58 research outputs found

    The relationship between serum paraoxonase levels and carotid atherosclerotic plaque formation in Alzheimer's patients

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    Low paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and carotid atherosclerosis have been suggested to be important risk factors for dementia. However, the studies to date could not fully clarify the relationship between PON1, carotid atherosclerosis and dementia. The present study aimed to measure carotid atherosclerosis and PON1 activity in Alzheimer's Disease and to evaluate the relationship between them. The study included 25 Alzheimer's patients and 25 control subjects, for a total of 50 individuals. The study measured the serum PON1 activity and other biochemical parameters and carotid atherosclerotic plaque values of the participants. The mean paraoxonase activity (31.06±2.31U/L) was significantly lower in the Alzheimer's group compared to the control group (59.05±7.05U/L) (P<0.001). Nonetheless, the carotid plaque values were significantly higher in the patient group (3.02±0.52mm) compared to the control group (1.84±0.45mm) (P<0.001). Furthermore, there was a negative correlation (81.0%) between PON1 activity and carotid plaque in the overall study group (P<0.05). Also serum homocystein level was higher in the patient group (22.15±7.05) compared to the control group (13.30±3.32). In conclusion, our findings show inverse association between PON1 activity and carotid atherosclerosis in Alzheimer patients: the lower the PON1 activity the more progressed the atherosclerotic process in AD

    New inflammatory parameters in laryngopharyngeal reflux

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    Objectives: To investigate new inflammatory markers in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux and determine whether these inflammatory parameters change in response to laryngopharyngeal reflux treatment. Methods: Complete blood count was evaluated to obtain platelet count and mean platelet volume and calculate neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio. Laryngopharyngeal reflux patients underwent three-month lansoprazole treatment. Results: The study included 45 laryngopharyngeal reflux patients (9 men (20 per cent); mean age, 37.4 ± 11.6 years) and 35 healthy age- and sex-matched controls (7 men (20 per cent); mean age, 38.6 ± 8.9 years). The study group had significantly higher platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios and lower mean platelet volumes than the control group (p = 0.004 and p = 0.047, respectively). There was a significant correlation between platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios and initial inflammatory symptoms (reflux symptom index, p = 0.025; reflux finding score, p = 0.013). There was also a significant correlation between mean platelet volume increase and symptom resolution in the first and third months of treatment (p = 0.04 and p = 0.03, respectively). Conclusion: Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, a new inflammatory marker of chronic inflammation, was significantly higher in laryngopharyngeal reflux patients. Moreover, these patients had significantly lower mean platelet volume values, which increased with post-treatment symptom improvement

    An Amperometric Biosensor for Glucose Determination Prepared from Glucose Oxidase Immobilized in Polyaniline-Polyvinylsulfonate Film

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    In this study, a novel amperometric glucose biosensor with immobilization of glucose oxidase on electrochemically polymerized polyaniline-polyvinylsulphonate (Pani-Pvs) films has been accomplished via the entrapment technique. Electropolymerization of aniline on the Pt surface of the Pt electrode was carried out at constant potential (0.75 V, vs. Ag/AgCl) using an electrochemical cell containing aniline and polyvinylsulphonate. Firstly, the optimum working conditions for preparing polyaniline-polyvinylsulfonate films were investigated. Determination of glucose was carried out by the oxidation of enzymatically produced H2O2 at 0.4 V vs. Ag/AgCl. The effects of pH and temperature were investigated and the optimum pH value was found to be 7.5. The storage stability and operational stability of the enzyme electrode were also studied. The results show that 75% of the response current was retained after 16 activity assays. The prepared glucose biosensor retained 80.6% of initial activity after 40 days when stored in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution at 4 °C

