123 research outputs found

    Cryptocurrency According to the Objectives of Islamic Law: Bitcoin as a Case Study

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    أهداف البحث: يهدف البحث إلى التوصل لحكم العملات المشفرة في ضوء المقاصد الشرعية، وهناك أسئلة كثيرة حول العملات المشفرة، وحكم الاشتراك في مجمعات تعدينها، وحكم تداولها في عقود البيع والشراء والصرف؛ فجاء البحث ليجيب عنها في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية. منهج الدراسة: تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي مع الاستعانة بالمنهجين الاستنباطي والتحليلي، كما تم دراسة المسألة وفق الأسس العلمية لبحث فقه النوازل المعاصرة، واستشارة عدد من الخبراء؛ لفهم المسألة فهمًا صحيحًا مطابقًا للواقع. النتائج: تم التوصل إلى أن العملات المشفرة لا تتوافر فيها شروط النقد الشرعي؛ حيث تفتقد القبول العام والرواج بين الناس، ولا تصلح أن تكون مقياسًا للسلع والخدمات بشكل عام، فلا تعتبر مستودعًا للقيمة، ولا معيارًا للمدفوعات الآجلة، ولا يوجد دولة أو سلطة تتبناها وتقدر على ضمانها. أصالة البحث: إن حجم المشاكل الاقتصادية والنقدية التي يمكن أن تنشأ كنتيجة لتداول العملات المشفرة، يوجب أن تكون تلك العملات محل بحث فقهي؛ فجاء هذا البحث ليتناول حكم تلك العملات في ضوء المقاصد المتعلقة بالتصرفات المالية، مع التوصية بعرض المسألة على المجامع الفقهية؛ للتوصل إلى كل ما يتعلق بها من أحكام شرعية.Purpose: The study aims to reach the rule of cryptocurrencies in the light of Shari'a objectives. There are many questions about cryptocurrencies, the rule of participation in mining pools, and the rule of their use in contracts of Sale, Purchase and Exchange; the study answers these questions in the light of the objectives of Islamic Shari’a law. Methodology: The descriptive method is used as well as the deductive and analytical methods. The issue is studied according to the scientific foundations of the study of Fiqh An-Nawazil (contemporary issues jurisprudence), and after consulting a number of experts; for a correct true-to-life understanding of the issue. Findings: It has been concluded that cryptocurrencies do not meet the requirements of currency according to Islamic law, lack public acceptance and popularity among the people, and is not used to evaluate goods and services in general. Furthermore, cryptocurrency neither holds intrinsic value nor can it be utilized in deferred payments, and no state or authority adopts or is able to guarantee them. Originality: The magnitude of the economic and monetary problems that may arise as a result of the trading of cryptocurrencies should be the subject of a Fiqhi (Islamic Jurisprudential) research. Accordingly, this study addresses the ruling of those currencies in the light of the objectives related to financial conduct. A recommendation is made to present the matter to Fiqhi councils in order to reach all the related Shari’a provisions

    Enhancing game-based learning in formal education using simplified game authoring tools:A design science research study

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    The integration of game-based learning (GBL) into formal education presents a promising avenue for enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. However, this integration is associated with numerous challenges, such as technical issues in the development of gamesand how to link the content of the games with learning material in the curriculum. This thesis intends to overcome these barriers in the development of a serious game platform, FunHomework, which provides a simplified game authoring tool that can help educators create and implement serious games (SG) in their teaching practice.The central research question to be answered during the course of the study is: How can the introduction of simplified game authoring tools facilitate the integration of game-based learning within formal educational environments? This question unfolds into various empirical researchquestions investigated across the thesis chapters, including the specific design features that facilitate the use for teachers, the impact such tools have on teacher attitudes toward GBL, and also the customizable learning contents for students engaged with SGs created through theplatform.The thesis followed the iterative development of the FunHomework platform according to Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, based on designs that incorporated feedback from educators in order to consider the perspectives of teachers and students in the final product. The main feature of FunHomework is the game authoring tool, which aims to bridge the technical challenges that creating SGs can pose for educators, thus making GBL more accessible. The tool allows for the dynamic embedding of educational content into the games, making the SGs versatile for a variety of subjects and learning goals

    The degree of principals' practice of transformational leadership in the Directorate of Education of Bani Kenana from the point of view of teachers

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    The study aimed to investigate the degree of principals' practice of transformational leadership in the Directorate of Education of Bani Kenana from the point of view of teachers and to identify the effect of the independent variables: gender and years of experience. A sample of (317) female teachers and (228) teachers were formed. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used descriptive and explanatory analysis. A questionnaire consisting of (31) paragraphs was used. The statistical package (spss.22) was used, such as descriptive statistics, means, and standard deviation, and the explanatory statistics were used. The independent t-Test and one way ANOVA were used. The results of the study showed that the highest mean was associated with the continuous professional development paragraph for itself with all members of the school community with a high mean of (4.78. - 4.59), all of them were of high grade. The results also showed that there were differences between the means on the study of the degree of principals' practice of the transformational leadership in the Directorate of Education of Bani Kenana from the point of view of teachers due to gender to favor of (males) and practical experience to favor of (more than 10 years) category

