33 research outputs found

    Análise comparativa de variáveis biomecânicas e da percepção de esforço do exercício leg work do Pilates realizado na Chair e no Reformer

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    O método Pilates, o qual vem se difundindo muito nas últimas décadas, é um método de condicionamento físico que apresenta uma série de exercícios sistematizados os quais podem ser realizados com aparelhos, dotados de molas, submetendo os músculos a cargas externas. Um desses exercícios é o leg work que pode ser caracterizado como uma extensão de quadril e joelhos. Dessa maneira, o conhecimento das forças envolvidas no exercício, bem como seu comportamento, ao longo da amplitude de execução permite uma melhor definição do exercício, contribuindo para uma escolha mais criteriosa e uma melhor prescrição do exercício. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo identificar a diferença no exercício leg work executado nos aparelhos Chair e Reformer levando em consideração a carga do equipamento (força das molas), a amplitude de movimento (ADM), o ritmo de execução, a atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) de músculos específicos se a sensação subjetiva de esforço das executantes. A amostra foi composta por 18 mulheres fisicamente ativas sem histórico de lesão e praticantes de Pilates há pelo menos 6 meses. Foi empregado diagrama de corpo livre e equações de Newton-Euler para calcular a variação da força externa nos aparelhos Chair e Reformer no movimento leg work. Foi utilizada cinemetria bidimensional (2D) e dois eletromiógrafos para aquisição dos dados. Os músculos analisados foram glúteo máximo (GM), bíceps femoral (BF), vasto lateral (VL), reto femoral (RF), gastrocnêmio medial (GAS), oblíquo externo (OE) e multífido (MU). Os resultados indicam que há diferenças significativas na ativação EMG do OE, VL e RF, no índice de co-contração de BF-RF, BF-VL e OE-MU bem como no índice de esforço percebido entre aparelhos Chair e Reformer durante o movimento leg work. Isso provavelmente se deve a diferenças na ADM e nas estratégias de recrutamento, uma vez que a carga do equipamento final imposta era a mesma em ambos os aparelhos. Essas informações devem ser levadas em consideração em um programa de condicionamento e reabilitação de Pilates. Pode-se concluir que há diferenças no exercício leg work executado nos aparelhos Chair e Reformer na atividade EMG de músculos específicos, ADM e sensação subjetiva de esforço das executantes.The Pilates method, which has been popularized over the last decades, is a physical conditioning method that presents a series of systematized exercises that may be performed by apparatus with springs, loading the muscles to external loads. One of these exercises is the leg work, that may be characterized as hip and knee extension. The knowledge of forces involved in an exercise, as well as their behavior throughout the range of execution allows a better exercise definition, contributing to a more careful choice and a better prescription of the exercise. So, the main goal of this study is to identify the difference between legwork exercise performed on Chair and Reformer apparatus, taking into account external load (spring force), range of motion (ROM), rhythm of execution, specific muscles electromyography (EMG) and subject‟s perceived exertion effort sensation. Eighteen women took part of the study, all physically active, without injury history and practitioners of Pilates for at least six months. Free body diagram and Newton-Euler equations were used in order to calculate external force variation on Chair and Reformer apparatus during the legwork movement. Two-dimensional (2D) kinematics and two electromyography were used for data acquisition. The muscles analyzed were Gluteus Maximum (GM), Biceps Femoris (BF), Vastus Lateralis (VL), Rectus Femoralis (RF), Gastrocnemius (GAS), External Obliquies (EB) and Multifidus (MU). Results indicate that there are significant differences in EMG activation of EB, VL and RF, in co-contraction index BF-RF, BF-VL and EB-MU, as well as in perceived exertion sensation between Chair and Reformer apparatus during the legwork movement. This is probably due to differences in the ROM and recruiting strategies, once the imposed final external load was the same for both apparatus. This information should be considered in conditioning and rehabilitation program in Pilates. It‟s possible to conclude that there are differences between legwork exercise performed on Chair and Reformer apparatus in relation to EMG activity of specific muscles, ROM and related Borg perceived exertion scale