    Effects of rootstocks on storage and shelf life of grafted watermelons

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    Watermelon fruits from non-grafted or grafted ‘Crimson Tide’ (CT) and ‘Crisby’ (CR) onto Ferro, RS841, Argentario and Macis rootstocks were compared for their postharvest quality during storage at 7 °C for 21 days and additional 7 days at 21 °C. Non-grafted and grafted CT and CR fruits did not exhibit chilling injury (CI) symptoms, but the 1-2% of fungal decay occurred after shelf life period following storage. Watermelons grafted on Ferro and RS841 rootstocks had higher flesh firmness thicker rind, lower ripening rating, more intense (higher C*) brighter red (lower h° value) color and higher lycopene content after shelf life period following storage, compared to non-grafted fruits. All of the fruit tested by the panelists received high taste scores of >7.9 out of 8.5 at the beginning, but the scores decreased to >6.8 out of 7.7 at the end of shelf life period. Watermelons could successfully be kept for 21 days at 7 °C and additional 7 days at 21 °C. Watermelons grafted on Ferro and RS841 rootstocks had higher postharvest quality, compared to the non-grafted fruits for both cultivars

    Term of Sultan II. Abdülhamid and German effect on Ottoman army

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    1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus savaşı Osmanlı Devleti'nin yenilgisiyle sonuçlanmıştı. Rus ordusunun Yeşilköy'e kadar ilerlemiş olması ise tedirginliğe yol açmıştı. Bu yenilgi, orduda ıslahat yapılması gerektiğini açık bir şekilde ortaya koymaktaydı. II. Abdülhamid ise yapılacak olan ıslahatların ancak yabancı uzmanlardan yararlanılması ile başarılı olacağını görüşündeydi. Orduda yapılacak olan ıslahatlar için yabancı uzmanların görüşlerinden ilk olarak I. Mahmud döneminde yararlanılmıştır. Bu dönemde Kont de Bonneval Osmanlı ordusunda görev almıştır. II. Mahmut döneminde ise ise Moltke ve heyeti dört yıl süreyle hizmet vermiştir. II. Abdülhamid dönemine kadar zaman zaman değişik ülkelerin subaylarından yararlanılmıştır. II. Abdülhamid döneminde ise bu görev Alman subaylara verilmiştir. Bu dönemde görev alan subaylar askeri ıslahat komisyonunda görevlendirilmişlerdir. Subayların görevi ordunun durumu hakkında incelemelerde bulunmaları ve ıslahat önerileri sunmalarıydı. Bu öneriler kurulan ıslahat komisyonunda değerlendirilmiş ve uygun görülenler Padişahın onayına sunulmuştur. Ayrıca askeri eğitimin ıslahı içinde özel olarak Goltz Paşa'ya görev verildiği görülmektedir. Alman subaylar II. Abdülhamid dönemi boyunca ıslahat görevini üstlenmişler ve O'nun tahttan indirilmesinden sonra da I. Dünya savaşına kadar bu görevlerine devam etmişlerdir.The war that took place between Ottoman and Russian community in 1877-1878 was resulted in the defeat of Ottomans. Besides, Russian army's moving towards Yeşilköy had caused bedevilment. This defeat clearly demonstrated the necessity to make reforms in the army. Yet, II. Abdülhamid believed that reforms could be successful only if they are performed by foreign experts. I. Mahmud term was the period when foreign experts were consulted with regard to the reforms in the army for the first time. During this term, Kont de Bonneval was assigned in the Ottoman army. During II. Mahmud term, Moltke and his committee offered service for four years. Until the term of II. Abdülhamid, officers of several countries were utilized from time to time. German officers were assigned in this regard, during II. Abdülhamid term. Officers were assigned within military reform commission and they were responsible for investigating current situation of the army and making reform recommendations. These recommendations were evaluated at reform commission and appropriate ones were offered to the Sultan for approval. In addition, Goltz Pasha was specifically appointed regarding the reform of military education. German officers undertook the reform task during II. Abdülhamid term and maintained this task until I. World War following dethronement of II. Abdülhamid

