918 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y validación de una versión preliminar de la escala de competencia emocional en el deporte (ECE_D)

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    El importante papel que juegan las emociones en los contextos deportivos ha sido ampliamente defendido en la literatura sobre psicología del deporte. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar y validar un instrumento para evaluar la competencia emocional de los deportistas. La muestra la componen 367 deportistas de ambos géneros pertenecientes a diferentes disciplinas deportivas. Se analizaron los antecedentes y las características psicométricas de la Escala de Desarrollo Emocional (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden y Dornhein, 1998). Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron en términos generales el modelo de cuatro factores propuesto por los autores originales y además, plantea la posibilidad de incluir mejoras sustanciales del cuestionario para futuras versiones relacionadas con su aplicabilidad.The relevant role of emotions in competitive contexts has been widely supported in the sport psychology literature. The aim of this study was to create a valid measure of emotional development in sports. The sample is composed by 367 sportsmen/women belonging to different sporting disciplines. Analyses were performed about the antecedents and the psychometric properties of the Emotional Development Scale (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden & Dornhein, 1998). Results showed that, in general terms, the initially proposed four factor model was supported. Implications for considering the improvement of the applicability questionnaire are advance

    Fault interpretation in seismic reflection data: an experiment analyzing the impact of conceptual model anchoring and vertical exaggeration

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    [EN]This paper presents an analysis on the limitations and advantages that some types of seismic data display present on the interpretation of the dataset

    El yacimiento arqueológico de El Saucedo (Talavera La Nueva, Toledo): balance y perspectivas

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    En este artículo presentamos una síntesis de los trabajos de investigación, conservación y difusión reali-zados en el yacimiento de b'l Saucedo hasta el presente, así como un esbozo de los planes de actuación para el futuro

    Aerosol analysis by micro laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: A new protocol for particulate matter characterization in filters

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    Atmospheric aerosols (particulate matter – PM) affect the air quality and climate, even in remote areas, such as the Antarctic Region. Current techniques for continuous PM monitoring are usually complex, costly, time consuming and do not provide real-time measurements. In this work, based on micro laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), an innovative method with an optical design and multi-elemental scanning imaging, is presented to characterize PM collected in filters from Antarctica. After following a simple protocol and under atmospheric pressure, the new approach allows to obtain a global visualization of the elemental PM composition of the filters with a minimum sample destruction and preparation. For the first time, we were able to map the localization of pollutants in filters at high spatial resolution and speed. This recent method offers a new insight on the characterization of PM, particularly in isolated areas, where no complex equipment and real time measurements are demanded

    Co/Cu/Co pseudo spin-valve system prepared by magnetron sputtering with different argon pressure

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    Thin Co films were fabricated by DC magnetron sputtering. The effect of argon pressure on the microstructure, surface morphology and magnetic properties of the samples was systematically studied. It was found that with the increase of argon pressure, the sharpness of the crystalline texture of the samples declines, the roughness of film surfaces and the coercivity of the films increase. Based on these results, a Co/Cu/Co pseudo spin-valve system was designed and the corresponding structures were fabricated. The difference in coercivity of magnetic layers was obtained by deposition of the Co layers at different Ar pressures. Change of the resistance of this trilayer is induced at a moderate field by the spin rotation in the soft layer with lower coercivity. © 2015 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland

    Complex hybridization patterns in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in the Pyrenean Region

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    Hybrid zones are natural laboratories allowing insights in genetic processes like lineage diversification, speciation and introgression. Using large sampling, 15 microsatellite loci and a mitochondrial marker, we examined the Pyrenean contact zone of three pond turtle taxa (Emys orbicularis orbicularis, E. o. galloitalica, E. o. occidentalis). The Pyrenees are a biogeographically important region separating many lineages endemic to the Iberian Peninsula from their Western European counterparts. We discovered limited admixture, reflecting a complex biogeographic scenario. Simulations using Approximate Bayesian Computing supported that E. o. orbicularis invaded the Iberian Peninsula in the Holocene, circumventing the Pyrenees along the Mediterranean coast, and hybridized in the northern peninsula with the local coastal subspecies galloitalica, and to a lesser extent, with occidentalis. While E. o. occidentalis, and in particular E. o. orbicularis, expanded their ranges considerably during Holocene warming, E. o. galloitalica remained largely confined to its former Iberian refuge. Admixture among the three taxa is surprisingly low, and a future taxonomic investigation that includes the unstudied subspecies of E. orbicularis from North Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia has to determine whether their current status properly reflects their evolutionary divergence or whether certain taxa should be regarded as full species

    Structural basis for the inactivation of cytosolic DNA sensing by the vaccinia virus.

