446 research outputs found

    Black holes in extended gravity theories in Palatini formalism

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    We consider several physical scenarios where black holes within classical gravity theories including R2R^2 and Ricci-squared corrections and formulated \`a la Palatini can be analytically studied.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to the "Spanish Relativity Meeting in Portugal 2012 (Progress in Mathematical Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology)", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics (to appear

    Design of a case management model for people with chronic disease (Heart Failure and COPD). Phase I: modeling and identification of the main components of the intervention through their actors: patients and professionals (DELTA-ICE-PRO Study

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    Background Chronic diseases account for nearly 60% of deaths around the world. The extent of this silent epidemic has not met determined responses in governments, policies or professionals in order to transform old Health Care Systems, configured for acute diseases. There is a large list of research about alternative models for people with chronic conditions, many of them with an advanced practice nurse as a key provider, as case management. But some methodological concerns raise, above all, the design of the intervention (intensity, frequency, components, etc). Methods/Design Objectives: General: To develop the first and second phases (theorization and modeling) for designing a multifaceted case-management intervention in people with chronic conditions (COPD and heart failure) and their caregivers. Specific aims: 1) To identify key events in people living with chronic disease and their relation with the Health Care System, from their point of view. 2) To know the coping mechanisms developed by patients and their caregivers along the story with the disease. 3) To know the information processing and its utilization in their interactions with health care providers. 4) To detect potential unmet needs and the ways deployed by patients and their caregivers to resolve them. 5) To obtain a description from patients and caregivers, about their itineraries along the Health Care System, in terms of continuity, accessibility and comprehensiveness of care. 6) To build up a list of promising case-management interventions in patients with Heart Failure and COPD with this information in order to frame it into theoretical models for its reproducibility and conceptualization. 7) To undergo this list to expert judgment to assess its feasibility and pertinence in the Andalusian Health Care. Design: Qualitative research with two phases: For the first five objectives, a qualitative technique with biographic stories will be developed and, for the remaining objectives, an expert consensus through Delphi technique, on the possible interventions yielded from the first phase. The study will be developed in the provinces of Almería, Málaga and Granada in the Southern Spain, from patients included in the Andalusian Health Care Service database with the diagnosis of COPD or Heart Failure, with the collaboration of case manager nurses and general practitioners for the assessment of their suitability to inclusion criteria. Patients and caregivers will be interviewed in their homes or their Health Centers, with their family or their case manager nurse as mediator. Discussion First of a series of studies intended to design a case-management service for people with heart failure and COPD, in the Andalusian Health Care System, where case management has been implemented since 2002. Accordingly with the steps of a theoretical model for complex interventions, in this study, theorization and intervention modeling phases will be developed.This research was carried out with the support of one research grant, awarded by the Regional Health Ministry of Andalusia (Exp. 0222/2008

    Análisis de la conclusión anticipada del proceso a propósito de la confesión sincera o juicio de conformidad

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    La Tesis que hemos denominado “Análisis de la Conclusión anticipada del proceso a propósito de la confesión sincera o juicio de conformidad” se orienta a determinar cómo se manifiesta la aplicación de la figura jurídica de la Conclusión anticipada del proceso a nivel del Distrito Judicial de La Libertad, en el marco de la regulación del proceso penal peruano. La Conclusión anticipada constituye un mecanismo legítimo de simplificación procesal con el objeto de aliviar la sobrecarga procesal de los tribunales nacionales, así como ofrecer a los justiciables un mecanismo expeditivo en la administración de las causas en el sistema judicial. En este sentido, la formulación de nuestro Problema fue el siguiente: ¿DE QUÉ MANERA SE MANIFIESTA LA APLICACIÓN DE LA CONCLUSIÓN ANTICIPADA DEL PROCESO A NIVEL DEL DISTRITO JUDICIAL DE LA LIBERTAD, EN EL MARCO DEL PROCESO PENAL PERUANO?, frente a lo cual nos planteamos los siguientes objetivos principales: Conocer los aspectos generales del proceso penal y las motivaciones jurídicas de la reforma en el ordenamiento procesal en nuestro país; Analizar los fundamentos y principales características de la Conclusión anticipada en el marco del Nuevo Código Procesal Penal; Conocer, mediante entrevistas o sondeos de opinión, la posición de una muestra específica de Jueces y Fiscales en torno a la aplicación de la Conclusión anticipada en el distrito judicial de La Libertad.The thesis that we have called ""Analysis of the anticipated conclusion of the process regarding sincere confession or conformity assessment"" is aimed at determining how the application of the legal figure of the anticipated conclusion of the process at the level of the Judicial District of La Libertad , Within the framework of the regulation of the Peruvian criminal process. The Anticipated Conclusion is a legitimate mechanism of procedural simplification in order to alleviate the procedural overload of national courts, as well as to provide individuals with an expeditious mechanism for the administration of cases in the judicial system. In this sense, the formulation of our problem was as follows: HOW DOES THE APPLICATION OF THE ANTICIPATED CONCLUSION OF THE PROCESS AT THE LEVEL OF LA LIBERTAD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE PERUVIAN PENAL PROCESS? The following main objectives: To know the general aspects of the criminal process and the legal motivations of the reform in the procedural order in our country; Analyze the foundations and main characteristics of the Anticipated Conclusion in the framework of the New Code of Criminal Procedure; To know, through interviews or opinion polls, the position of a specific sample of Judges and Prosecutors regarding the application of the Preliminary Conclusion in the judicial district of La Libertad.Tesi

