20 research outputs found

    Erythropoietin as a biomarker In outcome evaluation of politraumatized patients

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    Trauma je jedan od najznačajnijih problema razvijenog sveta. Ona je treći uzrok smrti posle kardiovaskularnih i malignih bolesti, a prvi u najvitalnijoj životnoj populaciji. Trauma je akutno oštećenje organizma sa razaranjem tkiva i odgovarajućim funkcionalnim poremećajem, prouzrokovano delovanjem neke spoljašnje sile (mehanička, termička, hemijska, aktinička). Procenjivanje stepena obolelosti organizma predstavlja jedan od osnovnih postupaka u medicinskoj praksi. Eritropoetin je endogeni hormon za koji u poslednje vreme vlada veliko interesovanje za primenu u proceni i terapiji pacijenata. C-reaktivni protein (CRP) je protein koji se stvara u jetri, a čija je povećana koncentracija u serumu direktno povezana sa postojećom inflamacijom u organizmu. IL-6 je citokin koji se stvara kao odgovor na stimulans u širokom spektru imunološki aktivnih ćelija. Važan je u stvaranju reaktanata akutne faze od strane hepatocita i izgleda da je glavni vodič impulsa koji upravljaju njihovom sekrecijom. Cilj: Analiza epidemioloških podataka politraumatizovanih bolesnika (pol i uzrast), uzroka povređivanja, kao i procena težine provreda na osnovu kliničkih (anatomskih i fizioloških) skorova. Praćenje vrednosti koncentracije eritropoetina i njene korelacije sa vrednostima hemoglobina, IL-6 i kliničkih skorova. Analiza korelacije koncentracija eritropoetina sa ishodom lečenja politraumatizovanih pacijenata Metode: U ovo istraživanje uključena su 43 bolesnika lečenih zbog politraume. Za svakog pacijenta su prikupljani sledeći podaci: uzrast, pol, tip povrede, etiologija povređivanja. Pacijenti su skorovani po: ISS skoru, AIS skoru, APACHE II i SOFA skoru. Takođe je praćena količina primljene transfuzije krvi i krvnih derivata, broj dana hospitalizacije i ishod lečenja. Po prijemu, a zatim 24h, 48h, 72h i sedmog dana pacijentima je uzimana krv za biohemijske analize...Introduction: Traumatic injuries are one of the most important problems in developed world. They are the third cause of death after cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases. They are the first leading cause of death in the most productive population. Trauma is defined as an acute organ and system of organs damage accompanied by functional disarrangements caused by some external forces (mechanical or chemical). Evaluation of the degree of the injuries is one of the most important initial steps in clinical care of these patients. Erythropoietin is an endogenous hormone that recently has been evaluated as a prognostic and therapeutic maker in different patients’ populations. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein synthetized in the liver and its concentration in blood correlates with inflammation. IL-6 is a cytokine, produced in many different immunologically active cells as a result of inflammation. It is an essential element in formation of acute phase reactant by hepatocytes and seems to be the main regulator in their synthesis and secretion. Goal: To evaluate epidemiological data of patients with polytrauma (age and sex), cause leading to the injury as well as prediction of severity of injury by clinical (anatomic and physiologic) scores. Furthermore we trended erythropoietin levels and investigated if they correlate with hemoglobin levels, IL-6 levels as well as clinical scores. Methods: This study included 43 patients who were hospitalized following trauma leading to multiple organ injuries. Date consisting of age, sex, type and the cause of injury were collected from the patients’ charts. Patients were further scored by ISS, AIS, SOFA and APACHE score. Additionally we evaluated number of red blood cells units that were transfused, length of stay (LOS) and outcome. Results: This study included 43 patients with polytrauma of whom 32 (74.52%) were male and 11 (25.58%) were female. Most common cause of polytrauma was due to motor vehicle accidents (MVA) - 27 (62.8%) followed by falls 13 (30.2%) and the other causes were described in 3 patents (7%)..

    Influence of electron motion in target atom on stopping power for low-energetic Ions

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    In this paper the stopping power was calculated, representing the electrons of the target atom as an assembly of quantum oscillators. It was considered that the electrons in the atoms have some velocity before interaction with the projectile, which is the main contribution of this paper. The influence of electron velocity on stopping power for different projectiles and targets was investigated. It was found that the velocity of the electron stopping power has the greatest influence at low energies of the projectile

    Investigation of the mutagenic effects of aluminium trioxide implants on embrions in experimental animals

