40 research outputs found

    Characterization of the RNase R association with ribosomes

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    BACKGROUND: In this study we employed the TAP tag purification method coupled with mass spectrometry analysis to identify proteins that co-purify with Escherichia coli RNase R during exponential growth and after temperature downshift. RESULTS: Our initial results suggested that RNase R can interact with bacterial ribosomes. We subsequently confirmed this result using sucrose gradient ribosome profiling joined with western blot analysis. We found that RNase R co-migrates with the single 30S ribosomal subunits. Independent data involving RNase R in the rRNA quality control process allowed us to hypothesize that the RNase R connection with ribosomes has an important physiological role. CONCLUSIONS: This study leads us to conclude that RNase R can interact with ribosomal proteins and that this interaction may be a result of this enzyme involvement in the ribosome quality control

    Discovery and initial characterization of members of the new YaaH family of microbial acetate transporters

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    The emergence of probiotics and prebiotics has revived the importance of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) associated to colonic and systemic health improvement. Although biosynthesis and degradation of SCFAs and other short-chain carboxylic acids, such as lactate, pyruvate or citrate are well understood, the transport of these acids is still a matter of discussion. The presence of SCFAs transporters in cellular membranes is ubiquitous, displaying great level of homology among Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes, indicating the ancient nature of these transporters and their high level of conservation. The mechanism of substrate uptake of these transporters including specificity, kinetics and bioenergetic studies is a field poorly explored. This work constitutes a first approach to establish the mode of action of the SCFA transporters specifically those belonging to the YaaH family. The YaaH family, (TC# 2.A.96, http://www.tcdb.org/tcdb) is presumed to be a family of acetate transporters. Its members possess 6 putative transmembrane span domains and are spread by the 3 domains of life: Bacteria, Eukaryotes and Archaea. This work aims at studying the YaaH protein from E. coli as well as it homologues from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScAdy2) and the fungi Aspergillus nidulans (AcpA). We have constructed a disrupted E. coli strain in the yaaH gene showing that the yaaH mutant cells are compromised for the uptake of the labelled acetic acid in comparison with the isogenic wt strain. This is the first experimental data that demonstrates the physiological role of the yaaH gene in the transport of acetate in bacteria. Using the yeast and fungi strains we were able to measure the kinetic parameters associated with these transporters and assign a specificity profile to this family. These transporters are specific primarily to acetate and are inhibited by other short chain acids such as benzoic, formic, propionic and butyric acids.FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/61530/2009 (JSP

    The 3’-5’ exoribonuclease Dis3 regulates the expression of specific microRNAs in Drosophila wing imaginal discs

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    Dis3 is a highly conserved exoribonuclease which degrades RNAs in the 3'-5' direction. Mutations in Dis3 are associated with a number of human cancers including multiple myeloma and acute myeloid leukaemia. In this work, we have assessed the effect of a Dis3 knockdown on Drosophila imaginal disc development and on expression of mature microRNAs. We find that Dis3 knockdown severely disrupts the development of wing imaginal discs in that the flies have a "no wing" phenotype. Use of RNA-seq to quantify the effect of Dis3 knockdown on microRNA expression shows that Dis3 normally regulates a small subset of microRNAs, with only 11 (10.1%) increasing in level > 2-fold and 6 (5.5%) decreasing in level >2-fold. Of these microRNAs, miR-252-5p is increased 2.1-fold in Dis3-depleted cells compared to controls while the level of the miR-252 precursor is unchanged, suggesting that Dis3 can act in the cytoplasm to specifically degrade this mature miRNA. Furthermore, our experiments suggest that Dis3 normally interacts with the exosomal subunit Rrp40 in the cytoplasm to target miR-252-5p for degradation during normal wing development. Another microRNA, miR-982-5p, is expressed at lower levels in Dis3 knockdown cells, while the miR-982 precursor remains unchanged, indicating that Dis3 is involved in its processing. Our study therefore reveals an unexpected specificity for this ribonuclease towards microRNA regulation, which is likely to be conserved in other eukaryotes and may be relevant to understanding its role in human disease

    The acetate uptake transporter family motif "NPAPLGL(M/S)" is essential for substrate uptake

