327 research outputs found

    Latent split of aggregate counts: revealing home deliveries per commodity types and potential freight trip implications

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    This paper suggests a joint econometric model that allows estimating latent marginal counts when only total counts and types of commodities purchased are available. The basis for this model is the Negative binomial hurdle model, which is expanded by incorporating different features for the latent classes, allowing eventual null latent counts for one or more classes. A validation procedure for the proposed splitting is discussed. The methodology was used to estimate and validate a model for the propensity to shop online and the corresponding number of shipments per commodity group. The results confirm existing research on online shopping behaviour: elderly is less likely to buy online, while high income, education and having kids motivate online shopping. The average online shopper receives 2.4 shipments/month (0.077 shipments/day), with variations in shipments and commodities depending on the consumer profile. Correlation between commodity groups reveals that consolidation can reduce shipments of up to 30%.publishedVersio

    El comportamiento mortuorio en TiL 43 y RCh 21 del tardío al hispano-indígena: continuidades, transformaciones y rupturas materiales y simbólicas: perspectiva regional

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    Se analizan, discuten e interpretan los contextos funerarios de dos cementerios aborígenes: La Falda (Jujuy) y Rincón Chico 21 (Catamarca). La secuencia cultural abarca del Tardío al Hispano-Indígena. Se compara la información disponible para otros sitios de la región de Valles y Quebradas: Esquina de Huajra (Jujuy), Cachi Adentro (Salta), y Caspinchango (Catamarca). Se reconocen expresiones materiales, rituales y simbólicas, organizadas en términos de modifi caciones, transformaciones, rupturas, y también continuidades y persistencias. Los resultados se discuten e interpretan en un escenario de dominación estatal incaica y española. Se concluye que en el Período Hispano Indígena no debería desconocerse la fuerte componente incaica fi nal en la interpretación de inclusiones ultramarinas en tumbas aborígenes.Funerary contexts from two native burial areas: La Falda (Jujuy) and Rincón Chico 21 (Catamarca) are analyzed, discussed, and interpreted. Available information from other sites in the Valles and Quebradas Region is also considered for comparative purposes: Esquina de Huajra (Jujuy), Cachi Adentro (Salta), and Caspinchango (Catamarca). Material, ritual, and symbolic expressions, organized in terms of modifi cations, transformations, disruptions, and continuities, are discussed and interpreted in the broad scenario of Inka as well as Spanish domination. We conclude that in the understanding of the so-called Hispano-Indígena Period, the interpretation of the inclusion of European items in native tombs should not oversight the strong and long lasting cultural infl uence of the Inkas.Fil: Mendonca, Osvaldo Juan. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquimicas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bordach, María Asunción. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquimicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Arrieta, Mario Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquimicas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Pre-Columbian tuberculosis in northwest Argentina: Skeletal evidence from Rincón Chico 21 Cemetery

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    Systematic excavation of collective burial sites makes possible the recovery of skeletal series which may show bony evidence of infectious pathological conditions. This paper presents the first evidence of the existence of tuberculosis in prehistoric populations of NW Argentina with a subsistence economy based on agriculture and pastoralism. The study was carried out on individuals from Rincón Chico 21 cemetery, a burial site located in the Santa María Valley, Catamarca, used between the Late Ceramic Period and the onset of the Inca empire expansion (AD 1000-1400). Six individuals out of the 70 so far excavated showed destructive lesions in the vertebral bodies and periosteal reactions in other bones. The morphology and distribution of bone lesions led us to rule out several diseases from a broad spectrum of possible diseases that could have affected the skeletal system. Thus, the lesions were interpreted as caused by mycobacterial infections (Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex). Considering previous studies on the dynamics of biocultural interactions which take into account information related from contextual associations and chronology, we can conclude that a tuberculosis-like disease was present in prehistoric populations from NW Argentina. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Fil: Arrieta, Mario Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Osteología y Anatomia Funcional Humana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bordach, María A.. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Osteología y Anatomia Funcional Humana; ArgentinaFil: Mendonca, Osvaldo Juan. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Osteología y Anatomia Funcional Humana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; Argentin

    PerSort Facilitates Characterization and Elimination of Persister Subpopulation in Mycobacteria.

