178 research outputs found

    The Value of an Onsite Residency Experience for Online MBA Programs

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    The number of institutions of higher education offering MBA programs entirely online has expanded dramatically. While such educational options offer advantages for students who cannot easily attend in-class courses, online programs do present a number of challenges for MBA programs including concerns related to assessment, institutional engagement and adequately addressing important business issues such as innovation. To address the challenges presented when delivering programs through distance education methods, many business programs require online students attend one or more on-site “residency” sessions. This paper focuses on one approach to conducting a residency


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    As unethical managerial behavior is increasing, people are looking to understand why. The result has led to a lack of trust in managers. One area being explored is managers\u27 ethical behavior. Based on previous models, the relationship between ethical ideology (idealism & relativism) and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is examined. Results show a significant relationship between idealism and the mental function (cognitive style) and dominant auxiliary function of the MBTI. In addition, the most innovative result shows a more salient model by combining ethical ideology and the dominant-auxiliary function. This new model strengthens the relationship between personality type theory and ethical ideology

    Multiscale assimilation of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS snow water equivalent and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer snow cover fraction observations in northern Colorado

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    Eight years (2002–2010) of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer–EOS (AMSR-E) snow water equivalent (SWE) retrievals and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow cover fraction (SCF) observations are assimilated separately or jointly into the Noah land surface model over a domain in Northern Colorado. A multiscale ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is used, supplemented with a rule-based update. The satellite data are either left unscaled or are scaled for anomaly assimilation. The results are validated against in situ observations at 14 high-elevation Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) sites with typically deep snow and at 4 lower-elevation Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) sites. Assimilation of coarse-scale AMSR-E SWE and fine-scale MODIS SCF observations both result in realistic spatial SWE patterns. At COOP sites with shallow snowpacks, AMSR-E SWE and MODIS SCF data assimilation are beneficial separately, and joint SWE and SCF assimilation yields significantly improved root-mean-square error and correlation values for scaled and unscaled data assimilation. In areas of deep snow where the SNOTEL sites are located, however, AMSR-E retrievals are typically biased low and assimilation without prior scaling leads to degraded SWE estimates. Anomaly SWE assimilation could not improve the interannual SWE variations in the assimilation results because the AMSR-E retrievals lack realistic interannual variability in deep snowpacks. SCF assimilation has only a marginal impact at the SNOTEL locations because these sites experience extended periods of near-complete snow cover. Across all sites, SCF assimilation improves the timing of the onset of the snow season but without a net improvement of SWE amounts

    L’absentéisme hospitalier au Québec : aspects culturels et socio-démographiques

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    Cet article porte sur certains aspects de l'absentéisme en milieu hospitalier au Québec. L'intérêt principal ici réside dans la remise en question de certaines pratiques analytiques.Research on sociodemographical and cultural determinants of work absenteeism has been plagued with empirically inconsistent results. It has been suggested that the failure to analyze the data beyond a simple linear bivariate approach, as well as insufficient levels of aggregation (eg: individual without organizational units) is possibly responsible for the inconsistencies.This study was designed to demonstrate these deficiencies. Although the study is limited in scope, an attempt has been made to compare and contrast the different results that could be obtained when a linear, as opposed to interactive, approach is used. And further, it raises many questions concerning the adequacy of published research which attributes absenteeism to sociodemographical characteristics without delving into the real complexity of this phenomenon.Four hundred seven (407) subjects employed in six Québec hospitals, representing a wide variety of occupations, participated in this study. Personal and sociodemographical characteristics were obtained from questionnaires administered in the course of another research project carried out by the authors.The results show a significant difference in absenteeism depending on the level and type of the analysis performed. For example, it is found that the mean absence rate for the ' 'Francophone hospitals" was significantly higher than that of the "Anglophone hospitals". Cultural reasons are advanced to explain these differences.At the individual level of analysis, several findings emerge. First, it is shown that sex is an important determinant of absence behavior. Such finding is consistent with other published results, which point out that women have significantly higher rates of absence than men. Yet, when further analysis is undertaken, the concomitant effects of other related sociodemographic variables are more clearly revealed. For example, married women are absent more often than single women while the opposite tendency is found for men. The combined effect of sex and marital status may point to an explanation of absenteeism in terms of "family social responsibility". This explanation differs from that which might be advanced based on the simple analysis of each of these variables treated independently. Further, bivariate analysis of absence by the level of education, shows an inverse relationship between these two variables. However, when the same analysis is repeated, adjusting for sex, it is found that women have systematically higher rates of absence in each category of education. Other relationships found for income, age and absenteeism are also discussed in the text.The implications of the results are discussed in terms of a research strategy for the conduct of a sociodemographical and cultural study of absenteeism

