189 research outputs found

    Galaxy clusters with the square kilometer array

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    We review some science cases for galaxy clusters and the impact that the future SKA data will have in those analyses. We first describe how the search for galaxy clusters through radio-sources will be significantly improved through the detection of much fainter radiosources in a big volume. Secondly, we bring out the benefits of using very sensitive radio data to study the thermal and non-thermal component of clusters and disentangle the main processes happening in the physics of their plasma. Moreover, we discuss the possibility of using the high frequencies of the SKA to separate the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect from the radio halo emission and use the former as a mass proxy for galaxy clusters. Finally, we investigate how the very high sensitivity and spatial resolution of SKA will result into a great improvement in the lensing treatment, underlining the lensing distribution of the 21-cm intensity from the reionization period. As a whole, SKA will become an impressive window covering a significant wider range in redshift to look at an unknown radio universe and set constraints on different mechanisms happening in clusters.This work has been supported by a grant funded by the “Consorzio per la Fisica di Trieste”. SP also acknowledges support by the PRIN-INAF09 project “Towards an Italian Network for Computational Cosmology”, by the PRIN-MIUR09 “Tracing the growth of structures in the Universe”, and by the PD51 INFN grant. Partial support is also provided by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (AYA2010-21322-C03-02). JD acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through grants AYA2010-21766-C03-02, AYA2012-30789, and the Consolider-Ingenio project CSD2010-00064 (EPI: Exploring the Physics of Inflation). YA is financially supported by the Spanish Ramón y Cajal programme (RyC-2011-09461) and grant AYA2013-47742-C4-3-P (MINECO), as well as the ‘Study of Emission-Line Galaxies with Integral-Field Spectroscopy’ (SELGIFS) exchange programme, funded by the EU through the IRSES scheme (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES-612701). BA acknowledges financial support for a postdoctoral fellowship from the Observatory of Paris.Peer reviewe

    Efecto de la fecha de siembra en el crecimiento, producción y componentes del rendimiento del altramuz blanco

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    Se estudió el efecto de la fecha de siembra de L. a/bus cv. Multolupa sobre el crecimiento, producción y componentes de la producción, en cultivo de secano, en la provincia de Sevilla, durante tres años. El retraso en la siembra provocó una reducción en la producción de paja y de grano, pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas en el índice de cosecha entre las diferentes fechas de siembra. El número de vainas por planta era el componente del rendimiento que más decrecía con el retraso en la fecha de siembra, seguido del peso de las semillas. Sin embargo, el número de semillas por vaina disminuía muy poco con el retraso en Ja siembra. Estas reducciones en la producción y en los componentes del rendimiento fueron más acusadas cuanto mayores fueron los déficit hídricos primaverales. El adelanto de la fecha de siembra a las primeras lluvias otoñales se mostró como la mejor estrategia para obtener unas producciones aceptables

    Utilización de los residuos de la industria del corcho como sustrato hortícola

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    En este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la aptitud de los residuos de la industria del corcho como sustrato, alternativo a la turba rubia, para el cultivo de diversas especies vegetales. Se consideran y discuten los resultados obtenidos en diferentes ensayos, tras cuatro años de trabajo en esta línea, que han permitido caracterizar el producto desde el punto de vista físico, químico y biológico, así como realizar un seguimiento de los procesos de germinación, enraizamiento y" desarrollo de distintas plantas, en dicho residuo.It has been studied the waste of the cork industry as a new horticultural substrat. Results about physical, chemical and biological analyses of cork are presented. Also it has been studied germination, rooting and growth of different horticultural and ornamental plants on cork as potting media

    Response of endolithic chroococcidiopsis strains from the polyextreme Atacama desert to light radiation

