95 research outputs found

    Medidas de actuación para la prevención de la toxiinfección alimentaria

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    Aula Abierta[ES] La toxiinfección alimentaria manifestada en forma de brotes tiene gran importancia desde el punto de vista epidemiológico. Tras analizar su etiología se instauran las medidas preventivas y de seguridad en todos los procesos de manipulación de alimentos, así como las medidas de prevención para los trabajadores manipuladores de alimentos. Se insiste de forma especial en la información y formación que deben recibir estos trabajadores, para concienciar y fomentar su responsabilidad y educación en las medidas higiénico sanitarias que favorecen su desarrollo. En caso de producirse el brote se marcan las pautas a seguir para su notificación, por la gran importancia legal y epidemiológica que comporta. [EN] The alimentary toxiinfección manifested in form of buds has great importance from the epidemic point of view. After analyzing their etiología the preventivemeasures they are established and of security in allthe processes of manipulation of foods, as well asthe measures of prevention for the hard-working manipulators of foods. It is insisted in a special way in the information and formation that these workers should receive, to make aware and to foment their responsibility and education in the hygienic sanitary measures that favor their development. In the event of taking place the bud the rules they are marked to continue for their notification,for the legal and epidemic great importance that behaves.N

    Developmental Dental Defects in Permanent Teeth Resulting from Trauma in Primary Dentition: A Systematic Review

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    The objective was to determine whether trauma in primary dentition causes alterations in the development of permanent dentition. Searches were made in May 2020 using PubMed, MEDLINE, MEDES, Scopus, Lilacs, and Embase. Papers in English, German, and Spanish, without restrictions in the year of publication, were included. The quality of the studies was analyzed using the NOS Scale. The search retrieved 537 references, and seven studies were included for a qualitative analysis. The results showed that trauma to a deciduous tooth can damage the bud of the permanent tooth. Enamel discoloration and/or hypoplasia were the most common sequelae in the permanent teeth after trauma to the primary predecessor. The type and severity of sequelae in the permanent tooth are associated with the development phase of the bud. Children with trauma of their primary teeth should receive checkups until the eruption of the permanent teeth for the early diagnosis and treatment of possible sequelae. Intrusion of the primary tooth was the trauma that caused the most damage and enamel alterations the most frequent sequelae

    Factors afecting the content of bioactive compounds in fresh-cut produce

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    [SPA] Las frutas y hortalizas son alimentos vegetales que aportan vitaminas (C, A, B6, tiamina y niacina), minerales y fibra dietética a nuestra dieta. Además, en los alimentos de origen vegetal podemos encontrar una gran variedad de metabolitos secundarios (fitonutrientes) entre los que se incluyen como más relevantes polifenoles, carotenoides, monoterpenos, folatos y compuestos azufrados como glucosinolatos y tiosulfatos. Estos compuestos, con propiedades biológicas que van más allá de la nutrición, tienen una gran relevancia en la calidad de las frutas y hortalizas. Son responsables de las coloraciones anaranjadas y rojizas así como también de las pardeadas, e influyen en el sabor astringente, picante o amargo de muchos alimentos vegetales. En las frutas y hortalizas en IV gama, estos compuestos potencialmente bioactivos pueden verse alterados por una serie de factores, algunos que afectan al producto entero y otros específicos del producto procesado. Entre esta serie de factores se incluyen: el genotipo, manejo precosecha, estado de madurez así como las operaciones de procesado y conservación. La influencia del genotipo se ha estudiado en 25 variedades de melocotón, nectarina, ciruela y albaricoque, observando una gran variación en el contenido en constituyentes bioactivos entre variedades, entre las distintas partes del fruto (pulpa y piel) y en el estado de madurez. Entre los factores precosecha estudiados, se ha observado que la temperatura e intensidad de la luz tienen una gran influencia en el contenido nutricional (vitamina C, carotenoides, flavonoides, etc.). El tipo de suelo, riego y fertirrigación (nitrógeno y potasio) afectan, sobre todo, al contenido en vitaminas y minerales. El estado óptimo de madurez es otro de los factores que determinan la calidad del producto vegetal, en cuanto a la composición y la vida comercial. Asimismo, se ha estudiado la influencia que las operaciones de procesado, cortado, lavado, envasado y conservación, tienen sobre el contenido en constituyentes bioactivos. Los resultados de estos estudios han permitido identificar los factores críticos responsables de las pérdidas nutricionales, con el fin de mantener las características de calidad y seguridad de los alimentos de IV gama durante su vida útil. [ENG] Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet as provide vitamins (C, A, B6, thiamine and niacine), minerals and fibre. There are also a great variety of secondary metabolites (phytonutrients), such as polyphenols carotenoids, monoterpene, folates and sulfur compounds. These compounds present biological properties with added benefits because they affect the fruit and vegetable quality as responsible of the orange, red and Brown colouring of fresh produce. In addition, they confer astringent, hot or bitter flavours, that many vegetable products present. In minimally processed fruits and vegetables, these potentially bioactive compounds could be affected by a number of factors. Some of these factors are related to the whole produce while others are specific of the fresh-cut produce. Among them, genotype, preharvest factors, physiological stage, as well as several processing operations are included. As an example, the genotype influence was studied in 25 varieties of peaches, nectarines, and plums. A large variation in the bioactive constituents was found among varieties, maturity stages, as well as between different parts of the fruits (peel and pulp). Among the studied preharvest factors, it was found that temperature and light intensity have a great influence on the nutritional content (vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonols, etc.) of baby leaves. The type of soil, irrigation and fertirrigation (N2 and P) mainly affect the vitamin and mineral content of the fruit. The optimal maturity stage is another factor that determines the quality of the produce regarding fruit composition and shelf-life. Furthermore, the influence of processing operations such as cutting, washing, packaging and storage on the bioactive constituents was studied. These data have allowed to identified the critical factors, which are responsible for nutritional losses, to maintain the quality and safety characteristic of the fresh-cut fruit and vegetables throughout their shelf-life.La financiación ha sido posible gracias al proyecto AGL2004-03060 del Plan Nacional de Recursos Naturales y Tecnologías Agroalimentarias. Se ha participado en el proyecto CYTED XI:22

