164 research outputs found

    Al Akhtha’ Al Khafiyyah Fi Fann At Tilawah Wa Alaaqatuhaa Bil Ahkaam Asy Syar’iyyah

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    Tesis ini berisi pembahasan tentang kesalahan-kesalahan yang tidak diketahui oleh banyak orang dalam membaca Al Quran dan hukum-hukum yang diakibatkan oleh kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut. Rumusan masalahnya sebagai berikut: (1) Apa saja kesalahan yang tidak diketahui oleh banyak orang, khususnya para penghafal Al Quran? (2) Apa akibat hukum yang terjadi akibat kesalahan-kesalahan ini? Setelah mengkaji dan meneliti beberapa referensi, peneliti sampai kepada kesimpulan; (1) Bahwa kesalahan-kesalahan dalam membaca Al Quran disebabkan para ahli Al Quran mengada-adakan banyak hal dalam bacaan Al Quran yang tidak boleh diadakan, dalam bentuk menambah mengurangi hak hak setiap huruf karena ingin melagukan, membuat sedih atau arena maksud tertentu, baik sengaja maupun tidak sengaja (2) Bahwa kesalahan-kesalahan yang mengubah makna dan tujuan ayat termasuk lahn dan hukumnya haram disepakati oleh para ulam

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dengan Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi pada Murid Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 11 Kecamatan Pontianak Kota

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    The problem of this research is the students learning activity which is still low either physically, or mentally and even emotionally. The low activity of the students learning influences the students outcomes. This research aimed to describe clearly about learning activity on science subject through demonstration method in class III of SD Negeri 11 Pontianak Kota. In this research, the writer used descriptive method. The form of the research is class action fieldwork with direct observation technique, direct communication and documentary. The data collecting is in form of observation list, interview list, and documentation. This research is conducted in two cycles; cycle I and cycle II with one meeting in every cycle. The result of this research is that the students learning activity has increased, in terms of physical activity, mental activity, and emotional activity. It is shown by the result of observation on students learning activity in cycle II. The average of physical activity is 86%, method activity is 64% and emotional activity is 83%. From this result it can be concluded that the use of demonstration method can be increase the learning activity on science subject in class III of SD Negeri 11 Pontianak Kota

    Pengembangan Objek Wisata Hutan Mangrove berbasis Ekowisata

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    Salah satu desa yang berpotensi untuk wisata Hutan Mangrove di Kecamatan Teluk Ambon Baguala, Kota Ambon adalah Desa Waihru. Desa ini terletak pada wilayah dataran tinggi dengan luas daerah sebesar 2.250 Ha, dan panjangnya sekitar 1,5 km. Desa Waiheru memiliki kawasan Hutan Mangrove yang terletak di Pantai Teluk Ambon Desa Waiheru dan berpotensi untuk dijadikan kawasan wisata. melihat potensi yang ada dari hutan mangrove tersebut kami sebagai mahasiswa KSM PPM TEMATIK yang mengabdi di Desa Waiheru, Kecamatan Teluk Ambon Baguala, Kota Ambon turut serta membantu dalam pengembangan objek wisata tersebut. bersama dengan pemuda-pemudi Karang Taruna dan warga Desa Waiher. Berbagai kegiatan dilakukan untuk pengembangan wisata hutan Mangrove di Desa Waiheru antara lain: penanaman pohon Bakau di kawasan Pantai wisata hutan mangrove, pembersihan sampah, pembuatan plang informasi, pembuatan spot selfie untuk mengundang daya tarik wisatawan, dan Kegiatan ini mendapat respon positif dari baik dari warga sekitar

    Penggunaan Media Manipulatif dalam Pempelajaran Penafsiran dan Pembulatan Bilangan untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas IV

