625 research outputs found

    The job market for graduates in library and information science: analysis of job advertisements published in IWETEL during the period 2000-2007

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    Con la finalidad de describir las características que presentan las ofertas laborales destinadas a titulados en Biblioteconomía y Documentación en España se analizaron los ofrecimientos publicados en la lista de interés IWETEL durante el periodo 2000-2007. Con las ofertas se efectuaron análisis estadísticos referidos a: número de empleos ofertados, tipología de las organizaciones demandantes, requisitos solicitados y modalidad de los contratos. Se concluye que la mayor demanda de empleos proviene de organizaciones empresariales. Las organizaciones demandantes son mayormente del ámbito privado y el tipo de contrato ofrecido de carácter temporario. En relación a lo conocimientos requeridos, las áreas de Tecnología de la Información, Organización y Tratamiento de la Información e Idiomas figuran entre los más demandados por los empleadores.In order to determine the characteristics that have the job offers for graduates in Library and Information Science in Spain were analyzed the jobs advertised in IWETEL during the period 2000-2007. With offers were performed statistical analysis in relation to: number of jobs offered, typology of organizations applying, qualification requirements and type of contracts. We conclude that the largest number of orders of jobs comes from business organizations. The applicants organizations are mostly of the private sector and the type of contract offer of a temporary nature. In relation to the knowledge required, the areas of Information Technology, Organization and Information Processing and Language, are among the most demanded by employers

    Bernardo García Díaz (Editor) La huelga del Río Blanco (1907-2007)

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    SEV Gobierno del Estado de Veracruz, México, 2007, 298 páginas. ISBN: 970-670-145-

    Analysis of Alloy 718 surfaces milled by abrasive waterjet and post-processed by plain waterjet technology

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    This work analyzes the surfaces obtained in Alloy 718 when they are milled by Abrasive Waterjet (AWJ) at different conditions. This analysis revealed that all surfaces have a homogeneous roughness in the transversal and the longitudinal directions, present embedded abrasive particles and have hardened about 50% with respect to the untreated bulk Alloy 718. On the other hand, Plain Waterjet (PWJ) technology was used for removing the abrasive particles embedded in surfaces of Alloy 718 milled previously by AWJ technology. The effect of this process on the surface characteristics is also analyzed. For all tested conditions, this technology removed all the particles embedded in the surface. In addition, the PWJ technology process in general smoothened the surfaces produced by AWJ milling and it also released near-surface stresses.The authors acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government for support of project EVOCA II (reference DPI2013-45308-P)

    De cambios estilísticos y paradigmas retóricos

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    Le présent travail a pour objet de montrer l’importance des doctrines hermogéniennes sur le style dans les traités de rhétorique du Siècle d’Or, ainsi que leur diffusion dans les manuels d’enseignement, et de déterminer la portée réelle de ces théories dans le domaine de la prédication et de la création littéraire.This paper deals with the importance of the Hermogenic doctrines about diverse styles, in the Spanish Golden Age treatises on rhetoric, and with their diffusion in the handbooks about this topic. This paper also aims at assessing what might have been the real extent of the influence of these theories in areas such as preaching or literature.Este trabajo se ocupa de la importancia y vigencia en el panorama de las retóricas áureas de las doctrinas hermogénicas sobre los diferentes estilos y su difusión en los manuales de enseñanza para valorar cuál pudo ser el alcance real de la influencia de estas teorías en la predicación o en la literatura

    Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing on the Machinability of Titanium Parts

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    The manufacturing of titanium airframe parts involves significant machining and low buy-to-fly ratios. Production costs could be greatly reduced by the combination of an additive manufacturing (AM) process followed by a finishing machining operation. Among the different AM alternatives, wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) offers deposition rates of kg/h and could be the key for the production of parts of several meters economically. In this study, the influence of the manufacturing process of Ti6Al4V alloy on both its material properties and machinability is investigated. First, the mechanical properties of a workpiece obtained by WAAM were compared to those in a conventional laminated plate. Then, drilling tests were carried out in both materials. The results showed that WAAM leads to a higher hardness than laminated Ti6Al4V and satisfies the requirements of the standard in terms of mechanical properties. As a consequence, higher cutting forces, shorter chips, and lower burr height were observed for the workpieces produced by AM. Furthermore, a metallographic analysis of the chip cross-sectional area also showed that a serrated chip formation is also present during drilling of Ti6Al4V produced by WAAM. The gathered information can be used to improve the competitiveness of the manufacturing of aircraft structures in terms of production time and cost.This research was funded by the vice-counseling of technology, innovation, and competitiveness of the Basque Government grant agreement kk-2019/00004 (PROCODA project

    La literatura de Julio Verne como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza de la Geología en Bachiller

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    En este trabajo se plantea una propuesta teórica sobre el uso de una obra de Julio Verne (1828 – 1905) para la enseñanza de ciertos contenidos de la asignatura “Geología” de Segundo de Bachillerato. El planteamiento del trabajo está pensado para poder ser aplicado en el aula, ya que se han tenido en cuenta todos los aspectos de temporización, curriculum, estrategias, técnicas de enseñanza, etc. en la programación. Las razones para este trabajo son variadas y nacen tanto de ciertas necesidades observadas en el aula durante el desarrollo del Practicum II, como de la simple motivación por proponer diferentes metodologías innovadoras, y descubrir el alcance de su potencial didáctico.Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria por la Universidad Pública de NavarraBigarren Hezkuntzako Irakasletzako Unibertsitate Masterra Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Effect of the Heat Input on Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing of Invar 36 Alloy: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties

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    Invar, also known as FeNi36, is a material of great interest due to its unique properties, which makes it an excellent alterna tive for sectors such as tooling in aeronautics and aerospace. Its manufacture by means of wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) technology could extend its use. This paper aims to evaluate the comparison of two of the most widespread WAAM technologies: plasma arc welding (PAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW). This comparison is based on the analysis of wall geometry, metallography, and mechanical properties of the material produced by both technologies. The results show a slight increase in toughness and elongation before fracture and worse tensile strength data in the case of PAW, with aver age values of 485 MPa for ultimate tensile strength (UTS), 31% for elongation and 475 MPa, 40% in GMAW and PAW, respectively. All results gathered from the analysis show the possibility of successful manufacturing of Invar by means of WAAM technologies. The novelties presented in this paper allow us to establish relationships between the thermal input of the process itself and the mechanical and metallographic properties of the material produced.Open Access funding provided by Universidad Pública de Navarra. The authors acknowledge funding from the Basque Govern ment to the HARITIVE project [ZE-2017/00038], HARIPLUS project [ZE-2019/00352], QUALYFAM project [kk-2020/00042], and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology to DEDALUS project [reference ID 20094