    Arsenic distribution in a pasture area impacted by past mining activities

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    [EN]Former mine exploitations entail a serious threat to surrounding ecosystems as after closure of mining activities their unmanaged wastes can be a continuous source of toxic trace elements. Quite often these mine sites are found within agricultural farming areas, involving serious hazards as regards product (feed/food) quality. In this work a grazing land impacted by the abandoned mine exploitation of an arsenical deposit was studied so as to evaluate the fate of arsenic (As) and other trace elements and the potential risks involved. With this aim, profile soil samples (0–50 cm) and pasture plant species (Agrostis truncatula, Holcus annus and Leontodon longirostris) were collected at different distances (0–100 m) from the mine waste dump and analyzed for their trace element content and distribution. Likewise, plant trace element accumulation from impacted grazing soils and plant trace element translocation were assessed. The exposure of livestock grazing animals to As was also evaluated, establishing its acceptability regarding food safety and animal health. International soil guideline values for As in grazing land soils (50 mg kg−1) resulted greatly exceeded (up to about 20-fold) in the studied mining-affected soils. Moreover, As showed a high mobilization potential under circumstances such as phosphate application or establishment of reducing conditions. Arsenic exhibited relatively high translocation factor (TF) values (up to 0.32–0.89) in pasture plant species, reaching unsafe concentrations in their above-ground tissues (up to 32.9, 16.9 and 9.0 mg kg−1 in Agrostis truncatula, Leontodon longirostris and Holcus annus, respectively). Such concentrations represent an elevated risk of As transfer to the high trophic-chain levels as established by international legislation. The limited fraction of arsenite found in plant roots should play an important role in the relatively high As root-to-shoot translocation shown by these plant species. Both soil ingestion and pasture intake resulted important entrance pathways of As into livestock animals, showing quite close contribution levels. The cow acceptable daily intake (ADI) of As regarding food safety was surpassed in some locations of the study area when the species Agrostis truncatula was considered as the only pasture feed. Restrictions in the grazing use of lands with considerable As contents where this plant was the predominant pasture species should be established in order to preserve food quality. Therefore, the exposure of livestock animals to As via both soil ingestion and pasture consumption should be taken into account to establish the suitability of mining-impacted areas for gazing

    Spanish Paediatricians’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Oral Health of Children under 6 Years of Age: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a prevalent chronic pathology, and it has a negative impact on the oral and general health of the child patient. Aim: To evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of Spanish paediatricians regarding early childhood caries according to the professional’s years of experience. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire was conducted by Spanish paediatricians via WhatsApp and e-mails from January to April 2021. Data were analysed using Chi-squared test, Fisher’s exact test and Cramer’s V test. Results: There were a total of 359 participants. Most respondents were women (81.3%) with up to 10 years of professional experience (31.2%) in primary health care and public health. In most cases, participants had an excellent knowledge of primary dentition (90.8%), but they ignored (56%) when the first visit to the dentist should occur. Regarding the aetiological factors of caries, oral hygiene and prevention, a lower rate of knowledge was observed. The majority of participants (80.8%) were not able to identify white spot lesions and enamel defects (76%). They considered that their knowledge in oral health was deficient, highlighting the need to increase their training. Less experienced paediatricians were found to have higher success rates. Conclusions: The level of knowledge and attitudes regarding early childhood caries of the evaluated paediatricians should be improved. Paediatricians had difficulties in identifying early caries lesions and enamel defects. Nevertheless, a higher level of knowledge and positive attitudes towards dental caries has been detected among paediatricians with fewer years of professional experience

