235 research outputs found


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    This paper attempts to assess the influence of several factors on the repayment rate of the Village Credit Institutions (Lembaga Perkreditan Desa or simply LPDs) in Gianyar district in Bali. Using a quantitative approach (logistic model) the findings of this study indicate that the Balinese social custom, including social values, norms, and sanctions (informal institutions) have an influence on sustaining the high repayment rate of the LPDs. This finding conforms to the some previous studies using institutional approach that reveal the high repayment rate of the LPDs in Gianyar district is influenced by their institutional arrangement that based on custom regulation which includes social norms, sanctions, and involvement of custom village leader in screening process and contractual enforcement of loan (informal institutions), by regulations set up by the Central Bank (formal institutions), and by the mechanism of collecting loan repayments applied by the LPDs management


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    Salah satu karakteristik penting dari pasar kredit mikro di negara sedang berkembang (NSB)adalah tingginya derajat ketidaksempurnaan informasi yang pada gilirannya menyebabkantingginya derajat risiko dan ketidakpastian. Tulisan ini mengungkapkan bahwa lembaga keuanganmikro di NSB telah menerapkan praktik-praktik pengelolaan yang unik dan beraneka ragam yangberbasiskan pada institusi-institusi informal seperti norma dan sanksi sosial dalam upayanyauntuk memecahkan masalah risiko dalam memberikan kredit pada pasar kredit mikro. Praktikpraktikpengelolaan tersebut — yang berakarkan pada institusi informal yang ada — telah berhasilmengurangi risiko kredit yang dicerminkan oleh kemampuan dari praktik pengelolaan tersebutdalam menurunkan kredit macet, khususnya dalam sebuah masyarakat yang homogen dengan nilaitransaksi ekonomi yang relatif kecil. Namun demikian, ketika suatu masyarakat berkembangmenjadi relatif heterogen dan transaksi ekonominya semakin besar, efektivitas institusi informaltersebut menurun. Dalam kondisi seperti ini, kehadiran institusi formal menjadi suatu keharusan.Key words: microfinance institutions, risk, uncertainty, and informal institution


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    In today's modern world, the number of hotels and other accommodations is increasing in Indonesia in general and in the province of North Sumatra in particular. The same situation also occurs in the Toba lake region which covers seven districts surrounding Toba lake with a number of hotels that vary in each district. This study aims to analyze the possibility of classification of the hospitality area concentration in the Toba lake region and analyze the shift in the classification of the hospitality area concentration in the Toba lake region. Panel data used will be analyzed using the method of classification analysis of the hospitality area concentration in the  Toba lake region. Then it will be assisted by geographic information system analysis as a visualization tool for maps of hospitality areas in the  Toba lake region. This research shows that the Toba lake region consists of two classifications, namely:  the classification of the main area of hospitality that cover three district  and tthe non-concentration classification of hospitality areas that includes four districts. During the study period, the shift in the classification of the hospitality area concentration were not found in the Toba lake region.   Keywords :  Geographic Information System 1, Hospitality Area Concentration

    Ekonomi Industri

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    Tulisan ini membahas sifat dan arti penting lembaga keuangan mikro (LKM) dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Bukti-bukti dari beberapa negara sedang berkembang (NSB) menunjukkan bahwa LKM telah berkembang tidak hanya sebagai lembaga keuangan per se tetapi juga sebagai alat pembangunan (development tools) di dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan. Lebih dari itu, bukti-bukti juga menunjukkan pula bahwa LKM selain berperan penting sebagai lembaga perantara keuangan (financial intermediaries) yang mampu meningkatkan proses pendalaman sistem keuangan (financial deepening) juga mempunyai dampak yang positif terhadap peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat miskin, menciptakan lapangan kerja, dan meningkatkan tabungan masyarakat.

    Ekonomi Pembangunan

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    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kedalaman Jangkauan (Depth Of Outreach) Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Kabupaten Sleman

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    The study analyses the factors affecting the depth of outreach of micro nance institutions at Sleman District,Yogyakarta. This study uses quantitative approach with weighted least square- xed effect method of panel dataand primary data obtained from ten BPRs from in the period of 2005-2007. Nine variables used in the processof estimation which are the age of BPR, ROA, number of clients, intermediary variable, number of branch,number of staffs, cost of loans, agriculture sector clients, and trading sector clients. The results of this studyshow that the depth of outreach are statistically signi cant in uenced by ROA, number of branch, cost of loans,agriculture sector clients, and trading sector clients. However, only ROA and trading sector clients that havepositive in uences on the depth of outreach


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    Food prices regularly change due to various factors such as the policy on imports. This paper analyzes the impact of changes in food prices including rice, red onions, and garlic, on farmers’ welfare. The Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) was used to estimate the demand function for food commodities, and the Compensating Variation (CV) was used to estimate the impact of price changes both immediately and in the short-term. This study contributes an idea of how the government makes its policies on food prices and imports, and how they provide benefits for farmers in Indonesia. Data were collected from the 2014 National Socio-economic Survey (SUSENAS). The research results indicated that income improvement led to the increase in rice, red onion and garlic consumption. The dynamics of income, own-price and cross-price elasticity varied, depending on demography, the social economic condition, and the geographic location of the household. The short-term impact of imported products on welfare changes was larger than the immediate impact

    The Impact of Social Safety Net Scholarships Program to School Dropout Rates in Indonesia: The Intention-To-Treat Analysis

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    This study aims to investigate the role of Indonesia’s Social Safety Net Scholarships Program to the school dropout rates in basic education in Indonesia using Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) and the Intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. Randomized controlled trials often suffer from two major complications, i.e., noncompliance and missing outcomes. One potential solution to this problem is a statistical concept called intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. One of the challenges of estimating the effect of the JPS program is the non-random allocation of the scholarships. The results showed that the JPS scholarship received by boys and girls per 100 children is proven to be effective in reducing the school dropout rates in basic education, given that levels of education are very vulnerable to dropping out of school as a result of the impact of the economic crisis, particularly in junior secondary school. Meanwhile, the JPS scholarships received by boys more effective to reduce school dropout rates than girls in reducing the school dropout rates, considering that boys are more involved during the economic crisis. The findings were the same in Java and Bali that the average number of boys per 100 children who received JPS scholarship has shown a more significant share in reducing the total dropout number compared to those who are outside the Java and Bali areas. Thus, it will reduce the households that tried to offset the impact of the economic crisis with a variety of coping strategies, especially using boy’s child labor in Java and Bali. Although the JPS scholarship effectively reduces the school dropout rates in basic education, but the influence is still felt inadequate. Therefore, the government needs to fix the target criteria for scholarships recipients to be more accurate and on target with the latest data update. This is important because accurate targeting will determine the effectiveness of the program. Furthermore, it has poor selection criteria carried out by the committee schools, therefore, it needs to be fixed in order to avoid any irregularities
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