    Lower cost of transport coincides with self-selected walking speed in pregnant individuals

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    Pregnancy has important structural and physiological changes related to the growth of the baby [1]. These changes can alter metabolic and biomechanical parameters of pregnant individuals (PI) [2]. Changes in the body centre of mass (CM), body dimensions, and weight can influence postural aspects as well as gait [3]. Thus, changes may occur in different variables such as cost of transport (C J.kg-1.m-1) [4], ventilatory efficiency evaluated by the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide (VE/VCO2), and walking speed. Aim: to compare C, VE/VCO2, self-selected walking speed (SSWS) on treadmill and on a track, at different walking speeds, of PI and a control group (CG). PI: n=24 (n=8 in 1st trimester (T1), 12-13 wks; n=8 in 2nd trim. (T2), 26-27 wks; n=8 in 3rd trim. (T3), 35-36 wks); CG: n=8 healthy non-PI. VO2 uptake was collected during trials of 5 min at 5 walking speeds, in randomized order (SSWS, ±40%, ±20% of SSWS) on the treadmill [5]. The SSWS was initially assessed on a track, and then tested on the treadmill. ANOVA for repeated measures was used to compare C and VE/VCO2 for walking speed and groups. One-way ANOVA was used to compare SSWS on the track and on the treadmill. Multiple comparisons were possibly made with Tukey’s post-hoc analysis (α=0.05). Values of C were higher in PI compared to CG for all T (p=0.005; differences between trimesters p=0.001). VE/VCO2 also showed higher values for PI (among T p<0.0001) compared to CG (p<0.0001). Differences in the SSWS (T1 0.83±0.14; T2 0.82±0.18; T3 0.85±0.18; CG 1.01±0.14 m.s-1) on the treadmill and on the track were found for all T (p<0.0001), and between PI and CG (p<0.0001). C always showed the characteristics of "U" shape described previously [4], with higher metabolic economy at SSWS. Interestingly, VE/VCO2 showed higher values in T2 compared to T1, T3 and CG. VE/VCO2 is known to be affected by increased chemoreceptor numbers, peripheral ergoreceptor response, dead space ventilation, and muscle mass involved in exercise [2]. The feeling of greater respiratory difficulty with the increase in walking speed and due to the smaller excursion of the diaphragm by the increased abdominal volume. Our results showed that the greatest respiratory comfort (lower VE/VCO2) occurred at the highest speed performed (above SSWS). The choice of SSWS seems to be related to a greater metabolic economy and not to respiratory comfort. After all physiological changes in T1 and T2 of pregnancy [1], T3 resulted to a certain adaptation. Lower metabolic economy is probably due to the physical alterations such as increase in body mass, displacement of the CM which could have altered the pendulum mechanism, generating displacement with less mechanical efficiency.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Elderly evaluation through functional tests and walk test