    EHop 167 Innovator Molecule Against Cancer

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    Cancer cells have a high activity of different proteins, among them Rac. Rac is from the Rho family of GTPases enzymes, which helps the cell invasion and migration. In order to study different strategies to decrease the high activity of this protein, we used EHop 167, a small molecule that helps to inhibit the activation of Rac. On this we can expose that EHop 167 can inhibits Rac activity and over expression with MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line derived from metastasis. If we used EHop 167 to treat breast cancer cells, then the Rac activity will be less and decrease cells invasion and migration. In the treatment we added to the cells a concentration of 2.5μM and 5μm of the molecule (EHop167) for a period of 24 hours. We also study other proteins such as Bad, BCL 2, BCL XL, Pak, and others, because they contribute to cancer by promoting growth and preventing apoptosis. Using different procedures such as Western Blot technique, an analytical technique used to detect specific proteins and their activity. The objective of this investigation is to prove that EHop 167 prevents the Rac activation in breast cancer cells. In overall, we pursue to develop a different method that could be effective against metastatic cancer

    Revaluation of underutilized lemon fruits of southeastern Spain as a potential source of bioactive compounds and to be used in creative cuisine

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    In the present research colour, weight, morphological parameters and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of the edible tissues of three underutilised cultivars of lemon fruits was quantified. In addition, other fruit quality properties, such as organics acids and sugars concentrations in the lemon juices were analysed. Also, the evaluation of organoleptic attributes, such as sweetness, aroma, firmness, lack of bitterness, overall impression and notable feature of fruits was performed by a sensory panel. Results show significant differences on the analysed parameters among lemon cultivars. The relative proportion of each fruit tissue was similar for the three cultivars. 'Fino' and 'Sanguino' lemons showed the highest TAA, while the most appreciated by consumers according to the sensory panel results was 'Sanguino' lemon which could be due to their original colour. These traditional cultivars of lemon fruits could be used as ingredients in creative cuisine due to their attractive properties providing also nutritional and antioxidant compounds

    Controlled rippling of graphene via irradiation and applied strain modify its mechanical properties: a nanoindentation simulation study

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    Ripples, present in free standing graphene, have an important influence in the mechanical behavior of this two-dimensional material. In this work we show through nanoindentation simulations, how out-of-plane displacements can be modified by strain resulting in softening of the membrane under compression and stiffening under tension. Irradiation also induces changes in the mechanical properties of graphene. Interestingly, compressed samples, irradiated at low doses are stiffened by the irradiation while samples under tensile strain do not show significant changes in their mechanical properties. These simulations indicate that vacancies, produced by the energetic ions, cannot be the ones directly responsible for this behavior. However, changes in roughness induced by the momentum transferred from the energetic ions to the membrane, can explain these differences. These results provide an alternative explanation to recent experimental observations of stiffening of graphene under low dose irradiation, as well as paths to tailor the mechanical properties of this material via applied strain and irradiation.This work is supported by the Generalitat Valenciana through grant reference PROMETEO2012/011 and the Spanish government through grant FIS2010-21883. CJR and EMB thanks support from SeCTyP-UNCuyo grant M003, and ANPCyT grant PICT-2014-0696. CJR thanks CONICET and the 310 Group at FCEN-UNCuyo

    Environmental changes and radioactive traces

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    Experiential Learning with Social Action Entrepreneurs before and during COVID-19

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    Across the country, the struggles of universities for market-place relevancy and financial stability has worsened due to the shocks of the COVID-19 crisis. While institutional leaders are evaluating a variety of business models to determine the best options for operating in the “new normal” that will be both financially viable and safe for the campus community, professors are busy adapting their teaching approaches for mixed method delivery. We, interdisciplinary professors and students, argue that new experiential learning opportunities lead to personal growth and development and may be the key to enhancing students’ job readiness. Furthermore, these opportunities may lead to improved evaluations by critics of higher education and result in improved financial stability for universities. In this paper, we, learning partners, share the experiential learning opportunities we experienced while collaborating and working in a physical, mixed model, and 100% online social action entrepreneurship lab. During the chaos of the pandemic, we transitioned our program to fully online and successfully built a learning environment that was viewed as an oasis of inspiring and productive calm. It is our goal to inspire others to use our experiences as a blueprint to design and deliver similar opportunities at their institutions

    Sustaining the burden”: a qualitative study on the emotional impact and social functioning of family caregivers of patients with psychosis

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    Evidence shows that caring for a family member with a psychotic disorder generates a significant emotional impact and repercussions on social functioning. However, this caregiving experience can be influenced by cultural factors. The aim of this study is to explore the experience and perception of a group of family caregivers of patients with psychotic disorders of different durations regarding the emotional and social functioning repercussions of caregiving on them in Andalusia. Three focus groups (28 participants) were conducted. Data were subject to a thematic analysis. Three themes emerged from the data: 1) Emotional invasion; 2) Disruption in the caregiver's life project; and 3) Changes in the family system. Participants reported experiencing sadness, fear, overwhelm, hopelessness, and uncertainty. Caregivers' accounts reflected an interruption of their daily tasks, as well as the need to reformulate plans or goals outside the family life that require long-term commitment, such as professional development or even their residence. The narratives indicated an impact on all roles within the family system, particularly for the mother. The results are consistent with existing research. Healthcare professionals and programs should take into account the costs associated with caregiving in order to minimize them, given the impact it has on both the patient's and the caregivers' health.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU