409 research outputs found

    Enriching Vocabulary For The Fourth Grade Students Of Elementary School Using Total Physical Response

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    The aim of this research is to find a significant difference between teaching vocabulary using TPR method and teaching vocabulary using conventional method and prove the influences of both. The research was conducted in the form of quasi experiment. The researcher did the experiment using these two classes as a comparison. To analyze the data the writer used statistical calculation of the t-test to determine the final calculation of to (t- observation) that was done to measure the last score of the research test. In analyzing the data, the writer uses the comparative and the influences techniques. This techniques is to prove statistically whether any significant differences and influences between two variables. The processed and analyzed data through the following steps: describing the result of the test of each class, determining interval, mean, modus, median, deviation standard, variance of each class and the last is proving of t-test. The result of the statistic calculation indicated that t-observation (t0) is higher than t-table (tt), 5.82>2.462, so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. And based on the comparison result, it was found that zh = 4.64, Z0.05 = 1.645, Z0.01= 2.462, it concludes that 2.462 < 4.64 > 1.645, So Ho rejected if t0 > tα/2. According to the explanation above, we can interpret that teaching vocabulary using Total Physical Response is quite success. It can be proved by the data of students' score of experiment class is higher than controlled class

    Tujuan dan Fungsi dari Kebijakan Fiskal Di Indonesia

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    Abstrak Kebijakan fiskal yaitu kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah yang digunakan untuk mengatur pendapatan negara dan pengeluaran negara dalam Indonesia.Kebijakan fiskal ini juga sebuah kebijakan yang telah dikeluarkan pemerintah untuk mengambil suatu kebijakan dan suatu keputusan dalam menangani perekonomian negara.Tujuan kebijakan fiskal yaitu untuk menjadikan perekonomian dalam suatu negara bisa menjadi lebih baik dan sehat dan mengentaskan suatu permaslahan dalam perekonomian dalam suatu negara.Kebijakan fiskal ini dapat berguna untuk menetepkan sistem perpajakan dalam suatu negara dan mengatur anggaran dalam negara.Kebijakan fiskal di indonesia juga mempunyai fungsi yang beragam mulai dari fungsi alokasi , fungsi distribusi dan stabilisas


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    Penelitian ini berjudul Model Pembelajaran Reciprocal Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas Siswa Kelas X Di SMA Pasundan 7 Bandung (Studi Quasi Eksperimen Kelas X di SMA Pasundan 7 Bandung). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa saat tes awal (pretest) sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional pada kelas kontrol dan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning pada kelas eksperimen (2) Untuk mengetahui peningkatan aktivitas siswa saat tes akhir (posttest) pada kelas kontrol yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dan pada kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan soal pilihan ganda sebanyak 20 butir soal dengan teknik pengolahan data menggunakan uji validitas, reliabilitas, daya pembeda, dan tingkat kesukaran. Setelah dilakukan penelitian melalui tes awal sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning diperoleh hasil rata-rata adalah 49,50 dan berada pada kategori rendah. Kemudian dilaksanakan tes akhir setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil tes siswa kelas X IPS 1 adalah 65,25 dengan kategori sedang. Pengalaman yang diperoleh siswa pada saat mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning melatih pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pelajaran, siswa akan terlatih untuk disiplin, sebagai latihan untuk bersikap teliti dan kritis serta merangsang siswa untuk berpikir efektif. Sebagai akhir penelitian penulis menyampaikan saran agar sekolah menggunakan model dan media yang tepat. Kepada siswa lebih aktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Kepada guru sebaiknya menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning sebagai alternatif dalam pembelajaran. Dan kepada peneliti selanjutnya hendaknya meneliti permasalahan ini secara lebih mendalam dan dengan sampel yang lebih besar serta materi yang berbeda. Kata kunci : reciprocal learning, meningkatkan aktivitas sisw