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) generates phenotypic diversity to persist and survive the harsh conditions encountered during infection. MTB avoids immune effectors and antibacterial killing by entering into distinct physiological states. The surviving cells, persisters, are a major barrier to the timely and relapse-free treatment of tuberculosis (TB). We present for the first time, PerSort, a method to isolate and characterize persisters in the absence of antibiotic or other pressure. We demonstrate the value of PerSort to isolate translationally dormant cells that preexisted in small numbers within Mycobacterium species cultures growing under optimal conditions but that dramatically increased in proportion under stress conditions. The translationally dormant subpopulation exhibited multidrug tolerance and regrowth properties consistent with those of persister cells. Furthermore, PerSort enabled single-cell transcriptional profiling that provided evidence that the translationally dormant persisters were generated through a variety of mechanisms, including vapC30, mazF, and relA/spoT overexpression. Finally, we demonstrate that notwithstanding the varied mechanisms by which the persister cells were generated, they converge on a similar low-oxygen metabolic state that was reversed through activation of respiration to rapidly eliminate persisters fostered under host-relevant stress conditions. We conclude that PerSort provides a new tool to study MTB persisters, enabling targeted strategies to improve and shorten the treatment of TB.IMPORTANCE Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) persists and survives antibiotic treatments by generating phenotypically heterogeneous drug-tolerant subpopulations. The surviving cells, persisters, are a major barrier to the relapse-free treatment of tuberculosis (TB), which is already killing \u3e1.8 million people every year and becoming deadlier with the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains. This study describes PerSort, a cell sorting method to isolate and characterize, without antibiotic treatment, translationally dormant persisters that preexist in small numbers within Mycobacterium cultures. Characterization of this subpopulation has discovered multiple mechanisms by which mycobacterial persisters emerge and unveiled the physiological basis for their dormant and multidrug-tolerant physiological state. This analysis has discovered that activating oxygen respiratory physiology using l-cysteine eliminates preexisting persister subpopulations, potentiating rapid antibiotic killing of mycobacteria under host-relevant stress. PerSort serves as a new tool to study MTB persisters for enabling targeted strategies to improve and shorten the treatment of TB

    Abordagem do processo de avaliação formativa para a aprendizagem com um sentido ético

