2,002 research outputs found

    Limited proficiency English teachersā€™ language use in science classrooms

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    The English for Teaching Mathematics and Science (ETeMS) policy was reversed in 2012 citing the reason that about 40% of the teachers were still using Malay in the ETeMS classroom hence, affecting the successful implementation of ETeMS. The quality of English used by the 60% and the other 40% especially in the rural areas motivates this study. Data for this investigation was obtained from three English teachers who have limited proficiency. These limited English proficiency (LEP) teachers teach science through English in a rural primary school in Malaysia. Transcripts of nine lessons, classroom observations and teacher interviews were gathered. The findings reveal that the English language used by the LEP teachers was simple and frequently riddled with errors which resulted in distortion of content taught. Errors were linked to negative transfers from Bahasa Melayu, teachersā€™ interlanguage, unsuccessful guesswork and memorizing words without full understanding of meaning. The LEP teachers therefore, made poor models for their students. The researcher concludes that even if the LEP teachers had striven to teach completely in English, the policy may have been seen to be implemented, but the quality of classroom discourse and content taught would have been problematic

    The relationship between dating, love and social anxiety problems among the secondary school students

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    The aim of this study is to identify the emergence of dating phenomenon, love affair and their relationship with social anxiety amongst the students in secondary schools. Two hundred and forty students were chosen from eight different schools in Johor Bahru district for this study. The cluster on cluster sampling technique was applied and questionnaires on dating, love affair, sex and social anxiety for adolescents were used in this study. The alpha croncbach for both items are 0.7207 and 0.9690 accordingly. The results from the study have shown that the students perceptions towards love affair and social anxiety problem are at moderate levels while the most dominant love style among the students is ā€˜pragmatic love styleā€™. There are significant differences between students who involve in dating in relation to races and standard of living, sex in relation to gender and love affair in relation to races. On the other hand, there are no significant differences among the other factors being studied such as sex and social anxiety in relation to races and in between love affair, dating, sex and social anxiety in relation to the location of their hometown

    Struktur Bahasa Melayu Dialek Panai(1999)

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    KONSELING KELOMPOK DENGAN TEKNIK RESTRUKTURISASI KOGNITIF DALAM MEREDUKSI STRES AKADEMIK MAHASISWA : Penelitian Eksperimen Kuasi terhadap Mahasiswa Semester 2 Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Medan Tahun Akademik 2013/2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji efektivitas konseling kelompok dengan teknik restrukturisasi kognitif dalam mereduksi stres akademik mahasiswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode penelitianquasi eksperimentdengan desain penelitian nonequivalent pre test-posttest control group design (pre test-posttest dua kelompok). Penelitian dilakukan di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Medan dengan mengambil subjek penelitian yakni mahasiswa semester 2 jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling yang ditentukan secararandom menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah Skala Stres Akademik Mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara empirik, intervensi konseling kelompok dengan teknik restrukturisasi kognitif teruji efektif dalam mereduksi stres akademik mahasiswa


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    Being one of the developing countries in Asia, squatters and housing are among the main subject of government focus in each development programmme in Malaysia. This article focuses on the issue of squatters and housing and seeks to present on how the Malaysian government has work towards providing a quality life and affordable housing to its citizens. Nonetheless, undoubtedly Malaysia is facing a crisis of urban squatters which has become a challenge for the local authorities as well as the federal government. Discussion on this topic will relate to the application of relevant laws and regulations that affect the responsibilities of local authorities, planning authorities and other related government agencies.squatters, urban areas, housing.

    The Effect of Combination of Oleander Leaf Extract (Nerium oleander L.) With Neem Leaf (Azadiracta indica A. Juss) on Mortality Golden Snail (Pomaceae canaliculata L.)

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    The golden snail is a pest that causes crop failure in rice plants. Farmers control the golden snail by using pesticides, which can have a negative impact on the environment, so another alternative is needed that can control the golden snail, namely vegetable pesticides. This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of oleander leaf extract and neem leaves on the mortality of Keong Mas. The method used in this research is the experimental method with a factorial completely randomised design (CRD). The study consisted of 2 factors, namely factor N (Oleander leaf) and factor A (Azadiracta indica leaf), each of which had 4 levels, so there were 16 treatment combinations and 3 replications. There were 480 golden snails in the study. After 12 hours of observation, the N3A3 treatment tested by ANOVA showed significantly different results (fcount > ftable = 66.00 > 2.01) and caused 30 test animals to die with a mortality rate of 77%. Ā The conclusion from this study is that the combination of oleander leaf extract with neem leaves greatly influences the mortality of the golden snai


