135 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan dan Paritas Ibu dengan Perawatan Luka Perineum di Bidan Praktik Mandiri Ratna Wilis Palembang Tahun 2018

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    Perineal care procedure by postpartum mothers is very important in preventing infection. Perineal care procedure can be done by applying ice pack compress, applying topical medications such as antiseptic fluid and performing kegel’s exercise. Perineal wound care procedure can be conducted when bathing, after urination and after defacation. The purpose of this research was to find out the correlation between mothers’ knowledge and parity and perineal care procedure in Independent Midwifery Practice (BPM) Ratna Wilis Palembang in 2018.Design research used surveyanalitik method with cross sectionalapproach, the samples of this research were taken by using accidental sampling method as many as 32 postpartum mothers who were hospitalized or mothes who came for a visit during their puerperium period to Independen Midwifery Practice (BPM) Ratna Wilis Palembang in 2018. The research was conducted from November 2018 – January 2019. The data were analyzed by using chi-square test with significance level 95% and  (0,05).The results of chi-square test showed the value of mothers’ knowledge variable with (  and the value of mothers’ parity variable with (  which indicated that statistically was a correlation between mothers’ knowledge and parity with perineal care procedure in Independent Midwifery Practice (BPM) Ratna Wilis Palembang in 2018.Recommendedthat the health personnel in Independent Midwifery Parctice Ratna Wilis Palembang socialize about the perineal care procedure to increase mothers’ knowledge of importance of perineal care procedure

    Realidad virtual 3D como herramienta de comunicación multisensorial en productos pedagógicos

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    El diseño de información audiovisual multisensorial en 3D en la educación, propone una nueva estrategia de interacción Maestro-alumno en el proceso de Enseñanza- Aprendizaje. Este es el punto de partida del presente proyecto en la búsqueda de lineamientos y estrategias bien definidas sobre el diseño de Realidad Virtual 3D (RV- 3D), para ser aplicado a la creación de instrumentos pedagógicos. La utilización conjunta de la imagen, el sonido y el texto, puede lograr una comunicación multisensorial efectiva en las aulas, tomando en cuenta que los niños tienen diversas habilidades de recepción de un mensaje.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Heredabilidad de la composición corporal y prácticas maternas de alimentación infantil

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    Propósito y Método del Estudio: El objetivo general del presente estudio descriptivo correlacional fue identificar si existe asociación de la heredabilidad (h 2 ) del índice de masa corporal (IMC), porcentaje de grasa corporal (PGC), masa grasa (MG) y masa magra (MM) con las prácticas maternas de alimentación infantil (PMAI) en 154 diadas (madre-hijo) de instituciones preescolares del área metropolitana de Monterrey. Las madres contestaron el Cuestionario de Alimentación Infantil (CFQ) el cual consta de siete subescalas. Se midió talla, peso y composición corporal (PGC, MG y MM) de las madres e hijos por impedancia bioeléctrica con el equipo InBody 230. Resultados: En cuanto a las madres, la edad promedio fue de 30.10 años, escolaridad 10.10 años, el 68.80% estaban casadas, el 82.50% se dedicaba al hogar y el 59.70% tenía obesidad (OB). En cuanto a los hijos, la edad promedio del hijo fue de 4.53 años, el 12.30% presentó sobrepeso y el 16.90% OB. Se encontró una h 2 para IMC, PGC, MG y MM de .09, .10, .04 y .10, respectivamente. El instrumento CFQ mostró consistencia interna aceptable de .74. Al agruparse los puntajes del instrumento en cuartiles se encontró que todas las medias eran diferentes (p .10). Conclusión: Dado que la h 2 puede ser catalogada como alta, media y baja, las h 2 encontradas en esta población para IMC, PGC, MG y MM se consideran bajas. El método estadístico de dividir las PMAI en cuartiles fue exitoso pues a falta de puntos de corte, con este método se lograron diferenciar cuatro grupos. La falta de asociación de la h 2 de los indicadores con los grupos de las PMAI, nos indica que en las madres influyen más los factores no genéticos por lo que enfermería puede implementar programas de intervención orientadas a prevenir y tratar la OB por medio de los núcleos familiares

    Realidad virtual 3D como herramienta de comunicación multisensorial en productos pedagógicos