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    This essay seeks to carry out an approach to formative assessment with an ethical sense at the service of learning, providing the teacher with a reflection on assessment functions, examples, techniques and instruments, as well as assessment types and moments. Therefore, the essay's objective is to analyze the formative evaluation with an ethical sense at the service of learning, which requires knowing the diversity of students. Thereupon, the conclusion is that formative learning assessments with an ethical sense allow teachers to become professionals who embrace and get committed to the diversity of the students in their class while searching to achieve learning; likewise, the students obtain self-regulation to become expert apprentices. Likewise, some strategies are provided so that it can be thought that the evaluation goes hand in hand with learning. Therefore, it is concluded that the evaluation for formative learning with an ethical sense allows the teaching staff to become a professional who manages to appropriate and commit to various forms, styles and learning rhythms of the student in the context of their class in search of learning achievement; likewise, that the student self-regulate to become an expert learner.El presente ensayo pretende realizar un acercamiento a la evaluación formativa con sentido ético al servicio de los aprendizajes, proporcionando a la persona docente una reflexión de las funciones de la evaluación, de ejemplos de técnicas e instrumentos, además, de tipos o momentos de la evaluación. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del ensayo es analizar la evaluación formativa con sentido ético al servicio de los aprendizajes, la cual requiere conocer al estudiantado desde la diversidad.Por lo tanto, se concluye que la evaluación para los aprendizajes formativa con sentido ético permite que el profesorado se convierta en un profesional que logra apropiarse y comprometerse con la diversidad del estudiantado en el contexto de su clase en busca del logro de los aprendizajes; así mismo, que el estudiantado logre autorregularse para convertirse en un aprendiz experto.Este ensaio visa abordar a avaliação formativa com um sentido ético ao serviço da aprendizagem, proporcionando ao professor uma reflexão sobre as funções da avaliação, exemplos de técnicas e instrumentos, bem como tipos ou momentos de avaliação. Portanto, o objetivo do ensaio é analisar a avaliação formativa com um sentido ético ao serviço da aprendizagem, o que requer conhecer os estudantes do ponto de vista da diversidade. Por conseguinte, conclui-se que a avaliação formativa da aprendizagem com sentido ético permite aos professores tornarem-se profissionais capazes de se apropriarem e se comprometerem com a diversidade dos estudantes no contexto da sua sala de aula em busca de resultados de aprendizagem; do mesmo modo, os estudantes são capazes de se autorregularem de modo a tornarem-se aprendizes especializados. Da mesma forma, são fornecidas algumas estratégias para que se possa pensar que a avaliação anda de mãos dadas com a aprendizagem. Portanto, conclui-se que a avaliação para a aprendizagem formativa com sentido ético permite ao docente tornar-se um profissional que consegue se apropriar e se comprometer com as diversas formas, estilos e ritmos de aprendizagem do aluno no contexto de sua aula em busca do aproveitamento da aprendiza gem; da mesma forma, que o aluno se autorregula para se tornar um aprendiz especialista

    Exploratory analysis of entheseal changes in an agropastoral society from northwestern Argentina at Hispanic-Indigenous contact moments: La Falda (SJ TIL 43) site

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    El examen de los cambios entésicos ofrece una perspectiva prometedora para abordar el estudio de niveles de actividad física y uso del cuerpo en poblaciones del pasado. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el nivel de expresión de tales cambios para explorar, desde un abordaje bioarqueológico, patrones y niveles de actividad física en una sociedad agropastoril procedente del sitio La Falda (Tilcara, Jujuy). Dicho sitio ha sido asignado al período Hispano-Indígena inicial y fechados radiocarbónicos lo ubican entre 1460 y 1639 cal AD. La muestra está constituida por 18 esqueletos adultos con edad y sexo estimados. Para el análisis fueron seleccionadas 17 entesis fibrocartilaginosas, cuyos cambios fueron relevados utilizando el Nuevo Método Coimbra. Se calcularon frecuencias de los cambios y se utilizaron modelos lineales generalizados para comparar estadísticamente prevalencias entre lateralidades, edades y sexos. Los análisis estadísticos arrojaron diferencias significativas entre grupos etarios y sexos. No se observaron diferencias significativas en cuanto a lateralidad. El bajo número de diferencias significativas dificultó establecer un patrón diferencial en cuanto a la edad y el sexo. Sin embargo, los resultados sugieren un mayor compromiso muscular de las mujeres para el uso de miembros superiores y de los hombres para los miembros inferiores, principalmente en lo que respectaría a una mayor movilidad. Finalmente, se destaca la utilidad de emplear el análisis de los cambios entésicos para explorar los niveles de estrés biomecánico que demandaron los modos de vida de las poblaciones agropastoriles, resaltando la importancia del empleo del Nuevo Método Coimbra.The examination of entheseal changes offers a promising perspective for addressing the study of physical activity and body use in past populations. Thus, the aim of this work is to analyze the level of expression of such changes to explore, from a bioarchaeological approach, the patterns and levels of physical activity in a skeletal sample from the site of La Falda (Tilcara, Jujuy). This site has been assigned to the early Hispanic-Indigenous period and radiocarbon dates suggest that it was used between 1460 and 1639 cal AD. The sample is made up of 18 adult skeletons with estimated age and sex. For the analysis, 17 fibrocartilaginous entheses were selected, which were recorded using the new Coimbra method. Frequencies of changes were calculated and generalized linear models were used to statistically compare prevalence between laterality, sexes, and ages. Statistical analyzes yielded significant differences between age groups and sexes. No significant differences were observed in terms of laterality. The low number of significant differences made it difficult to establish a differential pattern in terms of age and sex. However, the results suggest greater engagement in women of upper limb muscles, and of the lower limbs in men, mainly with regard to greater mobility. Finally, the usefulness of employing the analysis of entheseal changes to explore the biomechanical stress levels required by the lifestyles of agropastoral populations is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of using the new Coimbra method.Asociación de Antropología Biológica Argentin

