245 research outputs found

    Phase-transfer function of the human eye and its influence on point-spread function and wave aberration.

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    The bidimensional phase-transfer function (PTF) of the human eye has been computed from aerial retinal images of a point test. These images were previously determined by using a recently developed hybrid optical-digital method. Actual PTF data have been obtained directly without linear variations with spatial frequency and have shown great variations among individual subjects. The influence of the PTF on the determination of the point-spread function and the wave-aberration function for emmetropized and slightly astigmatic subjects has been also evaluated. Finally, the effect of pupil size on the PTF was determined by computing these functions from the wave aberration. These results allow us to give a more thorough description of the optical image quality of the human eye and can be used as actual data in subsequent psychophysical studies.The authors thank M. Nieto-Vesperinas for his critical reading of the manuscript. This research was supported by the Comision Asesora de Investigaci6n Cientifica y T6cnica (grant 2520/83), Ministerio de Educaci6n y Ciencia, Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Adaptation to the eye’s chromatic aberration measured with an adaptive optics visual simulator

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    ©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the, Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Optics Express. To access the final edited and published work see: https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.404296Some aspects of vision after correcting the longitudinal chromatic aberration (LCA) of the eye are not yet completely understood. For instance, correcting the LCA notably alters the through focus visual acuity (VA) curve, but it does not improve the best VA obtained for the natural case. In this work, vision with corrected LCA is further investigated by using an adaptive optics visual simulator (AOVS). VA was measured continuously during 20 minutes in 5 subjects under both natural and corrected LCA conditions to explore possible adaptation effects. Low contrast VA as a function of time exhibited a consistent and significant boost of 0.19 in decimal scale after an average time of 10.9 minutes of continuous testing. For high contrast, only one subject showed a similar increase in VA. These results suggest that some LCA neural adaptation may exist, particularly for low contrast. This adaptation impacts the performance of vision under corrected LCA, and possibly prevents measurement for immediate visual benefit. The results have practical implications for the design and visual testing of optical aids, especially those correcting, or altering, the LCA

    Impact of longitudinal chromatic aberration on through-focus visual acuity

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    ©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the, Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Optics Express. To access the final edited and published work see: https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.035935An enhanced adaptive optics visual simulator (AOVS) was used to study the impact of chromatic aberration on vision. In particular, through-focus visual acuity (VA) was measured in four subjects under three longitudinal chromatic aberration (LCA) conditions: natural LCA, compensated LCA and doubled LCA. Ray-tracing simulations using a chromatic eye model were also performed for a better understanding of experimental results. Simulations predicted the optical quality of the retinal images and VA by applying a semi-empirical formula. Experimental and ray tracing results showed a significant agreement in the natural LCA case (R2 = 0.92). Modifying the LCA caused an impairment in the predictability of the results, with decreasing correlations between experiment and simulations (compensated LCA, R2 = 0.84; doubled LCA, R2 = 0.59). VA under modified LCA was systematically overestimated by the model around the best focus position. The results provided useful information on how LCA manipulation affects the depth of focus. Decreased capability of the model to predict VA in modified LCA conditions suggests that neural adaptation may play a role

    Single-pixel imaging of the retina through scattering media

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    Imaging the retina of cataractous patients is useful to detect pathologies before the cataract surgery is performed. However, for conventional ophthalmoscopes, opacifications convert the lens into a scattering medium that may greatly deteriorate the retinal image. In this paper we show, as a proof of concept, that it is possible to surpass the limitations imposed by scattering applying to both, a model and a healthy eye, a newly developed ophthalmoscope based on single-pixel imaging. To this end, an instrument was built that incorporates two imaging modalities: conventional flood illumination and single-pixel based. Images of the retina were acquired firstly in an artificial eye and later in healthy living eyes with different elements which replicate the scattering produced by cataractous lenses. Comparison between both types of imaging modalities shows that, under high levels of scattering, the single-pixel ophthalmoscope outperforms standard imaging methods

    Propuesta didáctica de sensibilización hacia la discapacidad visual desde el área de Educación Física

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    En el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado se muestra una unidad didáctica del área de Educación Física para fomentar la sensibilización hacia la discapacidad en las aulas de Educación Primaria, centrándose en la discapacidad visual. Entre los principales resultados, se destaca cómo a través de la presente propuesta se ha conseguido, mediante la inclusión, sensibilizar hacia la discapacidad visual a un grupo de alumnos de un colegio público de Educación Primaria de la provincia de Segovia. A la vez que se ha conseguido fomentar la empatía en ellos hacía las personas discapacitadas. Podemos concluir cómo la elaboración y puesta en práctica de esta propuesta didáctica busca también despertar el interés en los docentes sobre este tipo de temas, dando respuesta a los interrogantes de algunos maestros del área Educación Física que no tengan formación sobre la atención a la diversidad en alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, en concreto por discapacidad sensorial visual.Grado en Educación Primari

    Extended source pyramid wave-front sensor for the human eye.

