1,498 research outputs found

    Identification of a gene encoding GMP synthetase from a Neurospora crassa cDNA library by bacterial complementation

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    We report the isolation and identification of a gene encoding GMP synthetase from a Neurospora crassa cDNA library. Phage infection of the purine-requiring Escherichia coli strain SØ3834 using the NO3- induced cDNA phage library from the Fungal Genetics Stock Center resulted in colonies able to grow on minimal media with no added purine source. A plasmid, termed pGMPS1, was isolated from one of these colonies and shown to reproducibly support growth of strain SØ3834 in the absence of purines in the media. Identification of this gene as one encoding GMP synthetase is confirmed by DNA sequencing and comparison to the known guaA gene from yeast

    Universality in movie rating distributions

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    In this paper histograms of user ratings for movies (1,...,10) are analysed. The evolving stabilised shapes of histograms follow the rule that all are either double- or triple-peaked. Moreover, at most one peak can be on the central bins 2,...,9 and the distribution in these bins looks smooth `Gaussian-like' while changes at the extremes (1 and 10) often look abrupt. It is shown that this is well approximated under the assumption that histograms are confined and discretised probability density functions of L\'evy skew alpha-stable distributions. These distributions are the only stable distributions which could emerge due to a generalized central limit theorem from averaging of various independent random avriables as which one can see the initial opinions of users. Averaging is also an appropriate assumption about the social process which underlies the process of continuous opinion formation. Surprisingly, not the normal distribution achieves the best fit over histograms obseved on the web, but distributions with fat tails which decay as power-laws with exponent -(1+alpha) (alpha=4/3). The scale and skewness parameters of the Levy skew alpha-stable distributions seem to depend on the deviation from an average movie (with mean about 7.6). The histogram of such an average movie has no skewness and is the most narrow one. If a movie deviates from average the distribution gets broader and skew. The skewness pronounces the deviation. This is used to construct a one parameter fit which gives some evidence of universality in processes of continuous opinion dynamics about taste.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publicatio

    Bodies, technologies and action possibilities: when is an affordance?

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    Borrowed from ecological psychology, the concept of affordances is often said to offer the social study of technology a means of re-framing the question of what is, and what is not, ‘social’ about technological artefacts. The concept, many argue, enables us to chart a safe course between the perils of technological determinism and social constructivism. This article questions the sociological adequacy of the concept as conventionally deployed. Drawing on ethnographic work on the ways technological artefacts engage, and are engaged by, disabled bodies, we propose that the ‘affordances’ of technological objects are not reducible to their material constitution but are inextricably bound up with specific, historically situated modes of engagement and ways of life

    Progress in Air Shower Radio Measurements: Detection of Distant Events

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    Data taken during half a year of operation of 10 LOPES antennas (LOPES-10), triggered by EAS observed with KASCADE-Grande have been analysed. We report about the analysis of correlations of radio signals measured by LOPES-10 with extensive air shower events reconstructed by KASCADE-Grande, including shower cores at large distances. The efficiency of detecting radio signals induced by air showers up to distances of 700 m from the shower axis has been investigated. The results are discussed with special emphasis on the effects of the reconstruction accuracy for shower core and arrival direction on the coherence of the measured radio signal. In addition, the correlations of the radio pulse amplitude with the primary cosmic ray energy and with the lateral distance from the shower core are studied.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic

    Het kokkelbestand in de Nederlandse kustwateren in 2014

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    In het voorjaar van 2014 is het kokkelbestand (Cerastoderma edule) in de Waddenzee, de Oosterschelde, de Westerschelde en de Voordelta geĂŻnventariseerd. De inventarisatie wordt jaarlijks uitgevoerd ten behoeve van het beleid voor visserij, en is daarnaast ook van belang voor evaluatie van beheersmaatregelen en effectstudies in het kader van Natura 2000 en de natuurbeschermingswet

    Ballistic transport in random magnetic fields with anisotropic long-ranged correlations

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    We present exact theoretical results about energetic and dynamic properties of a spinless charged quantum particle on the Euclidean plane subjected to a perpendicular random magnetic field of Gaussian type with non-zero mean. Our results refer to the simplifying but remarkably illuminating limiting case of an infinite correlation length along one direction and a finite but strictly positive correlation length along the perpendicular direction in the plane. They are therefore ``random analogs'' of results first obtained by A. Iwatsuka in 1985 and by J. E. M\"uller in 1992, which are greatly esteemed, in particular for providing a basic understanding of transport properties in certain quasi-two-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures subjected to non-random inhomogeneous magnetic fields

    Het kokkelbestand in de Nederlandse kustwateren in 2017

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    Het mosselbestand en het areaal aan mosselbanken op de droogvallende platen van de Waddenzee in het voorjaar van 2013

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    Onderzoek naar het areaal en bestand aan litorale mosselbanken in de Waddenzee. Doel is: Het maken van een biomassa-schatting van het mosselbestand op droogvallende platen in de Nederlandse Waddenzee in het voorjaar van 2013. Voor de kartering van het areaal aan mosselbanken worden bij laag water in de beschikbare tijd zo veel mogelijk banken te voet bezocht. Met behulp van GPS-apparatuur worden de positie en omtrek van de banken bepaald. Bij het bepalen van het totale areaal mosselbanken wordt voor de niet bezochte banken uitgegaan van gegevens in eerdere jaren, na middels een vliegtuig inspectie de aanwezigheid van deze banken vastgesteld te hebben

    On noise treatment in radio measurements of cosmic ray air showers

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    Precise measurements of the radio emission by cosmic ray air showers require an adequate treatment of noise. Unlike to usual experiments in particle physics, where noise always adds to the signal, radio noise can in principle decrease or increase the signal if it interferes by chance destructively or constructively. Consequently, noise cannot simply be subtracted from the signal, and its influence on amplitude and time measurement of radio pulses must be studied with care. First, noise has to be determined consistently with the definition of the radio signal which typically is the maximum field strength of the radio pulse. Second, the average impact of noise on radio pulse measurements at individual antennas is studied for LOPES. It is shown that a correct treatment of noise is especially important at low signal-to-noise ratios: noise can be the dominant source of uncertainty for pulse height and time measurements, and it can systematically flatten the slope of lateral distributions. The presented method can also be transfered to other experiments in radio and acoustic detection of cosmic rays and neutrinos.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to NIM A, Proceedings of ARENA 2010, Nantes, Franc

    Magnetic translation groups in an n-dimensional torus

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    A charged particle in a uniform magnetic field in a two-dimensional torus has a discrete noncommutative translation symmetry instead of a continuous commutative translation symmetry. We study topology and symmetry of a particle in a magnetic field in a torus of arbitrary dimensions. The magnetic translation group (MTG) is defined as a group of translations that leave the gauge field invariant. We show that the MTG on an n-dimensional torus is isomorphic to a central extension of a cyclic group Z_{nu_1} x ... x Z_{nu_{2l}} x T^m by U(1) with 2l+m=n. We construct and classify irreducible unitary representations of the MTG on a three-torus and apply the representation theory to three examples. We shortly describe a representation theory for a general n-torus. The MTG on an n-torus can be regarded as a generalization of the so-called noncommutative torus.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX2e, title changed, re-organized, to be published in Journal of Mathematical Physic
