280 research outputs found

    Programa de prácticas de zootecnia de ovinos

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    El discente identificará las diferentes razas ovinas, de acuerdo a su clasificación por tipo, sistema de apareamiento, conformación, función zootécnica y origen geográfico, para su uso en el rebaño nacional Reconocerá las razas más utilizadas en los diferentes sistemas de producción y su importancia. Conocerá e identificará los parámetros productivos de las razas ovinas presentes en México y su importancia en la economía del país

    The treatment of insane criminals in the 19th century (I. The treatment of the insane and the insanity from the beginning of the 15th century to the end of the 19th century)

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    Sobre un texto de Concepción Arenal exponen los autores la evolución en el tratamiento de los dementes desde la fundación del primer manicomio en Valencia a principios del siglo XV hasta finales del XIX, todo ello enmarcado en las políticas públicas correspondientes así como en las condiciones económicas, religiosas, culturales, y en definitiva históricas concurrentes en aquel período.Based on a text by Concepción Arenal, the authors present the evolution of the treatment of the insane from the foundation of the first insane asylum in Valencia at the beginning of the 15th century until the end of the 19th century, all framed in the corresponding public policies as well as in the economic, religious, cultural and historical conditions of that period

    Los militares de Estado Mayor y su lealtad a la República (1936-1939)

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    Resumen: En el ejército español de 1936, los militares de Estado Mayor (EM) eran un grupo de élite de cerca de 500 jefes y oficiales. Hemos constituido una base de datos que integra la totalidad de los miembros de este grupo. Después de considerar factores que influyeron en la lealtad de los militares a la II República durante la guerra civil, a partir de la base de datos se evalúa de manera bastante precisa el número de depurados, desafectos y de oficiales actuantes tanto en el Ejército Popular como en el Ejército Nacional. Asimismo se cuantifican las defecciones del bando republicano al sublevado, el paso de desafectos hacia la zona rebelde y el consiguiente aumento del desequilibrio en recursos de Estado Mayor que fue clave en la superioridad militar del bando franquista. Palabras clave: Guerra Civil española, militares, estado mayor, cuerpo y servicio de estado mayor, lealtad, Ejército Popular, Ejército Nacional. Abstract: The Staff military were an elite group of nearly 500 officers in the Spanish army in 1936. We have set up a database including the totality of the members of this group. After considering factors that influenced military loyalty to the II Republic during the civil war, we use the data base to perform a fairly precise assessment of the numbers of officers reluctant to serve the Republic and of those who served in each of the republican and rebel armies. Additionally, we assess the numbers of those who defected from the Republican army to the rebel side, and of those who were hidden or refugees and managed to join the rebels. Thereby we are able to measure the growing imbalance of Staff resources that was key to the military superiority of the francoist side. Keywords: Spanish Civil war, military, general staff, staff corps and service, loyalty, Republican army, Nationalist arm

    Spanish Army General Staff and the 18th of July Uprising

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    We discuss the relevance of the study of the officer corps in the Spanish army in 1936. Then we develop a case study on the group of the General Staff. It is well known that out of twelve generals, commanders of the main Army divisions, only three rebelled against the Government in July 1936. Various authors have claimed that most of the Staff's colonels (just below in hierarchy to the general commanders of the organic divisions) were involved in the Spring of 1936 conspiracy against the Republican Government, and moreover claim they had a key role wherever the July military uprising was successful. In this article we establish, on the contrary, that only a minority of them were involved in the conspiracy. Likewise a minority of them were initially part of the rebellion, even if all but three finally joined the rebels. We also discuss the persistance of a simplistic view on the attitudes of the army officers with respect to the July 18th uprising.Después de una reflexión historiográfica sobre la relevancia del estudio de los militares de 1936, tratamos como estudio de caso al grupo de jefes de los estados mayores. Es bien sabido que sólo tres de los doce generales de división con mando de tropas se sublevaron en julio de 1936. Algunos autores han sostenido que los jefes de los estados mayores (en un nivel jerárquico inmediatamente inferior a los generales) participaron mayoritariamente en la conspiración de la primavera de 1936, y que su papel fue clave allí donde la sublevación triunfó. En este artículo se demuestra que, por el contrario, fue minoritaria su participación en la conspiración. Fue asimismo una minoría entre ellos la que se sublevó en un primer momento, aunque finalmente todos menos tres terminaron uniéndose a la rebelión contra el Gobierno. Hemos considerado como causa de los errores historiográficos la posible pervivencia de una visión simplista sobre las actitudes de los militares ante la crisis de julio de 1936

    FINGER (Forming and Identifying New Groups of Expected Risks): Developing and Validating a New Predictive Model to Identify Patients With High Healthcare Cost and at Risk of Admission

