1,609 research outputs found

    Desafíos de tele-rehabilitación en niños con discapacidad en educación temprana

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    This research deals with the tele-rehabilitation service for children with disabilities in a post-Covid-19 era. There has been a boom with new working models and adaptation to new challenges and experiences of professionals in rehabilitation therapies. With such services as the most effective way to treat psychomotor deficits in children with disabilities, Rehabilitation Centers have reconfigured their planning by offering hybrid care, but there is a lack of integration of ICT for the delivery of these services through agile approaches. Under an Action-Design methodology, a survey was designed and applied to therapists from five Rehabilitation Centers in Mexico; focused on knowing four relevant aspects: Rehabilitation Teleworking; ICT in therapeutic activity; Communication between parents and Rehabilitation centers; and Patients. From the result, it can be inferred that there is a high level of interest at THE initial education in technological training and a need for higher quality stimulation tools and resources.Esta investigación trata sobre el servicio de Tele-rehabilitación para niños con discapacidad en una época post-Covid 19. Ha habido un auge con nuevos modelos de trabajo y la adaptación a nuevos retos y experiencias de los profesionales en terapias de rehabilitación. Con dichos servicios como la forma más efectiva de tratar el déficit psicomotor en niños con discapacidad, los Centros de Rehabilitación han reconfigurado su planificación ofreciendo atención híbrida, pero existe una falta de integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para la entrega de estos servicios a través de enfoques ágiles. Bajo una metodología de Diseño-Acción, se diseñó una encuesta aplicada a terapeutas de cinco Centros de Rehabilitación de México. De los resultados se puede inferir un alto interés de la educación a nivel inicial por la formación tecnológica y una necesidad de mayor calidad en las herramientas y recursos de estimulación

    N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) as a noninvasive marker for restrictive syndromes

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    Constrictive pericarditis (CP) and restrictive cardiomyopathy share many similarities in both their clinical and hemodynamic characteristics and N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is a sensitive marker of cardiac diastolic dysfunction. The objectives of the present study were to determine whether serum NT-proBNP was high in patients with endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) and CP, and to investigate how this relates to diastolic dysfunction. Thirty-three patients were divided into two groups: CP (16 patients) and EMF (17 patients). The control group consisted of 30 healthy individuals. Patients were evaluated by bidimensional echocardiography, with restriction syndrome evaluated by pulsed Doppler of the mitral flow and serum NT-proBNP measured by immunoassay and detected by electrochemiluminescence. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to analyze the association between log NT-proBNP and echocardiographic parameters. Log NT-proBNP was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in CP patients (log mean: 2.67 pg/mL; 95%CI: 2.43-2.92 log pg/mL) and in EMF patients (log mean: 2.91 pg/mL; 95%CI: 2.70-3.12 log pg/mL) compared with the control group (log mean: 1.45; 95%CI: 1.32-1.60 log pg/mL). There were no statistical differences between EMF and CP patients (P = 0.689) in terms of NT-proBNP. The NT-proBNP log tended to correlate with peak velocity of the E wave (r = 0.439; P = 0.060, but not with A wave (r = -0.399; P = 0.112). Serum NT-proBNP concentration can be used as a marker to detect the presence of diastolic dysfunction in patients with restrictive syndrome; however, serum NT-proBNP levels cannot be used to differentiate restrictive cardiomyopathy from CP

    NCI-MATCH Arms N & P: Phase II study of PI3K beta inhibitor GSK2636771 in patients (pts) with cancers (ca) with PTEN mutation/deletion (mut/del) or PTEN protein loss

