1,045 research outputs found

    Predicting \u27Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder\u27 using large scale child data set

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder found in children affecting about 9.5% of American children aged 13 years or more. Every year, the number of children diagnosed with ADHD is increasing. There is no single test that can diagnose ADHD. In fact, a health practitioner has to analyze the behavior of the child to determine if the child has ADHD. He has to gather information about the child, and his/her behavior and environment. Because of all these problems in diagnosis, I propose to use Machine Learning techniques to predict ADHD by using large scale child data set. Machine learning offers a principled approach for developing sophisticated, automatic, and objective algorithms for analysis of disease. Lot of new approaches have immerged which allows to develop understanding and provides opportunity to do advanced analysis. Use of classification model in detection has made significant impacts in the detection and diagnosis of diseases. I propose to use binary classification techniques for detection and diagnosis of ADHD

    Development of a Novel Easily Recyclable and Recoverable Phosphine Sulfide Pd(0) Catalyst for the Industrially Important Coupling Reactions and Mechanistic Investigation of Phosphine Sulfide Regeneration

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    Mechanistic Studies on Chalcogen-Atom Replacement Reactions of Phosphine Chalcogenides and Separation of the Intermediate Phosphine

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    Internal and external dimensions of pro-independence movements in Republika Srpska and Iraqi Kurdistan

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the internal and external channels that Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Iraqi Kurdistan put to use to promote their internal sovereignty and external political actorness. The theoretical implications of the research are that comprehensive peace agreements contain elements that can be deemed to encourage secessionism in the power-sharing structures they create, which challenges the solution of ethno-nationalist civil wars through establishing federalist states. Receiving constitutionally guaranteed powers, the minority elites continue promoting their cause using state structures and competencies granted to them by the state, contesting the central government in the internal political domain. Though I find that the actions of these entities slow down bureaucratic processes in the state and challenge central authorities, I did not find support that the secessionist politics led by sub-state entities have the aim of secession as a short-term goal. Rather, sub-state entities use structures given to them to re-negotiate their positions with the central government, and engage in foreign relations to strengthen their political and economic ties with external actors, which serve to legitimize the perpetual actions of challenging central authorities and gaining support from sub-state constituents.http://www.ester.ee/record=b5148128*es

    The Impact of Emerging Preventive Restructuring Mechanisms on Directors’ Duties to Creditors in the Event of (Pre-)Insolvency in the UK and the Netherlands

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    Jurisdictions around the world are adjusting their insolvency laws with the aim to offer debtors in financial difficulties instruments that enable them to bring the company to a healthy state as soon as the problems arise. The rationale is that viable companies should have access to procedures that permit them to continue business, in whole or in part, by changing their capital structure as well as carrying out operational changes. Directors’ duties to creditors form a regular part of the laws concerning insolvency and therefore, a change in the insolvency laws will, arguably, have consequences for directors’ duties. In this paper, the impact of new preventive restructuring tools in the Netherlands and the UK on directors’ duties is discussed

    Implementasi Good Governance dalam Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Publik Bidang Pendidikan di Kecamatan Amurang Barat Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi prinsip-prinsip pemerintahan yang baikdalam pelkasanaan pelayanan publik bidang pendidikan di Kecamatan Amurang Barat Kabupaten MinahasaSelatan.Prinsip-prinsip good governance. Kunci utama memahami good governance yaitu pemahaman atasprinsip-prinsip di dalamnya. Bertolak dari prinsip-prinsip ini akan didapatkan tolak ukur kinerja suatupemerintahan. Baik-buruknya pemerintahan bisa dinilai bila ia telah bersinggungan dengan semua unsurprinsip-prinsip good governance. Menyadari pentingnya masalah ini, prinsip-prinsip good governancemenurut UNDP (UNDP, 1997) sebagaimana tertera berikut ini : Partisipasi Masyarakat, TegaknyaSupremasi Hukum, Transparansi, peduli pada Stakeholder, berorientasi pada konsensus, kesetaraan,efektivitas dan efisiensi, akuntabilitas, visi strategis.Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2009 dikemukakan bahwa pelayanan publik adalahkegiatan atau rangkaian kegiatan dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan pelayanan sesuai dengan peraturanperundang-undangan bagi setiap warga negara dan penduduk atas barang, jasa dan/atau pelayananadministratif yang disediakan oleh penyelenggara pelayanan publik. Pelayanan publik dalam penelitian inidiarahkan pada pelayanan bidang pendidikan yang merupakan salah satu jenis pelayanan publik yang olehpemerintah yang merupakan pemberian pelayanan kepada publik atau masyarakat.Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode deskriptif. Fokus penelitian yaitu :Penerapan prinsip-prinsip pemerintahan yang baik dalam pelakasanaan pelayanan publik bidang pendidikandi Kecamatan Amurang Barat. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pimpinan dan staf kantor UPT DinasPendidikan Pemuda dan Olah Raga Kecamatan Amurang Barat, serta tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, guru,pelajar/siswa dan mahasiswa jumlahnya 15 orang. Analisis yang digunakan dengan mendeskripsikanmenggambarkan keadaan objek penelitian pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta - fakta yang ada.Hasil penelitian bahwa implementasi prinsip partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan pelayananpublik bidang pendidikan terlihat bahwa sekolah sudah menunjukan suatu keberhasilan yang baik, Penerapanprinsip supremasi hukum terlihat sekolah dan para guru sudah lebih baik dalam menerapkan aturan-aturan,ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku. Sekolah sudah lebih transparan dalam menyampaikan kebijakan sesuaiaturan-aturan, ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pendidikan diKecamatan Amurang Barat. Selain keberhasilan masih terlihat kendala kendala, hal ini terjadi padakebijakan yang dilaksanakan berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pendidikan yaitu yang berkaitran denganpemberian berasiswa, administrasinya harus lebih transparan, masih ada pegawai yang bersifat tertutup dalammemberikan informasi pelayanan publik. Pemerintah Kecamatan Amurang Barat Kabupaten MinahasaSelatan dapat meningkatkan pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan danselalu berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan derajat pendidikan masyarakat dengan menerapkanpelaksanaan pemerintahan yang baik. Masyarakat dapat meningkatkan partisipasinya untuk mempengaruhipemerintah dalam membuat kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya melalui peningkatan bidangpendidikan