    Abordagem do processo de avaliação formativa para a aprendizagem com um sentido ético

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    This essay seeks to carry out an approach to formative assessment with an ethical sense at the service of learning, providing the teacher with a reflection on assessment functions, examples, techniques and instruments, as well as assessment types and moments. Therefore, the essay's objective is to analyze the formative evaluation with an ethical sense at the service of learning, which requires knowing the diversity of students. Thereupon, the conclusion is that formative learning assessments with an ethical sense allow teachers to become professionals who embrace and get committed to the diversity of the students in their class while searching to achieve learning; likewise, the students obtain self-regulation to become expert apprentices. Likewise, some strategies are provided so that it can be thought that the evaluation goes hand in hand with learning. Therefore, it is concluded that the evaluation for formative learning with an ethical sense allows the teaching staff to become a professional who manages to appropriate and commit to various forms, styles and learning rhythms of the student in the context of their class in search of learning achievement; likewise, that the student self-regulate to become an expert learner.El presente ensayo pretende realizar un acercamiento a la evaluación formativa con sentido ético al servicio de los aprendizajes, proporcionando a la persona docente una reflexión de las funciones de la evaluación, de ejemplos de técnicas e instrumentos, además, de tipos o momentos de la evaluación. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del ensayo es analizar la evaluación formativa con sentido ético al servicio de los aprendizajes, la cual requiere conocer al estudiantado desde la diversidad.Por lo tanto, se concluye que la evaluación para los aprendizajes formativa con sentido ético permite que el profesorado se convierta en un profesional que logra apropiarse y comprometerse con la diversidad del estudiantado en el contexto de su clase en busca del logro de los aprendizajes; así mismo, que el estudiantado logre autorregularse para convertirse en un aprendiz experto.Este ensaio visa abordar a avaliação formativa com um sentido ético ao serviço da aprendizagem, proporcionando ao professor uma reflexão sobre as funções da avaliação, exemplos de técnicas e instrumentos, bem como tipos ou momentos de avaliação. Portanto, o objetivo do ensaio é analisar a avaliação formativa com um sentido ético ao serviço da aprendizagem, o que requer conhecer os estudantes do ponto de vista da diversidade. Por conseguinte, conclui-se que a avaliação formativa da aprendizagem com sentido ético permite aos professores tornarem-se profissionais capazes de se apropriarem e se comprometerem com a diversidade dos estudantes no contexto da sua sala de aula em busca de resultados de aprendizagem; do mesmo modo, os estudantes são capazes de se autorregularem de modo a tornarem-se aprendizes especializados. Da mesma forma, são fornecidas algumas estratégias para que se possa pensar que a avaliação anda de mãos dadas com a aprendizagem. Portanto, conclui-se que a avaliação para a aprendizagem formativa com sentido ético permite ao docente tornar-se um profissional que consegue se apropriar e se comprometer com as diversas formas, estilos e ritmos de aprendizagem do aluno no contexto de sua aula em busca do aproveitamento da aprendiza gem; da mesma forma, que o aluno se autorregula para se tornar um aprendiz especialista

