437 research outputs found

    Students' Perception of Using the Internet to Develop Reading Habits: A Case Study at the English Education Department of Universitas Kristen Indonesia

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    The internet ubiquity in education has flooded the teaching and learning process with digital tools and drastically changed many aspects of academic life, including students' reading habits.  This study aimed at exploring students' perceptions of using the internet to develop reading habits. The study employed the qualitative descriptive method with survey design and involved 43 students of the English department of Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire consisting of 20 items. The results showed that 43% of the respondents had a positive perception that the internet developed their reading habits. However, the majority of them regarded reading as merely an activity for getting information to finish school assignments. They viewed the internet as the main source of information they needed to finish their learning assignments. Since about one-fifth of them preferred paper-based reading, it was concluded that not the whole of Generation Z members totally ignored printed reading materials

    A Study on English Terms Used by the Staff of Front Office Department at the Grand Clarion Hotel Makassar

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    Register in Sociolinguistics is a form of language used for a special situation in a particular social setting, it also known as variety of language. In hotel industry, there are many kinds of English terms used by the staff both written and spoken. This study was designed to find out the English terms, the lexical meaning and the contextual meaning of the English special terms used by the staff of Front Office department in the Grand Clarion Hotel Makassar. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this study is the staff of Front Office department. The data were obtained through participant observation, semi-structured interview and review of the documents. The result of the study showed that the majority of terms used in Front Office department were in English. The researcher found that there were many kinds of the English terms used by the Front Office department in the Grand Clarion Hotel Makassar. In Front Office department, 85 (eighty five) English terms were found and 36 (thirty six) of them classified as the English special terms. English special terms have different meanings both lexical and contextual. These English terms in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is called register


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    Tuberculosis merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Mycrobacterium tuberculosis, penyakit bisa menyerang anak dengan imunitas yang rendah, salah satu TB masih menjadi ancaman global bagi kesehatan dunia. WHO 2018 penyebab turunnya imunitas itu karena status gizi yang buruk. Kejadian memperkirakan terdapat 10 juta kasus TB di seluruh dunia, diantaranya terdiri dari 5,7 juta kasus pria, 3,2 juta kasus wanita dan 1,1 juta kasus anak-anak (WHO, 2019).Salah satu penyebab TB anak adalah status gizi.Status gizi yang buruk membuat imunitas anak rentan sehingga dapat terserang TB paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megetahui hubungan status gizi dengan kejadian TB paru pada anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive serta bersedia melakukan skrining dan uji laboratorium. Hasil uji korelasi dengan metode Chi square pada variabel status gizi terhadap kejadian paru pada batita menunjukkan hasil p -value > 0,05 tidak terdapat hubungan status gizi terhadap kejadian TB paru pada anak            di         Wilayah           Ring    1          Pt.        Petrokimia       Gresi


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    Social media is an online network that can be accessed via advanced technology such as cellphones or smartphones which are now widely used to search for information. One of the social media that is growing rapidly and is very influential at the moment is Instagram and TikTok. Tiktok is a music video platform where users can create, edit and share with the public. With the increasing development of this application, many users are using it to promote an online shop. One of the online shops that uses this platform is @Zaco.id. The aim of this research is that researchers can find out and identify the use of the TikTok application as a promotional medium for the online shop @Zaco.id. In this research, researchers used qualitative research methods. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely by describing and analyzing the problems found. From the results of research carried out by researchers, it can be concluded that the online shop account @Zaco.id has made good use of TikTok, seen from the various promotional activities that have been carried out which have been carried out and have taken advantage of the various features that are available

    Retrospective Analysis Of Marine Biological Data From Port Valdez, Alaska: A Case Study In Long -Term Monitoring