    Topology optimization capability creation in R&D and product maintenance for mechanic parts

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    Abstract. The goal of this thesis is to research and find out how to use topology optimization effectively in product maintenance and product development. The thesis consists of four main parts: theory for topology optimization and product development, a demo project for product maintenance, a demo for product development and implementation suggestions. At the beginning I go through topology optimization and product development theory, but only briefly, since the goal is not to go too deep on how topology optimization works but rather on how to benefit from it. Next, I present an old product and how it has been developed throughout the years and then describe how it could have been done with topology optimization and how much resources could have been saved by doing so. As a part of this work, I designed a new version of that part by utilizing a process chart I created for product maintenance. Then I present the process chart I created for developing new mechanical parts for product development, and show how I created a completely new product following the presented process chart. At the end of this work I summarize my findings and give suggestions on how to start using topology optimization most effectively. Results include: — Process chart for product maintenance and product development — Two parts designed with topology optimization — Calculations on how much resources could be saved with topology optimization — Short implementation plan suggestion The research method for this thesis is case study, but these results can be used by any corporation that designs mechanical parts and therefore results are well generalizable.Tiivistelmä. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia miten topologia optimointia voi hyödyntää mahdollisimman tehokkaasti tuotteiden ylläpidossa sekä tuotekehityksessä. Työssä on neljä osaa; topologia optimoinnin ja tuotekehityksen teoria, demo projekti tuotteiden ylläpitoon, demo projekti tuotekehitykseen ja implementointi ehdotus. Työn alussa käyn lyhyesti läpi topologia optimoinnin sekä tuotekehityksen teoriaa. Seuraavaksi esittelen erään vanhan tuotteen kehityksen ja luon kyseisestä osasta topologia optimoinnin avulla uuden version. Samalla esittelen luomani prosessikaavion tuotteiden ylläpidolle, eli olemassa olevien osien optimointiin. Prosessikaavion idea on kertoa missä vaiheessa topologia optimointia tulisi hyödyntää. Esittelen myös taloudellisen hyödyn, joka voidaan saavuttaa hyödyntämällä topologia optimointia tuotteen suunnittelussa. Seuraavaksi esittelen tuotekehitykselle luomani prosessikaavion uusien mekaniikka osien suunnittelulle. Osana työtä luon täysin uuden tuotteen ja esittelen prosessin tuotteen luomiselle. Lopuksi esittelen lopullisen tuotteen. Työn loppuosassa kerään yhteen tutkimuksen tulokset ja pohdinnassa kerron oman näkemykseni topologia optimoinnin hyödyllisyydestä ja käytöstä. Työn tuloksiin kuuluu prosessikaaviot tuotteiden ylläpitoon sekä tuotekehitykseen, kaksi topologia optimoinnin avulla suunniteltua tuotetta ja laskut miten paljon topologia optimoinnin hyödyntämisellä on mahdollista säästää sekä implementointi ehdotus. Työn tutkimusmenetelmä on tapaustutkimus, mutta tuloksia on mahdollista hyödyntää kaikissa yrityksissä missä suunnitellaan mekaanisia osia ja täten tulosten yleistettävyys on hyv

    The Rules of the Malpractice Game: Affidavit of Merit Statutes, Erie, and the Cautionary Tale of an Overbroad Application of Rule 11

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    In an effort to combat the rise in potentially frivolous lawsuits against professionals, including physicians, attorneys, and journalists, states have passed malpractice legislation requiring plaintiffs to file an affidavit of merit (AOM) attesting to the validity of their claims. However, these AOM statutes may conflict with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, which provides that “a pleading need not be verified or accompanied by an affidavit” unless a rule or statute states otherwise. This is a classic Erie/choice-of-law problem for federal courts sitting in diversity, which are tasked with applying federal procedural law and state substantive law, and now must determine whether these statutes are substantive or procedural in nature. The circuit courts of appeals are split in deciding whether these AOM statutes apply, particularly in light of Rule 11’s silence on whether its exception pertains to both federal and state rules and statutes, or federal rules and statutes only. This note proposes a solution to the circuit split by reading the exception in Rule 11 as inclusive of state rules and statutes, as per precedent and the Supreme Court’s teachings of federal rule construction, thereby permitting their application in diverse federal courts and avoiding the murky substantive/procedural debate. In doing so, courts not only vindicate valid state interests of protecting professionals from lengthy and costly litigation, but also better promote the aims of Erie/choice-of-law doctrine and preserve crucial federalism and separation of power principles underlying our system of governance