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    Objective Predictive statistical models used in population stratification programmes are complex and usually difficult to interpret for primary care professionals. We designed FINGER (Forming and Identifying New Groups of Expected Risks), a new model based on clinical criteria, easy to understand and implement by physicians. Our aim was to assess the ability of FINGER to predict costs and correctly identify patients with high resource use in the following year. Design Cross-sectional study with a 2-year follow-up. Setting The Basque National Health System. Participants All the residents in the Basque Country (Spain) >= 14 years of age covered by the public healthcare service (n=1 946 884). Methods We developed an algorithm classifying diagnoses of long-term health problems into 27 chronic disease groups. The database was randomly divided into two data sets. With the calibration sample, we calculated a score for each chronic disease group and other variables (age, sex, inpatient admissions, emergency department visits and chronic dialysis). Each individual obtained a FINGER score for the year by summing their characteristics' scores. With the validation sample, we constructed regression models with the FINGER score for the first 12 months as the only explanatory variable. Results The annual FINGER scores obtained by patients ranged from 0 to 57 points, with a mean of 2.06. The coefficient of determination for healthcare costs was 0.188 and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.838 for identifying patients with high costs (>95th percentile); 0.875 for extremely high costs (>99th percentile); 0.802 for unscheduled admissions; 0.861 for prolonged hospitalisation (>15 days); and 0.896 for death. Conclusion FINGER presents a predictive power for high risks fairly close to other classification systems. Its simple and transparent architecture allows for immediate calculation by clinicians. Being easy to interpret, it might be considered for implementation in regions involved in population stratification programmes.Manuel Garcia-Goni thanks the Ramon Areces Foundation for financial support under the research project 'Envejecimiento y sistema sanitario y social. El gasto publico y sus efectos en igualdad, dependencia y aseguramiento en Espana'. All authors thank this project for funding publishing charges

    Reproducibility Study of Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping in Patients with High Cardiovascular Risk

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    It has been shown that in most people there is a physiological reduction in blood pressure during nighttime sleep, it falling by approximately 10% compared to daytime values (dippers). On the other hand, in some people, there is no nighttime reduction (non-dippers). Various studies have found an association between being a non-dipper and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, but few have assessed whether the nocturnal pattern is maintained over time. From the database of the TAHPS study, data were available on 225 patients, each of whom underwent 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) on four occasions over a period of 5 months. We studied the reproducibility of the nocturnal BP dipping pattern with mixed linear analysis and also calculated the concordance in the classification of patients as dippers or non-dippers. The intraclass correlation coefficients between the different ABPM recordings were 0.482 and 0.467 for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively. Two-thirds (67%) and 70% of the patients classified, respectively, as dippers or non-dippers based on systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings in the first ABPM recording were found to have the same classification based on the subsequent recordings. We conclude that the reproducibility of nocturnal dipping patterns and concordance of dipper vs non-dipper status in individual patients is modest and therefore that we should be cautious about recommending treatments or interventions based on these patterns.A grant was received from the Department of Pharmacy of the Spanish Health Ministr

    Heart of Darkness: Heart Rate Variability on Patients with Risk of Suicide

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    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is an emerging research field in the study of diverse pathologies, as long as it allows considering another measurement for detecting possible aggravations. The aim of this work is to study the applicability of the analysis of HRV in order to establish if a person is at risk of suffering from suicidal ideation. This work includes the development and testing of a heart rate acquisition and automatic analysis system, with friendly software for clinicians, customized to the necessities of an emergency unit. Furthermore, it includes the analysis of the obtained data with the purpose of assessing possible correlations between HRV parameters and personality impulsive traits. 20 patients and 10 normal cases were selected to develop this pilot study. Results show significant statistical difference (p<0.05) among patients and normal cases for pNN50, IRRR, MADRR, total HRV power, Approximate Entropy and Fractal Dimension

    Attitudes toward medicalization in childbirth and their relationship with locus of control and coping in a Spanish population

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    [EN] The dominant model of childbirth in most Western countries is medicalized childbirth. Women's beliefs about whether childbirth should be a medicalized process to a greater or lesser degree may be related, in addition to contextual factors, to internal factors. The objective of the study is to find out if women's locus of control (LC) and stress coping strategies (CS) are related to having a more favourable or less favourable attitude towards medicalization (ATMC). A cross-sectional study was carried out with the participation of 248 women recruited in primary care centres by their midwives. All the women filled in answers on a mobile phone app with various different measurement instruments: the questionnaire created by Benyamini to evaluate their ATMC; the Spanish version of the Wallston MLC to evaluate their LC; and the Spanish adaptation of the "Revised Prenatal Coping Inventory (NuPCI)" scale for the assessment of their CS. The women presented a favourable attitude towards medicalization, with a mean ATMC score of 3.42. Both the LC and the CS of women during pregnancy are related to this attitude. Specifically, having an internal LC and using preparative CS both lower the probability of presenting a favourable attitude towards medicalization, while the lack of a paid job raises the probability. For each point in internal locus and preparatory coping, the ATMC score decreased by 0.02 and 0.23 points, respectively, while it increased by 0.18 for not having a paid job. The influence of these psychological factors must be taken into account in the development of content and interventions that promote a more natural birth.The grant received by the Institute of Health Carlos III, file number PI20/00899, within the State R&D&I Plan 2017-2020 and co-financed by the ISCII-Sub directorate-General Evaluation and Promotion of Fund Research European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). This study has been co-financed by the Basque Government Department of Health. File n: 2018111087