87 research outputs found

    (R1500) Type-I Generalized Spherical Interval Valued Fuzzy Soft Sets in Medical Diagnosis for Decision Making

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    In the present communication, we introduce the concept of Type-I generalized spherical interval valued fuzzy soft set and define some operations. It is a generalization of the interval valued fuzzy soft set and the spherical fuzzy soft set. The spherical interval valued fuzzy soft set theory satisfies the condition that the sum of its degrees of positive, neutral, and negative membership does not exceed unity and that these parameters are assigned independently. We also propose an algorithm to solve the decision making problem based on a Type-I generalized soft set model. We introduce a similarity measure based on the Type-I generalized soft set model for two Type-I generalized spherical interval valued fuzzy soft sets and discuss its application in a medical diagnosis problem. Illustrative examples are mentioned to show that they can be successfully used to solve problems with uncertainties

    Novel possibility Pythagorean interval valued fuzzy soft set method for a decision making

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    We discuss the theory of possibility Pythagorean interval valued fuzzy soft set, possibility interval valued fuzzy soft set and define some related the operations namely complement, union, intersection, AND and OR. The possibility Pythagorean interval valued fuzzy soft sets are a generalization of soft sets. Notably, we showed DeMorgan’s laws that are valid in possibility Pythagorean interval valued fuzzy soft set theory. Also, we propose an algorithm to solve the decision making problem based on soft set method. To compare two possibilities Pythagorean interval valued fuzzy soft sets for dealing with decision making problems and find a similarity measure is obtained. Finally, an illustrative example is discussed to prove that they can be effectively used to solve problems with uncertainties.Publisher's Versio

    (R1509) TOPSIS and VIKOR Methods for Spherical Fuzzy Soft Set Aggregating Operator Framework

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    The Spherical Fuzzy Soft (SFS) set is a generalization of the Pythagorean fuzzy soft set and the intuitionistic fuzzy soft set. We introduce the concept of aggregating SFS decision matrices based on aggregated operations. The techniques for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and viekriterijumsko kompromisno rangiranje (VIKOR) for the SFS approaches are the strong points of multi criteria group decision making (MCGDM), which is various extensions of fuzzy soft sets. We define a score function based on aggregating TOPSIS and VIKOR methods to the SFS-positive and SFS-negative ideal solutions. The TOPSIS and VIKOR methods provide decision-making weights. To find the optimal alternative under this condition, closeness is introduced. Also, we obtain an algorithm that deals with the MCGDM problems based on an aggregating operator. Finally, a numerical example of the MCGDM problem is given to verify the practicality of the aggregating operators


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    Infertility is a common problem of new age couples. It is affecting them psychologically and also affecting the harmony of the family. Among infertility couples, 40% was caused by male partner particularly by oligospermia. Literally oligospermia means insufficient number of spermatozoa in semen, but significantly, it means that oligospermia is a medical condition characterized by the total sperm count less than 20 million/ml of ejaculate. Extensive clinical researches are going on worldwide to treat oligospermia by utilizing various natural sources like plants, mineral and animal origin.Siddha medicine is having many formulations to treat oligospermia, one among them is Dhathu bushti chooranam described in Noigalukku Siddha Parigaram –a Sasthiric siddha literature. 10 male partners of infertility couples attending Sool mahalir maruthuvam OPD of the Ayothidoss Pandithar Hospital, National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram sanatorium, Chennai-47 were recruited for this pilot study. All patients were treated with 10 gm of Dhathu bushti chooranam twice a day with milk for 90 days. All patients were subjected to complete semenogram on 0th and 90th day of treatment. Results were observed by analyzing the semenogram parameters. The ingredients of Dhathu bushti chooranam are Salamisiri, Nilapanai kizhangu,Thaneervittan kizhangu, Poonaikaali vidhai, Boomisarkkarai kizhangu and most of them are having good spermatogenesis and aphrodiasic activities, hence the author selected this drug for this study. The efficacy of the trial drug Dhathu bushti chooranam was appreciable and the drug may be taken for clinical trial in large number of population

    The Inter-Relation of Objective Assessment of The Bell’s Palsy with House-Brackmann Score: A Prospective Study

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    Introduction: Bell’s palsy is the most common acute peripheral mononeuropathy, which leads to the partial or complete inability to voluntary movement of the facial muscles on the affected side of the face. The study aimed to evaluate the objective assessment of the Bell’s palsy with House-Brackmann score. Methods: This Observational, Prospective study was to be conducted at tertiary care hospital among from June 2022 to September 2022 on 11 patients diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. A patient’s history includes age, sex, and clinical features. Assessments include facial nerve grading system such as House-Brackmann score, which was used to grade the facial nerve severity. Results: Out of 11 patients, 7 patients of Bell’s Palsy (63%) were reported with Grade IV of House- Brackmann score. The remaining patients were scored under Grade III and Grade V. Patients of age group from 9 to 75 were taken. Among them, age group of 9-40 years were 45% and 40- 80 years were 55%. The result shows that Grade IV is predominant over others, male and elder patients are leading over female and middle- aged patients. 63.7% patient’s clinical features were come under Grade IV of House- Brackmann score. 27.2% of patients had an increased risk of hypertension, 18.1% had Diabetes Mellitus, 18.1% had past history of CVA, 9% had past history of Seizure, and known history of Bell ’s palsy. Conclusion: Using the House-Brackmann grading system, the severity of the patient presenting with Bell’s palsy could be reliably predicted

