228 research outputs found

    Nursing Students’ Perceived Satisfaction with Flipped Learning Experiences: A Mixed-Methods Study

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    Nowadays, technological teaching tools, such as virtual labs, have become essential, especially in nursing degrees. These resources help implement practical learning based on selfregulation and it is important to know how satisfied students are with them. This means it is important to study students’ perceived satisfaction with virtual labs in flipped learning experiences, which was the general objective of the present study. The aims of the study were: (1) to determine whether there were significant differences in nursing students’ perceived levels of satisfaction according to the type of subject or gender; (2) to ascertain what strengths and weaknesses nursing students perceived about using virtual labs; and (3) to determine the kinds of feelings (positive, negative or neutral) nursing students had using virtual labs. A mixed research methodology was applied, with a sample of 222 undergraduate nursing students at Burgos University (Spain). There were significant differences in the satisfaction perceived by students depending on the subject. Students reported medium-high satisfaction with virtual labs, although they did note that digital skills are needed to use them and suggested incorporating intelligent assistants. Virtual labs seem to be effective, although further studies are needed.This work was supported by the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching Staff from University of Burgos (Spain) (grant numbers TVLab_01, 3/02/21) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain Projects I+D+i Research Challenges (grant number PID2020-117111RB-I00, 01/01/21)

    Aprendizajes y percepciones del alumnado con discapacidad intelectual sobre un taller de salvamento y socorrismo

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    Antecedentes: Las personas con discapacidad intelectual pueden estar expuestas a un mayor riesgo de ahogamiento que el resto de la población porque las enseñanzas que reciben no suelen desarrollar las competencias que lo previenen. Objetivo: Los objetivos de este estudio han sido dos: el primero de ellos fue conocer los aprendizajes conceptuales que han adquirido un grupo de personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI) después de recibir un taller de salvamento y socorrismo. El segundo, fue conocer la opinión y los sentimientos que generó la impartición de este taller en el alumnado. Método: 13 personas con DI leve y moderada (7 hombres y 6 mujeres) recibieron un taller teórico-práctico sobre seguridad acuática. El taller constaba de 2 sesiones y se desarrolló en una piscina climatizada. La metodología de investigación fue de tipo cualitativo y el instrumento empleado para la recogida de información fue el diario reflexivo. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que el alumnado adquirió aprendizajes útiles para la mejora de su seguridad acuática. Además, las personas participantes manifestaron que el taller les había gustado mucho porque se habían divertido mientras aprendían cosas nuevas y útiles para colaborar con sus compañeros y para ayudar a los demás. Conclusiones: En definitiva, dotar a toda la población de experiencias controladas en las que puedan vivenciar la dificultad y el riesgo que implica realizar un rescate acuático es una herramienta útil para evitar que las personas traten de resolver los ahogamientos sin estar debidamente formadas para ello. Por todo lo anterior, se recomienda que las enseñanzas que cursan las personas con DI desarrollen competencias, recursos y experiencias que mejoren su educación acuática.Background: People with intellectual disabilities may be exposed to a greater risk of drowning than the rest of the population because the education they receive does not usually develop the skills that prevent it. Goals: The objectives of this study have been two: the first one was to know about the conceptual learnings acquired in the workshop. The second one was to know about the student’s opinion and feelings brought out by this workshop. Methodology: 13 people with mild and moderate intellectual disability (ID) (7 men and 6 women) participated in a theoretical-practical workshop about water safety. The workshop consisted of 2 sessions and took place in an indoor pool. In this study, a qualitative methodology was applied and a reflective diary was used as an instrument to collect information. Results: The results show that the students acquired useful learning to improve their aquatic safety. In addition, participants stated that they liked the workshop a lot because they had fun learning new and useful things to collaborate with their classmates and to help others. Conclusions: In short, providing the entire population with controlled activities in which they can experience the difficulties and risks involved in a water rescue, is a useful tool to prevent people from trying to solve drowning situations without being properly trained to do it. So, it is recommended that people with intellectual disabilities education includes teaching skills, resources and experiences that help to improve their aquatic education