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    El envejecimiento disminuye la autonomía e independencia de los adultos mayores. La fuerza muscular, flexibilidad y marcha son mejoradas con actividad física. Objetivos: comparar los resultados de las características físicas, los tests funcionales y tests de marcha entre grupos de adultos mayores activos y sedentarios; Metodogía: se evaluaron dos grupos, cada uno con 13 individuos, de adultos mayores activos y sedentarios - el nivel de actividad física fue autoreportado - mediante cinco tests funcionales y dos tests de marcha. Resultados: el grupo de activos presentó mayor circunferencia abdominal e índice cintura-cadera. No fueron encontradas diferencias para los tests funcionales y de marcha entre los dos grupos. Con diferentes ecuaciones fueron encontradas diferencias intra grupo: la ecuación de Enright & Sherrill, 1998 y Troosters, Gosselink & Decramer, 1999 para los dos grupos; para la ecuación de Enright, 2003 para el grupo de sedentarios. Conclusiones: Solamente hubo diferencia entre grupos para dos variables físicas. Se sugiere que la intensidad de la actividad física debe ser sistematizada y monitoreada para que sea posible alcanzar los resultados y beneficios de una vida activa.Autonomy and independency are reduced by the ageing. Physical activity improves muscle strength, flexibility, and self-select walking speed. Objectives: To compare the results of physical characteristics, functional tests and walking tests between sedentary and active lifestyle elderly groups. Methodology: two elderly groups were assessed, both with 13 participants. The level of activity was self-reported, through five functional tests and two walking tests. Results: the active group presented greater abdominal circumference and waist-hip index. No differences were found for the functional and gait tests between the two groups. Differences intra-group were found with different equations: the Enright &amp; Sherrill equation, 1998 and Troosters, Gosselink &amp; Decramer, 1999 for the two groups; for the Enright equation, 2003 for the sedentary group. Conclusions: Only two physical parameters showed difference between the groups. The intensity of physical activity should be systematic and monitored to achieve the results and benefits of an active lifestyle.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Elderly evaluation through functional tests and walk test

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    El envejecimiento disminuye la autonomía e independencia de los adultos mayores. La fuerza muscular, flexibilidad y marcha son mejoradas con actividad física. Objetivos: comparar los resultados de las características físicas, los tests funcionales y tests de marcha entre grupos de adultos mayores activos y sedentarios; Metodogía: se evaluaron dos grupos, cada uno con 13 individuos, de adultos mayores activos y sedentarios - el nivel de actividad física fue autoreportado - mediante cinco tests funcionales y dos tests de marcha. Resultados: el grupo de activos presentó mayor circunferencia abdominal e índice cintura-cadera. No fueron encontradas diferencias para los tests funcionales y de marcha entre los dos grupos. Con diferentes ecuaciones fueron encontradas diferencias intra grupo: la ecuación de Enright & Sherrill, 1998 y Troosters, Gosselink & Decramer, 1999 para los dos grupos; para la ecuación de Enright, 2003 para el grupo de sedentarios. Conclusiones: Solamente hubo diferencia entre grupos para dos variables físicas. Se sugiere que la intensidad de la actividad física debe ser sistematizada y monitoreada para que sea posible alcanzar los resultados y beneficios de una vida activa.Autonomy and independency are reduced by the ageing. Physical activity improves muscle strength, flexibility, and self-select walking speed. Objectives: To compare the results of physical characteristics, functional tests and walking tests between sedentary and active lifestyle elderly groups. Methodology: two elderly groups were assessed, both with 13 participants. The level of activity was self-reported, through five functional tests and two walking tests. Results: the active group presented greater abdominal circumference and waist-hip index. No differences were found for the functional and gait tests between the two groups. Differences intra-group were found with different equations: the Enright &amp; Sherrill equation, 1998 and Troosters, Gosselink &amp; Decramer, 1999 for the two groups; for the Enright equation, 2003 for the sedentary group. Conclusions: Only two physical parameters showed difference between the groups. The intensity of physical activity should be systematic and monitored to achieve the results and benefits of an active lifestyle.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Avaliação da estabilidade no exercício long stretch front do pilates

