950 research outputs found

    Have You Heard? Predictors Of Hpv Awareness Among A Random Sample Of College Students

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    College students have been identified as at high risk for contracting Human Papillomavirus (HPV) due to engaging in risky behaviors, such as binge drinking and unprotected sex. Before preventative measures like vaccination and condom usage can be promoted, awareness must be evaluated. A random sample of 438 college students was surveyed on their awareness of HPV using both paper and online surveying methods. Using binary logistic regression, HPV awareness was predicted using demographic measures. The majority of the sample reported having heard of HPV before. Sexually active respondents and females were significantly more likely to report awareness. Non-whites and first-generation college students were also more likely to report awareness. These demographic predictors will help identify groups needing educational and HPV intervention programs. Implications and further research is discussed

    Developmental Trajectories of the Children of the Incarcerated: From an Educational Psychological Perspective

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    In the state of Georgia, more than 28,000 children have parents that are currently incarcerated (The Sentencing Project, 2013). At the nationwide-level, a total of 10 million children have at some point lived without one or both parents due to incarceration (Pew, 2010). Although the captive audience of the imprisoned parents have been studied in the past, these parents rarely have an understanding of their children’s experiences. In fact, a majority of the state prison population reported never getting to see their children for visitation (Glaze & Maruscak, 2010). Recent research has found high rates of learning disabilities, communication problems, and developmental delays among these children (Turney, 2014). In order to understand the supports and barriers to success for this population, longitudinal educational research must be conducted. In this paper, I review the existing literature on the children of the incarcerated and highlight areas in which educational psychology research could illuminate the developmental trajectories of this population. Areas for future research, include the effects of which parent is in prison, other role models, peer groups, environmental factors, and intervention programs. Such research could better focus future resources for targeted early intervention to promote high school graduation and prosocial behavior

    Holographic Relaxation of Finite Size Isolated Quantum Systems

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    We study holographically the out of equilibrium dynamics of a finite size closed quantum system in 2+1 dimensions, modelled by the collapse of a shell of a massless scalar field in AdS4. In global coordinates there exists a variety of evolutions towards final black hole formation which we relate with different patterns of relaxation in the dual field theory. For large scalar initial data rapid thermalization is achieved as a priori expected. Interesting phenomena appear for small enough amplitudes. Such shells do not generate a black hole by direct collapse, but quite generically an apparent horizon emerges after enough bounces off the AdS boundary. We relate this bulk evolution with relaxation processes at strong coupling which delay in reaching an ergodic stage. Besides the dynamics of bulk fields, we monitor the entanglement entropy, finding that it oscillates quasi-periodically before final equilibration. The radial position of the traveling shell is brought into correspondence with the evolution of the entanglement pattern in the dual field theory. The entanglement entropy is not only able to portrait the streaming of entangled excitations, but it is also a useful probe of interaction effects.Comment: 37 pages, 27 figure

    Books or Boots: A Case Study of the Dependents of the Deployed

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    In response to Dr. Jill Biden’s address at the 2016 AERA annual meeting to study and serve military families, we present a preliminary study of the dependents in military families currently attending college. This case study includes a collection of interviews with college students at a four-year comprehensive university who experienced parental deployment of one or more parent during childhood. Interviews consisted of questions about childhood and educational experiences. Transcripts from interviews with six females with varying experiences have been coded by three separate researchers using thematic analysis. Using self-determination theory to understand academic motivation and identification with the military, we have labeled the three cases as introjected, identified, and integrated. Other themes emerged across cases, such as differences across branches, deployment time and length, restrictions to study abroad, a heightened socio-emotional awareness, yet a sense of isolation from others, lack of “military friendly” campus resources, and increased financial distress. Data collection and analyses of more cases to better understand this special population is ongoing. Preliminary results will be presented in conjunction with implications for university policy and possible interventions to better serve college students with these experiences

    Vicarious Reinforcement and Punishment among the Children of the Incarcerated: Using Social Learning Theory to Understand Differential Effects of Parental Incarceration

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    In this literature synthesis, research concerning the effects of parental incarceration on children is reviewed. Literature from across disciplines is synthesized to advance the understanding of how parental incarceration affect children, as well as to propose vicarious reinforcement and punishment as a potential mechanism to explain positive outcomes of this type of separation. It has been a predominant view that this population is at risk for serious negative outcomes, like behavioral issues, even before parental incarceration. It is obvious that children with parents in prison or jail do constitute an especially fragile population group needing urgent attention for social, educational, and psychological services. However, research findings are mixed and several problems with research on this population have been identified, such as issues with identification, access, as well as research quality. The purpose of this review is to summarize recent research findings on the differential effects of parental incarceration on educational outcomes, as well as introduce vicarious reinforcement and punishment from Bandura’s social learning theory as possible mechanisms that safeguard these children from negative outcomes. Implications for future research and intervention development are offered