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    We describe a new wave-front sensor based on the previously proposed pyramid sensor. This new sensor uses an extended source instead of a point-like source avoiding in this manner the oscillation of the pyramid. After an introductory background the sensor functioning is described. Among other possible optical testing uses, we apply the sensor to measure the wave-front aberration of the human eye. An experimental system built to test this specific application is described. Results obtained both in an articficial eye and in a real eye are presented. A discussion about the sensor characteristics, the experimental results and future work prospects is also included

    Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy: A Tool for Quantitative Analysis of Tissues

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    Second harmonic generation (SHG) is a second‐order non‐linear optical process produced in birefringent crystals or in biological tissues with non‐centrosymmetric structure such as collagen or microtubules structures. SHG signal originates from two excitation photons which interact with the material and are “reconverted” to form a new emitted photon with half of wavelength. Although theoretically predicted by Maria Göpert‐Mayer in 1930s, the experimental SHG demonstration arrived with the invention of the laser in the 1960s. SHG was first obtained in ruby by using a high excitation oscillator. After that starting point, the harmonic generation reached an increasing interest and importance, based on its applications to characterize biological tissues using multiphoton microscopes. In particular, collagen has been one of the most often analyzed structures since it provides an efficient SHG signal. In late 1970s, it was discovered that SHG signal took place in three‐dimensional optical interaction at the focal point of a microscope objective with high numerical aperture. This finding allowed researchers to develop microscopes with 3D submicron resolution and an in depth analysis of biological specimens. Since SHG is a polarization‐sensitive non‐linear optical process, the implementation of polarization into multiphoton microscopes has allowed the study of both molecular architecture and fibrilar distribution of type‐I collagen fibers. The analysis of collagen‐based structures is particularly interesting since they represent 80% of the connective tissue of the human body. On the other hand, more recent techniques such as pulse compression of laser pulses or adaptive optics have been applied to SHG microscopy in order to improve the visualization of features. The combination of these techniques permit the reduction of the laser power required to produce efficient SHG signal and therefore photo‐toxicity and photo‐damage are avoided (critical parameters in biomedical applications). Some pathologies such as cancer or fibrosis are related to collagen disorders. These are thought to appear at molecular scale before the micrometric structure is affected. In this sense, SHG imaging has emerged as a powerful tool in biomedicine and it might serve as a non‐invasive early diagnosis technique

    The Role of Thermal Accumulation on the Fabrication of Diffraction Gratings in Ophthalmic PHEMA by Ultrashort Laser Direct Writing

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    The fabrication of diffraction gratings by ultrashort direct laser writing in poly-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate (PHEMA) polymers used as soft contact lenses is reported. Diffraction gratings were inscribed by focusing laser radiation 100 µm underneath the surface of the samples. Low- and high-repetition rate Ti:sapphire lasers with 120 fs pulsewidth working at 1 kHz and 80 MHz respectively were used to assess the role of thermal accumulation on microstructural and optical characteristics. Periodic patterns were produced for different values of repetition rate, pulse energy, laser wavelength, distance between tracks, and scanning speed. Compositional and structural modifications of the processed areas were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy showing that under certain parameters, thermal accumulation may result in local densification. Far-field diffraction patterns were recorded for the produced gratings to assess the refractive index change induced in the processed areasThis research was funded by the PIT2 program of the University of Murcia’s own research plan. Fundación Seneca grant No 20647/JLI/18, Junta de Castilla y León (project SA287P18), MINECO (project FIS2017-87970-R) and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie IF No 795630 are also acknowledged

    The human eye is an example of robust optical design

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    In most eyes, in the fovea and at best focus, the resolution capabilities of the eye's optics and the retinal mosaic are remarkably well adapted. Although there is a large individual variability, the average magnitude of the high order aberrations is similar in groups of eyes with different refractive errors. This is surprising because these eyes are comparatively different in shape: Myopic eyes are longer whereas hyperopic eyes are shorter. In most young eyes, the amount of aberrations for the isolated cornea is larger than for the complete eye, indicating that the internal ocular optics (mainly the crystalline lens) play a signif icant role in compensating for the corneal aberrations, thereby producing an improved retinal image. In this paper, we show that this compensation is larger in the less optically centered eyes that mostly correspond to hyperopic eyes. This suggests a type of mechanism in the eye's design that is the most likely responsible for this compensation. Spherical aberration of the cornea is partially compensated by that of the lens in most eyes. Lateral coma is also compensated mainly in hyperopic eyes. We found that the distribution of aberrations between the cornea and lens appears to allow the optical properties of the eye to be relatively insensitive to variations arising from eye growth or exact centration and alignment of the eye's optics relative to the fovea. These results may suggest the presence of an auto-compensation mechanism that renders the eye's optics robust despite large variation in the ocular shape and geometry

    Light Scattering by Vitreous of Humans With Vision Degrading Myodesopsia From Floaters

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    PURPOSE: Vision-degrading myodesopsia (VDM) from vitreous floaters significantly degrades vision and impacts visual quality of life (VQOL), but the relationship to light scattering is poorly understood. This study compared in vitro measures of light scatter and transmission in surgically excised human vitreous to preoperative indexes of vitreous structure, visual function, and VQOL. METHODS: Pure vitreous collected during vitrectomy from 8 patients with VDM had wide-angle straylight measurements and dark-field imaging, performed within 36 hours of vitrectomy. Preoperative VQOL assessment with VFQ-25, contrast sensitivity (CS) measurements with Freiburg acuity contrast testing, and quantitative ultrasonography were compared to light scattering and transmission in vitro. RESULTS: All indices of vitreous echodensity in vivo correlated positively with straylight at 0.5° (R = 0.708 to 0.775, P = 0.049 and 0.024, respectively). Straylight mean scatter index correlated with echodensity (R = 0.71, P = 0.04) and VQOL (R = -0.82, P = 0.0075). Dark-field measures in vitro correlated with degraded CS in vivo (R = -0.69, P = 0.04). VQOL correlated with straylight mean scatter index (R = -0.823, P = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Increased vitreous echodensity in vivo is associated with more straylight scattering in vitro, validating ultrasonography as a clinical surrogate for light scattering. Contrast sensitivity in vivo is more degraded in the presence of dark-field scattering in vitro and VQOL is decreased in patients whose vitreous has increased light scattering. These findings could form the basis for the development of optical corrections for VDM or support new laser treatments, as well as novel pharmacotherapy