37 research outputs found

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    Effectiviteit van een regelaar op de splitsingspunten van de Rijn. Bijsturen van de afvoerverdeling tijdens hoogwater

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    Civil Engineering and Geoscience

    Detailadvies Oesterdam

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    In dit detailadvies zijn de golfcondities beschreven voor de Oesterdam. Het detailadvies is opgebouwd uit twee delen: het samenvattende advies (ontwerpwaarden) en de bijlagen (aanpak/resultaten detailadvies en afslagberekeningen

    Hindcast tidal inlet of Ameland storms: January and March 2007

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    During the storm season from October 2006 untill April 2007 several severe storms occurred at the North Sea. Three storm periods are selected to study the realiability of the SWAN wave model by means of a hindcast. The objective of this hindcast is to gain insight into the performance of the SWAN model, especially under storm conditions for the Hydraulic Boundary Conditions with particular emphasis upon the strengths and weaknesses of the model. The three selected stormperiods (11 and 12 January 2007, 17 and 18 January 2007 and 17 and 18 March 2007) can be described as regular western storms with wind directions varying from the southwest to the northwest and with moderate waterlevels. For these storm periods, measurements from twelve locations using the measurement network at the Tidal inlet of Ameland are used. At the start of this study, the measured wave conditions are validated agian by a consistency check. In order to prevent a selection of spurious measurements for the comparison of measured and modelled waves, all suspicious measurements are excluded from the hindcast selection. The selection of hindcasting moments is based on three different hypotheses. These hypotheses were formulated using the expected behaviour of SWAN during wind growth at shallow water, current conditions and triad interactions. In totally 31 moments are simulated (representing one third of the storms) with the current version of SWAN. The analysis of the differences between the modelled and measured wave parameters and wave spectra shows that for typical Wadden Sea conditions (wind growth over shallow water) SWAN seriously underestimates the significant wave heights. The wave period is well simulated by SWAN. The largest underestimation is observed at the buoy locations at the shallow locations. In the table below the averaged deviation (sigma factor) of SWAN in relation to the measurements is given for different areas.SB

    Handleiding hydraulische detailadviezen Oosterschelde en Westerschelde

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    Deze handleiding is geschreven als achtergrond bij de detailadviezen aan het Projectbureau Zeeweringen. In een detailadvies voor het Projectbureau Zeeweringen worden alle randvoorwaarden voor het ontwerp vastgelegd. Deze randvoorwaarden bestaan uit golfcondities en waterstanden die geldig zijn voor een gedefinieerd dijktraject en andere voorwaarden waaronder het ontwerp geldig is. Adviseren in een continue veranderende technische en maatschappelijke omgeving vraagt om actuele kennis. Om een hoogstaande kwaliteit van de detailadviezen te garanderen en de gevolgde aanpak voor de toekomst vast te leggen is deze handleiding opgesteld waarin de achtergronden en ervaringen staan beschreven. De handleiding bestaat uit 3 delen, waarbij deel 1 is onderverdeeld in een deel 1A en 1B. Het voorliggende deel 1A is een praktijk gerichte handleiding en behandelt de methodiek die is gebruikt vanaf april 2010 bij het opstellen van de detailadviezen voor de Oosterschelde. Stapsgewijs wordt uitgelegd welke zaken in een detailadvies gecontroleerd en beschreven dienen te worden. Deel 1B [ref. 19] beschrijft de methodiek die tot april 2010 is toegepast. Deel 1B heeft betrekking op de aanpak van zowel de Ooster- als de Westerschelde. Het hieraan complementaire deel 2 [ref. 20] beschrijft de achtergrond en historie van de ontwikkelingen van de golfberekeningen en het gebruik van de detailadviezen door Projectbureau Zeeweringen. In deel 3 [ref. 21] zijn de notities verzameld die toegepast worden bij de detailadviezen. In voorliggend rapport is de handleiding van 23 november 2007 [ref. 7 en 8] geactualiseerd

    Toekomstprognose ontwikkeling intergetijdengebied Oosterschelde: Doorvertaling naar effecten op veiligheid en natuurwaarden