    Educational Program on Aquatic Safety for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Este trabajo expone un programa educativo sobre seguridad acuática en alumnado con Discapacidad Intelectual (DI). La duración del taller de salvamento y socorrismo se desarrolló en cinco sesiones de una hora y media cada una en una piscina climatizada. Para evaluar el aprendizaje y las percepciones del alumnado se utilizaron tres instrumentos: un diario reflexivo, una prueba escrita y una prueba motriz. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la propuestaeducativa y recomendar líneas de mejora para futuros programas educativos de seguridad acuática para personas con DI. Para ello, se ha evaluado el contexto y los materiales, el contenido del taller y los instrumentos de recogida de información utilizados.En general, las valoraciones han sido positivas, aunque se hacen propuestas de mejora en relación con: ciertos recursos materiales, algunas modificaciones en los instrumentos de recogida de información, con respecto a la aplicación de otros recursos en formato digital y, también, con relación a la disminución del contenido a desarrollar en el taller. Se concluye que la seguridad acuática es un contenido imprescindible para mejorar la seguridad acuática de estas personasThis paper presents an educational program on aquatic safety for students with Intellectual Disabilities (ID). The duration of the lifesaving and lifeguarding workshop was developed in five sessions of one hour and a half each in a heated swimming pool. Three instruments were used to evaluate the students' learning and perceptions: a reflective diary, a written test and a motor test. The objective of this work was to evaluate the educational proposal and recommend lines of improvement for future aquatic safety educational programs for people with ID. For this purpose, the context and materials, the content of the workshop and the information collection instruments used were evaluated. In general, the evaluations have been positive, although proposals for improvement are made in relation to certain material resources, some modifications in the information collection instruments and the application of other resources in digital format and, also, with respect to the reduction of the content to be developed in the workshop. It is concluded that aquatic safety is an essential content to improve the aquatic safety of these peopl

    Learning and perceptions of students with intellectual disabilities about a lifesaving workshop

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    Antecedentes: Las personas con discapacidad intelectual pueden estar expuestas a un mayor riesgo de ahogamiento que el resto de la población porque las enseñanzas que reciben no suelen desarrollar las competencias que lo previenen. Objetivo: Los objetivos de este estudio han sido dos: el primero de ellos fue conocer los aprendizajes conceptuales que han adquirido un grupo de personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI) después de recibir un taller de salvamento y socorrismo. El segundo, fue conocer la opinión y los sentimientos que generó la impartición de este taller en el alumnado. Método: 13 personas con DI leve y moderada (7 hombres y 6 mujeres) recibieron un taller teórico-práctico sobre seguridad acuática. El taller constaba de 2 sesiones y se desarrolló en una piscina climatizada. La metodología de investigación fue de tipo cualitativo y el instrumento empleado para la recogida de información fue el diario reflexivo. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que el alumnado adquirió aprendizajes útiles para la mejora de su seguridad acuática. Además, las personas participantes manifestaron que el taller les había gustado mucho porque se habían divertido mientras aprendían cosas nuevas y útiles para colaborar con sus compañeros y para ayudar a los demás. Conclusiones: En definitiva, dotar a toda la población de experiencias controladas en las que puedan vivenciar la dificultad y el riesgo que implica realizar un rescate acuático es una herramienta útil para evitar que las personas traten de resolver los ahogamientos sin estar debidamente formadas para ello. Por todo lo anterior, se recomienda que las enseñanzas que cursan las personas con DI desarrollen competencias, recursos y experiencias que mejoren su educación acuáticaBackground: People with intellectual disabilities may be exposed to a greater risk of drowning than the rest of the population because the education they receive does not usually develop the skills that prevent it. Goals: The objectives of this study have been two: the first one was to know about the conceptual learnings acquired in the workshop. The second one was to know about the student’s opinion and feelings brought out by this workshop. Methodology: 13 people with mild and moderate intellectual disability (ID) (7 men and 6 women) participated in a theoretical-practical workshop about water safety. The workshop consisted of 2 sessions and took place in an indoor pool. In this study, a qualitative methodology was applied and a reflective diary was used as an instrument to collect information. Results: The results show that the students acquired useful learning to improve their aquatic safety. In addition, participants stated that they liked the workshop a lot because they had fun learning new and useful things to collaborate with their classmates and to help others. Conclusions: In short, providing the entire population with controlled activities in which they can experience the difficulties and risks involved in a water rescue, is a useful tool to prevent people from trying to solve drowning situations without being properly trained to do it. So, it is recommended that people with intellectual disabilities education includes teaching skills, resources and experiences that help to improve their aquatic educationAntecedentes: Pessoas com deficiência intelectual podem estar expostas a um risco maior de afogamento do que o restante da população, pois os ensinamentos que recebem não costumam desenvolver as habilidades que o previnem. Objetivo: Os objetivos deste estudo foram dois: o primeiro deles foi conhecer o aprendizado conceitual que um grupo de pessoas com deficiência intelectual (DI) adquiriu após receber uma oficina de resgate e salva-vidas. A segunda foi conhecer a opinião e os sentimentos gerados pelo ensino desta oficina nos alunos. Método: 13 pessoas com DI leve e moderada (7 homens e 6 mulheres) receberam uma oficina teórico-prática sobre segurança aquática. O workshop consistiu em 2 sessões e decorreu numa piscina aquecida. A metodologia da pesquisa foi qualitativa e o instrumento utilizado para a coleta de informações foi o diário reflexivo. Resultados: Os resultados mostram que os alunos adquiriram aprendizado útil para melhorar sua segurança aquática. Além disso, os participantes afirmaram que gostaram muito da oficina porque se divertiram enquanto aprendiam coisas novas e úteis para colaborar com seus pares e ajudar os outros. Conclusões: Em suma, proporcionar a toda a população experiências controladas nas quais possam vivenciar a dificuldade e o risco de realizar um resgate na água é uma ferramenta útil para evitar que as pessoas tentem resolver o afogamento sem estarem devidamente treinadas para tal. Portanto, recomenda-se que os ensinamentos que as pessoas com DI levam desenvolvam habilidades, recursos e experiências que melhorem sua educação aquátic