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    Background: The NCI-MATCH trial is the largest national study (1173 sites) for ptswith relapsed/ refractory solid tumors, lymphomas and myeloma, which assigns tar-geted therapies based on individual tumor molecular alterations detected using theadapted Oncomine AmpliSeq panel (143 genes) and immunohistochemistry (IHC).We hypothesized that patients with PTEN-deficient cancers enrolled to Arms N and Pmay benefit from treatment with the PI3K beta-selective inhibitor GSK2636771. Methods: Eligibility: relapsed/refractory ca, good end-organ function, and ECOG PS ≤ 1. Pts were screened for molecular alterations by centralized testing on fresh tumor biopsy and had deleterious PTEN mut/del without loss of expression (Arm N) or complete loss of cytoplasmic and nuclear PTEN staining on IHC (Arm P), and no other aberrations activating the PI3K/MTOR and MAPK pathways (mut in PIK3CA, PIK3R1, BRAF, KRAS, AKT1, TSC1/2, mTOR, RHEB, NF2, NRAS, HRAS). Pts received GSK2636771 400mg/day (28-days cycles). RECIST 1.1 overall response rate (ORR) was the primary endpoint. Results: Of 59 enrolled pts, 56 were eligible and received treatment. Of 22 pts with PTEN mut/del (Arm N: 6 uterine, 2 breast, 2 prostate, 2 head/neck ca, 10 other), all are off treatment as of analysis (14 disease progression, 4 for adverse events [AEs], 4 other). One pt (4.5%) with prostate ca (PTEN deletion, MPRSS2-ERG fusion) attained a partial response (-42%). Of 7 (32%) pts with stable disease (SD), 2 had SD \u3e 6 months (uterine leiomyosarcoma; endometrial carcinoma). Of 34 pts with loss of PTEN protein by IHC (Arm P: 7 prostate, 6 breast, 3 squamous anal ca, 2 cholangiocarcinoma, 16 other), all are off treatment as of analysis (26 disease progression, 4 for AE, 4 other). Of 9 (37.5%) pts with SD, 3 had SD \u3e 6 months (prostate cancer; squamous bladder cancer, squamous anal cancer). Median progression-free survival was 1.8 months for both arms. Gr ≥ 3 treatment-related (tr) reversible toxicities were experienced by 30% (7) and 20% (7) of pts in arms N and P, respectively. No tr Gr 5 toxicities were observed in either arm. Conclusions: Single agent GSK2636771 has very modest activity in ca with PTEN gene mutation/deletion and/or PTEN protein loss

    Thiophene and Pyrrole Derivative Polymers Electro-Synthesized on Stainles Steel. Doping and Morphology Characterization

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    3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT), 3,4-propylenedioxythiophene (PRODOT), 3,4-ethylenedioxypyrrole (PEDOP) and 3,4 propylenedioxypyrrole (PRODOP), thiophene and pyrrole derivatives, were electro-polymerized by potentiodynamic and potentiostatic methods on stainless steel AISI 316 electrodes, using lithium perchlorate as support electrolyte in acetonitrile. In all cases electrodes modified with the respective polymeric deposit (PEDOT, PPRODOT, PPEDOP and PPRODOP) were obtained. One of the most relevant features of these polymers is that their voltammetric responses revealed that all presented p- and n-doping/undoping processes, being both processes reversible. Moreover, nucleation and growth mechanism (NGM) of the polymers was established by deconvolution of the experimental j/t transients recorded during it electropolymerization. PEDOT and PPRODOP showed a single contribution to the overall process, corresponding to instant nucleation with three-dimensional growth, controlled by charge transfer, whereas pyrrole derivatives (PEDOP and PPRODOP) are controlled by the same contribution, but there is also a second one corresponding to progressive nucleation with diffusion-controlled three-dimensional growth. Nuclei shape predicted from these NGM is consistent with the respective morphologies determined by SEM and AFM that, once more, validated the proposed electropolymerization model and the morphology prediction from the NGM of the respective polymers. To sum up, a correlation between the structure of the starting unit, doping, and morphology of the electro-deposited polymers was established

    Geoarqueología y paleontología de los depósitos de Pleistoceno Superior del antiguo Arroyo Abroñigal (Cuenca de Manzanares, Madrid): el yacimiento de Puente de los Tres Ojos

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    La excavación arqueológica del yacimiento del Puente de los Tres Ojos, próximo a la calle Cerro Negro (Madrid), ha aportado nuevos datos para profundizar en el conocimiento de la ocupación humana y en la reconstrucción paleoambiental del valle del antiguo arroyo Abroñigal, cuyo curso fluvial funcionó como afluente del río Manzanares posiblemente desde antes del Pleistoceno Superior hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XX. En el presente artículo se incluyen los aspectos geomorfológicos y cronoestratigráficos de los niveles excavados, documentándose varias secuencias fluviales y aluviales de relleno de la margen derecha del fondo de valle del Abroñigal en su tramo inferior. Durante la excavación se registró un amplio conjunto lítico, formado en su mayoría por piezas recuperadas en niveles de arenas y gravas correspondientes a episodios fluviales de media energía, a las que hay que añadir un porcentaje menor localizado en niveles de limos arcillosos y arenas finas. La mayor parte del conjunto lítico responde a sistemas técnicos propios del Paleolítico Medio, aunque destaca la presencia testimonial de piezas del Paleolítico Superior, además de restos de fauna de mamíferos correspondientes al Pleistoceno Superior, todo ello en niveles datados por OSL entre 14.400 y 11.170 años BP aproximadament