    Evaluation of antepartum blood fibrinogen and calcium levels on postpartum hemogram parameters

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    Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı koagülasyon kaskatında görev alan, kalsiyum (faktör 4) ve fibrinojen (faktör1) değerlerinin normal vajinal yolla doğum yapmış gebelerde postpartum hemogram parametrelerine dolasıyla postpartum kanama miktarına olan etkisini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma, 01 Ocak 2015 ile 31 Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Servisine yatırılan ve 37-42 gebelik haftasında normal vajinal doğumu gerçekleştirilen 17-45 yaş arasında toplam 200 hastanın dosya kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelenerek gerçekleştirildi. Hastalara ait dosyalardan, hastaların demografik özellikleri ile gebelik haftaları, doğumhaneye travay için kabulundeki rutin biyokimya, hemogram, koagülasyon, total kalsiyum, fibrinojen değerleri, doğum öncesi vajinal muayene bulguları, doğum indüksiyon yöntemleri, obstetrik ultrason bulguları, doğan bebeklerin doğum ağırlıkları, cinsiyetleri, epizyotomi durumu, gravida, parite, abortus sayıları ve önceki doğum ağırlıklarına ait bilgiler kaydedildi. Ayrıca kadınların doğumhaneye kabulu sırasındaki ve doğum sonrası ilk 24'üncü saatteki hemogram değerlerine ait bilgilerde kaydedildi. Doğum öncesi dönemde açlık kan şekeri, fibrinojen, total kalsiyum, Aspartat Aminotransferaz (AST), Alanin Aminotransferaz (ALT), üre, kreatin, total protein, albümin, protrombin zamanı, International Normalized Ratio (INR) değeri, aktive parsiyel tromboplastin zaman (APTZ) ve diğer laboratuvar bulgularına ait bilgiler kaydedildi. Çalışmada toplanan verilerin analizi, istatistiksel yazılım paketi SPSS 23 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences – IBM®) kullanılarak yapıldı. Tanımlayıcı istatistikler, kategorik değişkenler için sayı ve yüzdeler, sayısal değişkenler için ortalama ve standart sapma olarak sunuldu. Sayısal değişkenler için çoklu bağımsız grup karşılaştırmalarında normal dağılım varsayımı sağlandığı durumda ANOVA Test, sağlanmadığı durumda Kruskal Wallis Testi kullanıldı. Kategorik değişkenler için ise Ki-Kare testi ve T testi istatistiği kullanıldı. İstatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyini belirlemek için, %95 güven aralığında ve p0,05). Çalışmada bütün kadınların term gebelik haftasında bulunduğu ve ortalama gebelik haftasının 39,41± 1,21 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu kadınların %10'una hiç indüksiyon uygulanmadığı, %42'sine dinoprostone, %48'ine oksitosin indüksiyonu başlandığı ve %55,5'ine epizyotomi açıldığı saptanmıştır. Kadınların en yüksek gravida oranı %41 oran ile 2 gravida olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Kadınların %79'unda hiç abortus görülmezken, %15'inde 1 abortus olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmadaki kadınlara ait ortalama protrombin zamanı 12,3±0,56 (dk), ortalama INR süresi 0,98±0,05 sn, ortalama APTZ süresi 32±3,4 sn olarak saptanmıştır. Kadınların antepartum ve postpartum dönemleri arasında hemoglobin, hematokrit ve trombosit sayılarında düşüş gözlemlenmiştir. Her iki grup arasında hemoglobin hematokrit ve trombosit sayıları bakımından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Fibrinojen 0,05). In the study, it was determined that all women had a term gestational week and the mean gestational week was 39.41 ± 1.21. In addition, 10% of these women had no induction, 42% had dinoprostone, 48% had oxytocin induction and 55.5% had episiotomy. It was observed that the highest gravida ratio of women was 2 gravida with 41%. While 79% of the women did not have any abortus, 15% had 1 abortus. Mean prothrombin time, mean INR duration, and APTT duration were found to be 12.3 ± 0.56 (min), 0.98 ± 0.05 sec and 32 ± 3.4 sec, respectively. A decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet counts was observed between women's antepartum and postpartum periods. There was a statistically significant relationship between hemoglobin hematocrit and thrombocyte counts between the two groups. Significant correlation was found between postpartum hemoglobin and hematocrit values when fibrinogen was below 450 mg / dL. A statistically significant correlation was found between hemoglobin and hematocrit values and thus the amount of postpartum hemorrhage when fibrinogen was <450 mg / dl. (P <0.05). Significant correlation was found between hemoglobin and hematocrit values when calcium was below 8.8 mg / dl and statistically significant correlation was found between the decrease in these values and the amount of postpartum hemorrhage. (P <0.05). In the study, 48% of the newborns were girls and 52% were newborns. The average infant weight of these babies detected by prenatal ultrasound was 3279 ± 438.9 gr, while birth weights of these babies were 3356 ± 475.4 gr. Conclusion: It was concluded that the values of calcium (factor 4) and fibrinogen (factor 1) in coagulation cascade were negatively correlated with the decrease in postpartum hemogram values in pregnancies delivered with normal vaginal route and therefore postpartum hemorrhage. In addition, it was determined that the change in hemogram parameters after delivery was effective on the amount of postpartum hemorrhage. There is a need for wider studies to determine whether the need to routinely look at pre-natal calcium and fibrinogen levels in these outcomes is appropriate and / or cost-effective Key Words:Antepartum, Postpartum, Calcium, Fibrinogen, Hemorrhag