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006Efforts to understand anthropogenic effects within the Port Valdez study area provide a simple and adaptive model for developing and refining hypotheses to measure the structure of and detect, change in nearshore and benthic habitats. Drivers of change detected by this study are the 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake and the oil transportation and salmon aquaculture industries within the fjord. The study area is a glacial-outwash fjord characterized by strong seasonal and spatial environmental gradients due to glacial influences including seasonally low salinity, high suspended sediment loads, and subsequent high sedimentation rates. Direct and indirect effects from intolerance to low salinity are important in organizing intertidal communities as is habitat structure. Previously unrecognized subtle effects on subtidal fauna from anthropogenic stressors near the marine oil terminal in Port Valdez are identified. Demonstration of statistical methods (variogram estimation, repeated measures analysis of variance, and geostatistical modeling) for field studies with spatially and temporally correlated data should be useful to others seeking to establish new long-term studies or analyze previously collected, long-term field data. Investigation of the re-adjustment of benthic fauna from a large earthquake and ecosystem-level effects of salmon aquaculture are not readily available and this dissertation provides a reference point for any such future studies. Although re-adjustment from the large earthquake was a key process during the study period, salmon aquaculture appears to have a strong effect on the benthic ecosystem. The model of detecting change is simple and adaptive and provides inputs for larger models and scientific investigations in marine ecosystems. Broad questions are developed through a long-term study of an ecosystem. The hypotheses formulated are then evaluated and refined through retrospective analysis of long-term data and results can be used to refine larger models. This dissertation contributes rigorous, statistically bounded biological time series to regional monitoring programs by providing small-scale, ecological information necessary for larger models. As a result, the information provided in this dissertation should increase the accuracy of ecological models and aid in the management of marine resources

    Assessing English Learners in Various Ways

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    This study aimed to know the implementation of a new test design given by the lecturer in English for Media class and to find out the perceived impacts by the students related to the tests given. A new way mentioned here is a lecturer gives freedom to the students to choose their own material to be presented or practice in the final test. The writer found that, this new way is success in reducing the students’ tensions in facing the final test; it could be seen from the process and the results of the test that are quite good. Moreover, in the process of the test, all students are excited in selecting and preparing materials to be presented in the test. Moreover, based on the results of direct observation and interviews to the students, the writer concluded that the implementation of this test creates a good atmosphere; fun and the tension level of students are also lighter. This brings a positive impact on the students, where the results obtained by the students in this test were also better than the previous test. In other words, by providing many options to the students in the test is better than only giving one choice to do

    Breeding Better Flax Varieties For Minnesota

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    Contextual Meanings of the English Terms Used in Hotel

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    This paper presents the contextual meanings of the English terms used by the staff in Claro Hotel Makassar. The researcher observed three departments in a hotel; they are Housekeeping, Front Office and Food & Beverage department. The result of the research shows that there are many types of the English terms used in hospitality; some of the terms are categorized as the English special terms due to its contextual meaning. Furthermore, the researcher found that almost all staffs understand the terms even though they do not speak English fluently. However, for the new employer and trainee, most of them are somewhat distressed and said they did not know the terms because their educational background is not hospitality and the trainee said that some of the terms are not in their school textbook. Thus, it is essential for the English for Specific Purposes practitioners and particularly for the teachers of English for Hotel to understand and teach the contextual meanings of the particular English terms used in the hotel industry

    An Address on Christian Organization and Discipline; Delivered at Lexington, Missouri, March 13, 1848.

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    In tourism, English is used as an instructional language (lingua-Franca) that commonly used in the transaction and communication both oral and written by the foreign tourists. English language proficiency is important for the people who live around local attractions in order to improve the quality of communications services for travelers. This study aims to describe phrases and expression used by the people around tourist attraction in Latuppa, Palopo. Also, to improve the English communication skill for the people who live around the tourism destination in Latuppa. The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative with direct observation and interview in collecting data. This study found that there are many vocabularies and expressions related to the local tourism in Latuppa. Moreover, the researchers also found that people in the tourism area of Latuppa are very enthusiastic in developing tourism attractions in their area. Unfortunately, most of them said that mastering English language is not required for now, because the visitors who come are the local residents only. In addition, they agree that the improvement of facilities at the tourism attraction is more needed for no
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