210 research outputs found

    Review of \u3cem\u3eJapan\u27s Economic Dilemma: The Institutional Origins of Prosperity and Stagnation,\u3c/em\u3e New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 54.95hardcover, 54.95 hardcover, 19.95 papercover. Bai Gao. Reviewed by Christian Aspalter.

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    Book review of Bai Gao, Japan\u27s Economic Dilemma: The Institutional Origins of Prosperity and Stagnation, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 54.95hardcover,54.95 hardcover, 19.95 papercover

    Identifying variations of conservative social policy in North East Asia: the welfare state in Japan, South Korea and Mainland China

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    This study examines the nature and variations of welfare state systems in Northeast Asia, taking the examples of Japan, South Korea and Mainland China. While parting from the very popular and dominating classification of welfare states of Esping-Andersen this article proposes the existence of welfare state systems that are purely conservative in nature since conservative political parties and/or conservative social policies shaped welfare state development in this part of the world. The article focuses on the main common features and the existing variations of social policies . It finishes with a summary of most important features of conservative social policy in three case studies covered

    Estimating Industry-level Armington Elasticities For EMU Countries

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    In an open economy economic agents distribute their spending between domestic and various import goods and they may reconsider their choice whenever relative international prices change. Armington elasticities quantify these reallocations in demand for goods produced in different countries. Recent analytical frameworks allow to further differentiate between a macro elasticity of substitution between domestic and import goods and a micro elasticity between different import sources. Despite the relevance of Armington elasticities for evaluating trade policy there has been no systematic study on whether micro and macro elasticities significantly differ for highly integrated economies within a free trade area and whether there is a common pattern. Using highly disaggregated data, this paper estimates Armington elasticities for a panel of 15 EMU Member States. Empirical results indicate a significant difference between micro and macro elasticities for up to one half of the consistent product groups considered, implying preferences across EMU countries are not perfectly aligned with non-discriminatory tariffs. I conclude that both the absolute and relative macro elasticities are informative and that heterogeneous preference patterns link to current trade imbalances. (author's abstract)Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Serie