    Effect of inservice training courses on information technology teachers' professional and personal development

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    Yüksek Lisans Tezi. YÖK Tez Merkezi No: 348743Bu araştırmanın amacı; Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) öğretmenlerinin Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından düzenlenen hizmetiçi eğitim kurslarına yönelik algılarını tespit etmek ve bu kursların BT öğretmenlerinin mesleki ve kişisel gelişimlerine etkisini incelemektir. Yapılan araştırma karma bir desene sahiptir. Araştırmanın nitel olarak desenlenen kısmı 2011-2012 eğitim öğretim yılında Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından Aksaray Hizmetiçi Eğitim Enstitüsü?nde açılan merkezi bir kursa katılan 15 kursiyer ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşme yöntemi ile elde edilen veriler içerik analizi ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre; kursiyerlerin hizmetiçi eğitim kurslarını seçerken en çok önem verdiği konular; kurs içeriği, mesleki gelişime etkisi ve kursun verildiği yer olarak belirlenmiştir. Hizmetiçi eğitimin öğretmenlerin mesleki ve kişisel gelişime yönelik algıları ise çoğunlukla yeni bilgi öğrenme, mesleki deneyim, sosyal etkileşim ve yeni arkadaşlar edinme olarak belirtilmiştir. Araştırmanın nicel kısmı ise 196 BT öğretmeninin katılımıyla gerçekleşen anket ile yapılmıştır. Öğretmenlerin hizmetiçi eğitim algılarının cinsiyet, yaş ve mesleki kıdeme bağlı olarak farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı bağımsız gruplar t-testi ile araştırılmıştır. BT öğretmenlerinin hizmetiçi eğitim algılarının; kurslara katılım sayısına, kurs türüne, kursun verilme zamanına ve kursu veren eğiticiye göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı ise tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ile araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, BT öğretmenlerinin hizmetiçi eğitim algıları; cinsiyete, yaşa ve kursu veren kişiye göre farklılık göstermemektedir. Fakat BT öğretmenlerinin hizmetiçi eğitim algıları; mesleki kıdeme, kurs katılım sayısına, hizmetiçi eğitim türüne ve kursun verilme zamanına göre ise anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda öneriler getirilmiştir.The aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of Information Technology (IT) Teachers about the courses which are held by The Ministry of Education and search effects of these courses on IT Teachers? personal and professional development. The research has a mixed design. The part of the research that was designed qualitatively was carried out by 15 trainers who participated in a central course in Aksaray In-service Training Center that was opened by The Ministry of Education. The data obtained by interview method were analyzed by content analysis method. According to the results, the most important subjects - while the participant trainers are choosing the in-service training courses - are course contents, effects on personal and professional development, and the place where the course is given. In-service training teachers? perceptions are mostly determined as learning new information, professional experience, social interaction and making new friends. The quantitative part of the research conducted done by a questionnaire that was carried out by 196 IT teachers. Whether teachers? in-service training perceptions differ in gender, age and professional seniority or not was searched by means of independent groups t-test. Whether the IT teachers? in-service training perceptions differ in course participant numbers, kind of the course, the time of the given course and the person who give the course was searched by one - way analysis of variance (ANOVA). According to the obtained inputs, in-service training perceptions of ICT teachers differ in gender, age and the person who gives the course. But the perceptions of IT teachers do not differ in professional seniority, course participant number, the kind of in-service training and the time when the course is given. Moreover, by means of obtained data, suggestions are presented base on the findings