    Heat and mass transfer analysis of radiative and chemical reactive effects on MHD nanofluid over an infinite moving vertical plate

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    A comparative study of nanofluid (Cu–H2O) and pure fluid (water) is investigated over a moving upright plate surrounded by a porous surface. The novelty of the study includes the unsteady laminar MHD natural transmission flow of an incompressible fluid, to get thermal conductivity of nanofluid is more than pure fluid. The chemical reaction of this nanofluid with respect to radiation absorption is observed by considering the nanoparticles to attain thermal equilibrium. The present work is validated with the previously published work. The upright plate travels with a constant velocity u0, and the temperature and concentration are considered to be period harmonically independent with a constant mean at the plate. The most excellent appropriate solution to the oscillatory pattern of boundary layer equations for the governing flow is computed utilizing the Perturbation Technique. The impacts of factors on velocity, temperature, and concentration are visually depicted and thoroughly elucidated. The fluid features in the boundary layer regime are explored visually and qualitatively. This enhancement is notably significant for copper nanoparticles.The work of U.F.-G. was supported by the government of the Basque Country for the ELKARTEK21/10 KK-2021/00014 and ELKARTEK20/78 KK-2020/00114 research programs

    ANFIS Modelling for Theoretical Evaluation of Ultrasonic Velocities in Binary Liquid Mixtures

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    Dizaj i statistička optimizacija liposfera s glipizidom pomoću metodologije odgovora površine

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    A 32 factorial design was employed to produce glipizide lipospheres by the emulsification phase separation technique using paraffin wax and stearic acid as retardants. The effect of critical formulation variables, namely levels of paraffin wax (X1) and proportion of stearic acid in the wax (X2) on geometric mean diameter (dg), percent encapsulation efficiency (% EE), release at the end of 12 h (rel12) and time taken for 50% of drug release (t50), were evaluated using the F-test. Mathematical models containing only the significant terms were generated for each response parameter using the multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Both formulation variables studied exerted a significant influence (p < 0.05) on the response parameters. Numerical optimization using the desirability approach was employed to develop an optimized formulation by setting constraints on the dependent and independent variables. The experimental values of dg, % EE, rel12 and t50 values for the optimized formulation were found to be 57.54 ± 1.38 µm, 86.28 ± 1.32 %, 77.23 ± 2.78 % and 5.60 ± 0.32 h, respectively, which were in close agreement with those predicted by the mathematical models. The drug release from lipospheres followed first-order kinetics and was characterized by the Higuchi diffusion model. The optimized liposphere formulation developed was found to produce sustained anti-diabetic activity following oral administration in rats.32 faktorijalni dizajn primijenjen je za pripravu liposfera s glipizidom metodom separacije pomoću emulzija koristeći parafinski vosak i starinsku kiselinu kao tvari za usporavanje. Pomoću F-testa praćen je učinak kritičnih varijabli tijekom formuliranja, tj. količina parafinskog voska (X1) i udio stearinske kiseline (X2) na srednji promjer liposfera (dg), postotak inkapsulirane ljekovite tvari (% EE), oslobađanje ljekovite tvari nakon 12 h (rel12) te vrijeme potrebno za oslobađanje 50% ljekovite tvari (t50). Pomoću multiple linearne regresijske analize (MLRA) i analize varijabli (ANOVA) za svaki su parametar načinjeni matematički modeli koji sadrže samo značajne varijable. Proučavanje varijabli na oba načina ukazalo je na njihov značajan utjecaj (p < 0,05) na parametre liposfera. Postavljanjem ograničenja na zavisne i nezavisne varijable provedena je numerička optimizacija na principu poželjnosti. Eksperimentalne vrijednosti dg, % EE, rel12 i t50 optimiziranih formulacija bile su 57,54 ± 1,38 µm, 86,28 ± 1,32%, 77,23 ± 2,78% i 5,60 ± 0,32 h. Dobivene eksperimentalne vrijednosti iznosile su vrlo slične vrijednostima predviđenim matematičkim modelima. Oslobađanje glipizida iz liposfera slijedio je kinetiku prvog reda i okarakterizirano je Higuchijevim difuzijskim modelom. Optimizirane liposfere su nakon peroralne primjene na štakorima pokazale produljeni antidijabetički učinak