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    Cyanobacteria exposed to high solar radiation make use of a series of defense mechanisms, including avoidance, antioxidant systems, and the production of photoprotective compounds such as scytonemin. Two cyanobacterial strains of the genus Chroococcidiopsis from the Atacama Desert – which has one of the highest solar radiation levels on Earth- were examined to determine their capacity to protect themselves from direct photosynthetically active (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR): the UAM813 strain, originally isolated from a cryptoendolithic microhabitat within halite (NaCl), and UAM816 strain originally isolated from a chasmoendolithic microhabitat within calcite (CaCO3). The oxidative stress induced by exposure to PAR or UVR C PAR was determined to observe their short-term response, as were the long-term scytonemin production, changes in metabolic activity and ultrastructural damage induced. Both strains showed oxidative stress to both types of light radiation. The UAM813 strain showed a lower acclimation capacity than the UAM816 strain, showing an ever-increasing accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a smaller accumulation of scytonemin. This would appear to reflect differences in the adaptation strategies followed to meet the demands of their different microhabitats.This study was supported by grant PGC2018-094076-B-I00 from MCIU/AEI (Spain) and FEDER (UE). MC was supported by grant BES 2014-069106 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCINN).Peer reviewe

    Compostaje de residuos de la industria vinícola y su uso como sustrato para el cultivo sin suelo de plantas ornamentales

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    To study the process of composting of grape marc and test the resulting compost as a substrate for the cultivation of ornamental plants, six composting processes, with mixtures of dealcoholised grapevine marc and grape stalk (DM + GS) in a 1:1 ratio (v:v), were carried out in Seville (Spain) between 2000 and 2006. The duration of the composting ranged between 20 and 24 weeks in the Spring-Summer season. Weekly, temperature, pH, EC, N-NO3 – and N-NH4 + , were measured. The maximum temperatures reached values of 65-73°C at a depth between 40 and 80 cm. The compost had a slightly alkaline pH, slightly salinity, high organic matter and total nitrogen contents. The final compost chemical composition in total elements showed values in the same range as those corresponding to plant material, except for Fe. The distribution in the size of the particles gives way to a total porous space that is close to the one considered as optimal in a substrate for soilless cropping. Pore size distribution showed a prevalence of big pores that produces unbalance in the water-air ratios, resulting in a material with a good aeration but with low water retention. The composts were tested as substrates for four ornamental species: geranium, petunia, carnation and gerbera. The results suggest that compost has no limiting characteristics for its use as a medium for the cultivation of ornamental plants in container, and can replace conventional substrates, such as peat and coconut fibrePara estudiar el proceso de compostaje de orujos de uva y probar el compost resultante como sustrato para el cultivo de plantas ornamentales, se llevaron a cabo, en Sevilla (España) entre 2000 y 2006, seis procesos de compostaje, con mezclas de orujos de vid desalcoholizados y tallos de vid o raspón (DM + GS) en una proporción 1:1 (v:v). La duración del compostaje osciló entre 20 y 24 semanas en el período de primavera-verano. Se midieron semanalmente temperatura, pH, CE, N-NO3 – y N-NH4 + . Se alcanzaron temperaturas máximas de 65 a 73°C a 40-80 cm de profundidad. El compost resultante tenía pH ligeramente alcalino, moderada salinidad, altos contenidos en materia orgánica y nitrógeno total. Los análisis químicos del compost mostraron niveles de elementos totales en igual rango que los correspondientes a material vegetal, excepto Fe. La distribución del tamaño de partículas del material origina un espacio poroso total cercano al considerado óptimo en los sustratos para cultivo sin suelo. La distribución del tamaño de poros mostró una prevalencia de poros grandes, circunstancia que produce un desequilibrio en las relaciones aire-agua, dando como resultado un material con buena aireación, pero con baja retención de agua. Los composts se probaron como sustratos para cuatro especies ornamentales: geranio, petunia, clavel y gerbera. Los resultados no sugieren ninguna característica limitante para el uso del compost como medio para el cultivo de plantas ornamentales en contenedor, y puede sustituir a los sustratos convencionales como la turba y la fibra de coc

    Semilleros de algarrobo y pino en sustratos de turba y corcho compostado

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    El residuo de la industria corchera, tras un adecuado tratamiento de compostaje, puede ser utilizado como sustrato para el cultivo de plantas en contenedor. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en un ensayo de sustratos, utilizando tres tipos de turbas y sus mezclas con corcho compostado para la producción de plantas de algarrobo y pino piñonero en bandejas forestales.The cork industry produces a residue wich after composting may be used as a substrate for container growing plants. Results of a substrate trial are presented. They were studied three different peat substrates and their mixtures with composted cork or the production of in forest pots.CICY