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    Het in beeld brengen van toekomstige veranderingen in de Oosterschelde, uitgaande van de beschikbare bodemopnamen, vereist een stapsgewijze aanpak. Inhoudelijk worden eerst de bodems geanalyseerd en samengevoegd. Daarna vormen de bodems de basis voor het samenstellen van een zandbalans en het ontwikkelen van een prognosemodel. Op basis van het geteste prognosemodel worden bodemprognoses uitgevoerd voor de periode 2010 tot 2110. Als laatste worden de bodemontwikkelingen doorvertaald naar de gevolgen voor veiligheid en arealen. De focus van deze studie ligt op het in beeld brengen van de veranderingen zoals deze zich nu manifesteren en deze doorvertalen naar de toekomst. Dit betekent dat voor deze studie de volgende afbakening geldt: \u95 Er wordt geen gebruik gemaakt van een mathematisch model om voorspellingen te toetsten, maar het geconstateerde gedrag wordt op een intelligente manier doorvertaald naar de toekomst; \u95 Hoewel als horizon voor de voorspellingen de komende 100 jaar geldt, ligt het zwaartepunt bij de komende 25 jaar; \u95 In deze studie ligt de focus op de ontwikkeling van het intergetijdengebied en de gevolgen daarvan voor de veiligheid. Ondersteunend hieraan wordt aandacht aan betrouwbaarheid van bodemdata en wordt een zandbalans opgesteld. Deze onderdelen vormen echter geen hoofdmoot van het project.Oosterscheld

    Global water and energy losses from consumer avoidable food waste

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    Food products require significant amounts of energy and water throughout their lifecycle, yet humanity wastes 1.3e9 tons of food on a yearly basis. A large part of this waste occurs during the consumption (post-retail) phase of the food system as avoidable food waste, the discarded edible (parts of) food products. In this study, we explore the effects of avoidable food waste on the Food-Energy-Water nexus. We show that the 344 million tonnes of global avoidable food waste is responsible for squandering 4e18 J of energy and 82e9 m3 of water. While there are important regional differences in terms of avoidable food waste due to varying diets and waste incidences, these energy and water losses are rivaling the electricity and the blue water use of populous nations, and adding to needless pressures on the environment.Design for Sustainabilit

    Evaluation of low-cost oxygen carriers for biomass chemical looping gasification

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    Biomass Chemical Looping Gasification (BCLG) is a cost-effective and efficient alternative to conventional gasification. The selection of appropriate oxygen carriers (OCs) is crucial for stable BCLG performance. These OCs need to possess high reactivity, selectivity, material strength, and resistance to sintering. The study investigated various OC materials, including industrial wastes (copper, nickel slag, desulphurization, LD, and ladle slags), residential waste (sewage sludge ash), and natural ore (manganese). The evaluation of OCs focused on reactivity, H2-selectivity, mechanical strength and sintering behaviour. Except for ladle slag, all OC samples exhibited favourable reactivity due to the presence of Fe- and Mn-oxides possessing high oxygen transport capacity (10–17.6%). Nickel slag, manganese ore, and desulphurisation slag displayed notable H2-selectivity (8.7 to 10.4). It can be attributed to the presence of less-active (lattice) oxygen, limiting strong oxygen agents such as Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and Mn2O3. Moreover, desulphurization slag contained highly selective Ca2Fe2O5, which falls within the partial oxidation zone of the Ellingham diagram. Furthermore, all OC samples exhibited desirable material strength (>20 MPa), suitable for fluidised bed reactors. However, nickel, LD, and ladle slags demonstrated limited sintering with sintering onset temperatures exceeding 963 °C. This limited sintering may be attributed to the absence of iron silicates, iron-bearing aluminium silicates, manganese silicates, and potassium that contributed to the low thermal stability observed in the remaining OCs. Altogether, nickel slag calcined at 1100 °C was identified as the most promising OC material with optimal reactivity, selectivity, material strength, and minimal sintering for BCLG. Overall, this study provides a detailed and scientific methodology for OC selection and can aid future OC development.Complex Fluid Processin