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    ABSTRACT Arsi Nuring Karsa.S891302009. Optimizing Mind Mapping to Improve Students’ Thinking Skill in Reading Comprehension (An Action Research at IKIP PGRI Madiun in Academic Year 2013/2014). Thesis. Supervisor I: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed, Ph.D, Supervisor II: Dr. Hersulastuti, M.Hum. English Education Department of Graduate Program. Sebelas Maret University. 2015. This thesis aims to describe 1) whether and to what extent the optimizing of Mind Mapping can improve students’ thinking skill in reading comprehension; 2) the difficulties of the implementation of Mind Mapping to improve students’ thinking skill in reading comprehension. This action research is conducted collaboratively with one of reading lecturer of IKIP PGRI Madiun, in 4A class. This action research was carried out in two cycles which consist of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The qualitative data are collected using field notes, diary, questionnaire,interview and documentation. Then, the qualitative data are analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The quantitative data are collected using test. The test consists of pre-test and post test. The quantitative data are analyzed through descriptive statistics to compare the result of pre-test and post test. The research findings show that Mind Mapping can improve students’ thinking skill in reading comprehension such as: 1) the mean score of the students’ thinking skill was increased from 80,7 to 96,6 and all of students’ scores were higher than the passing grade; 2) the total of students’ right answer of each thinking skill indicator was increased such as: part-whole relation from 192 to 228, conclusion from 141 to 192, similarities from 172 to 200 and differences from 181 to 203; 3) in the implementation of mind mapping, the students got some difficulties such as: the students were confused when they cannot find supporting statements in all of their articles, they were confused to choose the key words or shorten the sentences for the mind mapping step 3, and they were confused to put the key words in mind mapping step 3, It was quite difficult to find articles with the same topic but comes from different resources that consist of the same subtopics inside it as seen in the interview result in attachment, It was needed 2 meetings to do all the mind mapping process that means the mind mapping technique is time consuming. From all of the findings, it can be concluded that Mind Mapping can improve the students’ thinking skill in reading comprehension. It can be seen from the students’ score improvement.In using Mind Mapping to improve the students’ thinking skill, the lecturer should let the student to find their own articles and provide the students a time to consult all their problems in doing the mind mapping. Key words: Mind Mapping, thinking skill, reading comprehension, action research


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    Penelitian ini berjudul Model Pembelajaran Reciprocal Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas Siswa Kelas X Di SMA Pasundan 7 Bandung (Studi Quasi Eksperimen Kelas X di SMA Pasundan 7 Bandung). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa saat tes awal (pretest) sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional pada kelas kontrol dan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning pada kelas eksperimen (2) Untuk mengetahui peningkatan aktivitas siswa saat tes akhir (posttest) pada kelas kontrol yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dan pada kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan soal pilihan ganda sebanyak 20 butir soal dengan teknik pengolahan data menggunakan uji validitas, reliabilitas, daya pembeda, dan tingkat kesukaran. Setelah dilakukan penelitian melalui tes awal sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning diperoleh hasil rata-rata adalah 49,50 dan berada pada kategori rendah. Kemudian dilaksanakan tes akhir setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil tes siswa kelas X IPS 1 adalah 65,25 dengan kategori sedang. Pengalaman yang diperoleh siswa pada saat mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning melatih pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pelajaran, siswa akan terlatih untuk disiplin, sebagai latihan untuk bersikap teliti dan kritis serta merangsang siswa untuk berpikir efektif. Sebagai akhir penelitian penulis menyampaikan saran agar sekolah menggunakan model dan media yang tepat. Kepada siswa lebih aktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Kepada guru sebaiknya menggunakan model pembelajaran reciprocal learning sebagai alternatif dalam pembelajaran. Dan kepada peneliti selanjutnya hendaknya meneliti permasalahan ini secara lebih mendalam dan dengan sampel yang lebih besar serta materi yang berbeda. Kata kunci : reciprocal learning, meningkatkan aktivitas sisw

    Service Overtime Dan Karoshi : Konsekuensi Dari Etos Kerja Jepang

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    After defeated on World War II, Japan economy has recover and become one of developed country in Asia. One of the factor that give contribute to Japanese economy rising is Japanese spirit. Company usually teached work culture to every worker that can be seen from Japanese work ethic. For example ideology of Family Methaphore, Shushin Koyo seido (Lifetime employment) Nenko Joretsu ( Salary based on seniority ) and Kigyou betsu Kumiai (Union based on corporation). The work culture practice in Japan company has had positive and negative consequences. As we know, that it has great contributed to Japanese economy development it self. But, it also bring a number of social problem especially to many workers. Service overtime and Karoshi are the example of the consequences of Japan work ethic practice until nowadays. Worker are expected to give their deducation and loyality to job company. This paper will try to give explanation about the consequences of Japan work ethic practice in Japan