    Grape mark composting to use as horticultural growing media

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    Antes de utilizar los orujos de vid (OV) como sustrato hortícola es necesario someterlos a un proceso de compostaje que los estabilice biológicamente, elimine las posibles sustancias fitotóxicas y disminuya su capacidad inmovilizadora de nitrógeno. Se presentan los datos correspondientes a 5 procesos de compostaje de OV realizados entre los años 2000 y 2004. La duración del proceso osciló entre 5 y 6 meses y se realizó mediante pilas abiertas de volumen variable, 50-70 m3, y volteos cada 7-15 días. Al inicio, los montones se fertilizaron con nitrato amónico, superfosfato de cal, sulfato de magnesio y sulfato ferroso. Posteriormente se aportó N conforme se apreciaba su agotamiento en el montón. Semanalmente se controlaron algunos parámetros: la Tª alcanzó 6573º C a 60 cm de profundidad y se mantuvo durante 5-7 semanas; la humedad varió entre 56 y 43%; el pH se elevó de 6,97 a 7,26; la materia orgánica (MO) se redujo en un 20%; el nitrógeno total (Nt) se mantuvo sensiblemente constante y la capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CIC) aumentó. Los bioensayos mostraron aumentos en los Índices de Germinación (IG) y de Inmovilización de Nitrógeno (NDI) entre el inicio y final del compostaje, indicando ausencia de fitotoxicidad y baja capacidad inmovilizadora de N en el compost obtenido. Al final del proceso se realizó un análisis del contenido en nutrientes totales y asimilables, oscilando los primeros entre: 2-3% N; 0,240,48% P y 0,28-1,32% KReduction in the content of phytotoxic compounds and nitrogen immobilization capacity, and biological stabilization through composting is necessary in order to use grape mark as horticultural growing media. Five data set corresponding to different composting processes performed in four different years (from 2000 to 2004) are presented. The process was done during 5-6 months by the open piles method with a volume ranging from 50 to 70 m 3 and mechanical turning each 7-15 days. Piles were fertilized with ammonium nitrate, monocalcium phosphate, magnesium sulphate, and ferrous sulphate. Additional N was applied if required due to starvation during composting. Several parameters were followed during composting on a weekly basis: (i) temperature, which reached 65-73 oC at 60 cm depth in the piles; (ii) humidity, which ranged between 56 and 43 %; (iii) pH, which increased from 6.97 to 7.26; (iv) organic matter, which decreased by 20 %; (v) total N, which did not presented any significant change, and (vi) cation exchange capacity, which showed a significant increase. The compost obtained had low phytotoxicity, as revealed by the germination test, and low N immobilization capacity. Final contents of N, P, and K were in the range of 2-3 %, 0.24-0.48 %, and 0.28-1.32 %, respectively

    Discovery of carotenoid red-shift in endolithic cyanobacteria from the Atacama Desert

