155 research outputs found


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    This study shows that there is a spatial segregation of lagomorphs (Sylvilagus audubonii and Lepus californicus) due to a differential use of vegetation associations in Mapimí (Durango, Mexico), which could contribute to their coexistence in this reserve. Debido principalmente a estrategia

    Angiosperms, Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve, Veracruz, Mexico

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    The Los Tuxtlas Reserve has been heavily deforested and fragmented since the 1970’s. Although the flora of Los Tuxtlas has been described previously, most floristic lists come from the large forest reserve of the Los Tuxtlas field station. Here we present a check list of Angiosperms recorded in 45 rainforest fragments (< 1 to 266 ha) located in three landscapes with different levels of deforestation. We sampled all trees, shrubs, lianas, palms and herbs with diameter at breast height (dbh) Ā 2.5 cm within ten 50 m x 2 m plots per fragment. We recorded 9,435 plants belonging to 73 families and 372 species. Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, and Moraceae were best represented. Eight species are classified as Endangered by the Mexican government, and five are human-introduced species. We conclude that the conservation and restoration of all the remaining rainforest fragments are necessary to effectively preserve the plant diversity of this region

    Sleeping-tree fidelity of the spider monkey shapes community-level seed-rain patterns in continuous and fragmented rain forests

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    Repeated use of sleeping trees (STs) by frugivores promotes the deposition and aggregation of copious amounts of seed, thus having key implications for seed dispersal and forest regeneration. Seed-rain patterns produced by this behaviour likely depend on the frequency of use of these sites, yet this hypothesis has been poorly tested. We evaluated community-level seed-rain patterns produced by the spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) over 13 mo in latrines located beneath 60 STs in the Lacandona rain forest, Mexico. Because this primate is increasingly ‘forced’ to inhabit fragmented landscapes, we tested whether sleeping-tree fidelity (STF) differed among sites and between continuous and fragmented forests. We also tested whether seed-rain patterns were associated with STF within each site and forest type. STF was highly variable among STs (average = 7 mo, range = 1–12 mo), but did not differ among study sites or forest types. STF was positively associated with seed abundance, species diversity and species turnover. Nevertheless, STF tended to be negatively related to seed community evenness. These results are likely due to the most frequently used STs being in areas with greater food density. Our results demonstrate that site fidelity shapes community-level seed-rain patterns and thus has key ecological implications

    El paper de les polítiques actives d'ocupació en el desenvolupament i mobilització del capital social de joves amb trajectòries laborals vulnerables

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    Aquest document constitueix l'informe final d'una recerca finançada per l'Observatori Català de Joventut amb referència 2018AJOVE00006La recerca que aquí es presenta defensa la importància del paper del capital social, entès com el conjunt de relacions que faciliten l'accés directe e indirecte a recursos valuosos per a les persones a l'hora d'aconseguir millors oportunitats d'inserció laboral.El punt de partida de la recerca rau en la constatació de la minsa dotació de capital social relacional entre els grups socials més desafavorits. La recerca busca estudiar el paper que tenen les polítiques actives d'ocupació en la generació i mobilització de capital social útil per trobar una ocupació entre el col·lectiu de joves amb menys oportunitats d'inserció laboral

    Evidence of shared bovine viral diarrhea infections between red deer and extensively raised cattle in south-central Spain

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    Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a pestivirus that affects cattle production worldwide and that can infect other ungulates such as cervids and even wild boar (Sus scrofa). It is believed that domestic livestock can become infected through contact with wild animals, though it is known that infection can spread among wild animals in the absence of contact with livestock. Little is known about the sharing of BVDV infection between wild and domestic animals in the same habitat, which is important for designing eradication campaigns and preventing outbreaks, especially on hunting estates with high animal densities

    A Sensor-Based Methodology to Differentiate Pure and Mixed White Tequilas Based on Fused Infrared Spectra and Multivariate Data Treatment

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    [Abstract]: Mexican Tequila is one of the most demanded import spirits in Europe. Its fast-raising worldwide request makes counterfeiting a profitable activity affecting both consumers and legal distillers. In this paper, a sensor-based methodology based on a combination of infrared measurements (IR) and multivariate data analysis (MVA) is presented. The case study is about differentiating two categories of white Tequila: pure Tequila (or ‘100% agave’) and mixed Tequila (or simply, Tequila). The IR spectra were treated and fused with a low-level approach. Exploratory data analysis was performed using PCA and partial least squares (PLS), whilst the authentication analyses were carried out with PLS-discriminant analysis (DA) and soft independent modeling for class analogy (SIMCA) models. Results demonstrated that data fusion of IR spectra enhanced the outcomes of the authentication models capable of differentiating pure from mixed Tequilas. In fact, PLS-DA presented the best results which correctly classified all fifteen commercial validation samples. The methodology thus presented is fast, cheap, and of simple application in the Tequila industry.Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; PIAPI 2042Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; PAPIIT IT20091

    Segundo prototipo de un visibilímetro para el entorno del automóvil

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    Reporte de Investigación. 1 archivo PDF (33 páginas)El trabajo realizado en este prototipo ha conducido a las siguientes mejoras: Una reducción del costo anterior gracias al empleo de una fuente de luz IR más económica; el costo de fabricación estimado ahora es de poco más de 50€; una reducción de las dimensiones de los circuitos impresos gracias a la substitución de algunos componentes de montaje superficial; optimización de las funciones de algunos circuitos

    Productive landscapes and trade networks in the Roman Empire

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    La investigación actual sobre la economía de los alimentos en el mundo romano queda reflejada en esta obra, que aborda la producción y distribución de tales bienes fundamentales desde el estudio de casos y la innovación metodológica. Su configuración parte de una iniciativa del proyecto europeo EPNet, que reunió a los distintos autores participantes en el volumen con motivo de una sesión específica de la 27.ª Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (Durham, marzo de 2017). Aunque también se trata el abastecimiento de trigo, las contribuciones se dedican mayoritariamente al aceite y el vino. Los casos de estudio se concentran en el occidente romano, con especial atención a Italia e Hispania. Se incluyen contextos productivos y de redistribución, particularmente en los asentamientos militares fronterizos y la capital. Metodológicamente destacan las estrategias de cuantificación, el análisis SIG y la modelización. Se contrastan aspectos geográficos y arqueológicos de las diversas zonas de estudio para extraer conclusiones relativas a los patrones de asentamiento rural, la producción de alimentos y envases anfóricos, y sus redes de distribución comercial. De tal forma se dibuja un panorama amplio, vertebrado en torno a una cuestión clave para el funcionamiento y la sostenibilidad del Imperio: la economía alimentaria. Este amplio abanico metodológico resulta sugerente para la orientación de nuevas investigaciones que, de forma complementaria, se unan para profundizar en las razones del prolongado éxito de la cultura romana