    Study on press coverage about the exodus of Spanish nurses to the United Kingdom

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    Objective: To analyse the media representation of the exodus of Spanish nurses to the United Kingdom through general information newspapers. Methods: Content analysis, quantitative and qualitative. Documents published in the newspapers ABC, El País, El Mundo and La Razón, about “emigrants,” “nurses” and “migrant health workers,” were located from January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2016, with Boolean operators. This selected period corresponds to the beginning of the economic crisis and concludes in the year of the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom. After applying the descriptors, 9559 texts were obtained. Once the noise of the documents was eliminated, 484 textual units were found. To carry out a more exhaustive analysis, the specific documents on “migrant nurses”, which were 77, were selected and analysed qualitatively. Results: a) 2013 was the year in which the most stories about emigration in general were published, and also about nurses in particular; b) the ABC newspaper published the most stories about the exodus of nurses to the United Kingdom (31); c) El País published the most texts on Spanish emigration, with a total of 397 documents; d) 98% of the headlines analysed (n = 77) had a negative tone; and e) social discourse had greater relevance than political discourse. Conclusions: The press promoted the push factor for nurses to migrate to the United Kingdom.Objetivo: Analizar la representación mediática del éxodo de las enfermeras espa˜nolas al Reino Unido a través de los diarios de información general. Métodos: Análisis de contenido, cuantitativo y cualitativo. Se localizaron con operadores booleanos los documentos publicados en los diarios ABC, El País, El Mundo y La Razón, sobre «emigrantes», «enfermeras» y «sanitarias emigrantes», desde el 1 de enero de 2007 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2016. El periodo seleccionado se corresponde con el inicio de la crisis económica y concluye con el a˜no de la celebración del referéndum del Brexit en el Reino Unido. Tras aplicar los descriptores se obtuvieron 9559 textos. Una vez eliminado el «ruido» quedaron 484 unidades textuales. Para llevar a cabo un análisis más exhaustivo se seleccionaron los documentos específicos sobre «enfermeras emigrantes», que fueron 77, y se analizaron cualitativamente. Resultados: a) 2013 fue el a˜no en que se publicaron más noticias sobre la emigración en general, y también en particular sobre el colectivo de enfermería; b) el diario ABC fue el que publicó más relatos (31) sobre el éxodo de enfermeras al Reino Unido; c) El País fue el que más textos publicó sobre la emigración espa˜nola (397); d) el 98% de los titulares analizados (n = 77) tenían un tono negativo; y e) el discurso social tuvo mayor relevancia que el discurso político. Conclusiones: La prensa promovió el «efecto salida» de las enfermeras para emigrar al Reino Unido

    "Gestión y seguimiento del proyecto Aprendizaje servicio: Érase un libro, liderado por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Internacional de Catalunya"

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    142 páginasService-learning is a methodology which integrates knowledge with practice through an articulated project with the purpose of serving society. The Faculty of Education of the International University of Catalunya applies this methodology as part of the curriculum of the Learning of Languages and Literacy Process class. During this class, students created a project based on the needs of the school context. They had found that families lack resources to promote early reading at home. That´s why the created a project called “Érase un libro”, with the objective of giving parents tools to encourage reading at home. The present internship project aims to lead and manage the aforementioned project, and to create new resources and strategies to promote it. The results have shown that through different products it is possible to get to more families engaged.El aprendizaje servicio es una metodología que integra los conocimientos teóricos con los prácticos en un solo proyecto articulado orientado a servir a la sociedad. La Facultad de Educación de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, utiliza esta metodología dentro de la asignatura Aprendizaje de las lenguas y la lectoescritura, para crear proyectos a partir de necesidades identificadas. De esta manera, han creado el proyecto “Érase un libro” con el fin de promover desde la infancia la lectura en familia partiendo del disfrute de esta. Con este se pretende aportar al desarrollo de lectores autónomos para favorecer a la construcción de una sociedad lectora. El presente proyecto de pasantía busca realizar labores de gestión y seguimiento al proyecto de aprendizaje servicio mencionado durante el periodo de abril y mayo del 2021, a partir del planteamiento de estrategias innovadoras para su promoción. Los resultados pretenden aportar a la creación de distintos productos para la difusión del proyecto y facilitar el acceso a la información. Al igual que, llegar al público objetivo: los padres de familia.Licenciatura en Educación InfantilLicenciado en Educación Infanti

    El futuro de la Unión Europea I: Reforzar la agenda comercial Europea en el contexto de la estrategia Europa 2020

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    El comercio internacional es, para la UE, la fuente de mayor crecimiento económico. A ello contribuye positivamente, por un lado el hecho de formar parte de la OMC, la cual intenta fomentar una mayor liberalización del comercio mundial en sus distintas Conferencias Ministeriales, y por otro, el esfuerzo que la UE realiza a la hora de cerrar el mayor número de Acuerdos con diferentes países . Este trabajo tiene el propósito de analizar la evolución del comercio exterior de la UE, desde la creación de la Política Comercial Común y formación de la OMC, hasta la nueva política comercial que desarrolla en la actualidad para cumplir con los objetivos de la Estrategia Europa 2020, promoviendo los distintos tipos de Acuerdos que tiene con el resto del mundo. Describe, finalmente, dos Tratados Comerciales de suma importancia: el TTIP y el CETA.International Trade is the biggest source of economic growth of the EU. This is due, on the one and, to the fact of being part of the WTO, which intend to promote a further liberalization of world trade in different Ministerial Conferences and, on the other hand, to the efforts made by the EU when trying to conclude the highest number of agreements with different countries. Thus, the aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of foreign trade, since the consolidation of the Common Trade Policy and creation of the WTO, until the establishment of the New Commercial Policy which develops to promote the conclusion of new agreements with third countries for the purposes of complying with the 2020 European Strategy now. Describes, finally, two Trade Treaties of relevant importance: the TTIP and the CETA.Departamento de Economía AplicadaGrado en Economí

    Didactismo en las novelas de Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor

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