    Representation of gender roles in the novel An Enola Holmes Mystery #1:The Case of the Missing Marquess and its Netflix film adaptation

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    Abstract. This Bachelor’s thesis compares and analyses the differences in the representation of gender roles between the novel An Enola Holmes Mystery #1: The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer, and its Netflix film adaptation Enola Holmes by Henry Bradbeer. Both materials are targeted towards children and young adults, and the genre in both is a mystery in which the main character, Enola Holmes, tries to solve two mysteries: the case of the missing marquess, and her mother Eudoria Holmes’ disappearance. The theoretical and methodological framework consists of literary analysis, adaptation theory, and theories regarding gender studies. The framework enables the conceptualisation and analysis of gender and gender roles in both types of materials. Three elements of both materials are analysed in the thesis: the representation by Enola’s character and in the dialogue between the characters in both materials, and in linguistic descriptions of the novel and visual elements of the film. The analysis and comparison reveal both similarities and differences in the representation of gender roles within the two materials. The thesis concludes that the representation in the film adaptation version is more radical and the material focuses more on the roles themselves, while they work more as a background theme in the original novel. The similarities are in the message of the materials, and in the feminist voice of Enola Holmes. The major differences are found within the dialogue of the materials. Some possibilities for these findings are also discussed in the thesis.Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa verrataan ja analysoidaan sukupuoliroolien representaation eroja Nancy Springerin romaanissa ja sen pohjalta tehdyssä Henry Bradbeerin Netflix elokuva-adaptaatiossa Enola Holmesissa. Kummatkin materiaalit on suunnattu sekä lapsille että nuorille. Molempien materiaalien tyylilajina toimii mysteeri, jossa tarinan päähenkilö Enola Holmes yrittää ratkaista kahta mysteeriä: kadonneen markiisin tapauksen ja hänen äitinsä Eudoria Holmesin yhtäkkisen katoamisen. Opinnäytteen teoreettinen ja metodologinen viitekehys koostuu kirjallisuusanalyysistä, adaptaatioteoriasta ja eri sukupuolentutkimukseen liittyvistä teorioista. Viitekehys auttaa käsitteellistämään sukupuolen ja sukupuoliroolit ja analysoimaan niitä molemmista materiaaleista. Opinnäytetyössä analysoidaan molemmista materiaaleista kolmea tekijää: Enola Holmesin, hahmojen välisen dialogin, romaanin kertojan kielellisten kuvausten ja elokuva-adaptaation visuaalisten elementtien toteuttamaa sukupuoliroolien representaatiota. Tutkimuksen teoksista paljastuu sekä yhtäläisyyksiä että eroja sukupuoliroolien representaatiossa. Opinnäytetyön johtopäätöksenä on, että elokuva-adaptaatiossa sukupuoliroolien representaatio on radikaalimpi ja aineisto keskittyy enemmän itse rooleihin, kun taas alkuperäisessä romaanissa ne toimivat enemmän taustateemana. Materiaaleja yhdistää niiden lähettämä viesti ja Enola Holmesin feministisyys. Suurimmat eroavaisuudet löydetään materiaalien dialogeista. Myös näiden havaintojen mahdollisista syistä keskustellaan opinnäytetyön lopussa