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    Organic acids are recognized as one of the most prevalent compounds in ecosystems, thus the transport and assimilation of these molecules represent an adaptive advantage for organisms. The AceTr family members are associated with the active transport of organic acids, namely acetate and succinate. The phylogenetic analysis shows this family is dispersed in the tree of life. However, in eukaryotes, it is almost limited to microbes, though reaching a prevalence close to 100% in fungi, with an essential role in spore development. Aiming at deepening the knowledge in this family, we studied the acetate permease AceP from Methanosarcina acetivorans, as the first functionally characterized archaeal member of this family. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the yeast Gpr1 from Yarrowia lipolytica is an acetate permease, whereas the Ady2 closest homologue in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Fun34, has no role in acetate uptake. In this work, we describe the functional role of the AceTr conserved motif NPAPLGL(M/S). We further unveiled the role of the amino acid residues R122 and Q125 of SatP as essential for protein activity.This work was supported by the strategic program UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) and the project PTDC/BIAMIC/5184/2014 funded by national funds through the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) I.P. and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI); by the project EcoAgriFood: Innovative green products and processes to promote AgriFood BioEconomy (operacao NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000009), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Work at ITQB NOVA was financially supported by Project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660 (Microbiologia Molecular, Estrutural e Celular) funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Intemacionalizacao (POCI). DR acknowledges FCT for the SFRH/BD/96166/2013 PhD grant. MSS acknowledges the Norte2020 for the UMINHO/BD/25/2016 PhD grant with the reference NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000060

    Dis3L2 regulates cell proliferation and tissue growth though a conserved mechanism

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    Dis3L2 is a highly conserved 3’-5’ exoribonuclease which is mutated in the human overgrowth disorders Perlman syndrome and Wilms’ tumour of the kidney. Using Drosophila melanogaster as a model system, we have generated a new dis3L2 null mutant together with wild-type and nuclease-dead genetic lines in Drosophila to demonstrate that the catalytic activity of Dis3L2 is required to control cell proliferation. To understand the cellular pathways regulated by Dis3L2 to control proliferation, we used RNA-seq on dis3L2 mutant wing discs to show that the imaginal disc growth factor Idgf2 is responsible for driving the wing overgrowth. IDGFs are conserved proteins homologous to human chitinase-like proteins such as CHI3L1/YKL-40 which are implicated in tissue regeneration as well as cancers including colon cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. We also demonstrate that loss of DIS3L2 in human kidney HEK-293T cells results in cell proliferation, illustrating the conservation of this important cell proliferation pathway. Using these human cells, we show that loss of DIS3L2 results in an increase in the PI3-Kinase/AKT signalling pathway, which we subsequently show to contribute towards the proliferation phenotype in Drosophila. Our work therefore provides the first mechanistic explanation for DIS3L2-induced overgrowth in humans and flies and identifies an ancient proliferation pathway controlled by Dis3L2 to regulate cell proliferation and tissue growth

    Base pairing interaction between 5′- and 3′-UTRs controls icaR mRNA translation in Staphylococcus aureus

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    UPNa. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología. Laboratorio de Biofilms Microbianos.Incluye 10 ficheros de datosThe presence of regulatory sequences in the 39 untranslated region (39-UTR) of eukaryotic mRNAs controlling RNA stability and translation efficiency is widely recognized. In contrast, the relevance of 39-UTRs in bacterial mRNA functionality has been disregarded. Here, we report evidences showing that around one-third of the mapped mRNAs of the major human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus carry 39-UTRs longer than 100-nt and thus, potential regulatory functions. We selected the long 39-UTR of icaR, which codes for the repressor of the main exopolysaccharidic compound of the S. aureus biofilm matrix, to evaluate the role that 39-UTRs may play in controlling mRNA expression. We showed that base pairing between the 39- UTR and the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) region of icaR mRNA interferes with the translation initiation complex and generates a double-stranded substrate for RNase III. Deletion or substitution of the motif (UCCCCUG) within icaR 39-UTR was sufficient to abolish this interaction and resulted in the accumulation of IcaR repressor and inhibition of biofilm development. Our findings provide a singular example of a new potential post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism to modulate bacterial gene expression through the interaction of a 39-UTR with the 59-UTR of the same mRNA.This work was supported by grants from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2011-23222, BIO2008-05284-C02-01 and ERA-NET Pathogenomics PIM2010EPA-00606) and from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - Portugal (ERA-PTG/0002/2010 and PEst-OE/EQB/LA0004/2011). IRdlM and JV were supported by F.P.I. (BES-2009-017410) and Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2009-03948) contracts, respectively, from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    DIS3 isoforms vary in their endoribonuclease activity and are differentially expressed within haematological cancers