    SAR studies of epoxycurcuphenol derivatives on leukemia CT-CD4 cells

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    Bioactive natural products are a potential source of new pharmaceuticals since they offer new modes of action and more specific activities. The use of derivatization also enables the optimal structure for their biological activity to be determined. In this study several epoxycurcuphenol derivatives were synthesized. The substitution pattern on the aromatic and oxirane rings was varied along with that at the benzylic position and the length of the side chain was altered. These changes were made in order to gain a deeper understanding of the structural requirements for activity. The biological activities of these compounds were evaluated on the human leukemia cell line Jurkat using an antiproliferative assay. The activity results and structural requirements are discussed

    Analysis of Minor Proteins Present in Breast Milk by Using WGA Lectin

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    Breast milk is a complex and dynamic biological fluid and considered an essential source of nutrition in early life. In its composition, the proteins have a relevant biological activity and are related to the multiple benefits demonstrated when compared with artificial milks derived from cow’s milk. Understanding human milk composition provides an important tool for health care providers toward the management of infant feeding and the establishment of breastfeeding. In this work, a new technique was developed to increase the knowledge of human milk, because many of the components remain unknown. To isolate minor proteins present in breast milk by using WGA lectin, breast milk was centrifuged to remove cells and separate the fat phase from the serum phase. The serum obtained was separated into two groups: control (n = 3; whole serum sample from mature milk) and WGA lectin (n = 3; sample processed with WGA lectin to isolate glycosylated proteins). The samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS). A total of 84 different proteins were identified from all of the samples. In the WGA lectin group, 55 different proteins were isolated, 77% of which had biological functions related to the immune response. Of these proteins, there were eight WGA lectin group exclusives, and two had not previously been described in breast milk (polyubiquitin-B and POTE ankyrin domain family member F). Isolation by WGA lectin is a useful technique to detect minor proteins in breast milk and to identify proteins that could not be observed in whole serum

    Organización por competencias de las prácticas clínicas de enfermería comunitaria: Guía docente de prácticas.

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    Informe / Memoria final del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa IE33 “Organización por competencias de las prácticas clínicas de Enfermería Comunitaria: Guía docente de prácticas” correspondiente a la Convocatoria de Innovación Educativa Universitaria del Proyecto Europa de la Universidad de Cádiz (para la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior), desarrollado durante el curso académico 2008-2009 en la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería y Fisioterapia de esta Universidad. Se describe el proceso seguido, los mecanismos de evaluación desarrollados así como los resultados obtenidos. Igualmente se anexan los diferentes documentos generados tanto originalmente como tras su evaluación y modificación.El presente documento muestra el Informe / Memoria final del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa IE33 “Organización por competencias de las prácticas clínicas de Enfermería Comunitaria: Guía docente de prácticas” correspondiente a la Convocatoria de Innovación Educativa Universitaria del Proyecto Europa de la Universidad de Cádiz (para la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior), desarrollado durante el curso académico 2008-2009 en la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería y Fisioterapia de esta Universidad. Los objetivos del proyecto han sido: - Introducir las competencias en la organización, desarrollo y evaluación de las prácticas de la asignatura Enfermería Comunitaria. - Elaborar una guía de prácticas (que facilite al alumno saber qué aprender y comprobar qué ha conseguido). - Elaborar unos instrumentos que faciliten la “medición” de los resultados del aprendizaje / grado de consecución de las competencias pretendidas. - Determinar las “Necesidades no cubiertas en el desempeño” y las “Áreas de mejora” consecuentes (modelo PUNs y DENs de Richard Eve). El proceso de implantación del proyecto así como los documentos y metodología seguida han sido evaluados utilizándose metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa. Entre los aspectos positivos destacamos el elevado nivel de satisfacción conseguido, la dinamicidad que conlleva, el elevado nivel de participación del alumnado, que supone una adaptación al EEES, la determinación de necesidades formativas, la evaluación formativa, y que aporta al alumnado y al profesorado información necesaria para actuar de forma correctiva sobre el sistema enseñanza/aprendizaje, tanto sobre el proceso educativo como sobre los recursos ( personales, académicos y asistenciales). Se ha conseguido introducir las competencias en la organización, desarrollo y evaluación de las prácticas de la asignatura, elaborar documentación que supone una guía de prácticas -que facilita al alumno saber qué aprender, en qué contexto, cómo hacerlo y comprobar qué ha conseguido-, y disponer de instrumentos que facilitan la “medición” de los resultados de aprendizaje / grado de consecución de las competencias pretendidas. Al incluirse y adaptarse el modelo PUNs y DENs de R. Eve se han conseguido importantes resultados en aspectos como la evaluación formativa / auto-evaluación del alumnado. En el presente informe aparece descrito el proceso seguido, los mecanismos de evaluación desarrollados así como los resultados obtenidos. Igualmente se anexan los diferentes documentos generados tanto originalmente como tras su evaluación y modificación.Universidad de Cádiz. Vicerrectorado de Tecnologías de la Información e Innovación Docente. Escuela de Enfermería y Fisioterapia. Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia.144 página