    Sample clock offset compensation in the fifth-generation new radio downlink

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    In this paper, the authors investigate the issue of sampling clock offset (SCO) in fifth generation new radio systems. Due to the imperfect SCO estimation methods, the correction methods relying on the SCO estimation will not be perfect, so the proposed method directly corrects the effect of SCO without using any kind of estimation methods. Our method can work well in physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) and use reference signals as recommended by the 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) standards. Through system-level simulations, the obtained results show that the throughput of the system is improved where the gain difference between the proposed method and the case without SCO compensation arises to reach 25 % over tapped-line (TDL) channel

    The Achievement of Both Justice and Consent in Financial Transaction Contracts

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    This study clarifies that the basis on which contracts are established is mutual consent, whereby property shall not be taken away from a person without their consent. The indication of mutual consent is the apparent wording of offer and acceptance under the condition of the absence of coercion that cancels consent. This coercion is illegal coercion that is unjust and that unlawfully infringes the right of others to exercise free will. However, if the opposite occurs, namely, if the right of agreement and consent in a contract leads to injustice or harm to others, then achieving both justice and consent by using coercion is the right thing to do. This type of coercion aims to achieve a rightful purpose that ensures justice and eliminates injustice and provides for restitution as well


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    In this paper, an early warning system will be developed to explain any potential currency crisis and identify a number of leading indicators that can help the understanding of the crises, using Jordanian data. The methodology of this paper includes utilizing the Multinomial Logit analysis. The paper has found evidence that number of key indicators including real exchange rate (RER), money supply-reserves ratio (M2R), growth rate of domestic credit (ΔDC) and Central Bank foreign assets to liabilities ratio (AL), play significant roles in explain the currency crises. While their marginal effect varies, they are consistent with theory in terms of signs

    Periodontal Practice, Implant Practice and Referral Profile of General Dentists in Palestine

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    It is logical to expect an increase in the number of referrals to periodontists due to increasing age and the sophistication of periodontal treatments. But the actual scenario is different as the referral rates to dental specialists are still low. An online questionnaire was sent to 300 general dental practitioners in Palestine. A total of 180 full questionnaires were received back and statistically analyzed. From this study it was found that Palestinian dentists are practicing most of the non-surgical procedures at their dental offices; while referrals for surgical procedures were made

    Floristic Features, Distribution, and Ethnobotany of Plants Gathered and Used by Local People from the Mediterranean Forest in Northern Jordan

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    Understanding the distribution and floristic features of native forest plants, as well as the reasons that lead local people to collect them, is of great value for planning and implementing forest conservation and rehabilitation projects in the Mediterranean forest involving local communities. The aims of this study were to (1) investigate the distribution pattern, (2) analyze the floristic features, and (3) investigate the main uses of plants gathered from three Mediterranean forest ecosystems in Northern Jordan. We sampled 14 villages that were selected according to their location on the edge and within the three Mediterranean forest types in Northern Jordan. Three hundred informants were interviewed face to face using a semi-structured questionnaire. The data obtained included a list of plants collected and their uses. A Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was carried out to investigate the distribution of plant species collected from the three forest types. Also, important indices were calculated including Informant Consensus Factor (ICF), Fidelity Level (FL%), and uses totaled. The DCA showed that there are common plant species gathered intensively from all three forest types, namely Origanum syriacum L., Malva parviflora L., and Arum palaestinum Boiss., and that some plant species are collected from a particular forest type. The main uses of the collected plants are food and medicine. The study results suggest value in taking into account the behavior of people who collect native forest plants when designing fragile forest ecosystem restoration programs. These programs should be community-based in order to achieve ecosystem sustainability and prevent biodiversity erosion

    The Prophetic Paradigm of Rooting the Civilizational Components to Invest Human and Natural Resources According to Financial Transactions (An Analytical Study)

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    The Prophetic Sunnah attached importance to what Allah has endowed the human body with in terms of mental energy with which a person thinks and plans, and physical energy with which he builds and invests. Moreover, it was keen on marshaling intellectual and physical capacities without forfeiting one or neglecting the other, thereby balancing between them. Actually, it called for harnessing both, whereby thought and the body are among the components of the structure of civilization and where both function in their domains of creativity and ability to contribute. This aspect which the present study tackles through elucidation and exposition identifies texts of the Prophetic Sunnah to highlight the substantial role of the Prophetic Sunnah in building human civilization and its care for the human elements in terms of the intellectual and physical dimensions, Moreover, the study brings into focus the civilizational aspect in the Prophetic Sunnah which states the role of Islam in building the earth by harnessing the resources and wealth which Allah endowed it with, both apparent and hidden, as one of the components of the structure of human civilization through the following axes: First axis:           The civilizational components in the investment of human, intellectual  and physical resources in the Prophetic Sunnah. First:                   Civilizational components in the investment of human intellectual resources in the Prophetic Sunnah. Second:               Civilizational components in the investment of human physical  resources in the Prophetic Sunnah. Second axis:       Civilizational components in the investment of natural resources in the Prophetic Sunnah. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-5-05 Publication date: February 29th 2020