    Developing a product portfolio business analysis framework for a case company

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    Abstract. Even though product portfolio management practices have been studied widely in the literature, many organizations still struggle with product portfolio’s performance. Product portfolio decisions needs to be made with the goal of improving the product portfolio’s performance and following the organization’s strategy, but what really needs to be analyzed when doing product portfolio decisions. This thesis aims to find how product portfolio business analysis should be conducted, find what needs to be considered when doing the analysis and develop new framework for product portfolio business analysis. The thesis is done to a case company with tasks to perform current state analysis to current product portfolio business analysis practices and challenges in the case company and to implement the newly developed framework to one of the units in the case company. The research follows the constructive research method. Current state analysis data is gathered from internal documents and through themed interviews with 13 interviewees from the case company. The findings of the thesis indicate that case company has problems in product portfolio decisions. Product portfolio decisions are made without real visibility to how those affects to whole portfolio’s performance. Based on the findings case company needs more and clearer product portfolio management key performance indicators to be able to see how the product portfolio is performing. In addition to that, product portfolio decisions need more analysis of business model, business ecosystem and portfolio on different levels of portfolio to be able to analyze all of the effects of proposed changes.Tuoteportfolion liiketoiminta-analyysiviitekehyksen kehittäminen kohdeyritykselle. Tiivistelmä. Vaikka tuoteportfolion hallinnan käytäntöjä on tutkittu laajasti kirjallisuudessa, monet organisaatiot kamppailevat silti tuoteportfolion suorituskyvyn kanssa. Tuoteportfoliopäätökset pitää tehdä niin, että tavoitteena on tuoteportfolion suorituskyvyn parantaminen ja organisaation strategian seuraaminen, mutta mitä kaikkea oikeasti pitää analysoida, kun tehdään tuoteportfoliopäätöksiä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli löytää miten tuoteportfolion liiketoiminta-analyysi tulisi suorittaa, mitä analyysissä pitää ottaa huomioon, ja kehittää uusi viitekehys tuoteportfolion liiketoiminta-analyysin tekemiseen. Työ tehtiin kohdeyritykselle ja tehtävänä oli suorittaa nykytila-analyysi yrityksen tuoteportfolion liiketoiminta-analyysi käytännöistä ja implementoida osa kehitetystä viitekehyksestä yhteen kohdeyrityksen yksikköön. Työ käyttää konstruktiivista tutkimusmetodia. Nykytila-analyysin data on kerätty yrityksen sisäisistä dokumenteista ja haastatteluista 13 yrityksen edustajan kanssa. Työn havainnot osoittavat, että kohdeyrityksellä on vaikeuksia tehdä tuoteportfoliopäätöksiä. Tuoteportfoliopäätökset tehdään ilman selkeää kuvaa siitä miten ne vaikuttavat koko tuoteportfolion suorituskykyyn. Havaintojen perusteella kohdeyritys tarvitsee lisää selkeämpiä tuoteportfolion hallinnan keskeisiä suorituskykymittareita nähdäkseen miten tuoteportfolio suoriutuu. Lisäksi, tuoteportfoliopäätökset tarvitsevat lisää analyysiä liiketoimintaekosysteemistä, liiketoimintamallista ja tuoteportfoliosta eri portfolion tasoilla, jotta pystyttäisiin analysoimaan muutosehdotuksien vaikutukset

    Effectivity of Bacillus thuringiensis from Soil in Freshwater Swamps against Epilachna sp. Larvae

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    Bacillus thuringiensis is an entomopathogenic bacterium isolated from the soil and  has been widely used as an active ingredient in the manufacture of bioinsecticides. The target insects are very specific and depend on the type of protein content. Epilachna sp. are important insect pests because both larvae and adults as plant-eating pests. The research aimed was to investigate the effectivity  of  B. thuringiensis against the larvae of Epilachna sp.. B. thuringiensis- bio-insecticide was prepared using isolates originally from freshwater swamp soil of South Sumatra (SMR04). Epilachna sp larvae were mass-reared with Solanum torvum leaf feed in the laboratory. The design used was a completely randomized design, with 6 treatments and 5 replications. Treatments were spore concentration contained in the bioinsecticide solution included: 1 x 108, 1 x 107, 1 x 106, 1 x 105 spores/mL, commercial bio-insecticide and without treatment as a control. Each replication used 10 individual of the 2nd larvae. Statistical test results showed larval mortality in B. thuringiensis treatment was significantly different from commercial bio-insecticide treatment. The highest mortality of bio-insecticide treatment occurred at a concentration of 108 spores/ml (40.00 %) and the lowest was at a concentration of 105 spores/mL (18.01 %). The lowest LT50 value of bio-insecticide treatment was at a concentration of 108 spores/mL, namely 79.37 hours. The control of larvae included in the Coleoptera order was still not satisfactory yet, considering the presence of protein content in B. thuringiensis strain SMR04 which did not match the type of protein required
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