    Guía práctica para la impartición de una asignatura en inglés en el Grado en Derecho

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    El proyecto presenta algunas orientaciones para el diseño y desarrollo de un curso de Derecho en inglés, recogiendo las experiencias de profesores implicados estos últimos años en esta enseñanza, y también de los alumnos. Está concebido como una herramienta práctica, útil para el docente que se plantea impartir una asignatura de Derecho en inglés

    Bisphenol-A Induces Podocytopathy With Proteinuria in Mice

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    Bisphenol-A, a chemical used in the production of the plastic lining of food and beverage containers, can be found in significant levels in human fluids. Recently, bisphenol-A has been associated with low-grade albuminuria in adults as well as in children. Since glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes) are commonly affected in proteinuric conditions, herein we explored the effects of bisphenol-A on podocytes in vitro and in vivo. On cultured podocytes we first observed that bisphenol-A?at low or high concentrations?(10?nM and 100?nM, respectively) was able to induce hypertrophy, diminish viability, and promote apoptosis. We also found an increase in the protein expression of TGF-?1 and its receptor, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1, as well as collagen-IV, while observing a diminished expression of the slit diaphragm proteins nephrin and podocin. Furthermore, mice intraperitoneally injected with bisphenol-A (50?mg/Kg for 5 weeks) displayed an increase in urinary albumin excretion and endogenous creatinine clearance. Renal histology showed mesangial expansion. At ultrastructural level, podocytes displayed an enlargement of both cytoplasm and foot processes as well as the presence of condensed chromatin, suggesting apoptosis. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry for WT-1 (specific podocyte marker) and the TUNEL technique showed podocytopenia as well as the presence of apoptosis, respectively. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that Bisphenol-A exposure promotes a podocytopathy with proteinuria, glomerular hyperfiltration and podocytopenia. Further studies are needed to clarify the potential role of bisphenol-A in the pathogenesis as well as in the progression of renal diseases.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIThe Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual Foundatio

    Biosensing Based on Nanoparticles for Food Allergens Detection

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    Food allergy is one of the major health threats for sensitized individuals all over the world and, over the years, the food industry has made significant efforts and investments to offer safe foods for allergic consumers. The analysis of the concentration of food allergen residues in processing equipment, in raw materials or in the final product, provides analytical information that can be used for risk assessment as well as to ensure that food-allergic consumers get accurate and useful information to make their food choices and purchasing decisions. The development of biosensors based on nanomaterials for applications in food analysis is a challenging area of growing interest in the last years. Research in this field requires the combined efforts of experts in very different areas including food chemistry, biotechnology or materials science. However, the outcome of such collaboration can be of significant impact on the food industry as well as for consumer’s safety. These nanobiosensing devices allow the rapid, selective, sensitive, cost-effective and, in some cases, in-field, online and real-time detection of a wide range of compounds, even in complex matrices. Moreover, they can also enable the design of novel allergen detection strategies. Herein we review the main advances in the use of nanoparticles for the development of biosensors and bioassays for allergen detection, in food samples, over the past few years. Research in this area is still in its infancy in comparison, for instance, to the application of nanobiosensors for clinical analysis. However, it will be of interest for the development of new technologies that reduce the gap between laboratory research and industrial applications

    Acquisition of competences to prevent the aquatic accident: a service learning project with university students and population with different abilities