    Identification of Linear Power System Models Using Probing Signals

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    This paper compares the accuracy of two methods to identify a linear representation of a power system: the traditional Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) and the Loewner Interpolation Method (LIM). ERA is based on time domain data obtained using exponential chirp probing signals and LIM system identification method is based on frequency domain data obtained using sinusoidal probing signals. The ERA and LIM methods are evaluated with the noise produced by the nonlinear characteristics of the system, these characteristics are caused by increasing the amplitude of the applied probing signal. The test systems used are: the two-area Kundur system and a reduced order representation of the Northeastern portion of the North American Eastern Interconnection. The results show that the LIM method provides a more accurate identification than the ERA method

    Exergoeconomic analysis of an absorption refrigeration and natural gas-fueled diesel power generator cogeneration system

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    This work presents a thermoeconomic analysis of a cogeneration system using the exhaust gas from a natural gas-fueled diesel power generator as heat source for an ammonia-water absorption refrigeration system. The purpose of the analysis is to obtain both unit exergetic and exergoeconomic costs of the cogeneration system at different load conditions and replacement rates of diesel oil by natural gas. A thermodynamic model of the absorption chiller was developed using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software to simulate the exergetic and exergoeconomic cogeneration costs. The data entry for the simulation model included available experimental data from a dual-fuel diesel power generator operating with replacement rates of diesel oil by natural gas of 25%, 50% and 75%, and varying engine load from 10 kW to 30 kW. Other required data was calculations using the GateCycle software, from the available experimental data. The results show that, in general, the cogeneration cold unit exergetic and exergoeconomic costs increases with increasing engine load and decreases with increasing replacement rate of diesel oil by natural gas under the conditions investigated. Operating with 3/4 of the rated engine power and replacing 50% of diesel oil by natural gas, the exergoeconomic cost of the produced power is increased by 75%, and the exergoeconomic cost of the produced cold is decreased by 17%. The electric power unit exergetic and exergoeconomic costs indicate that the replacement of diesel oil by natural gas is feasible in the present considerations for engine operation at medium and high loads

    Population structure and dynamic of hunter-gatherers from the médano petroquímica site (La Pampa, Argentina): Inferences from life tables and other paleodemographic indicators

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    La paleodemografía constituye una línea de investigación muchas veces subestimada en los estudios bioarqueológicos debido a que generalmente los sitios prehistóricos carecen de registros escritos que proporcionen información precisa de las sociedades que los generaron. Dado el importante número de individuos inhumados en el sitio Médano Petroquímica (n=120) y el breve periodo de ocupación del mismo (entre 363 y 419 años AP), la utilización de herramientas como las tablas de vida y de distintos índices paleodemográficos nos permitirá aportar información relevante de la dinámica poblacional para el área de estudio durante el Holoceno Tardío. Las tasas de mortalidad infantil y de fecundidad femenina, junto a otros indicadores, sugieren que se trataría de una población con tendencia hacia el crecimiento. Además, el análisis e interpretación de los resultados obtenidos apoyaría el cuadro propuesto por algunos investigadores, en el cual las sociedades de la región habrían experimentado una disminución de la movilidad residencial, el aumento de la densidad poblacional y la aparición de áreas formales de entierro durante el periodo de contacto hispano-indígena inicial.Paleodemography is a line of research that is often underestimated in bioarchaeological studies because prehistoric sites generally lack written records that provide accurate information about the societies that generated them. Given the high number of individuals buried at the Médano Petroquímica site and the short period of occupation thereof, the use of life tables and different paleodemographic indices would allow us to provide relevant information about population dynamics for the study area during the late Holocene. Infant mortality, female fertility rates, and other indicators suggest it would be a population with a tendency towards growth. In addition, the results would support the model proposed by some researchers of decreasing residential mobility in the region, increasing population density, and the appearance of formal burial areas during the initial period of Spanishindigenous contact.Fil: Bernardi, Lila. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Arrieta, Mario Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Bottini, Melina Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin