1,815 research outputs found

    Sport as an attempt to socialize youth and women during the Franco regime

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    En este trabajo se analiza si los diferentes gobiernos que se fueron sucediendo durante las dos primeras décadas del franquismo (1939-1959) utilizaron la actividad físico-deportiva, especialmente entre la juventud y la mujer, para transmitir mejor los mensajes del modelo de sociedad que proponían y conseguir así un mayor número de afines al nacionalsindicalismo. Mediante la revisión documental de fuentes primarias y secundarias se puede concluir que la actividad físico-deportiva no influyó mayoritariamente en las actitudes de sus practicantes, aunque sí que condicionó las posibilidades de practicarlo. El adoctrinamiento y el encuadramiento a través de esta actividad tuvo un escaso éxito, fueron pocos los que acogieron la ideología nacionalsindicalista por practicar actividad física.This paper studies how successive Governments over the first two decades of Francoism (1939-1959) made use of sport and physical activity, especially among youth and women, to best convey the messages of the model of society they sought to achieve and so to increase the number of adherents to the National-Syndicalist system. After detailed analysis of primary and secondary sources, it can be concluded that sport and physical activity did not influence attitudes in most sports people, instead it limited the chances of practising sport. Indoctrination and recruiting through physical activity had a slim success: few were those who embraced the National-Syndicalist ideology by engaging in physical activit

    La educación física femenina y el ideal de mujer en la etapa franquista

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    El presente trabajo trata de exponer la situación que la mujer tuvo durante el franquismo y reflexionar sobre los conceptos y valores que se la asignaban desde diferentes campos ( político, laboral, cultural, religioso¿), que la condicionaron en su devenir a lo largo de esos años (1939-1975). La creación de Sección Femenina (S.F.) fomentó, en muchas ocasiones, un ideal de mujer a través de su objetivo fundamental: formarla integralmente; en otras ocasiones luchó por hacer caer convencionalismos asentados en la población, como los relacionados al campo de la Educación Física (E.F.) y el deporte; con la intención de que se conociera esta disciplina entre toda la población. De esta manera se creó un modelo exclusivo para este sexo (Educación Física Femenina- E.F.F.-), condicionado por supuestos científico-médicos y religiosos

    Physical activity and youth in the Franco dictatorship (1937-1961)

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    El presente artículo analiza las competencias que en materia de actividad física tuvieron diferentes organismos políticos franquistas con respecto a la juventud, especialmente la Delegación Nacional del Frente de Juventudes y la Delegación Nacional de Deportes. Mediante la revisión de la documentación oficial de la época y la aportación de estudios ya realizados sobre la temática, se descubren los puntos de unión y de fricción que existieron entre ambas instituciones. Mientras que ambas Delegaciones priorizaron la actividad físico-deportiva como instrumento para el adoctrinamiento y la adhesión al régimen, sin embargo, fue el Frente de Juventudes el que más lo intentó. Sus instructores e instructoras se filtraron en el sistema educativo y promovieron las actividades extraescolares, especialmente los Juegos Escolares y las actividades de aire libre, aunque realizadas con un marcado sesgo de género y de selección de los más aptos durante las dos primeras décadas del franquismo.This article analyzes the competences that different nationalist political organisations had in the field of physical activity had with regard to youth, particularly the “Delegación Nacional del Frente de Juventudes” and the “Delegación Nacional de Deportes”. Through the revision of the official documentation of the era and the contribution of studies already carried out on the subject, we try to show some common aspects and friction points that existed between the two institutions. While both delegations prioritized sport and physical activity as a tool for the indoctrination and adherence to the regime, however, the “Frente de Juventudes” tried it harder. Their instructors infiltrated into the educational system and promoted after-school activities, especially school games and outdoor activities, which both attracted attention among schoolchildren during the first two decades of Franco Era

    Local and remote sources of airborne suspended particulate matter in the antarctic region

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    Quantification of suspended particulate matter (SPM) measurements-together with statistical tools, polar contour maps and backward air mass trajectory analyses-were implemented to better understand the main local and remote sources of contamination in this pristine region. Field campaigns were carried out during the austral summer of 2016-2017 at the "Gabriel de Castilla" Spanish Antarctic Research Station, located on Deception Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctic). Aerosols were deposited in an air filter through a low-volume sampler and chemically analysed using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Elements such as Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, S, Cu, Pb, Sr, Ti, Zn, Hf, Zr, V, As, Ti, Mn, Sn and Cr were identified. The statistical tools together with their correlations (Sr/Na, Al/Ti, Al/Mn, Al/Sr, Al/Pb, K/P) suggest a potentially significant role of terrestrial inputs for Al, Ti, Mn, Sr and Pb; marine environments for Sr and Na; and biological inputs for K and P. Polar contour graphical maps allowed reproducing wind maps, revealing the biological local distribution of K and P (penguin colony). Additionally, backward trajectory analysis confirmed previous affirmations and atmospheric air masses following the Antarctic circumpolar pattern

