331 research outputs found

    Eco-friendly Wastewater Treatment Technology in Tidal Area

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    Access to public sanitation in the tidal area in Indonesia is limited. The people in the tidal area tend to dispose of their domestic wastewater to the water body directly without treating it first. The lack of wastewater infrastructure provision in the tidal area could cause water body pollution that degrades its carrying capacity and destructs aquatic ecosystems. Eco-friendly technology could be used to treat the wastewater in the tidal area as the solution to improve water quality. In this research, the eco-friendly wastewater treatment technology was chosen to observe the effluent quality of individual scale biofilter-phytoremediation. Performance test of wastewater treatment technology was done by measuring the effluent quality. The effluent quality of the biofilter-phytoremediation system was compared to the effluent quality standard that stated in Ministry Regulation of Environment and Forestry No. P.68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016. The study showed the following results such as the average concentration of TSS was 7,63 mg/L, pH 6,70, ammonia was 1,78 mg/L, COD was 18,16 mg/L, and BOD was 9,38 mg/L. These results indicated that in general, the effluent quality of biofilter-phytoremediation system had met the above standard


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    Platinum Surabaya Hotel is located on Jl Tunjungan No 21, Surabaya, East Java. This building has 19 floors with a basement with a total height of 71.3 m. This building has an irregular shape. In planning this building, a dual system earthquake barrier is used, namely the Special Moment Resisting Frame System (SRPMK) and the Shear Wall. In the planning of this building, there are 4 shear walls with BE installed on the 5 lower floors to maximize the ability of the structure which is included in the non-regular category to withstand the forces that occur due to the earthquake. This structural planning uses spectrum response analysis which refers to current regulations, namely SNI 2847-2019 concerning structural concrete requirements, SNI 1726-2019 concerning procedures for earthquake resistance planning, and SNI 1727-2020 concerning minimum design loads and related criteria for buildings. In the calculation process, the staadpro and Excel applications are used. The results show that the maximum inter-floor deviation in the x and y directions is 29.145 mm and 62.585 mm respectively. The safe limit for deviation between floors is 91.25 mm. As for the calculation of the main structural elements, it was found that the dimensions of the plate were 12 cm thick and two-way reinforcement, the dimensions of the main main beam were 400/700 mm, and the dimensions of the first child beam (BA1) were 200/400 mm, the dimensions of the second child beam (BA2) were 200/350 and dimensions of beam 3 (BA3) 250/450. The dimensions of the main column are 600/600 mm. The thickness of the shear wall is 30 cm

    The investigation of knowledge leadership in innovation performance of companies

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    Knowledge leadership is essential for organizations focused on intensive technology in order to improvement of innovation performance through the effective development and implementation of performance of knowledge management. Knowledge leadership as a driving force for knowledge management measures that are indirectly linked with innovation performance. In fact, the more leadership is broader, more developed knowledge management practices, which in turn affects the performance of innovation. According to to the increasing demand for knowledge and activities to integrate knowledge, innovation can promote exchange and interaction between people, thus leading to joint activities of knowledge management and innovation performance

    A cost benefit analysis of retrofitting public policies on Atlanta residential housing

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    The residential building sector has a major share in carbon emission and energy consumption. In the US, around 60% of the housing stock belongs to the owner-occupied sector. Since more than half of the existing building stock was built before the modern energy efficiency standards are taken place, there is a potential to reduce the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in this sector, only by retrofitting the existing buildings. However, this goal cannot be achieved without a larger scale Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) to develop and demonstrate market ready retrofit solutions/policies from both the government and the homeowner’s standings. To this extend, the aim of the presented paper is to conduct a city-level CBA on the city of Atlanta which ranked 5th in producing GHG emissions among 100 US metropolitan areas while residential buildings sector is ranked 4th among other contributing sectors. To this end, a hypothetical public policy of retrofitting single-family residential buildings built before 1970s is proposed with the objective of reducing the regional energy consumption rate while calculating the upper bound of the tax to be proposed on the properties rejecting to renovate. The preliminary results of this CBA revealed that although retrofitting all the prior 1970s buildings won’t be beneficial comparing to the status quo, the numbers are highly sensitive to the proposed discount rate as well as the percentage of the homeowners practically decide to retrofit. The sensitivity analysis showed that if only 30-40% of participants decided not to renovate and pay the tax, the CBA could be a positive Net Present Value (NPV) with a relatively low tax rate (less than $0.5/sqft) implementation. Therefore, it is recommended to more accurately study the reaction of the homeowners to the policy before implementing the tax/subsidy rates while precisely observe the fluctuations of the market discount rate

    The global versus the national, shared versus cosmopolitan memory: The case of co-produced television documentaries.

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    This thesis is an inquiry into the impact of recent trends towards globalization and commercialization on the ways in which national identity and 'shared memory' find expression in the media. Concentrating on the economics of television documentary production, I ask how commercialization and globalization give rise to 'new' representations of shared memory, and examine the extent to which they impinge on the types of narratives that had previously been associated with 'Old TV'. These questions are explored in the context of one particular mode of television production, international co-productions. Here I find the global and the national interacting with one another in a significant and complex manner. International co-productions provide a kind of focusing lens for the study of the impact of globalization and commercialization on the representation of national identity and shared memory. The analysis proceeds through a detailed case study of a specific television documentary, The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (1998) co-produced by three television networks, BBC2, PBS (WGBH Boston) and MBC (Abu-Dhabi/London). Making this programme was only possible after funding from separate sources had been secured, with the quid pro quo of each funding source being given the right to use the produced footage to construct its own version of the final product. The completed series thus exists in three distinct national/cultural versions, where each version offers a different reading of the historical events depicted. The present study considers the processes that led to this co-production, examines the actual course of production, and analyses the similarities and differences among the three resulting national/cultural products. Findings reveal basic and inherent tensions, between economic constraints and cultural forces, between the national and the global, and between 'shared' and 'cosmopolitan' memory. The study thus offers lessons extending beyond any single case, onto the broader vista of the three-sided interplay of mass media, shared memory and national identity in an age of globalization