    Evaluation of efficiency of laser systems on removal of debris and smear layer in maxillary canine root canals

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the efficiency of different laser systems and irrigating solutions on the removal of superficial debris and smear layer created during instrumentation in root canals. Seventy two extracted human maxillary canine teeth were sectioned and the root canals were prepared. The specimens were divided randomly into equal six groups as follows: 5.25% NaOCl in group 1 (control group), 15% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for 1 min followed by 5.25% NaOCl in group 2, 25% citric acid for 1 min followed by 5.25% NaOCl in group 3 were applied into the root canals. In the other groups treated with only laser, diode laser (2 W, 10 Hz) in group 4, Er:YAG laser (1 W, 10 Hz) in group 5, and Nd:YAG laser (1 W, 10 Hz) in group 6 were applied to the root canals. Photomicrographs were taken from the coronal, middle, and apical thirds of specimens by using scanning electron microscope. Statistical analyses were performed with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests (p = 0.05). On account of superficial debris, statistically significant differences were presented between the groups. According to the results of the study, statistically significant differences were determined between the control group and the other groups in the removal of the smear layer from the root canals (p < 0.05). Superficial debris was effectively removed by Er: YAG and diode laser. Combinations of EDTA + NaOCl and citric acid + NaOCl removed most effectively the smear layer. (C) 2014 Laser Institute of America

    Preparation of carbon paste electrodes including poly(styrene) attached glycine-Pt(IV) for amperometric detection of glucose

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    In this study, a novel carbon paste electrode that is sensitive to glucose was prepared using the nanoparticles modified (4-Formyl-3-methoxyphenoxymethyl) with polystyren (FMPS) with L-Glycine-Pt (IV) complexes. Polymeric nanoparticles having Pt(IV) ion were prepared from (4-Formyl-3-methoxyphenoxymethyl) polystyren, glycine and PtCl4 by template method. Glucose oxidase enzyme was immobilized to a modified carbon paste electrode (MCPE) by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde. Determination of glucose was carried out by oxidation of enzymatically produced H2O2 at 0.5 V vs. Ag/AgCl. Effects of pH and temperature were investigated, and optimum parameters were found to be 8.0 and 55 degrees C, respectively. Linear working range of the electrode was 5.0 x 10(-6)-1.0 x 10(-3) M, R-2=0.997. Storage stability and operational stability of the enzyme electrode were also studied. Glucose biosensor gave perfect reproducible results after 10 measurements with 2.3% relative standard deviation. Also, it had good storage stability (gave 53.57% of the initial amperometric response at the end of 33th day). (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.WOS:0003330715000222-s2.0-84888068652PubMed: 2426975