15 research outputs found

    Information Technology Challenges for the Long-term Preservation of Electronic Information

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    Information technology in combination with changes in organizational structures and forms for work has led to an increasing amount of information and also to totally new forms of information and records creation. Furthermore the e-government services, where the whole idea is to exchange information electronically, will speed up this development. A 10-year period is a long time when it comes to preserving electronic records. This is of course due to the rapid technological development, for example the problems with obsolete software and file formats. However, since archives are records of permanent and enduring value, it is essential that methods must be developed to ensure that digital records can be preserved for much longer time. Archival practice has for a long time been intertwined with information technology, dealing with the production, organization, storage, dissemination, and retrieval of records, using the technology at hand. This implies that the responsibility for research and development should lie upon researchers from both domains in collaboration. In this paper some problem domains of long-term preservation and how ongoing research matches these domains is presented. It seems clear that although much of the challenges associated with digital preservation is strategic, organizational, and structural and not only technical, the research concentrates at solving the technical issues

    Integrated information systems - a challenge for long-term digital preservation

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    Information technology has led to that much of the information that earlier was produced on pa-per is now being produced in electronic form. The e-government services, where the whole idea is to exchange information electronically, will radically redirect paperbound information towards electronically generated and managed information and documents. Earlier on long-term preserva-tion was all about paper-bound documents containing content, context and format as well as the legal issues concerning the document, such as signatures and stamps. Although paper-bound documents still are of frequent use, the degree of digital information rapidly increases. Digital information is often compiled from different databases, where content, context, format and signa-tures can be separated and put together differently. The challenges associated with digital preser-vation are strategic, organizational and structural as well as technological. The aim of this paper is to present some challenges associated with digital preservation

    Simulation Based Decision Processes for Territorial Security

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    peer reviewedPlanning for regional security and crisis management is identified as a multi layered system. Delays, however, have manifested themselves as a common property of such systems. This means that an action on one level will cause surprising impacts on the others, but first after some retardation. Fortunately, with help of anticipatory modelling and computer simulation it is possible to demonstrate the effects of those complex inter level interactions. As an example, it is found that longer delays tend to increase the instability of the system, with great fluctuations as a consequence. An anticipation factor, however, may help to counteract those fluctuations

    Utbildningsresurser för Teknikinformatörer

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    Föreliggande rapport nr 4.a behandlar utbildningsfrågor. Inledningsvis diskuteras utbildningsbehov och en önskvärd utbildning skissas. I avsnitt två redovisas en översiktlig inventering och värdering av befintliga TIutbildningar. Rapporten avslutas med en uppsättning förslag på hur utbildningsbehovet kan mötas på kort och lång sikt.TIC-projekte

    Simulacija skupinskega odločitvenega procesa in učenja

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    The idea of decision analysis-and subsequent learning from the outcomes-is old within Operational Research. Here this approach to continuous improvement of decision outcomes is put one step further within the area of crisis and disaster management. This is done by introducing multiactors making simultaneous decisions with just partial information about each other. Further, decision outcomes are achieved from a simulation model rather than from the real object system.Ideja analize skupinskega odločitvenega procesa in posledično identificiranega učenja ima bogato tradicijo v okviru področja operacijskih raziskav. V prispevku je izveden nov korak v smeri izboljšave rezultatov skupinskih odločitvenih procesov na področju upravljanja v kriznih situacijah. Uvedeno je okolje kjer sodeluje več udeležencev, ki istočasno sprejemajo odločitve na podlagi delnih informacij, ki jih medsebojno izmenjujejo. Člani odločitvene skupine za odločanje uporabljajo simulacijski model, kar ima številne prednosti v primerjavi z delovanjem v realnih sistemih

    Simulations of Highly Complex Social Systems as a Tool for Designing Information Systems

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    When designing information systems, it would be good to be able to compare alternatives. However, information systems are complex phenomena as they encompass the humans involved in distributing the information. One possible way of making comparisons would be through simulation. Having constructed a prototype for such a simulation we have seen that the traditional approaches, such as Cellular Automata, utilized within the social simulations field are usable but not sufficient. However, the newer agent-based approaches show more promise. We conclude that in order to make simulations of our kind possible, the new technologies, such as multi-agent systems, need be adapted and extended. One of the pieces missing is an agent-based infrastructure building on anticipatory principles for agent information behavior

    Simulacija skupinskega odločitvenega procesa in učenja

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    The idea of decision analysis – and subsequent learning from the outcomes – is old within Operational Research. Here this approach to continuous improvement of decision outcomes is put one step further within the area of crisis and disaster man­agement. This is done by introducing multiactors making simultaneous decisions with just partial information about each other. Further, decision outcomes are achieved from a simulation model rather than from the real object system.Ideja analize skupinskega odločitvenega procesa in posledično identificiranega učenja ima bogato tradicijo v okviru področja operacijskih raziskav. V prispevku je izveden nov korak v smeri izboljšave rezultatov skupinskih odločitvenih procesov na področju upravljanja v kriznih situacijah. Uvedeno je okolje kjer sodeluje več udeležencev, ki istočasno sprejemajo odločitve na podlagi delnih informacij, ki jih medsebojno izmenjujejo. Člani odločitvene skupine za odločanje uporabljajo simulacijski model, kar ima številne prednosti v primerjavi z delovanjem v realnih sistemih