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    Several diseases as well as trauma can affect the composition and integrity of periodontal tissues loading eventually to the destruction of connective tissue matrix and cells, loss of attachment and resorption of alveolar bone often followed by tooth loss. Replacement of the missing tooth could then be provided by endosseous dental implants healing in a form of osseo -or fibrosseal integration to the alveolar bone. Aluminium oxide ceramics, a form, of endosseous implant, allows osseointegration type of healing and has demonstrated excellent biocompatibility. However, potential aluminium toxicity has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of clinical disorders and for this reason we examined the reproductive and mutagenic effect of aluminium trioxide ceramic implant in experimental mice. 720 female and 45 fertile male BALB-cAn NCR mice were included in the study. 3 experimental groups of fertile male mice (15 for each group) were treated with an intraperitoneal injection of aluminium trioxide (I g/kg of body weight, group I), with ethyl-methane-sulphonate as a positive control (200 mg/kg, group II) and with Tween-80 (10 ing/kg as negative control, Group III). Each of the labeled male mice fertilized previously uncoupled female mice during 8 weeks (a pair per week) to facilitate appropriate pre-and post-meiotic conditions of spermatogenesis to occur. Female mice were sacrificed with cervical dislocation at day 13 after fertilization. Immediately upon sacrifice the uterus was removed and the number of alive and healthy, or alive but mutated and/or dead embryos was computed to determine the dominant lethal of mutagenic effects. Animals treated with aluminium trioxide demonstrated similar effects on the reproductive and mutagenic capacity as the negative control, whereas the animals treated as positive controls exhibited significantly reduced reproductive and mutagenic capacity. Collectively, we concluded that aluminium trioxide has a very low rate of embryonal mortality and mutagenicity in mice. This finding is in general agreement with the biocompatibility of aluminium trioxide (Aldovit) as an implant material

    Eritropoetin u procjeni ishoda liječenja kod bolesnika s politraumom

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    Polytrauma is a term describing patients with injuries involving multiple body regions that compromises function of the body and/or organ involved. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential role of erythropoietin in predicting poorer outcome in trauma patients. This prospective study included 86 patients admitted to the Emergency Center of Serbia due to polytrauma assigned according to Injury Severity Score (ISS). The patients were further evaluated using the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores and erythropoietin levels. There was a significant difference among erythropoietin levels at admission, after 48 and 72 hours, and on day 7 of hospital stay, with significantly higher levels in patients with ISS values 49-75. Based on the results, ROC curves were used to identify cut-off levels to predict ISS score with critical clinical course. It was concluded that erythropoietin could be a good marker of injury severity. Further research has to be performed to determine the cut-off values of erythropoietin that are significant for injury severity.Politrauma je termin koji opisuje bolesnike s povredama koje uključuju više dijelova tijela i koje ugrožavaju funkciju ­tijela i/ili organa. Cilj studije je bio procijeniti potencijalnu ulogu eritropoetina u predviđanju lošeg ishoda kod bolesnika s poli­traumom. Ova prospektivna studija obuhvatila je 86 bolesnika koji su primljeni u Urgentni centar Srbije zbog politraume dijagnosticirane prema rezultatu težine povreda (Injury Severity Score, ISS). Bolesnici su dalje procijenjeni pomoću rezultata Akutnog fiziološkog bodovnog sustava i bodovnog sustava kronične procjene zdravlja II. te procjene insuficijencije organa i razine eritropoetina. Postojala je značajna razlika između razine eritropoetina kod prijma, poslije 48 i 72 sata te sedmog dana boravka u bolnici, sa znatno višim razinama kod bolesnika s vrijednostima ISS 49-75. Na osnovi rezultata krivulje ROC su primijenjene za identifikaciju graničnih vrijednosti kako bi se predvidio rezultat ISS s kritičnim kliničkim tijekom. Zaključeno je da eritropoetin može biti dobar pokazatelj ozbiljnosti povreda. Potrebno je daljnje istraživanje za određivanje graničnih vrijednosti eritropoetina koje su značajne za ozbiljnost povreda

    Can Zeolite-Supporting Acridines Boost Their Anticancer Performance?

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    Acridine and its derivatives (9-chloroacridine and 9-aminoacridine) are investigated here, supported on FAU type zeolite Y, as a delivery system of anticancer agents. FTIR/Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy revealed successful drug loading on the zeolite surface, while spectrofluorimetry was employed for drug quantification. The effects of the tested compounds on cell viability were evaluated using in vitro methylthiazol-tetrazolium (MTT) colorimetric technique against human colorectal carcinoma (cell line HCT-116) and MRC-5 fibroblasts. Zeolite structure remained unchanged during homogeneous drug impregnation with achieved drug loadings in the 18–21 mg/g range. The highest drug release, in the µM concentration range, with favourable kinetics was established for zeolite-supported 9-aminoacridine. The acridine delivery via zeolite carrier is viewed in terms of solvation energy and zeolite adsorption sites. The cytotoxic effect of supported acridines on HCT-116 cells reveals that the zeolite carrier improves toxicity, while the highest efficiency is displayed by zeolite-impregnated 9-aminoacridine. The 9-aminoacridine delivery via zeolite carrier favours healthy tissue preservation while accompanying increased toxicity toward cancer cells. Cytotoxicity results are well correlated with theoretical modelling and release study, providing promising results for applicative purposes