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    The background of this research study mathematics problems that have not been implemented optimally , the pattern is still learning transmissive media manipulative therefore necessary to explain the concepts and procedures of mathematics at the fourth grade Elementary School 14 Engkerengas Kapuas Hulu . The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement of learning outcomes of students with manipulative media . This study used a descriptive method , the form of classroom action research . Subjects were teachers and learners . The research data in the form of scores of teachers preparing lesson plans capability , implementing learning and learning outcomes . The results of this study can concluded : the use of manipulative media in learning can improve student learning outcomes , outcome measures average score of the ability of teachers preparing lesson plans first cycle of 2.76 and 3.83 second cycle . The ability of teachers to implement the learning cycle I average score 3.96 2.91 second cycle . The average value of the first cycle of learning outcomes 59.28 , 75.35 second cycle . Data obtained from the first cycle to the second cycle increased by an average of 16.07. Keywords: Learning Mathematics, Manipulative Media, Learning Outcomes PenelitianinidilatarbelakangiadanyamasalahpembelajaranMatematika yang belumdilaksanakansecara optimal, polapembelajaranmasihbersifattransmisifkarenaituperlumedia manipulatif di kelasIV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 14 Engkerengas Kapuas Hulu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik dengan media manipulatif. Penelitianinimenggunakanmetodedeskriptif, bentuk Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan peserta didik. Data penelitian berupa skor kemampuan guru menyusun RPP, melaksanakan pembelajaran dan hasil belajar. Hasilpenelitianinidapatdisimpukan: penggunaanmedia manipulatif dalampembelajarandapatmeningkatkanhasilbelajarpesertadidik, hasiltindakan rata-rata skor kemampuan guru menyusun RPP siklusI 2,76 dan siklusII 3,8, terjadi peningkatan sebesar 1,07, Kemampuan guru melaksanakan pembelajaransiklus I rata-rata skor 2,91 siklus II 3,96, terjadi peningkatan sebesar 1,05. Rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siklus I 59,28, siklus II 75,35. Data yang diperolehdarisiklus I kesiklus II terjadipeningkatan rata-rata sebesar 16,07

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Model Cooperative Learning Type Make a Match

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    , the problem in this research is how increased activity students learn mathematics cooperative learning type make a match model in the fourth grade Primary School West Pontianak? The purpose of this study is to describe the increase in activity of learning mathematics learners with models of Cooperative Learning Type Make a Match in State Primary School 18 West Pontianak. The method used in this research is descriptive method. While the instrument tools for collecting data are IPKG 1 for Lesson Plan, IPKG 2 for implementation of learning and observation sheet for activity learners. Results of this study was the design of learning has been prepared in accordance with KTSP and Permendiknas No. 41 in 2007. Implementation of learning has also been in the order of the steps that were made in the lesson plan. Implementation of cooperative learning make a match type has also been able to improve the learners' learning activities both physical activity, mental and emotional. Concluded that the implementation type of cooperative learning models make a match could improve the design and implementation of learning and can improve physical, mental, emotional activity and learners in the learning of Mathematics

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Surat dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dengan Teknik Permodelan di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aimed to describe the increase in Writing Ability Students in Learning Indonesian Using Modeling Method in class V SDN 23 River Court. The research method used is descriptive, nature and type Quantitative Research Research, Class Action Research (PTK). Research subjects namely Grade V SDN. 23 River Court. which amounts to 10 people. The data collection technique is Direct Observation Technique through the Test Results Learning. The study was conducted two cycles, Results: (1). The ability of Indonesian Teachers Learning Plan Modeling Method In Grade Students of SDN 23 River Court, Cycle I have a total score 11.00 average 2.20, while Cycle II total score 18.00 average 3.60. Improved Cycle I Cycle II Amounting to 1.40. (2). Using the modeling method was found to Improve Student Results Acquisition of Class V in Cycle I Amounting to 64.00, while the second cycle into 83.00. Improved Cycle I Cycle II Amounting to 19.00. Cycle completeness I 40%, while the second cycle to 100%

    Penerapan Metode Inquiry dalam Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran IPA di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    This study used a descriptive method that is presented in the form of Classroom Action Research (CAR ) , which combines the research procedure with substantive action , which seeks to assess and reflect on a method with the aim of improving the quality of learning . It also can be seen from the lesson plan refers to the Education Unit Level Curriculum , syllabus and Regulation of the Minister of National Education . 41 in 2007 . The lesson plan that was created earlier . Based on observations using IPKG sheet 2 for 1 cycle of 2.97 with enough categories . Then an increase of 0.98 to 3.95 in the second cycle with either category . Physical activity increased by 43.33 % , which is obtained in the first cycle of 38.33 % and 81.66 % for the second cycle . Mental activity increased by 47.5 % , which is in the first cycle of 37.49 % , while in the second cycle of 84.99 % . Emotional activity increased by 49.17 % , which is in the first cycle of 34.16 % , while in the second cycle of 83.33 %
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