    WaSH safety plans and their application in rural growth centres in Uganda

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    Trinkwasserversorgung, BasissanitĂ€reinrichtungen und Hygiene haben einen direkten Einfluss auf die Gesundheit. Bei Interventionen im Bereich der Hygiene und SanitĂ€rversorgung ist der gesundheitsfördernde Effekt sogar noch höher. Trotz dieser Erkenntnis tendieren internationale Geberinstitutionen zur Förderung von Wasserversorgungsprojekten sowie generell zur Bereitstellung von Hardware. Software, wie z.B. Hygieneförderung, wird als Zusatz mitbehandelt. Bei nĂ€herer Betrachtung des F-Diagrammes, ein Diagramm das fĂ€kal-orale Übertragungswege von Krankheiten zeigt, ist erkennbar, dass BasissanitĂ€reinrichtungen sowie Hygienemaßnahmen PrimĂ€r- und SekundĂ€rbarrieren bilden, die diese Übertragungswege unterbrechen. Dieses Thema ist von außerordentlicher Brisanz in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Durchfallerkrankungen weltweit betrachtet die hĂ€ufigste Todesursache bei Kindern darstellen. Das Modell des Water Safety Plans, entwickelt von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), dient dem Zweck Verunreinigungen in der Trinkwasserversorgung unmittelbar und in jedem Schritt der Aufbereitung, von der Quelle bis zum Endverbraucher, entgegenzuwirken. Diese ausgeklĂŒgelten PlĂ€ne zum Risiko- und Gefahrenmanagement beschrĂ€nken sich jedoch auf Wasser ohne direkte Einbindung von SanitĂ€rversorgung und Hygiene. Durch den großen positiven Einfluss der beiden Komponenten auf die Gesundheit können so aber nur schwer langfristige gesundheitsbasierte Ziele erreicht werden. Diese Schwachstelle der Water Safety Plans veranlasst zur Idee den Ansatz zu adaptieren und auszubauen um ein Konzept zu entwickeln welches alle drei Komponenten beinhaltet, einen sogenannten WaSH – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Safety Plan. In Uganda wird mit einer dezentralen Struktur in der Trinkwasser- und SanitĂ€rversorgung gearbeitet. Durch sogenannte Water and Sanitation Development Facilities und Umbrella Organisationen wird die Versorgung von KleinstĂ€dten und lĂ€ndlichen Entwicklungszentren gewĂ€hrleistet. Diese Struktur zielt darauf ab lokale Gremien mit dem Management der Trinkwasser- und SanitĂ€rversorgung zu betrauen um somit die Dienstleistung regional zu halten. Meine Feldforschung im SĂŒdwesten Ugandas, bei der sechs sogenannte lĂ€ndliche Entwicklungszentren untersucht wurden zeigt, dass WaSH Safety Plans fĂŒr diese lĂ€ndlichen Gebiete angebracht und sinnvoll sind. Die Analyse legt die dortige Struktur der Trinkwasser-versorgung sowie die SanitĂ€rsituation nĂ€her dar, um darauf aufbauend mögliche Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten fĂŒr eine Implementierung herauszukristallisieren.Water supply, sanitation and hygiene are directly linked to health. The greatest impacts on public health are provided through actions that include improvements in sanitation and hygiene. Despite having this knowledge donors tend to provide water supply projects and generally support hardware. Software such as hygiene promotion is treated as an ‘add-on’. However, close examination of the F-Diagram, a diagram showing the faecal-oral transmission routes of diseases, makes it obvious that basic sanitation as well as hygiene act as primary and secondary barriers to interrupt transmission routes. This topic is of tremendous relevance regarding the fact that diarrhoeal diseases are globally the major cause of death amongst children. The model of Water Safety Plans, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) tends to prevent the water supply chain against contamination from catchment to consumer. This excellent risk and hazard management tool is limited to water supply, without taking sanitation and hygiene directly into account. Due to that fact and the great impact of sanitation and hygiene on health, health-based targets cannot be achieved in the long run. The reason for this is that disease transmission takes place due to insufficient sanitation or faecal contaminated hands or environment. This weak point of the water safety plan approach initiates the idea of adapting and extending the model with the components water and sanitation and thus creating a so-called WaSH – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Safety Plan. In Uganda a decentralized structure for water supply and sanitation is used. Water and Sanitation Development Facilities as well as Umbrella Organisations provide these services for small towns and rural growth centres. The aim of the structure is to manage water supply and sanitation on a regional level by water supply and sanitation boards. My field research in the south west of Uganda analyses six rural growth centres and shows that such WaSH Safety Plans are appropriate and reasonable for these rural centres. The analysis examines the structure for water supply as well as the sanitation situation and based on these results possible roles and responsibilities for an implementation of WaSH Safety Plans are developed