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    En esta investigación se pretende demostrar que la metodología aprendizaje-servicio es una herramienta eficaz para que las personas con discapacidad intelectual, adquieran las competencias necesarias para resolver el ahogamiento de otra persona, asumiendo un riesgo mínimo. Por otro lado, también se pretende conocer la percepción del alumnado universitario sobre el efecto que les ha producido la participación en un proyecto de aprendizaje y servicio desarrollado con personas con discapacidad intelectual. Para la consecución de estos objetivos se ha contado con la participación voluntaria de estudiantes del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte para impartir dos sesiones de salvamento acuático a un grupo de personas con discapacidad intelectual. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación ha sido tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa. Los resultados demuestran que la metodología aprendizaje y servicio es una herramienta útil para mejorar la seguridad de las personas con discapacidad intelectual en el medio acuático. Respecto al segundo de los objetivos planteados para este trabajo, se concluye que el alumnado universitario ha percibido que su competencia académica, su respeto y su comprensión hacia las personas con discapacidad intelectual ha aumentado. Al mismo tiempo, el alumnado ha apreciado cambios en su identidad personal y han manifestado la intención de implicarse en proyectos que tengan un impacto social positivo en el futuro.This research aims to demonstrate that the service-learning methodology is an effective tool for people with intellectual disabilities to acquire the necessary skills to solve the drowning of another person, assuming minimal risk. In addition, it is also intended to know the perception of university students about the effect that the participation in a service-learning project developed with people with intellectual disabilities, has caused on them. To achieve these objectives, this research has had the voluntary participation of students of the Physical Activity and Sport Science Degree to provide two sessions of aquatic rescue to a group of people with intellectual disability. The methodology used in this study has been quantitative and qualitative. The results show that the service-learning methodology is a useful tool to improve the safety of people with intellectual disabilities in the aquatic environment. Regarding the second of the objectives set for this study, it is concluded that university students have perceived that their academic competence, their respect and their understanding towards people with intellectual disabilities has increased. At the same time, the students have perceived changes in their personal identity and they have expressed the intention to be involved in projects with a positive social impact in the future

    Packet storage at multi-gigabit rates using off-the-shelf systems

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. V. Moreno et al., "Packet Storage at Multi-gigabit Rates Using Off-the-Shelf Systems," High Performance Computing and Communications, 2014 IEEE 6th Intl Symp on Cyberspace Safety and Security, 2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on Embedded Software and Syst (HPCC,CSS,ICESS), 2014 IEEE Intl Conf on, Paris, 2014, pp. 486-489. doi: 10.1109/HPCC.2014.81The use of closed solutions from most known vendors to carry out network-monitoring tasks has turned out to be a questionable option given their lack of flexibility and extensibility, which has typically been translated into higher costs. Consequently, we study whether high-performance monitoring tasks can be carried out using off-the-shelf systems, the alternative to these pitfalls from the research community, consisting in the combination of open-source software and commodity hardware. We focus on sniffing and storing network traffic as one of the major tasks in any monitoring architecture. Specifically, we first review the keys to sniff traffic at multi-gigabit rates, and then present an experimental evaluation of commodity hard drives. Finally, the lessons learned from such studies and the performed experiments have conducted us to the development of an open solution, namely HPCAP, which sniffs and stores multi-gigabit traffic using commodity hardware without packet losses in very demanding scenarios.This research was carried out with the support of the EU FP7 OpenLab project (Grant No. 287581), the Spanish National I+D Packtrack project (TEC2012-33754) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid’s multidisciplinary project Implementación de Modelos Computacionales Masivamente Paralelos (CEMU-2013-14)

    Upregulated phospholipase D2 expression and activity is related to the metastatic properties of melanoma

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    [EN] The incidence rates of melanoma have increased steadily in recent decades and nearly 25% of the patients diagnosed with early-stage melanoma will eventually develop metastasis, for which there is currently no fully effective treatment. The link between phospholipases and tumors has been studied extensively, particularly in breast and colon cancers. With the aim of finding new biomarkers and therapeutic options for melanoma, the expression of different phospholipases was assessed in 17 distinct cell lines in the present study, demonstrating that phospholipase D2 (PLD2) is upregulated in metastatic melanoma as compared to normal skin melanocytes. These results were corroborated by immunofluorescence and lipase activity assays. Upregulation of PLD2 expression and increased lipase activity were observed in metastatic melanoma relative to normal skin melanocytes. So far, the implication of PLD2 activity in melanoma malignancies has remained elusive. To the best of our knowledge, the present study was the first to demonstrate that the overexpression of PLD2 enhances lipase activity, and its effect to increase the proliferation, migration and invasion capacity of melanoma cells was assessed with XTT and Transwell assays. In addition, silencing of PLD2 in melanoma cells reduced the metastatic potential of these cells. The present study provided evidence that PLD2 is involved in melanoma malignancy and in particular, in its metastatic potential, and established a basis for future studies evaluating PLD2 blockade as a therapeutic strategy to manage this condition.This study was supported by grants from the University of the Basque Country/EHU (grant no. GIU17/066) and Ministerio de Economia y Competividad MINECO-ONCOFINDER of the Spanish Government (grant no. RTC.2015-3693-1)