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    Bangunan yang ramah lingkungan saat ini menjadi isu yang sangat penting mengingat pembangunan di Indonesia yang semakin pesat dan kebutuhan akan energi yang terus meningkat. Berdasarkan pengamatan lapangan tahun 2015 pada bangunan Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa Prototype-24, bangunan tersebut tidak direncanakan dengan konsep gedung yang ramah lingkungan, akan tetapi ada sebagian sarana yang termasuk dalam kriteria bangunan ramah lingkungan atau disebut dengan green building. Permasalahan yang timbul dari latar belakang diatas adalah sejauh mana dari berbagai aspek yang di kaji penerapan green building pada Rusunawa sesuai yang ada dalam Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Republik Indonesia Nomor 02/PRT/2015, tentang bangunan gedung hijau yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan terselenggaranya bangunan gedung hijau yang berkelanjutan dengan memenuhi persyaratan bangunan gedung hijau, baik persyaratan administratif maupun persyaratan teknis. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini untuk mengetahui besaran persentase kriteria green building berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari observasi. Ruang lingkup yang ditinjau adalah seluruh Bangunan Rusunawa dengan luas 1152 m2 bangunan ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) lantai yang berlokasi di Jln. Inong Balee Darusalam-Banda Aceh. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa dokumen kontrak dan data primer yang didapatkan dari hasil observasi kriteria green building dengan skala Guttman. Metode pengolahan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan proses pengaplikasian green building menggunakan metode bagan alir. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan besaran persentase yang sesuai dengan kriteria green building sebesar 63% dan yang tidak sesuai dengan green building sebesar 37%. Sedangkan persentase masing-masing kriteria peringkat tinggi berada pada kriteria penggunaan material ramah lingkungan dan kriteria pengelolaan air limbah 100%. Sementara kualitas udara dalam ruang dan pengelolaan sampah sebesar 33%. Proses pengaplikasian kriteria yang sudah tersistem yaitu orientasi bangunan, jalur pejalan kaki, pencahayaan luar bangunan, selubung bangunan, ventilasi, pencahayaan alami, sumber air, saniter hemat air, pengelolaan sampah, pengendalian material berbahaya, material lokal, fasilitas pengelolaan limbah dan daur ulang limbah cair. Kata kunci : Green Building, Rusunaw

    The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Models on Studentsā€™ Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Outcomes in Science Subjects at MTs Miftahul Muin

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    This study aims to find out the effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model on studentsā€™ critical thinking skills and learning outcomes on the concept of system of force and motion for class VIII MTs Miftahul Muin.Ā This research is a Quasi Experimental research, with Pretest-Posttest Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. cluster random sampling technique involving two groups: one experimental group that received learning treatment using guided inquiry learning models and one control group treatment using conventional learning models.Ā The research data were obtained through multiple-choice tests to measure studentsā€™ learning outcomes and essay tests to measure students' critical thinking skills. To analyze the data, the non-parametric inferential statistics were used. Measurements include a prerequisite analysis test and hypothesis testing. The prerequisite test analysis consists of normality and homogeneity tests. Hypothesis testing used ANCOVA with SPSS 20.0 for windows at a significance level of 0.05. The results of data analysis obtained that the corrected experimental class average value for learning outcomes was 37.12 and critical thinking skills was 35.69, while the corrected average value of the control class learning outcomes was 15.20 and critical thinking skills were 16, 63 with a significant level Ī± 0.05, that is, where the deficiency has p (0.000) 0.05. The results showed a significant effect of the guided inquiry model on critical thinking skills and learning outcomes of class VIII students of MTs Miftahul Mui

    Impact of Explanation on Sense of Control and Perceived Power Relationship Towards Online Advisory System

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    Online advisory services have become ubiquitous and are of the essence of life in todayā€™s living. Many government agencies these days are offering such services as a means to provide a hassle free assistance to the public in fulfilling their information and service needs. This project assesses the impact of providing online advisory services, in particular those with explanation feature, to the public. Building on insights from practice and literature, the project utilizes a survey to empirically examine the key role of explanation feature provided in online advisory tools. Three online advisory tools being examined are the e-Filing, e-Quit Rent and e-Assessment; all provide services related to tax assessment. 100 respondents involved in this small scale project; their opinions are gathered by means of questionnaire which is developed from four major constructs namely information process satisfaction, information process transparency, sense of control and perceived power relationship. The analysis phase involved the use of SPSS version 19.0 that supports various data analysis techniques including descriptive statistics, cross tabulation and correlation. The findings reveal fore-Filing shows sense of control lead to greater satisfaction among public. Whilee-Quit Rentande-Assessment is the perceived power relationship is better for the satisfaction of information. For transparency in the process of e-filing information ande-Quit Rent, a sense of control is better than the perceived power relationship in steadofe-Assessment. It can be concluded from this project that the explanation in online advisory tools gives the public a better sense of control over their assessment outcome. It also gives the public a better perceived power relationship with the government agency to which they are beholden


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    One of the educational institutions that cannot be ignored is Islamic religious education ormadrasas. Madrasas are one of the nationā€™s assets in developing human resources. Under the auspicesof the Ministry of Religion, ā€œmadrasasā€ have made a long history of ups and downs and contributionsto the progress of the state and nation. This study describes the role of Islamic education institutions(madrasas) in social change, which was carried out in several madrasas in the Bekasi Regency. Thisresearch is a library research with an educational and sociological approach. The results of the studyexplain that madrasas have several roles, including 1) Educational Roles. In this case, the madrasaas an Islamic educational institution is a place for transmitting knowledge, expertise, and behavior inaccordance with Islamic values and teachings so that madrasas can produce generations who havebroad insights not only in the Islamic sciences but also in general science. have faith and fear of AllahAlmighty and have noble character as a generation that can become the heir to the Prophet and theheir to the nation and state; 2). The Role of Brotherhood and Atonement. Through madrasas whereevery student can gain knowledge without distinction of class, race, ethnicity, and nation, and areonly bound by bonds of faith, madrasas can become social glue and the foremost fortress for effortsto create harmony between the people and the nation; 3) Madrasas act as social control. Religiousteachings by their adherents are considered as norms, so in this case, religion can function as socialcontrol individually or in groups. Likewise, madrasas can carry out their role as social control in themidst of this almost uncontrollable social change. 4). Madrasas can also play a role as a means oftransforming society. 5). Madrasas as filters and bulwarks of the negative impacts of social change
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