    Effects of switching to PI monotherapy on measures of lipoatrophy: meta-analysis of six randomized HIV clinical trials

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    Background: Switching from triple combination treatment to protease inhibitor (PI) monotherapy may prevent or reverse adverse events related to long-term nucleoside analogues. Lipoatrophy is associated with long-term use of thymidine analogues (zidovudine and stavudine). Methods: A detailed MEDLINE search was conducted to identify randomised clinical trials of triple combination treatment versus PI monotherapy. Summary results from analysis of changes in body composition (DEXA analysis) were collected: the mean change in limb fat and trunk fat to Week 48 or 96, and the percentage of patients with lipoatrophy (20% reduction from baseline in limb fat) or lipohypertrophy (20% rise from baseline in trunk fat). Results: Six randomised trials of PI monotherapy versus triple therapy with data on body composition changes, measured by DEXA scanning at baseline and Week 48 or 96, were identified: Abbott-613 (LPV/r vs ZDV/3TC/EFV, induction-maintenance trial, n=105), Monark (LPV/r vs ZDV/3TC/LPV/r, first-line trial, n=63), Kalesolo (LPV/r vs LPV/r +2NRTIs, switch trial, n=42), MONOI (DRV/r vs DRV/r + 2NRTIs, switch trial, n=156), MONARCH (DRV/r vs DRV/r + 2NRTIs, switch trial, n=30) and KRETA (LPV/r vs LPV/r + ABC/3TC, switch trial, n=74). In the meta-analysis, there were greater rises in limb fat in the PI monotherapy arms than the triple therapy arms (mean difference =277g, 95% CI=+36 to+517g, p=0.024). The percentage of patients with lipoatrophy was significantly lower in the PI monotherapy arms (4%) than the triple therapy arms (20%), (p=0.0005). There was no difference between PI monotherapy and triple therapy for mean change in trunk fat (mean difference=−73g, 95% CI = −621 to +475g, p=ns). There was also no significant difference in the risk of lipohypertrophy between the PI monotherapy arms (32%) and the triple therapy arms (27%) (p=ns). In each of the four analyses, there was no evidence for heterogeneity of treatment effects between the trials (Cochran's Q tests, p=ns for each comparison). Conclusions: In this meta-analysis, the risk of lipoatrophy was significantly lower for patients taking PI monotherapy, compared to triple therapy. There was no significant difference between the arms for lipohypertrophy. However, several of the trials included zidovudine in the control arm, which carries a higher risk of lipoatrophy than tenofovir and abacavir, which are now more widely used

    Chandra Observations of Extended X-ray Emission in Arp 220

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    We resolve the extended X-ray emission from the prototypical ultraluminous infrared galaxy Arp 220. Extended, faint edge-brightened, soft X-ray lobes outside the optical galaxy are observed to a distance of 10 to 15 kpc on each side of the nuclear region. Bright plumes inside the optical isophotes coincide with the optical line emission and extend 11 kpc from end to end across the nucleus. The data for the plumes cannot be fit by a single temperature plasma, and display a range of temperatures from 0.2 to 1 keV. The plumes emerge from bright, diffuse circumnuclear emission in the inner 3 kpc centered on the Halpha peak, which is displaced from the radio nuclei. There is a close morphological correspondence between the Halpha and soft X-ray emission on all spatial scales. We interpret the plumes as a starburst-driven superwind, and discuss two interpretations of the emission from the lobes in the context of simulations of the merger dynamics of Arp 220.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; see also astro-ph/0208477 (Paper 1

    Calibrating the metallicity of M dwarfs in wide physical binaries with F-, G-, and K-primaries -- II: Carbon, oxygen, and odd-Z iron-peak abundances of the primary stars