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    DIS3 is the catalytic subunit of the exosome, a protein complex involved in the 3’ to 5’ degradation of RNAs. DIS3 is a highly conserved exoribonuclease, also known as Rrp44. Global sequencing studies have identified DIS3 as being mutated in a range of cancers, with a considerable incidence in multiple myeloma. In this work, we have identified two proteincoding isoforms of DIS3. Both isoforms are functionally relevant and result from alternative splicing. They differ from each other in the size of their N-terminal PIN domain, which has been shown to have endoribonuclease activity and tether DIS3 to the exosome. Isoform 1 encodes a full-length PIN domain, whereas the PIN domain of isoform 2 is shorter and is missing a segment with conserved amino-acids. We have carried out biochemical activity assays on both isoforms of full-length DIS3 as well as the isolated PIN domains. We find that isoform 2, despite missing part of the PIN domain, has greater endonuclease activity compared to isoform 1. Examination of the available structural information allows us to provide a hypothesis to explain this altered behaviour. Our results also show that multiple myeloma patient cells and all cancer cell lines tested have higher levels of isoform 1 compared to isoform 2 whereas Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) patient cells and samples from healthy donors have similar levels of isoforms 1 and 2. Together, our data indicate that significant changes in the ratios of the two isoforms could be symptomatic of haematological cancers

    The only exoribonuclease present in Haloferax volcanii has an unique response to temperature changes

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    Background: Little is known regarding mRNA degradation mechanisms in archaea. In some of these single-cell organisms the existence of a complex of exoribonucleases called the exosome has been demonstrated. However, in halophilic archaea the RNase R homologue is essential since it is the only enzyme described with exoribonucleolytic activity. Methods: In this work we have characterized the mechanism of action of Haloferax volcanii RNase R and its implications for the RNA degradation process. We have determined the salt, pH and divalent ion preference, and set the best conditions for the activity assays. Furthermore, we have determined the activity of the protein at different temperatures using different substrates. The dissociation constants were also calculated by Surface Plasmon Resonance. Finally, we have built a model and compared it with the Escherichia coli counterparts. Results: The results obtained showed that at 37 °C, in spite of being named RNase R, this protein behaves like an RNase II protein, halting when it reaches secondary structures, and releasing a 4 nt end-product. However, at 42 °C, the optimum temperature of growth, this protein is able to degrade secondary structures, acting like RNase R. General significance: This discovery has a great impact for RNA degradation, since this is the first case reported where a single enzyme has two different exoribonucleolytic activities according to the temperature. Furthermore, the results obtained are very important to help to decipher the RNA degradation mechanisms in H. volcanii, since RNase R is the only exoribonuclease involved in this process. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2007-61926, IPT2011-0964-900000, SAF2011-13156-E) ; European Commission (FP7 HEALTH-F3-2009-223431); European Social Fund, Fundación Ramón Areces; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PEst-OE/EQB/LA0004/2011)Peer Reviewe

    Modulating the RNA processing and decay by the exosome: Altering Rrp44/Dis3 activity and end-product

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    In eukaryotes, the exosome plays a central role in RNA maturation, turnover, and quality control. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the core exosome is composed of nine catalytically inactive subunits constituting a ring structure and the active nuclease Rrp44, also known as Dis3. Rrp44 is a member of the ribonuclease II superfamily of exoribonucleases which include RNase R, Dis3L1 and Dis3L2. In this work we have functionally characterized three residues located in the highly conserved RNB catalytic domain of Rrp44: Y595, Q892 and G895. To address their precise role in Rrp44 activity, we have constructed Rrp44 mutants and compared their activity to the wild-type Rrp44. When we mutated residue Q892 and tested its activity in vitro , the enzyme became slightly more active. We also showed that when we mutated Y595, the final degradation product of Rrp44 changed from 4 to 5 nucleotides. This result confirms that this residue is responsible for the stacking of the RNA substrate in the catalytic cavity, as was predicted from the structure of Rrp44. Furthermore, we also show that a strain with a mutation in this residue has a growth defect and affects RNA processing and degradation. These results lead us to hypothesize that this residue has an important biological role. Molecular dynamics modeling of these Rrp44 mutants and the wild-type enzyme showed changes that extended beyond the mutated residues and helped to explain these results. © 2013 Reis et al.FCT, Portugal (PEst-OE/EQB/LA0004/2011); European Commission (FP7-KBBE-2011-1-289326, FP7 HEALTH-F3-2009-223431, FP7 HEALTH-2011-278603); National Institutes of Health (R01GM099790); Welch foundation (AU-177); the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF2007-61926, IPT2011-0964-900000, SAF2011-13156-E); Fundación Ramón Areces; Centro de Computación Científica CCC-UAM; European Social FundPeer Reviewe