626 research outputs found

    Egypt\u27s Party Crisis

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    After the first revolution, Egypt did not have enough time to adequately form new political parties and campaign before the elections were held. As a result, the Muslim Brotherhood was elected not because it accurately represented the political ideology of the Egyptian People, but rather because it had the brand recognition that other parties lacked. In the end, my research shows that the Morsi government was overthrown because Egypt was not given enough time in between revolution and elections

    Excitation transfer in phycobiliproteins

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    A Framework for Simulation of Aircraft Flyover Noise Through a Non-Standard Atmosphere

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    This paper describes a new framework for the simulation of aircraft flyover noise through a non-standard atmosphere. Central to the framework is a ray-tracing algorithm which defines multiple curved propagation paths, if the atmosphere allows, between the moving source and listener. Because each path has a different emission angle, synthesis of the sound at the source must be performed independently for each path. The time delay, spreading loss and absorption (ground and atmosphere) are integrated along each path, and applied to each synthesized aircraft noise source to simulate a flyover. A final step assigns each resulting signal to its corresponding receiver angle for the simulation of a flyover in a virtual reality environment. Spectrograms of the results from a straight path and a curved path modeling assumption are shown. When the aircraft is at close range, the straight path results are valid. Differences appear especially when the source is relatively far away at shallow elevation angles. These differences, however, are not significant in common sound metrics. While the framework used in this work performs off-line processing, it is conducive to real-time implementation

    Visuelle analyser av data—er det greit å ikke vite alt?

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    Artikkelen omhandler problemstillinger knyttet til bruken av visuelle analyser av data fra linje-grafer. Visuelle analyser eller prosedyrer dreier seg om slutninger om tiltak har ført til effekt. Videre er visuelt baserte slutninger mest benyttet i anvendt atferdsanalyse. Et supplement er slutninger støttet av statistiske prosedyrer, men statistikkmotstanden blant atferdsanalytikere har vært massiv—vi beskriver motstanden og årsakene. Et vesentlig moment er imidlertid at slutninger eller konklusjoner om effekt bør være uten for mye feil. Vi kommer inn på mulige feil ved visuelle analyser og ved slutninger om effekt. Generelt er det tre kilder til slutningsfeil; feil ved sansing, feil ved tenking og en kombinasjon. Visuelle analyser er sårbare for feil knyttet til synssansen, og et vesentlig spørsmål er om statistikk er et ønskelig hjelpemiddel for å forbedre visuelt baserte slutninger. Vi svarer ja på spørsmålet og anbefaler at statistiske teknikker inngår i atferdsanalytikernes repertoar

    Development of a Conceptual Chum Salmon Emergence Model for Ives Island

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    The objective of the study described herein was to develop a conceptual model of chum salmon emergence that was based on empirical water temperature of the riverbed and river in specific locations where chum salmon spawn in the Ives Island area. The conceptual model was developed using water temperature data that have been collected in the past and are currently being collected in the Ives Island area. The model will be useful to system operators who need to estimate the complete distribution of chum salmon emergence (first emergence through final emergence) in order to balance chum salmon redd protection and power system operation

    Differentiation of skull morphology and cranial kinesis in common toads

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    We examined the cranial morphology and cranial kinesis of the common toads Bufo bufo and B. spinosus with micro-computed tomography and geometric morphometrics and compared the results with published data for related species in a phylogenetic context. The species significantly diverge in skull shape. The skull of B. spinosus is shorter and higher, with a ventral arm of the squamosal bone and the jaw articulation point positioned perpendicular to the braincase, in comparison with a more lateral position in B. bufo. In either species, females have a shorter snout and a higher and wider skull at the jaw articulation point that is positioned more posteriorly, in comparison with conspecific males. High variation in the amount of bone ossification was recorded in both species, ranging from scarcely ossified and loosely connected bones to highly ossified and firmly connected bones. We also found that skull shape and inferred kinetic properties of the skull are highly variable across the Bufonini tribe. However, sample sizes are mostly small and intraspecific variation is high, which might compromise the analyses. Overall, the results suggest that developmental plasticity produces high variation in ossification and cranial kinesis, affecting individuals’ feeding performances. At the population level, this variation supports an efficient exploitation of the habitat and may promote morphological adaptation in a changing environmentAnimal science