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    Detailed chemical composition of stars is of prime interest for a range of topics in modern stellar astrophysics, such as the chemical evolution of the Galaxy or the formation, composition, and structure of exoplanets. In this work, we derive the C and O abundances and update Sc, V, Mn, and Co abundances considering hyperfine structure effects (HFS) and correcting for non-local thermodynamical equilibrium (NLTE) for a sample of 196 late-F, G-, and early-K stars with wide resolved M-dwarf companions. We accomplished this by employing the equivalent width (EW) method and high-resolution spectroscopic data. Furthermore, we investigated the distributions of [X/Fe] ratios and [C/O] as a function of metallicity ([Fe/H]) and kinematic population. The observed trends are consistent with previous findings reported in the literature. Additionally, we searched for confirmed exoplanets around our primary stars in the literature and found 24 exoplanets in 17 systems, while none of the M-dwarf companions in our sample presented confirmed exoplanets. In conclusion, our study provides homogeneous abundances from high-resolution spectra for a large sample of FGK primary stars, paving the way for further research on stellar abundances of the M secondaries and exoplanetary science.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hipersensibilidad en el gato

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    En el gato, el picor es un signo más difícil de reconocer que en el perro. Las manifestaciones clínicas de prurito son muy limitadas en la especie felina, de tal forma que se pueden reducir a cinco formas o cuadros principales:(1)la dermatitis miliar,(2)el prurito facial, (3) la alopecia simétrica, (4) el complejo granuloma eosinofílico y (5) la dermatitis costrosa/escamosa más o menos localizada. De entre las numerosas causas que pueden ocasionar picores, las reacciones de hipersensibilidad (a pulgas, alimentos, alérgenos inhalados, alérgenos de contacto, fármacos y parásitos intestinales) constituyen el grupo etiológico más importante después de los procesos parasitarios. Debido a la similitud de sintomatología cutánea que manifiestan los distintos alérgenos, se impone un buen conocimiento de los tests laboraroriales disponibles de cara a establecer un diagnóstico diferencial preciso y un tratamiento idóneo.The itchy in the cat is more difficult to recognize than the itchy in the dog. There are only five important patterns of cutaneous disease associated with pruritus in the cat: (1) miliary dermatitis, (2) pruritus of the head, (3) symetrical alopecia, (4) eosinophilic granuloma complex, and (5) regional or generalized scaling/crusting dermatosis. Hipersensibility (to flea, aereoalergen, food, contac, drug, intestinal parasite) is after parasitic dermatosis, the most important cause of pruritus. Because the simzJarcutaneous manzfestation of the different alergens, is neccessary to know the laboratory tests in arder to stablishing an accurate diagnosis and the better treatment

    Predicting Pregnancy Outcomes Using Longitudinal Information: A Penalized Splines Mixed–Effects Model Approach

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    We propose a semiparametric mixed–effects model (SNMM) using penalized splines to clas- sify longitudinal data and improve the prediction of a binary outcome. The work is motivated by a study in which different hormone levels were measured during the early stages of preg- nancy, and the challenge is using this information to predict normal versus abnormal pregnancy outcomes. The aim of this paper is to compare models and estimation strategies based on alternative formulations of SNMMs depending on the characteristics of the data set under con- sideration. For our motivating example, we address the classification problem using a particular case of the SNMM in which the parameter space has a finite dimensional component (fixed effects and variance components) and an infinite dimensional component (unknown function) that need to be estimated. The nonparametric component of the model is estimated using pe- nalized splines. For the parametric component, we compare the advantages of using random effects versus direct modeling of the correlation structure of the errors. Numerical studies show that our approach improves over other existing methods for the analysis of this type of data. Furthermore, the results obtained using our method support the idea that explicit modeling of the serial correlation of the error term improves the prediction accuracy with respect to a model with random effects, but independent errors.MTM2014-52184-

    Double-spending prevention for Bitcoin zero-confirmation transactions

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    Zero-confirmation transactions, i.e. transactions that have been broadcast but are still pending to be included in the blockchain, have gained attention in order to enable fast payments in Bitcoin, shortening the time for performing payments. Fast payments are desirable in certain scenarios, for instance, when buying in vending machines, fast food restaurants, or withdrawing from an ATM. Despite being quickly propagated through the network, zero-confirmation transactions are not protected against double-spending attacks, since the double-spending protection Bitcoin offers relies on the blockchain and, by definition, such transactions are not yet included in it. In this paper, we propose a double-spending prevention mechanism for Bitcoin zero-confirmation transactions. Our proposal is based on exploiting the flexibility of the Bitcoin scripting language together with a well-known vulnerability of the ECDSA signature scheme to discourage attackers from performing such an attack