    Gap-analysis and annotated reference library for supporting macroinvertebrate metabarcoding in Atlantic Iberia

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    DNA metabarcoding provides a rapid and effective identification tool of macroinvertebrate species. The accuracy of species-level assignment, and consequent taxonomic coverage, relies on comprehensive DNA barcode reference libraries, which, due to incompleteness, are currently a recognized limitation for metabarcoding applications. In this study, we assembled a comprehensive reference library of DNA barcodes for Atlantic Iberia marine macroinvertebrate species, assessed gaps in species coverage and examined data ambiguities. Initially, an Iberian species checklist for the three dominant groups of marine macroinvertebrates was compiled, comprising 2827 species (926 Annelida, 638 Crustacea and 1263 Mollusca). A total of 18162 DNA sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I barcode region (COI-5P) matching the species checklist were compiled in a BOLD dataset, where taxonomic discordances were evaluated and cases of deep intraspecific divergence flagged. Gap-analysis showed that 63% of the Iberian macroinvertebrate species still lack a DNA barcode. Coverage gaps varied considerably across taxonomic groups with Mollusca displaying the highest sequence representation in the dataset (427 species, 49% of the total number of sequences), and Crustacea the highest species coverage with 338 species barcoded (53% of the checklist). In contrast, Polychaeta displayed the lower levels of completion (288 species, 16% of the total number of sequences). In total, 1545 Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) were assigned to 1053 barcoded species, of which 66% were taxonomically concordant, 26% displayed multiple BINs and 8% were discordant. Overall, results show that there is still a large portion of marine invertebrate taxa in this region of Europe pending barcode coverage, even considering only the dominant groups. However, the most notable finding was the relevant proportion of species flagged for significant intraspecific divergence and possible hidden diversity. The annotated reference library and gap-analysis here provided can therefore contribute to prioritize marine macroinvertebrate taxa for future research efforts and barcode coverage.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/04050/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. PD/BD/127994/2016Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH/BD/131527/201

    Report on Tests and Measurements of Hadronic Interaction Properties with Air Showers

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    We present a summary of recent tests and measurements of hadronic interaction properties with air showers. This report has a special focus on muon density measurements. Several experiments reported deviations between simulated and recorded muon densities in extensive air showers, while others reported no discrepancies. We combine data from eight leading air shower experiments to cover shower energies from PeV to tens of EeV. Data are combined using the z-scale, a unified reference scale based on simulated air showers. Energy-scales of experiments are cross-calibrated. Above 10 PeV, we find a muon deficit in simulated air showers for each of the six considered hadronic interaction models. The deficit is increasing with shower energy. For the models EPOS-LHC and QGSJet-II.04, the slope is found significant at 8 sigma.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of UHECR201

    Nuclear structure in strong magnetic fields: nuclei in the crust of a magnetar

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    Covariant density functional theory is used to study the effect of strong magnetic fields, up to the limit predicted for neutron stars (for magnetars B1018B \approx10^{18}G), on nuclear structure. All new terms in the equation of motion resulting from time reversal symmetry breaking by the magnetic field and the induced currents, as well as axial deformation, are taken into account in a self-consistent fashion. For nuclei in the iron region of the nuclear chart it is found that fields in the order of magnitude of 101710^{17}G significantly affect bulk properties like masses and radii.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Priority sites for wildfowl conservation in Mexico

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    A set of priority sites for wildfowl conservation in Mexico was determined using contemporary count data (1991–2000) from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service mid-winter surveys. We used a complementarity approach implemented through linear integer programming that addresses particular conservation concerns for every species included in the analysis and large fluctuations in numbers through time. A set of 31 priority sites was identified, which held more than 69% of the mid-winter count total in Mexico during all surveyed years. Six sites were in the northern highlands, 12 in the central highlands, six on the Gulf of Mexico coast and seven on the upper Pacific coast. Twenty-two sites from the priority set have previously been identified as qualifying for designation as wetlands of international importance under the Ramsar Convention and 20 sites are classified as Important Areas for Bird Conservation in Mexico. The information presented here provides an accountable, spatially-explicit, numerical basis for ongoing conservation planning efforts in Mexico, which can be used to improve existing wildfowl conservation networks in the country and can also be useful for conservation planning exercises elsewhere