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    El diseño de información audiovisual multisensorial en 3D en la educación, propone una nueva estrategia de interacción Maestro-alumno en el proceso de Enseñanza- Aprendizaje. Este es el punto de partida del presente proyecto en la búsqueda de lineamientos y estrategias bien definidas sobre el diseño de Realidad Virtual 3D (RV- 3D), para ser aplicado a la creación de instrumentos pedagógicos. La utilización conjunta de la imagen, el sonido y el texto, puede lograr una comunicación multisensorial efectiva en las aulas, tomando en cuenta que los niños tienen diversas habilidades de recepción de un mensaje.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Cigarette Smoke as a Risk Factor for Delayed Fracture Healing: Role of Oxidative Stress Impairs Primary Cilia on Osteogenic Differentiation

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    Since 1976, several studies have demonstrated the correlation between cigarette smoking, reduced bone mass, and impaired fracture healing. Cigarette smoking can affect bone homeostasis directly through harmful effects in bone-forming and bone-resorbing cells or indirectly via disturbed hormonal and immune responses. Following orthopedic surgery, smokers frequently show an increased complication rate, which results in augmented health system costs. As a main risk factor for osteoporosis, the underlying mechanisms behind impaired bone remodeling in smokers remain unclear. The purpose of this dissertation was to link the delayed fracture healing observed in orthopedic patients who smoke with the effects of cigarette smoke–induced oxidative stress on primary cilia structure with regard to osteoprogenitor cells signaling and differentiation. Our study cohort confirmed cigarette consumption as a hazard for developing complications compared to malnutrition and daily alcohol consume. Interestingly, smokers were 5.4 years younger compared with non-smokers but with comparable levels of comorbidities. Additionally, the complication rate positively correlated with the number of cigarette packs consumed per years. Subsequently, smokers' hospitalizations were on average 3 days longer compared with non-smokers. Analysis of blood plasma levels of bone formation markers showed downregulation in smokers. However, bone resorption markers were not affected, and oxidative stress markers were upregulated in comparison with non-smokers. Thus, these results support the impaired fracture healing observed in orthopedic patients who smoke. Regarding the increased complications observed in smokers, blood plasma levels of immune modulator cytokines demonstrated an immunosuppressive status for smokers. Therefore, cigarette consumption negatively affects bone-forming cell function and inhibits the immune response in orthopedic patients. Consequently, investigating treatment strategies that stimulate bone-forming cell function, decrease oxidative stress, or boost the immune system are mandatory to improve the outcome of smoker orthopedic patients. We developed an in vitro system that represents the clinical condition observed in smokers to investigate the underlying mechanisms behind the deleterious effects of cigarette smoking on bone-forming cells. In addition to delayed MSC osteogenic differentiation, cigarette smoke exposure increased oxidative stress and affected the integrity of the cellular sensor (primary cilia). Interesting, we out results have shown that cigarette smoke exposure impairs MSC differentiation to bone forming cells was not associated with nicotine as well as its principal metabolite cotinine. As a protective approach, resveratrol prevented free radical production, decreased oxidative stress levels, preserved the primary cilia integrity, and improved osteogenic differentiation in response to cigarette smoke exposure. Accordingly, cigarette smoke–induced oxidative stress via impaired primary cilia structure negatively affected osteoprogenitor cell osteogenic differentiation and function. Moreover, we demonstrated that cigarette smoke–induced oxidative stress by an accumulation of superoxide radicals and reduced levels of intracellular glutathione. While nicotine and cotinine did not increase oxidative stress, these substances inhibited the function of antioxidative enzymes, contributing indirectly to the adverse outcome observed on MSCs by cigarette smoke exposure. Furthermore, treatment with N-acetylcysteine and L-ascorbate reversed the compromised osteogenic differentiation generated by cigarette smoke via upregulation of the cellular antioxidative system and free radical scavenging abilities. TGF-β is a crucial cytokine that promotes osteoprogenitor cell motility, growth, and suitable differentiation to the bone injury area. There were lower levels of TGF-β in smokers along with orthopedic patients with disturbed fracture repair. Additionally, our results demonstrated that the nuclear import of downstream TGF-β signaling activated effector complex was negatively affected by cigarette smoke, namely due to abrogated primary cilia. Furthermore, the abolition of primary cilia with CH and the protection of primary cilia structure with resveratrol supported the link between TGF-β signaling and primary cilia. Besides, cigarette smoke-blocking TGF-β signaling perturbed osteoprogenitor cell motility, growth, and chondrogenic differentiation. TGF-β treatment did not improve osteoprogenitor cell proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation due to the lack of functional TGF-β signaling. For the first time, we showed the detrimental effects of cigarette smoke–induced oxidative stress on the primary cilium structure and associated signaling pathways. Antioxidant treatment provided scavenging properties, activated the cellular antioxidative defense system, reduced oxidative stress levels, protected primary cilia structure, and reestablished TGF-β signaling. Consequently, osteoprogenitor cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation are improved. These results suggest that preserving the primary cilia structure may represent a therapeutic goal to support the reparative and remodeling phase of fracture healing in smokers