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    Las respuestas bioquímicas de las cianobacterias que habitan en las rocas hacia el estrés ambiental nativo se observaron in vivo en uno de los entornos climáticos extremos más desafiantes de la Tierra. La colonización criptoendolítica de cianobacterias, dominada por Chroococcidiopsis sp., Se estudió en una ignimbrita en un área volcánica de gran altitud en el desierto de Atacama, Chile. El cambio en la composición de carotenoides (desplazamiento al rojo) dentro de un transecto a través de la comunidad microbiana dominante de cianobacterias (grosor promedio de ~ 1 mm) se reveló inequívocamente en su microhábitat endolítico natural. La cantidad de carotenoides desplazados al rojo, observada por primera vez en un ecosistema microbiano natural, depende de la profundidad y se incrementa a medida que aumenta la proximidad a la superficie de la roca, como lo demuestra la resonancia Raman y la resonancia puntual del perfil Raman. Se atribuye a un cambio dependiente de la luz en la conjugación de carotenoides, asociado con la estrategia de adaptación a la luz de las cianobacterias. Se propone una hipótesis para el posible papel de un mecanismo de extinción no fotoquímica (NPQ) mediado por la proteína carotenoide naranja (OCP) que influye en el comportamiento espectral observado. Simultáneamente, se obtuvo información sobre la distribución de scytonemin y phycobiliproteins. Scytonemin fue detectado en los agregados de cianobacterias superiores. Se registró un gradiente de intensidad de señal inverso de las ficobiliproteínas, que aumenta con las posiciones más profundas como respuesta del complejo de captura de luz de cianobacterias a condiciones de poca luz.The biochemical responses of rock-inhabiting cyanobacteria towards native environmental stresses were observed in vivo in one of the Earth’s most challenging extreme climatic environments. The cryptoendolithic cyanobacterial colonization, dominated by Chroococcidiopsis sp., was studied in an ignimbrite at a high altitude volcanic area in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Change in the carotenoid composition (red-shift) within a transect through the cyanobacteria dominant microbial community (average thickness ~1 mm) was unambiguously revealed in their natural endolithic microhabitat. The amount of red shifted carotenoid, observed for the first time in a natural microbial ecosystem, is depth dependent, and increased with increasing proximity to the rock surface, as proven by resonance Raman imaging and point resonance Raman profiling. It is attributed to a light-dependent change in carotenoid conjugation, associated with the light-adaptation strategy of cyanobacteria. A hypothesis is proposed for the possible role of an orange carotenoid protein (OCP) mediated non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) mechanism that influences the observed spectral behavior. Simultaneously, information about the distribution of scytonemin and phycobiliproteins was obtained. Scytonemin was detected in the uppermost cyanobacteria aggregates. A reverse signal intensity gradient of phycobiliproteins was registered, increasing with deeper positions as a response of the cyanobacterial light harvesting complex to low-light conditions.• Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (República Checa) y el National Sustainability Program I (NPU I). Beca LO1415 • CzeCOS ProCES. Proyecto CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001609 • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyecto CGL2013-42509P, para Jaket Wierzchos, Octavio Artieda, Carmen Ascaso, María Cristina CaseropeerReviewe

    Robustness of imageless electrocardiographic imaging against uncertainty in atrial morphology and location

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    [EN] Introduction: Electrocardiographic Imaging is a non-invasive technique that requires cardiac Imaging for the reconstruction of cardiac electrical activity. In this study, we explored imageless ECGI by quantifying the errors of using heart meshes with either an inaccurate location inside the thorax or an inaccurate geometry. Methods: Multiple-lead body surface recordings of 25 atrial fibrillation (AF) patients were recorded. Cardiac atrial meshes were obtained by segmentation of medical images obtained for each patient. ECGI was computed with each patient's segmented atrial mesh and compared with the ECGI obtained under errors in the atrial mesh used for ECGI estimation. We modeled both the uncertainty in the location of the atria inside the thorax by artificially translating the atria inside the thorax and the geometry of the atrial mesh by using an atrial mesh in a reference database. ECGI signals obtained with the actual meshes and the translated or estimated meshes were compared in terms of their correlation coefficients, relative difference measurement star, and errors in the dominant frequency (DF) estimation in epicardial nodes.Results: CC between ECGI signals obtained after translating the actual atrial meshes from the original position by 1 cm was above 0.97. CC between ECGIs obtained with patient specific atrial geometry and estimated atrial geometries was 0.93 +/- 0.11. Mean errors in DF estimation using an estimated atrial mesh were 7.6 +/- 5.9%.Conclusion: Imageless ECGI can provide a robust estimation of cardiac electrophysiological parameters such as activation rates even during complex arrhythmias. Furthermore, it can allow more widespread use of ECGI in clinical practice.This work was supported by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (supported by FEDER Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DIDIMO PLEC2021-007614, ESSENCE PID2020-119364RB-I00, and RYC2018-024346-I) , EIT Health (Activity code SAVE-COR 220385, EIT Health is supported by EIT, a body of the Eu-ropean Union) and Generalitat Valenciana Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport (ACIF/2020/265) . The authors want to thank the organizers of the 2022 meeting of the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology for their invitation to the meeting.Molero-Alabau, R.; González-Ascaso, A.; Climent, AM.; Guillem Sánchez, MS. (2023). Robustness of imageless electrocardiographic imaging against uncertainty in atrial morphology and location. Journal of Electrocardiology. 77:58-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelectrocard.2022.12.00758617