    Politische Partizipation und Medien

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    Innerhalb der Forschungsarbeit unter dem Titel: „Politische Partizipation und Medien. Zum SelbstverstĂ€ndnis des Projekts Demokratiewerkstatt“ stehen folgende drei Hauptfragestellungen im Vordergrund: 1) Welche Zielsetzungen verfolgt das Projekt Demokratiewerkstatt und welches VerstĂ€ndnis von politischer Partizipation lĂ€sst sich daraus ableiten? 2) Welche BegrĂŒndungen fĂŒr die Förderung von politischer Partizipation bei Kindern und Jugendlichen werden seitens des Projekts Demokratiewerkstatt angefĂŒhrt? 3) Wie wird das VerhĂ€ltnis von Medienkompetenz und politischer Partizipation in den Dokumenten der Demokratiewerkstatt dargestellt? Die Demokratiewerkstatt ist ein Projekt des österreichischen Parlaments, bei dem die Förderung von politischer Partizipation bei Kindern und Jugendlichen im Alter von acht bis 14 Jahren im Mittelpunkt steht. Mit der Methode der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring wurden Textdokumente, die eine Selbstdarstellung des Projekts Demokratiewerkstatt seitens der Parlamentsdirektion bzw. Parlamentsmitarbeiter/innen beinhalten, in Kategorien zusammengefasst, strukturiert und interpretiert. Auf der Grundlage der Erkenntnisse des theoretischen Teils, in dem eine differenzierte Auseinandersetzung mit dem PhĂ€nomen „Politikverdrossenheit“ stattfindet, der Begriff Partizipation aus politikwissenschaftlicher, philosophischer und pĂ€dagogischer Perspektive dargestellt und diskutiert wird, drei Legitimationen, demokratiepolitisch, menschenrechtspolitisch und die Forderung nach der „Erziehung zur MĂŒndigkeit“ fĂŒr die Förderung von politischer Partizipation angefĂŒhrt werden und auf das VerhĂ€ltnis von politischer Partizipation und Medien nĂ€her eingegangen wird, werden die Textdokumente analysiert und interpretiert. Die Inhaltsanalyse hat zusammenfassend zu folgenden Ergebnissen gefĂŒhrt: Die Ziele der Demokratiewerkstatt können in die vier Kategorien Wissen ĂŒber Politik und parlamentarische Strukturen und Prozesse, Förderung der Selbstartikulation/aktiven Beteiligung, AnknĂŒpfung an die reale Arbeit des Parlaments und Aufbau und Erweiterung von Medienkompetenz subsumiert werden. Ein vielschichtiges Bild ergibt sich bei der Frage nach dem zugrunde liegenden VerstĂ€ndnis von politischer Partizipation. Es lassen sich in den Dokumenten Elemente finden, die sowohl dem instrumentellen als auch dem normativen PartizipationsverstĂ€ndnis entsprechen. Damit wird ein Problem markiert, da in der Konzeption der Demokratiewerkstatt zwei diametral entgegengesetzte VerstĂ€ndnisse von politischer Partizipation vorherrschen. Des Weiteren wird die von Swiderek identifizierte Ambivalenz, Partizipation als Herrschaftsinstrument versus Partizipation als Chance zur Mitbestimmung, sichtbar. So stellt dieses Projekt weder eindeutig eine Chance fĂŒr die Entscheidungsbetroffenen dar, noch wird es von Seiten des Parlaments fĂŒr dessen Eigeninteressen instrumentalisiert. Bei der Frage nach den BegrĂŒndungen fĂŒr die Förderung von politischer Partizipation bei Kindern und Jugendlichen lĂ€sst sich zusammenfassend festhalten, dass in den Textdokumenten vorwiegend Legitimationen angefĂŒhrt werden, die demokratiepolitisch argumentierbar sind. Das bedeutet, dass Partizipation vorwiegend einer Stabilisierung des demokratischen Systems dienen soll und Kinder und Jugendliche an die Aufgaben als StaatsbĂŒrger/innen herangefĂŒhrt werden sollen. ZusĂ€tzlich lĂ€sst sich sagen, dass Partizipation als prinzipielles Recht der Kinder und Jugendlichen verstanden wird, welches ermöglicht werden soll. Bei der Beantwortung der dritten Forschungsfrage hat die Analyse ergeben, dass Medienkompetenz als wichtige Voraussetzung fĂŒr politische Partizipation erachtet wird. Medienkompetenz wird einerseits im Projekt als eines der vier Zieldefinitionen angegeben und andererseits wird es als Querschnittsthematik gehandelt, da die praktische Arbeit mit Medien einen wesentlichen Bestandteil in der Umsetzung der Workshops darstellt, aber auch die theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit den Themen Medien, Manipulation und Information nicht zu kurz kommt

    Focal Adhesion-Independent Cell Migration.

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    Cell migration is central to a multitude of physiological processes, including embryonic development, immune surveillance, and wound healing, and deregulated migration is key to cancer dissemination. Decades of investigations have uncovered many of the molecular and physical mechanisms underlying cell migration. Together with protrusion extension and cell body retraction, adhesion to the substrate via specific focal adhesion points has long been considered an essential step in cell migration. Although this is true for cells moving on two-dimensional substrates, recent studies have demonstrated that focal adhesions are not required for cells moving in three dimensions, in which confinement is sufficient to maintain a cell in contact with its substrate. Here, we review the investigations that have led to challenging the requirement of specific adhesions for migration, discuss the physical mechanisms proposed for cell body translocation during focal adhesion-independent migration, and highlight the remaining open questions for the future

    cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) regulates angiogenesis by modulating tip cell behavior in a Notch-independent manner