    Shallow water sponges that associated to mangrove ecosystem at Labuhan conservation area in Sepulu, Bangkalan, Madura, East Java Province

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    Sponges (Porifera) are benthic sessile animals that have an important role in coastal ecosystems. Mangrove habitat is an example of a coastal ecosystem that can be inhabited by sponges. Research diversity on shallow water sponges in mangrove areas in Indonesia or even large scale such as the Indo-Pacific area are still relatively underestimated because of an extreme difference tidal factors. For this reason, we aimed to research a diversity of shallow water sponges in mangrove Indonesia, especially in  East Java Province to enrich and inform additional data on its biodiversity. Research on shallow water sponges in mangrove was conducted from June 2017 to January 2018 at two stations located on the coast of Labuhan Village, Sepulu District, Bangkalan Regency, Madura - East Java. Mangrove areas are consisted of Sonneratiaarea in the west (B) and Rhizophoramangroves in the east (R). There were six sponge genera identified, namely Spongia, Dysisdea, Lendelfedia, Dactylospongia, Cynachyrellaand one unidentified genus. Sonneratiamangrove was inhabited by of five genera sponges, whereas Rhizoporamangrove was inhabited only by one genus

    Valuation of flexible leases for corporate tenants facing uncertainty in their required work space

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    A valuation approach is presented to price flexible leases with expansion, contraction, and/or cancelation options from the corporate tenant perspective. This model uses the real option valuation approach and determines the flexibility value or the option premium of a lease. This premium is the maximum amount of money that the tenant is willing to invest in incorporating a specific flexible feature in the leasing arrangement. Our model considers uncertainty in the rental market, as well as uncertainty about the firm's required workspace in an integrated valuation framework. Santruka Pristatomas vertinimo metodas, kaip iĆĄ komercinio nuomininko perspektyvos ikainoti lanksčiaja nuoma su galimybe didinti arba maĆŸinti plota ir (arba) atsisakyti nuomos. Ć iame modelyje, taikant realiu pasirinkimo sandoriu vertinimo metoda, nustatoma nuomos lankstumo verte arba priemoka uĆŸ galimybe rinktis. Ć i priemoka ‐ tai maksimali pinigu suma, kuria nuomininkas pasiruoĆĄes investuoti, idant i nuomos susitarima galetu itraukti konkretu punkta del lankstumo. MĆ«su modelyje i nuomos rinkos netikruma ir i netikruma del imonei reikiamo darbo ploto atsiĆŸvelgiama taikant kompleksine vertinimo sistema. First Published Online: 18 Oct 201


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    Mikroplastik adalah partikel plastik yang berukuran kurang dari 5 mm. Penelitian mikroplastik sudah banyak dilakukan sebelumnya dan hampir semua ditemukan mikroplastik pada ekosistem laut termasuk pada ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan mikroplastik berdasarkan bentuk, jenis, pada saluran pencernaan ikan. Sampel ikan terdiri dari ikan Bandeng (Chanos sp.), Baronang (Siganus sp.), Layang (Decapterus sp.) dan Tongkol (Euthynnus sp.) yang diperoleh dari pelelangan Ikan samarinda. Sampel diambil sebanyak 5 ekor per jenis. Setiap ikan dibedah dan diambil ususnya untuk analisis mikroplastik. Setiap usus ikan diekstraksi menggunakan larutan kalium hidroksida (KOH) 10% untuk menghancurkan bahan organik. Hasil ekstraksi diamati dibawah mikroskop dengan perbesaran 40× untuk melihat jenis, keberadaan mikroplastik. Ikan yang paling banyak mengandung mikroplastik adalah Siganus sp sebanyak 3-9 partikel/ekor, Chanos sp sebanyak 3-7 partikel/ekor kemudian pada Euthynnus sp ditemukan sebanyak 2-8 partikel/ekor dan pada Decapterus sp. sebanyak 2-4 partikel/ekor. Kelimpahan mikroplastik pada ikan demersal cenderung lebih tinggi daripada ikan pelagi


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    Dalam penulisan tugas akhir / skripsi ini, peneliti hendak meneliti tentang “Analisis Pelestarian Dan Ketahanan Budaya Situs Cagar Budaya Watu Dukun Desa Pagerukir Kecamatan Sampung Kabupaten Ponorogo”. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana penerapan fungsi pelestarian situs cagar budaya dan ketahanan budaya yang ada. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, dalam penelitian pengambilan informan dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dan teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Langkah formiil yang dilakukan Dinas Kebudayaan dalam pelestarian situs cagar budaya Watu Dukun Pagerukir adalah dengan menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsi yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Bupati Nomor 63 Tahun 2008 tentang Uraian Tugas dan Fungsi Dinas Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olah Raga. Adapun langkah lain yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata adalah sosialisasi Undang- Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 Tentang Cagar Budaya, membuat papan penunjuk arah kelokasi situs cagar budaya, dan memberikan pemahaman kepada juru pelihara situs. Ketahanan budaya ternyata banyak yang belum paham dan mengerti akan konsep tersebut, sehingga masih perlu untuk dikaji ulang. Dinas Kebudayaan dalam melestarikan situs cagar budaya guna mewujudkan ketahanan budaya mengalami kendala antara lain : angggaran yang minim, kurangnya pemahaman konsep ketahanan budaya, rasa memiliki situs caga budaya, dan SDM kearkeologian. Kata Kunci : Pelestarian, Situs Cagar Budaya, Ketahanan Buday
