356 research outputs found

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema OBD-Radar para automóviles

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    En el presente proyecto se van a tratar diferentes aspectos relacionados con la diagnosis del automóvil, focalizándose principalmente en el control de las emisiones por parte del sistema OBD (On- Board Diagnostics) y la evolución del mismo hasta el OBD-III (Diagnosis remota). Hasta que llegue el momento en el cual todos los sistemas de propulsión sean sostenibles, se ha de asegurar que los sistemas de propulsión actuales (basados en combustibles fósiles) cumplen con las normativas vigentes (técnicas y medioambientales) tanto en el momento de su homologación como durante todo el ciclo de vida del vehículo. Hoy en día, todos los OEM han de adecuar los sistemas de tratamiento de los gases de escape producidos por los combustibles fósiles a las directivas y normativas vigentes en los mercados de destino. El sistema EOBD, estándar adoptado en Europa, se encarga entre otras cosas, de calcular los IUPR (ratios de rendimiento en uso) encargados de garantizar que durante la vida útil del vehículo se monitorizan y diagnostican realmente todos los componentes que influyen en emisiones. En el presente proyecto se pretende realizar el primer prototipo funcional capaz de obtener una lectura completa de los IUPRs del automóvil de manera remota y automática, para así conseguir una mejora sustancial en la captura de dichos datos en las flotas de vehículos de cliente

    Learning Effect in a Multilingual Web-Based Argumentative Writing Instruction Model, Called ECM, on Metacognition, Rhetorical Moves, and Self-Efficacy for Scientific Purposes

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    This research was developed within the framework of ED.INVEST (HUM356) Research Groups financed by the Junta de Andalucia (Spain), with the project "Multilingual Communication and Citizenship Technologies" and the project "Accessible scientific writing course in Moodle to be taught in Spanish, German, English, Italian, and Catalan", financed by the Department of Planning Quality and Evaluation at the University of Granada. Reference PID14-05/Code 14-05.The purpose of this study is to assess the learning effect of a multilingual web-based argumentative writing instruction model called the Ensayo Científico Multilingüe (ECM, Multilingual Scientific Essay) adapting the didactic model called Genre-based Writing Instruction (GBWI) in an experiment conducted over three months. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental research model was applied to 150 students in the experimental group and 150 in the control group, with two measurements, pre and post-test, for three dependent variables: (a) writing metacognition and its dimensions; (b) written argumentative self-efficacy; and (c) rhetorical moves and steps of an argumentative essay. The latter variable was measured by the content analysis method. Variables (a) and (b) were both measured with instruments validated in a population of 518 university students using structural equations. The findings demonstrate the positive effect of the ECM, which combines WBWI and GBWI in argumentative written learning in the students’ mother tongue in all variables measured, applying statistics such as the Shapiro–Wilk statistic, parametric contrast, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. In relation to the findings, with respect to the evaluated variables, it was discovered, specifically, that the rhetorical steps in which the students showed a significant improvement were innovations, quotes/research, definitions of concepts, refutations, definitive reasons, and bibliographical references. Likewise, the rhetorical steps that did not present significant differences following the application of the ECM were discovered, and they were: reason summary, formulation of premise, and reasons for. Furthermore, it can be stated that for the ECM there was an increase, above all, in awareness of the following metacognitive dimensions: (a) writing selfregulation; (b) writing planning; and (c) writing revision, as well as argumentative self-efficacy. The novelties of this research with respect to the precedents reside in that it offers valid and concrete results on the effect of a multilingual web design integrated into a well-defined didactic model of argumentative writing on writing metacognition and its dimensions, argumentative structuring and its rhetorical steps, and argumentative self-efficacy. The related studies consider only some of these variables, but not all of them together or their complexity. These results have allowed us to establish specific didactic–technological proposals for improving the ECM that are transferable to didactic designs to guide written argumentation at higher academic levels using multilingual web technologies and integrating the metacognitive, behavioral, and motivational dimensions of writing.Junta de Andalucia European Commission HUM356Department of Planning Quality and Evaluation at the University of Granada PID14-05/Code 14-0

    Towards brain-tissue-like biomaterials

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    Many biomaterials have been developed which aim to match the elastic modulus of the brain for improved interfacing. However, other properties such as ultimate toughness, tensile strength, poroviscoelastic responses, energy dissipation, conductivity, and mass diffusivity also need to be considered