    Selecting The Most Optimum Sentinel-2A Based Vegetation Index to Estimate the Leaf Area Index of Three Rice Cultivars

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    The estimation of leaf area index (LAI) becomes important as LAI is one of the parameters in analyzing the crop growth model. Crop growth has different characteristics and it’s strongly influenced by environmental conditions and factors. The growth tends to occur in a short period and covers a large area. Therefore, an approach to analyzing the pattern of changes in crop growth based on LAI spatially is needed. Remote sensing offers an effective and efficient approach to monitoring crop growth characteristics, which can be done in a time series with a wide area coverage by detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of the crop. The most famous and commonly used parameters to estimate LAI are vegetation indices which are usually calculated based on the ratio of the red and NIR wavelength, known as a spectral signature. The objectives of the research are to examine the Spatio-temporal correlation between LAI of three rice cultivars Sentinel-2A based vegetation indices and to select the most optimum vegetation index in estimating LAI. The field experiment was set up comprising 81 plots, each had a size of 10m x 10 m to resemble a pixel of Sentinel-2A imagery. The results of the analysis show that the vegetation index has a strong correlation with LAI. The Comparison of the four calculated vegetation indices in estimating LAI was performed using a linear regression model and followed by comparing R-squared, RMSE, and Correctness. In general, the EVI2 vegetation index provides the most optimum representation in capturing crop growth patterns based on LAI compared to NDVI, ARVI and SAVI vegetation indices calculated from Sentinel-2A satellite imagery indicated by the better-validated model with the result of RMSE value are 1.12 on V1, 1.11 on V2 and 0.70 on V3. The result of EVI2 Correctness also showed the highest value compared to the other vegetation indices with values of more than 60%, 64.15% on V1, 65.51% on V2, and 78.69% on V3. Further analysis by separating two growth stages could overcome the bias that appears in the LAI data for one life of the crop cycle which is indicated by the decrease of RMSE value on each cultivar planted for both vegetative and generative phases, except for cultivar V3 for the generative phase. The separation of data into two growth stages also increase the percentage value of correctness reaching a number above 60% and there was a value that reached 87%.Pendugaan Indeks Luas Daun (LAI) menjadi penting karena LAI merupakan salah satu parameter dalam analisis model pertumbuhan tanaman. Pertumbuhan tanaman memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda dan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi dan faktor lingkungan. Pertumbuhan tersebut cenderung terjadi dalam waktu yang singkat dan mencakup wilayah yang cukup luas. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pendekatan untuk menganalisis pola perubahan pertumbuhan tanaman berbasis LAI secara spasial. Penginderaan jauh menawarkan pendekatan yang efektif dan efisien dalam memantau karakteristik pertumbuhan tanaman, yang dapat dilakukan secara time series dengan cakupan wilayah yang cukup luas dengan mendeteksi dan memantau karakteristik fisik tanaman. Parameter yang paling terkenal dan umum digunakan untuk memperkirakan LAI adalah indeks vegetasi yang biasanya dihitung berdasarkan rasio panjang gelombang merah dan NIR, yang dikenal sebagai spectral-signature. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan spasio-temporal antara LAI pada tiga varietas padi berdasarkan indeks vegetasi Sentinel-2A, dan memilih indeks vegetasi yang paling optimum dalam pendugaan LAI. Dilakukan proses sinkronisasi LAI untuk setiap plot dengan piksel nilai indeks vegetasi berbasis Sentinel-2A. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa indeks vegetasi memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan LAI. Perbandingan keempat indeks vegetasi yang dihitung dalam pendugaan LAI dilakukan dengan menggunakan model regresi linier dan dilanjutkan dengan membandingkan R-kuadrat, RMSE dan Correctness. Indeks vegetasi EVI2 memberikan representasi paling optimal dalam menangkap pola pertumbuhan tanaman berdasarkan LAI