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    A estabilidade do tronco é geralmente desafiada nas sessões do método Pilates. A compreensão da estabilidade/instabilidade, desafiada pela alteração de molas e dependente do nível de treinamento dos executantes, possui grande impacto no controle do tronco. Após uma revisão sistemática foi possível verificar que a principal técnica biomecânica empregada para compreender a estabilidade do tronco é a modelagem. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver e avaliar um modelo biomecânico para quantificar e comparar a estabilidade do tronco em dois diferentes níveis de praticantes de Pilates e em dois diferentes níveis de intensidade do exercício long stretch front do Pilates. O exercício long stretch front, criado para utilizar o powerhouse e desafiar a estabilidade do tronco, é executado no aparelho reformer na posição de prancha e consiste na extensão de ombros. O movimento foi modelado como um sistema massa-mola sendo a rigidez (K) o parâmetro de estabilidade do tronco. Como dados de entrada foram utilizadas informações cinemáticas, de câmeras infra-vermelho, cinéticas, de células de carga acopladas ao equipamento reformer, e informações antropométricas extraídas da literatura. Foram avaliados 15 praticantes avançados de Pilates e 15 iniciantes. Os indivíduos mais experientes foram mais estáveis durante o exercício do que iniciantes, F(1,28)=7,965; η2=0,22; p=0,009. A execução dos exercícios com duas molas apresentou menor rigidez do que com uma única mola, F(1,28)=67,891; η2=0,71; p<0,001. Não houve interação entre os fatores, F(1,28)=0,587; η2=0,02; p=0,450. Quando os grupos foram comparados separadamente para cada um dos níveis de dificuldade, os mais experientes (K = 272 ± 27 Nm/rad) apresentaram maior rigidez que os iniciantes (K = 171 ± 42 Nm/rad) com uma única mola, e também com o uso de duas molas, com K = 196 ± 17 Nm/rad para os executantes experientes e K = 108 ± 21 Nm/rad para os executantes iniciantes. Conclui-se que o modelo proposto, utilizando o coeficiente de rigidez, foi capaz de quantificar a estabilidade durante o exercício longh stretch front do Pilates. O modelo também identificou as diferenças entre indivíduos mais ou menos experientes, bem como quando o exercício é executado com uma ou com duas molas.Trunk stability is usually challenged during Pilates method ’sessions. The stability/instability, generated by altering springs or by the practitioner’s experience level during a Pilates exercise, has great impact in trunk control. Following a systematic review, it was observed that modelling is the main biomechanical technique applied for understanding trunk stability. Hence, this study aimed to develop and evaluate a biomechanical model for quantifying and compare trunk stability in two different Pilates practitioners levels and two different intensities of the exercise during Pilates’ long stretch front exercise. The long stretch front exercise, created for using the powerhouse and challenging trunk stability, is performed in the reformer apparatus, keeping the trunk in the plunk position while shoulder extension is performed. The movement was modelled as a spring-mass system using stiffness (K) as the parameter to express trunk stability. Model input consisted of kinematics data, obtained from infrared cameras images, kinetic data, from load cells attached to the reformer equipment, and anthropometric data, obtained from literature. Fifteen experienced and 15 beginner Pilates practitioners, who performed ten repetitions of the exercise in two difficulty levels, with one and two springs, were evaluated. Experienced subjects were more stable during the exercise when compared to beginners F(1.28)=7.965; η2=0.22; p=0.009. The exercise performed using two springs presented a lower rigidity level when compared to one spring F(1.28)=67.891; η2=0.71; p<0.001. There was no interaction between the factors , F(1.28)=0.587; η2=0.02; p=0.450. When groups were compared separately for each difficulty level, experienced (K=272 ± 27 Nm.rad-1) presented higher rigidity than beginners (K=171 ± 42 Nm.rad-1) using one spring, and also using two springs with K=196 ± 17 Nm.rad-1 for experienced performers and K=108 ± 21 Nm.rad-1 for beginners. Concludes that the proposed model is capable of quantifying stability during the Pilates long stretch front exercise using rigidity coefficient. In addition model identifies differences between more or less experienced subjects, as well as when the exercise is performed using one or two springs

