38 research outputs found

    Penerapan Konsep Eco-settlement Pada Sarana Prasarana Infrastruktur Pendukung Permukiman Huntap (Studi Kasus : Huntap Pagerjurang Dan Huntap Karangkendal Kecamatan Cangkringan)

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    Eco-settlement infrastructure planning is a concept that puts the balance of the ecosystem at a settlement. This concept is urged to apply to residential areas, especially in the area of the catchment. Huntap as a settlement area also need to apply the concept of eco-settlement. After the eruption of Merapi, Huntap development is mostly done in the area of Cangkringan which is the catchment area that supplies water in the city of Jogjakarta. The purpose of this study was to report the results of the application of eco-settlement planning on huntap in Cangkringan area. The method used in this research are: 1) Identification of the condition of settlement infrastructure that had been built 2) comparative analysis of results of this identification with the concept of eco-settlement, 3) to formulate the results of the analysis. From the analysis, we can conclude that the development of infrastructure in the dwelling in accordance with the concept of eco-settlement

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad terhadap Pemahaman Isi Bacaan Berbasis Teks Cerita Bahasa Indonesia dengan Mempertimbangkan Motivasi Berprestasi pada Kelas X SMKN 1 Klungkung Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia, 2) adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi tinggi, 3) adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi rendah, dan 4) adanya pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Sampel terdiri atas kelas X MM1 dan X AK1 sebagai eksperimen dan kelas X MM2 dan X AP2 sebagai kontrol.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner motivasi berprestasi dan tes objektif untuk peroleh nilai prestasi pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia pada kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Klungkung tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Instrumen yang disusun dikalibrasi untuk mengetahui validitasnya dan realibilitasnya, pengolahan data dilakukan dengan analisis anava dua jalurKata Kunci : Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Jigsaw, motivasi berprestasi, pemahaman isi bacaan berbasis teks cerita bahasa Indonesia This rescarch is intended to know :1) the influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the text based on story text Indonesian .2) then influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the text based of Indonesian story text on the student having high achievement motivation .3) the influence of cooperative learning model type STAD due to understanding the content of the reading text based on Indonesian story text on the students having low achievement motivation.and 4) the influence of interection between learning model and achievement motivation due to the understanding the content of reading text based on the Indonesian story text.thisrescarch is quarionexperiment.the samples are grade XMM1. and X Ak1 as the experiment and grade XMM2 and X AP2 as the control.The collection of the data was done by questioner motivation achievement and objective test to achievgain the mark of achievement of understanding the content of reading text based on Indonesian story text on grade X SMK N 1 Klungkung in the academic year 2014/2015. The instrument was arranged to know the validity and realibility, the data management was done by analysis of anava two trac


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    The waste of sugar cane (bagasse) contains high cellulose that can be hydrolyzed to form glucose. This research used concentrated sulphate acid (H2SO4) as catalyst. The aim of this research are identifying the influence of temperature reaction for cellulose hydrolyzation from bagasse to glucose and determining the reaction rate constant of bagasse hydrolyzation. This research used 10 gram weight of raw material, stirrer speed 150 rpm, weight ratio of raw material and ripening volume 1:5, ripening time 120 minutes, and concentration acid 25%. The observe variable is hydrolyzation temperature reaction (70 - 115 0C). This research show that reaction rate constant depent temperature is k = 0,0114.e^-107.43/T. Keywords: Bagasse, acid hydrolysis, arkenol

    Four groups of type 2 diabetes contribute to the etiological and clinical heterogeneity in newly diagnosed individuals: An IMI DIRECT study

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    The presentation and underlying pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is complex and heterogeneous. Recent studies attempted to stratify T2D into distinct subgroups using data-driven approaches, but their clinical utility may be limited if categorical representations of complex phenotypes are suboptimal. We apply a soft-clustering (archetype) method to characterize newly diagnosed T2D based on 32 clinical variables. We assign quantitative clustering scores for individuals and investigate the associations with glycemic deterioration, genetic risk scores, circulating omics biomarkers, and phenotypic stability over 36 months. Four archetype profiles represent dysfunction patterns across combinations of T2D etiological processes and correlate with multiple circulating biomarkers. One archetype associated with obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and impaired β cell glucose sensitivity corresponds with the fastest disease progression and highest demand for anti-diabetic treatment. We demonstrate that clinical heterogeneity in T2D can be mapped to heterogeneity in individual etiological processes, providing a potential route to personalized treatments

    Four groups of type 2 diabetes contribute to the etiological and clinical heterogeneity in newly diagnosed individuals: An IMI DIRECT study

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    The presentation and underlying pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is complex and heterogeneous. Recent studies attempted to stratify T2D into distinct subgroups using data-driven approaches, but their clinical utility may be limited if categorical representations of complex phenotypes are suboptimal. We apply a soft-clustering (archetype) method to characterize newly diagnosed T2D based on 32 clinical variables. We assign quantitative clustering scores for individuals and investigate the associations with glycemic deterioration, genetic risk scores, circulating omics biomarkers, and phenotypic stability over 36 months. Four archetype profiles represent dysfunction patterns across combinations of T2D etiological processes and correlate with multiple circulating biomarkers. One archetype associated with obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and impaired β cell glucose sensitivity corresponds with the fastest disease progression and highest demand for anti-diabetic treatment. We demonstrate that clinical heterogeneity in T2D can be mapped to heterogeneity in individual etiological processes, providing a potential route to personalized treatments

    Molecular fingerprints of iron parameters among a population-based sample.

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    Iron deficiency is the most frequent deficiency disease and parameters of iron metabolism appear to be linked to major metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. We screened a large set of small molecules in plasma for associations with iron status among apparently healthy subjects to elucidate subclinical profiles which may provide a link between iron status and onset of diseases. Based on mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy we determined 613 plasma metabolites and lipoprotein subfractions among 820 apparently healthy individuals. Associations between ferritin, transferrin, haemoglobin and myoglobin and metabolite levels were tested by sex-specific linear regression analyses controlling for common confounders. Far more significant associations in women (82 out of 102) compared to men became obvious. The majority of the metabolites associated with serum ferritin and haemoglobin in women comprising fatty acid species, branched-chain amino acid catabolites and catabolites of heme. The latter was also obvious among men. Positive associations between serum transferrin and VLDL and IDL particle measures seen in women were observed in men with respect to serum ferritin. We observed a sexual-dimorphic fingerprint of surrogates of iron metabolism which may provide a link for the associations between those parameters and major metabolic and cardiovascular disease

    Sex-specific metabolic profiles of androgens and its main binding protein SHBG in a middle aged population without diabetes.

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    The role of androgens in metabolism with respect to sex-specific disease associations is poorly understood. Therefore, we aimed to provide molecular signatures in plasma and urine of androgen action in a sex-specific manner using state-of-the-art metabolomics techniques. Our study population consisted of 430 men and 343 women, aged 20-80 years, who were recruited for the cross-sectional population-based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP-TREND), Germany. We used linear regression models to identify associations between testosterone, androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEAS) as well as sex hormone-binding globulin and plasma or urine metabolites measured by mass spectrometry. The analyses revealed major sex-specific differences in androgen-associated metabolites, particularly for levels of urate, lipids and metabolic surrogates of lifestyle factors, like cotinine or piperine. In women, in particular in the postmenopausal state, androgens showed a greater impact on the metabolome than in men (especially DHEAS and lipids were highly related in women). We observed a novel association of androstenedione on the metabolism of biogenic amines and only a small sex-overlap of associations within steroid metabolism. The present study yields new insights in the interaction between androgens and metabolism, especially about their implication in female metabolism