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    cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) is a ubiquitously expressed serine/threonine kinase that regulates a variety of cellular functions. Here, we demonstrate that endothelial PKA activity is essential for vascular development, specifically regulating the transition from sprouting to stabilization of nascent vessels. Inhibition of endothelial PKA by endothelial cell-specific expression of dominant-negative PKA in mice led to perturbed vascular development, hemorrhage and embryonic lethality at mid-gestation. During perinatal retinal angiogenesis, inhibition of PKA resulted in hypersprouting as a result of increased numbers of tip cells. In zebrafish, cell autonomous PKA inhibition also increased and sustained endothelial cell motility, driving cells to become tip cells. Although these effects of PKA inhibition were highly reminiscent of Notch inhibition effects, our data demonstrate that PKA and Notch independently regulate tip and stalk cell formation and behavior

    Socioeconomic inequalities in the quality of life of older Europeans in different welfare regimes

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    Background: Whether socioeconomic inequalities in health and well-being persist into old age and are narrower in more generous welfare states is debated. We investigated the magnitude of socioeconomic inequality in the quality of life of Europeans in early old age and the influence of the welfare regime type on these relationships.<p></p> Methods: Data from individuals aged 50–75 years (n = 16 074) residing in 13 European countries were derived from Waves 2 and 3 of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. Slope indices of inequality (SIIs) were calculated for the association between socioeconomic position and CASP-12, a measure of positive quality of life. Multilevel linear regression was used to assess the overall relationship between socioeconomic position and quality of life, using interaction terms to investigate the influence of the type of welfare regime (Southern, Scandinavian, Post-communist or Bismarckian).<p></p> Results: Socioeconomic inequalities in quality of life were narrowest in the Scandinavian and Bismarckian regimes, and were largest by measures of current wealth. Compared with the Scandinavian welfare regime, where narrow inequalities in quality of life by education level were found in both men (SII = 0.02, 95% CI: −1.09 to 1.13) and women (SII = 1.11, 95% CI: 0.05–2.17), the difference in quality of life between the least and most educated was particularly wide in Southern and Post-communist regimes.<p></p> Conclusion: Individuals in more generous welfare regimes experienced higher levels of quality of life, as well as narrower socioeconomic inequalities in quality of life.<p></p&gt

    The endothelial transcription factor ERG promotes vascular stability and growth through Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling.

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    Blood vessel stability is essential for embryonic development; in the adult, many diseases are associated with loss of vascular integrity. The ETS transcription factor ERG drives expression of VE-cadherin and controls junctional integrity. We show that constitutive endothelial deletion of ERG (Erg(cEC-KO)) in mice causes embryonic lethality with vascular defects. Inducible endothelial deletion of ERG (Erg(iEC-KO)) results in defective physiological and pathological angiogenesis in the postnatal retina and tumors, with decreased vascular stability. ERG controls the Wnt/ÎČ-catenin pathway by promoting ÎČ-catenin stability, through signals mediated by VE-cadherin and the Wnt receptor Frizzled-4. Wnt signaling is decreased in ERG-deficient endothelial cells; activation of Wnt signaling with lithium chloride, which stabilizes ÎČ-catenin levels, corrects vascular defects in Erg(cEC-KO) embryos. Finally, overexpression of ERG in vivo reduces permeability and increases stability of VEGF-induced blood vessels. These data demonstrate that ERG is an essential regulator of angiogenesis and vascular stability through Wnt signaling.This work was funded by grants from the British Heart Foundation (PG/09/096 and RG/11/17/29256). A.V.S. is a recipient of a National Lung and Heart Institute Foundation Studentship. I.M.A. is a recipient of a DOC-fFORTE fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the London Research Institute.This paper was published by Cell Press in Developmental Cell (GM Birdsey, AV Shah, N Dufton, LE Reynolds, LO Almagro, Y Yang, IM Aspalter, ST Khan, JC Mason, E Dejana, B Göttgens, K Hodivala-Dilke, Gerhardt, RH Adams, AM Randi, Developmental Cell 2015, 32, 82-96

    A Cross-Country Comparison of Child Welfare Systems and Workers' Responses to Children Appearing to be at Risk or in Need of Help

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    This paper compares how frontline staff in four national child welfare systems and policy contexts – Finland, Norway, England and the USA (specifically, California) – respond to questions about a scenario of possible harm to children. The countries have different child welfare systems that we anticipated would be reflected in the workers' responses (n = 1027). The analysis shows differences and similarities between the systems, although often not in line with system expectations. There is also variation within the country samples. The study shows the complex interactions of individual and agency characteristics in addition to the role of proceduralised decision-making systems and professional discretion