    Avaliação da estabilidade no exercício long stretch front do pilates

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    A estabilidade do tronco é geralmente desafiada nas sessões do método Pilates. A compreensão da estabilidade/instabilidade, desafiada pela alteração de molas e dependente do nível de treinamento dos executantes, possui grande impacto no controle do tronco. Após uma revisão sistemática foi possível verificar que a principal técnica biomecânica empregada para compreender a estabilidade do tronco é a modelagem. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver e avaliar um modelo biomecânico para quantificar e comparar a estabilidade do tronco em dois diferentes níveis de praticantes de Pilates e em dois diferentes níveis de intensidade do exercício long stretch front do Pilates. O exercício long stretch front, criado para utilizar o powerhouse e desafiar a estabilidade do tronco, é executado no aparelho reformer na posição de prancha e consiste na extensão de ombros. O movimento foi modelado como um sistema massa-mola sendo a rigidez (K) o parâmetro de estabilidade do tronco. Como dados de entrada foram utilizadas informações cinemáticas, de câmeras infra-vermelho, cinéticas, de células de carga acopladas ao equipamento reformer, e informações antropométricas extraídas da literatura. Foram avaliados 15 praticantes avançados de Pilates e 15 iniciantes. Os indivíduos mais experientes foram mais estáveis durante o exercício do que iniciantes, F(1,28)=7,965; η2=0,22; p=0,009. A execução dos exercícios com duas molas apresentou menor rigidez do que com uma única mola, F(1,28)=67,891; η2=0,71; p<0,001. Não houve interação entre os fatores, F(1,28)=0,587; η2=0,02; p=0,450. Quando os grupos foram comparados separadamente para cada um dos níveis de dificuldade, os mais experientes (K = 272 ± 27 Nm/rad) apresentaram maior rigidez que os iniciantes (K = 171 ± 42 Nm/rad) com uma única mola, e também com o uso de duas molas, com K = 196 ± 17 Nm/rad para os executantes experientes e K = 108 ± 21 Nm/rad para os executantes iniciantes. Conclui-se que o modelo proposto, utilizando o coeficiente de rigidez, foi capaz de quantificar a estabilidade durante o exercício longh stretch front do Pilates. O modelo também identificou as diferenças entre indivíduos mais ou menos experientes, bem como quando o exercício é executado com uma ou com duas molas.Trunk stability is usually challenged during Pilates method ’sessions. The stability/instability, generated by altering springs or by the practitioner’s experience level during a Pilates exercise, has great impact in trunk control. Following a systematic review, it was observed that modelling is the main biomechanical technique applied for understanding trunk stability. Hence, this study aimed to develop and evaluate a biomechanical model for quantifying and compare trunk stability in two different Pilates practitioners levels and two different intensities of the exercise during Pilates’ long stretch front exercise. The long stretch front exercise, created for using the powerhouse and challenging trunk stability, is performed in the reformer apparatus, keeping the trunk in the plunk position while shoulder extension is performed. The movement was modelled as a spring-mass system using stiffness (K) as the parameter to express trunk stability. Model input consisted of kinematics data, obtained from infrared cameras images, kinetic data, from load cells attached to the reformer equipment, and anthropometric data, obtained from literature. Fifteen experienced and 15 beginner Pilates practitioners, who performed ten repetitions of the exercise in two difficulty levels, with one and two springs, were evaluated. Experienced subjects were more stable during the exercise when compared to beginners F(1.28)=7.965; η2=0.22; p=0.009. The exercise performed using two springs presented a lower rigidity level when compared to one spring F(1.28)=67.891; η2=0.71; p<0.001. There was no interaction between the factors , F(1.28)=0.587; η2=0.02; p=0.450. When groups were compared separately for each difficulty level, experienced (K=272 ± 27 Nm.rad-1) presented higher rigidity than beginners (K=171 ± 42 Nm.rad-1) using one spring, and also using two springs with K=196 ± 17 Nm.rad-1 for experienced performers and K=108 ± 21 Nm.rad-1 for beginners. Concludes that the proposed model is capable of quantifying stability during the Pilates long stretch front exercise using rigidity coefficient. In addition model identifies differences between more or less experienced subjects, as well as when the exercise is performed using one or two springs