    Indikacije i kontraindikacije za gingivektomiju

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    Mogućnosti terapije infrakoštanih parodontalnih džepova

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    Erythropoietin as a biomarker In outcome evaluation of politraumatized patients

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    Trauma je jedan od najznačajnijih problema razvijenog sveta. Ona je treći uzrok smrti posle kardiovaskularnih i malignih bolesti, a prvi u najvitalnijoj životnoj populaciji. Trauma je akutno oštećenje organizma sa razaranjem tkiva i odgovarajućim funkcionalnim poremećajem, prouzrokovano delovanjem neke spoljašnje sile (mehanička, termička, hemijska, aktinička). Procenjivanje stepena obolelosti organizma predstavlja jedan od osnovnih postupaka u medicinskoj praksi. Eritropoetin je endogeni hormon za koji u poslednje vreme vlada veliko interesovanje za primenu u proceni i terapiji pacijenata. C-reaktivni protein (CRP) je protein koji se stvara u jetri, a čija je povećana koncentracija u serumu direktno povezana sa postojećom inflamacijom u organizmu. IL-6 je citokin koji se stvara kao odgovor na stimulans u širokom spektru imunološki aktivnih ćelija. Važan je u stvaranju reaktanata akutne faze od strane hepatocita i izgleda da je glavni vodič impulsa koji upravljaju njihovom sekrecijom. Cilj: Analiza epidemioloških podataka politraumatizovanih bolesnika (pol i uzrast), uzroka povređivanja, kao i procena težine provreda na osnovu kliničkih (anatomskih i fizioloških) skorova. Praćenje vrednosti koncentracije eritropoetina i njene korelacije sa vrednostima hemoglobina, IL-6 i kliničkih skorova. Analiza korelacije koncentracija eritropoetina sa ishodom lečenja politraumatizovanih pacijenata Metode: U ovo istraživanje uključena su 43 bolesnika lečenih zbog politraume. Za svakog pacijenta su prikupljani sledeći podaci: uzrast, pol, tip povrede, etiologija povređivanja. Pacijenti su skorovani po: ISS skoru, AIS skoru, APACHE II i SOFA skoru. Takođe je praćena količina primljene transfuzije krvi i krvnih derivata, broj dana hospitalizacije i ishod lečenja. Po prijemu, a zatim 24h, 48h, 72h i sedmog dana pacijentima je uzimana krv za biohemijske analize...Introduction: Traumatic injuries are one of the most important problems in developed world. They are the third cause of death after cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases. They are the first leading cause of death in the most productive population. Trauma is defined as an acute organ and system of organs damage accompanied by functional disarrangements caused by some external forces (mechanical or chemical). Evaluation of the degree of the injuries is one of the most important initial steps in clinical care of these patients. Erythropoietin is an endogenous hormone that recently has been evaluated as a prognostic and therapeutic maker in different patients’ populations. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein synthetized in the liver and its concentration in blood correlates with inflammation. IL-6 is a cytokine, produced in many different immunologically active cells as a result of inflammation. It is an essential element in formation of acute phase reactant by hepatocytes and seems to be the main regulator in their synthesis and secretion. Goal: To evaluate epidemiological data of patients with polytrauma (age and sex), cause leading to the injury as well as prediction of severity of injury by clinical (anatomic and physiologic) scores. Furthermore we trended erythropoietin levels and investigated if they correlate with hemoglobin levels, IL-6 levels as well as clinical scores. Methods: This study included 43 patients who were hospitalized following trauma leading to multiple organ injuries. Date consisting of age, sex, type and the cause of injury were collected from the patients’ charts. Patients were further scored by ISS, AIS, SOFA and APACHE score. Additionally we evaluated number of red blood cells units that were transfused, length of stay (LOS) and outcome. Results: This study included 43 patients with polytrauma of whom 32 (74.52%) were male and 11 (25.58%) were female. Most common cause of polytrauma was due to motor vehicle accidents (MVA) - 27 (62.8%) followed by falls 13 (30.2%) and the other causes were described in 3 patents (7%)..

    Nationalismus ist die Luft, die wir atmen

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    Vladimir Arsenijević, Schriftsteller und Publizist aus Belgrad (vorgestellt), ist neben dem Schriftsteller Saša Ilić (zurückgefragt) einer der wenigen, der den jüngsten Eklat im serbischen Literaturbetrieb – die heftigen (Über-)Reaktionen auf ein Gedicht Tomislav Markovićs und die gegen den Dichter vorgebrachten Drohungen – überhaupt öffentlich zur Sprache bringt. novinki übersetzt aus diesem Anlass Vladimir Arsenijevićs Kommentar und sein Gespräch mit Tomislav Marković, in denen sie über die Rolle der Dichtung und über den ‚Patriotismus’ in Serbien nachdenken