    Detection of the Galaxy Lensing the Doubly-imaged Quasar SBS 1520+530

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    H band observations with a spatial resolution of 0.15" carried out with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope adaptive optics system show a galaxy between the components of the double BAL quasar SBS 1520+530, thereby confirming this system as a gravitational lens. The galaxy is located 0.40" from the fainter of the two QSO images and is offset 0.12" from the line joining them. The H magnitude of the lensing galaxy is ~1 mag fainter than expected from the velocity dispersion derived for the lensing galaxy were it at z = 0.71 or z = 0.81, the redshifts of the two absorption line systems.Comment: 11 pages latex including one table and 2 postscript figures. Corrected typo. Accepted by AJ. Also available at http://www.hia.nrc.ca/science/preprint/preprint.htm

    NASA Land Information System (LIS) Water Availability to Support Reclamation ET Estimation

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    The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation identified the remote sensing of evapotranspiration (ET) as an important water flux for study and designated a test site in the Lower Colorado River basin. A consortium of groups will work together with the goal to develop more accurate and cost effective techniques using the enhanced spatial and temporal coverage afforded by remote sensing. ET is a critical water loss flux where improved estimation should lead to better management of Reclamation responsibilities. There are several areas where NASA satellite and modeling data may be useful to meet Reclamation's objectives for improved ET estimation. In this paper we outline one possible contribution to use NASA's data integration capability of the Land Information System (LIS) to provide a merger of observational (in situ and satellite) with physical process models to provide estimates of ET and other water availability outputs (e.g., runoff, soil moisture) retrospectively, in near real-time, and also providing short-term predictions

    MP758: East Regional Potato Trials 2006: Summary of NE1014 Regional Project Field Testing of New Potato Clones

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    The objectives of this regional potato trial are (1) to develop pest-resistant, early-maturing, long-dormant potato varieties that will process from cold storage; (2) to evaluate new and specialty variet­ies developed in the Northeast; (3) to determine climatic effects on performance to develop pre­dictive models for potato improvement; and (4) determine heritability/linkage relationships and improve the genetic base of tetraploid cultivated varieties. The results presented in this report reflect a portion of the activity directed toward objectives 1, 2 and 3.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_miscpubs/1017/thumbnail.jp

    MP760: East Regional Potato Trials 2007: Summary of NE1014 Regional Project Field Testing of New Potato Clones

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    The objectives of this regional potato trial are (1) to develop pest-resistant, early-maturing, long-dormant potato varieties that will process from cold storage; (2) to evaluate new and specialty variet­ies developed in the Northeast; (3) to determine climatic effects on performance to develop pre­dictive models for potato improvement; and (4) determine heritability/linkage relationships and improve the genetic base of tetraploid cultivated varieties. The results presented in this report reflect a portion of the activity directed toward objectives 1, 2 and 3.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_miscpubs/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Usefulness of an accelerated transoesophageal stress echocardiography in the preoperative evaluation of high risk severely obese subjects awaiting bariatric surgery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Severe obesity is associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). Bariatric surgery is an effective procedure for long term weight management as well as reduction of comorbidities. Preoperative evaluation of cardiac operative risk may often be necessary but unfortunately standard imaging techniques are often suboptimal in these subjects. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility, safety and utility of transesophageal dobutamine stress echocardiography (TE-DSE) using an adapted accelerated dobutamine infusion protocol in severely obese subjects with comorbidities being evaluated for bariatric surgery for assessing the presence of myocardial ischemia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Subjects with severe obesity [body mass index (BMI) >40 kg/m<sup>2</sup>] with known or suspected CAD and being evaluated for bariatric surgery were recruited.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty subjects (9M/11F), aged 50 ± 8 years (mean ± SD), weighing 141 ± 21 kg and with a BMI of 50 ± 5 kg/m<sup>2 </sup>were enrolled in the study and underwent a TE-DSE. The accelerated dobutamine infusion protocol used was well tolerated. Eighteen (90%) subjects reached their target heart rate with a mean intubation time of 13 ± 4 minutes. Mean dobutamine dose was 31.5 ± 9.9 ug/kg/min while mean atropine dose was 0.5 ± 0.3 mg. TE-DSE was well tolerated by all subjects without complications including no significant arrhythmia, hypotension or reduction in blood arterial saturation. Two subjects had abnormal TE-DSE suggestive of myocardial ischemia. All patients underwent bariatric surgery with no documented cardiovascular complications.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>TE-DSE using an accelerated infusion protocol is a safe and well tolerated imaging technique for the evaluation of suspected myocardial ischemia and cardiac operative risk in severely obese patients awaiting bariatric surgery. Moreover, the absence of myocardial ischemia on TE-DSE correlates well with a low operative risk of cardiac event.</p
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