    Technologies for Learning Writing in L1 and L2 for the 21st Century: effects on writing metacognition, self-efficacy and argumentative structuring

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    Quality in higher education assumes the challenge of developing in all citizens of the 21st century the cognitive, motivational, and socio-cultural dimensions that provide them with communication competences including the use of infor-mation and communication technologies, for the dissemination of sustainable scientific knowledge in different languages. Hence this paper evaluates a di-dactic-technological process called “Ensayo Científico Multilingüe” or ECM (“Multilingual Scientific Essay”), which guides the construction of argumenta-tive texts in a shared didactic space in the native language (L1) and in the first foreign language (L2). It can be stated that the ECM creates a shared didactic-technological space in different languages, producing similar effects in L1 and L2, both on writing metacognition and on self-efficacy and argumentative structuring. The ECM en-hances the association of writing metacognition with argumentative self-efficacy in L1 and L2. However, these dimensions are not associated with the structur-ing of argumentative essays, either in L1 or in L2. Furthermore, it is verified that the described variables are associated with the didactic-technological proce-dures integrated in the ECM in the following ways: (i) the procedure to pro-mote writing metacognition (through the Lesson tool) is associated with argu-mentative structuring in L2; (ii) the extent of writing activities is associated, only, with argumentative self-efficacy in L1; and (iii) participation in the Forums presents a very low association with all the variables measured

    One-dimensional moir\'e superlattices and flat bands in collapsed chiral carbon nanotubes

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    We demonstrate that one-dimensional moir\'e patterns, analogous to those found in twisted bilayer graphene, can arise in collapsed chiral carbon nanotubes. Resorting to a combination of approaches, namely, molecular dynamics to obtain the relaxed geometries and tight-binding calculations validated against ab initio modeling, we find that magic angle physics occur in collapsed carbon nanotubes. Velocity reduction, flat bands and localization in AA regions with diminishing moir\'e angle are revealed, showing a magic angle close to 1o^{\rm o}. From the spatial extension of the AA regions and the width of the flat bands, we estimate that many-body interactions in these systems are stronger than in twisted bilayer graphene. Chiral collapsed carbon nanotubes stand out as promising candidates to explore many-body effects and superconductivity in low dimensions, emerging as the one-dimensional analogues of twisted bilayer graphene

    Universality of moir\'e physics in collapsed chiral carbon nanotubes

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    We report the existence of moir\'e patterns and magic angle physics in all families of chiral collapsed carbon nanotubes. A detailed study of the electronic structure of all types of chiral nanotubes, previously collapsed via molecular dynamics, has been performed. We find that each family possesses a unique geometry and moir\'e disposition, as well as a characteristic number of flat bands. Remarkably, all kinds of nanotubes behave the same with respect to magic angle tuning, showing a monotonic behavior that gives rise to magic angles in full agreement with those of twisted bilayer graphene. Therefore, magic angle behavior is universally found in chiral collapsed nanotubes with a small chiral angle, giving rise to moir\'e patterns. Our approach comprises first-principles and semi-empirical calculations of the band structure, density of states and spatial distribution of the localized states signaled by flat bands

    Aplicación y evaluación del microcurso sobre argumentación escrita con propósitos académicos, en español, inglés, alemán e italiano; creado en la plataforma eCampusUGR”