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    Detection of cytosolic DNA is a central element of the innate immunity system against viral infection. The Ku heterodimer, a component of the NHEJ pathway of DNA repair in the nucleus, functions as DNA sensor that detects dsDNA of viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm. Vaccinia virus expresses two proteins, C4 and C16, that inactivate DNA sensing and enhance virulence. The structural basis for this is unknown. Here we determine the structure of the C16 - Ku complex using cryoEM. Ku binds dsDNA by a preformed ring but C16 sterically blocks this access route, abrogating binding to a dsDNA end and its insertion into DNA-PK, thereby averting signalling into the downstream innate immunity system. C4 replicates these activities using a domain with 54% identity to C16. Our results reveal how vaccinia virus subverts the capacity of Ku to recognize viral DNA

    Crowded field 3D spectroscopy of LBV candidates in M33

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    We present integral field spectroscopy of the LBV candidate stars B416 and v532 in the local group galaxy M33. B416 is surrounded by an elongated ring-like nebula, which has a projected radius of 20x30 pc. From the datacube we create ionization and radial velocity maps of the nebula. The excitation of the gas decreases towards the outer part of the ring, while the inner part of the nebula is filled with a more excited gas. In the EW direction the ring is seen to expand with a maximum projected velocity amplitude of about 40 km/s. The eastern part approaches the observer. We estimate the nebula dynamical lifetime 8*10E5 years. It could be a residual MS bubble, which indicates a main-sequence or pre-LBV status of the star. We classify B416 as an "iron star" or B[e]-supergiant. In v532 an elongated nebula has been marginally detected. The total projected size of the nebula along the main axis is 30 pc, and the total radial velocity gradient is 44+/-11 km/s. v532 exhibits both strong photometric and spectral variability. At the time of our observations it was in an intermediate brightness state with a rich nitrogen spectrum. We classify v532 as an LBV, showing LBV Ofpe/WN transitions. We stress the importance of integral field spectroscopy as the optimal technique for studying nebulae and the evolution of LBV-like stars in nearby galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 10 Postscript figures, A&A accepte

    Multielemental analysis of Antarctic soils using calibration free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

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    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a quick technique that allows the analysis of all types of samples without destroying them and with much reduced sample treatment. One of its many applications is the study of geological samples such as soils. Because of the complexity of the matrix, it is very difficult to find or manufacture standards for these types of samples. Therefore, a good alternative is to make use of a methodology, called Calibration Free (CF), where instead of using standards, the physical parameters of the plasma created by the interaction of the laser with the sample are studied and related to the elements and species that compose it. This methodology is followed to perform a multielemental quantitative analysis of soil samples from Antarctica. Two studies were made, differing in the optimization of the instrumental parameters in order to obtain the best possible spectra in the chosen spectral lines. In both cases, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) was used to evaluate the quality of the spectra, but in the second study a full factorial design 23 with center and axial points was developed to get better results. The choice of spectral lines was based on a series of criteria, being stricter in the second study. The samples were mainly composed of the following oxides: SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, TiO and K2O. In the second study, it was also possible to determine the species present in lower concentrations: Mn, Cr, V, Sr, Zr, BA and Li. The results were compared with those provided by ICP-OES analysis, obtaining close values for most oxides, especially in the second study. For minority elements, the CF-LIBS and the ICP-OES results were within the same order of magnitude in all cases except the Cr case. These results show that CF-LIBS can be very useful in the characterization of complex samples from remote regions, such as Antarctic soils