    An integrated pan-European research infrastructure for validating smart grid systems

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    A driving force for the realization of a sustainable energy supply in Europe is the integration of distributed, renewable energy resources. Due to their dynamic and stochastic generation behaviour, utilities and network operators are confronted with a more complex operation of the underlying distribution grids. Additionally, due to the higher flexibility on the consumer side through partly controllable loads, ongoing changes of regulatory rules, technology developments, and the liberalization of energy markets, the system’s operation needs adaptation. Sophisticated design approaches together with proper operational concepts and intelligent automation provide the basis to turn the existing power system into an intelligent entity, a so-called smart grid. While reaping the benefits that come along with those intelligent behaviours, it is expected that the system-level testing will play a significantly larger role in the development of future solutions and technologies. Proper validation approaches, concepts, and corresponding tools are partly missing until now. This paper addresses these issues by discussing the progress in the integrated Pan-European research infrastructure project ERIGrid where proper validation methods and tools are currently being developed for validating smart grid systems and solutions.Intelligent Electrical Power Grid

    Description of the multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data

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    Although the knowledge of the gravity of the Earth has improved considerably with CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE (see appendices for a list of abbreviations) satellite missions, the geophysical community has identified the need for the continued monitoring of the time-variable component with the purpose of estimating the hydrological and glaciological yearly cycles and long-term trends. Currently, the GRACE-FO satellites are the sole dedicated provider of these data, while previously the GRACE mission fulfilled that role for 15 years. There is a data gap spanning from July 2017 to May 2018 between the end of the GRACE mission and start the of GRACE-FO, while the Swarm satellites have collected gravimetric data with their GPS receivers since December 2013. We present high-quality gravity field models (GFMs) from Swarm data that constitute an alternative and independent source of gravimetric data, which could help alleviate the consequences of the 10-month gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO, as well as the short gaps in the existing GRACE and GRACE-FO monthly time series. The geodetic community has realized that the combination of different gravity field solutions is superior to any individual model and set up the Combination Service of Time-variable Gravity Fields (COST-G) under the umbrella of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS), part of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). We exploit this fact and deliver the highest-quality monthly GFMs, resulting from the combination of four different gravity field estimation approaches. All solutions are unconstrained and estimated independently from month to month. We tested the added value of including kinematic baselines (KBs) in our estimation of GFMs and conclude that there is no significant improvement. The non-gravitational accelerations measured by the accelerometer on board Swarm C were also included in our processing to determine if this would improve the quality of the GFMs, but we observed that is only the case when the amplitude of the non-gravitational accelerations is higher than during the current quiet period in solar activity Using GRACE data for comparison, we demonstrate that the geophysical signal in the Swarm GFMs is largely restricted to spherical harmonic degrees below 12. A 750 km smoothing radius is suitable to retrieve the temporal variations in Earth's gravity field over land areas since mid-2015 with roughly 4 cm equivalent water height (EWH) agreement with respect to GRACE. Over ocean areas, we illustrate that a more intense smoothing with 3000 km radius is necessary to resolve large-scale gravity variations, which agree with GRACE roughly at the level of 1 cm EWH, while at these spatial scales the GRACE observes variations with amplitudes between 0.3 and 1 cm EWH. The agreement with GRACE and GRACE-FO over nine selected large basins under analysis is 0.91 cm, 0.76 cm yr-1, and 0.79 in terms of temporal mean, trend, and correlation coefficient, respectively. The Swarm monthly models are distributed on a quarterly basis at ESA's Earth Swarm Data Access (at https://swarm-diss.eo.esa.int/, last access: 5 June 2020, follow Level2longterm and then EGF) and at the International Centre for Global Earth Models (http://icgem.gfz-potsdam.de/series/02_COST-G/Swarm, last access: 5 June 2020), as well as identified with the DOI https://doi.org/10.5880/ICGEM.2019.006 (Encarnacao et al., 2019). Astrodynamics & Space Mission