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    El objetivo del proyecto realizado, es determinar el efecto de un diseño didáctico basado en web (Bellhäuser et al., 2016), sobre el aprendizaje de la escritura argumentativa con fines de divulgación científica. Por lo tanto, se mide el efecto del diseño didáctico-digital sobre el aprendizaje metasociocognitivo, motivacional y gramatical del estudiante en L1 y L2. Para lograr los objetivos señalados se diseña y desarrolla una investigación cuasiexperimental, con grupos experimentales, grupos control y dos medidas: pre-test post-test, para tres variables dependientes: a) metasociocognición escritora y sus dimensiones; b) autoeficacia argumentativa escritora; y c) movimientos y pasos del texto argumentativo de carácter científico. Esta última variable se mide puntuando aspectos semánticos, sintácticos y estructurales del texto argumentativo científico en base a criterios claros y objetivos. Las variables (a) y (b) se miden con cuestionarios validados (Arroyo et al., 2021). Por otra parte, se aplican estadísticos de contraste paramétrico y no paramétrico en lengua materna (L1) y en la primera lengua extranjera (L2); y además, se analizan las correlaciones entre las variables dependientes, tanto antes como después de la aplicación del Curso, en L1 y L2. Los logros indican que el seguimiento de los recursos, aplicaciones y herramientas digitales de microlearning (Almazova et al., 2018; Brebera, 2017), integradas en un modelo didáctico fundamentado en el Modelo Metasociocognitivo de la Composición Escrita (Arroyo, 2009; Arroyo et al., 2018) aumenta, significativamente, las competencias gramaticales argumentativas científicas en L1 y en L2. Se confirma, además, que este diseño crea un espacio didáctico-digital compartido en diferentes idiomas, produciendo efectos positivos en L1 y L2, tanto en la metasociocognición escritora como en la autoeficacia argumentativa escritora. Los hallazgos fundamentan, científicamente, la aplicación de esta propuesta didáctico-digital para conducir a la calidad a la escritura argumentativa científica en la docencia habitual universitaria, en diferentes idiomas. A su vez, dicha propuesta permite difundir la aplicación del ensayo argumentativo científico como instrumento de evaluación de calidad, en las diferentes asignaturas del currículo universitario.The objective of the project carried out is to determine the effect of a web-based didactic design (Bellhäuser et al., 2016), on the learning of argumentative writing for scientific dissemination purposes. Hence, the effect of the digital-didactic design on the meta-sociocognitive, motivational and grammatical learning of the student in L1 and L2 is measured. To achieve the stated objectives, a quasi-experimental research is designed and developed, with experimental groups, control groups and two measures: pre-test post-test, for three dependent variables: a) writing metasociocognition and its dimensions; b) argumentative writing self-efficacy; and c) moves and steps of the scientific argumentative text. This last variable is measured by scoring semantic, syntactic and structural aspects of the scientific argumentative text based on clear and objective criteria. Variables (a) and (b) are measured with validated questionnaires (Arroyo et al., 2021). Furthermore, parametric and non-parametric contrast statistics are applied in the mother tongue (L1) and in the first foreign language (L2); and in addition, the correlations between the dependent variables are analyzed, both before and after the application of the Course, in L1 and L2. The achievements indicate that the monitoring of digital microlearning resources, applications and tools (Almazova et al., 2018; Brebera, 2017), integrated into a didactic model based on the Metasociocognitive Model of Written Composition (Arroyo, 2009; Arroyo 2018) significantly increases scientific argumentative grammatical skills in L1 and L2. It is also confirmed that this design creates a shared didactic-digital space in different languages, producing positive effects in L1 and L2, both in writing metasociocognition and in argumentative writing self-efficacy. The findings scientifically support,the application of this didactic-digital proposal to lead to quality scientific argumentative writing in regular university teaching, in different languages. In turn, this proposal enables the spreading of the application of the scientific argumentative essay as a quality evaluation instrument, in the different subjects of the university curriculum

    Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space

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    [EN] Universities are showing a growing interest in becoming green institutions and improving campus open space management. Well-designed urban landscapes guided by green criteria integrate eco-friendly infrastructure which may be effective in facing urban challenges in the context of climate change. Student preferences and uses of campus outdoor environment should draw the attention of campus landscape planners. This study aims to analyse how the university community perceives landscape services provided by the Spanish Universitat Politecnica de Valencia's campus open space. An online questionnaire was sent to the university community to check its opinions, level of satisfaction, and their demands related to the current situation of the outdoor areas. Campus open spaces with different urban green infrastructure have a high potential to provide cultural, provisioning, and regulation landscape services. Respondents perceive the main benefits provided by campus open spaces to be that they are a place to relax, meet friends, and pass through. Their needs related to the welfare of outdoor areas and their preferences differ according to age, occupation, and time spent at the campus. This paper intends to help the university to meet environmental guidelines and to help other universities in their endeavour to reach sustainability and ensure the university community's well-being.This research was funded by European Commission, European Union's Horizon 2020, Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments; grant number 730283.Tudorie, CA.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Gielen, E.; Arroyo-López, MR.; Galiana, F. (2020). Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space. Sustainability. 12(15):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/su121560471261215Raising the standard. The Green Flag Award guidance Manual 2016 http://www.greenflagaward.org/Universidad de Navarra https://www.unav.edu/web/horizonte-2020/green-campusCommon International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) V5.1 Guidance on the Application of the Revised Structure, UK https://cices.eu/content/uploads/sites/8/2018/01/Guidance-V51-01012018.pdfSpeake, J., Edmondson, S., & Nawaz, H. (2013). Everyday encounters with nature: students’ perceptions and use of university campus green spaces. HUMAN GEOGRAPHIES – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography, 7(1), 21-31. doi:10.5719/hgeo.2013.71.21McFarland, A. L., Waliczek, T. M., & Zajicek, J. M. (2008). The Relationship Between Student Use of Campus Green Spaces and Perceptions of Quality of Life. HortTechnology, 18(2), 232-238. doi:10.21273/horttech.18.2.232Gulwadi, G. B., Mishchenko, E. D., Hallowell, G., Alves, S., & Kennedy, M. (2019). The restorative potential of a university campus: Objective greenness and student perceptions in Turkey and the United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 187, 36-46. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.03.003Abu-Ghazzeh, T. M. (1999). Communicating Behavioral Research to Campus Design. Environment and Behavior, 31(6), 764-804. doi:10.1177/00139169921972344Hanan, H. (2013). Open Space as Meaningful Place for Students in ITB Campus. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 85, 308-317. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.361Lau, S. S. Y., Gou, Z., & Liu, Y. (2014). Healthy campus by open space design: Approaches and guidelines. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 3(4), 452-467. doi:10.1016/j.foar.2014.06.006Caselles, V., L�pez Garc�a, M. J., Meli�, J., & P�rez Cueva, A. J. (1991). Analysis of the heat-island effect of the city of Valencia, Spain, through air temperature transects and NOAA satellite data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 43(4), 195-203. doi:10.1007/bf00867455Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial https://ich.unesco.org/esFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/1252906/icode/2029Memoria del Curso Académico 2017–2018 https://www.upv.es/organizacion/la-institucion/memoria-curso-upv-es.htmlVallés-Planells, M., Galiana, F., & Van Eetvelde, V. (2014). A Classification of Landscape Services to Support Local Landscape Planning. Ecology and Society, 19(1). doi:10.5751/es-06251-190144Ibrahim, N., & Fadzil, N. H. (2013). Informal Setting for Learning on Campus: Usage and Preference. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 105, 344-351. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.11.036Schipperijn, J., Stigsdotter, U. K., Randrup, T. B., & Troelsen, J. (2010). Influences on the use of urban green space – A case study in Odense, Denmark. 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    A Preliminary Report: The Hippocampus and Surrounding Temporal Cortex of Patients With Schizophrenia Have Impaired Blood-Brain Barrier

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    Schizophrenia (SZ) is one of the most severe forms of mental illness, yet mechanisms remain unclear. A widely established brain finding in SZ is hippocampal atrophy, and a coherent explanation similarly is lacking. Epidemiological evidence suggests increased cerebrovascular and cardiovascular complications in SZ independent of lifestyle and medication, pointing to disease-specific pathology. Endothelial cell contributions to blood-brain barrier (BBB) compromise may influence neurovascular unit and peripheral vascular function, and we hypothesize that downstream functional and structural abnormalities may be explained by impaired BBB

    A new species of Axinaea (Melastomatacee: Merianieae) from North of Peru

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    Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Axinaea Ruiz & Pav. (Melastomataceae: Merianieae) denominada Axinaea wurdackii Sagást., S. J. Arroyo & E. Rodr. sp.nov., procedente del norte del Perú (Dptos. Cajamarca, La Libertad y Piura), típica de los bosques montanos y aparentemente endémica a esta parte del país. Se compara con sus relacionadas. Adicionalmente se presentan datos sobre su distribución geográfica, ecología, usos y estado de conservación.Axinaea wurdackii Sagást., S. J. Arroyo & E. Rodr. sp.nov. is described and illustrated as a new species of Axi- naea Ruiz & Pav. (Melastomataceae: Merianieae) from Northern Peru (Departments of Cajamarca, La Libertad and Piura). This species is typical of the montane forests and apparently endemic to this part of the country. It is compared with its closest relatives. Additionally data on its geographical distribution, ecology, uses and state of conservation are provided