been broadly studied in countries with cold climates in Europe, US, and Canada. However, there is a lack of knowledge in this field in Mediterranean countries. Current Spanish building regulations establish ventilation rates based on ideal airtight envelopes, causing problems of over-ventilation and substantial energy losses. The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology that allows the characterization of the envelope of the housing stock in Spain in order to adjust ventilation rates taking into consideration air leakage. A methodology that is easily applicable to other countries that consider studying the airtightness of the envelope and its energetic behaviour improvement is proposed. A statistical sampling method has been established to determine the dwellings to be tested, considering relevant variables concerning airtightness: climate zone, year of construction, and typology. The air leakage rate is determined using a standardized building pressurization technique according to European Standard EN 13829. A representative case study has been presented as an example of the implementation of the designed methodology and results are compared to preliminary values obtained from the database

    La “ideología de género” frente a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. El escenario español

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    Se analiza el caso español como laboratorio europeo en el que se han ensayado las estrategias de movilización basadas en el discurso de la “ideología de género” contra los derechos sexuales y de las mujeres por parte de actores ultraconservadores, con especial atención a los actores católicos. Se presentan cuatro momentos: el discurso de la Iglesia Católica, como fuente originaria del lenguaje de este nuevo pánico moral; las reformas legales progresistas que detonan el ciclo de protesta; la contestación social de los grupos conservadores y la posterior reacción conservadora moderada desde la acción de gobierno

    Padres y maestros

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    El hecho de que el niño adoptado conozca sus orígenes, y sus padres adoptivos colaboren en esa búsqueda, puede ser un momento privilegiado de construir una historia común de familia. Mantener el secreto sobre la condición de adoptado del niño, o sobre alguno de los elementos esenciales de esa condición, da lugar a sufrimiento en el hijo, así como una búsqueda de la propia identidad. En el artículo se defiende la idea de que deben ser los padres los que proporcionen esta información a sus hijos, con la colaboración y asesoramiento de instituciones o profesionales si fuese necesario.GaliciaES