79 research outputs found

    TRPV4 channel is involved in the coupling of fluid viscosity changes to epithelial ciliary activity

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    Autoregulation of the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) has been proposed as the mechanism used by epithelial ciliated cells to maintain the CBF and prevent the collapse of mucociliary transport under conditions of varying mucus viscosity. Despite the relevance of this regulatory response to the pathophysiology of airways and reproductive tract, the underlying cellular and molecular aspects remain unknown. Hamster oviductal ciliated cells express the transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channel, which is activated by increased viscous load involving a phospholipase A2–dependent pathway. TRPV4-transfected HeLa cells also increased their cationic currents in response to high viscous load. This mechanical activation is prevented in native ciliated cells loaded with a TRPV4 antibody. Application of the TRPV4 synthetic ligand 4α-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate increased cationic currents, intracellular Ca2+, and the CBF in the absence of a viscous load. Therefore, TRPV4 emerges as a candidate to participate in the coupling of fluid viscosity changes to the generation of the Ca2+ signal required for the autoregulation of CBF

    Functional coupling of TRPV4 cationic channel and large conductance, calcium-dependent potassium channel in human bronchial epithelial cell lines

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    Abstract Calcium-dependent potassium channels are implicated in electrolyte transport, cell volume regulation and mechanical responses in epithelia, although the pathways for calcium entry and their coupling to the activation of potassium channels are not fully understood. We now show molecular evidence for the presence of TRPV4, a calcium permeable channel sensitive to osmotic and mechanical stress, and its functional coupling to the large conductance calciumdependent potassium channel (BK Ca ) in a human bronchial epithelial cell line (HBE). Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, intracellular calcium imaging and whole-cell patch-clamp experiments using HBE cells demonstrated the presence of TRPV4 messenger and Ca 2+ entry, and outwardly rectifying cationic currents elicited by the TRPV4 specific activator 4α-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4αPDD). Cell-attached and whole-cell patch-clamp of HBE cells exposed to 4αPDD, and hypotonic and high-viscosity solutions (related to mechanical stress) revealed the activation of BK Ca channels subsequent to extracellular Ca 2+ influx via TRPV4, an effect lost upon antisense-mediated knock-down of TRPV4. Further analysis of BK Ca modulation after TRPV4 activation showed that the Ca 2+ signal can be generated away from the BK Ca location at the plasma membrane, and it is not mediated by intracellular Ca 2+ release via ryanodine receptors. Finally, we have shown that, unlike the reported disengagement of TRPV4 and BK Ca in response to hypotonic solutions, cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells (CFBE) preserve the functional coupling of TRPV4 and BK Ca in response to high-viscous solutions

    The Increased Activity of TRPV4 Channel in the Astrocytes of the Adult Rat Hippocampus after Cerebral Hypoxia/Ischemia

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    The polymodal transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channel, a member of the TRP channel family, is a calcium-permeable cationic channel that is gated by various stimuli such as cell swelling, low pH and high temperature. Therefore, TRPV4-mediated calcium entry may be involved in neuronal and glia pathophysiology associated with various disorders of the central nervous system, such as ischemia. The TRPV4 channel has been recently found in adult rat cortical and hippocampal astrocytes; however, its role in astrocyte pathophysiology is still not defined. In the present study, we examined the impact of cerebral hypoxia/ischemia (H/I) on the functional expression of astrocytic TRPV4 channels in the adult rat hippocampal CA1 region employing immunohistochemical analyses, the patch-clamp technique and microfluorimetric intracellular calcium imaging on astrocytes in slices as well as on those isolated from sham-operated or ischemic hippocampi. Hypoxia/ischemia was induced by a bilateral 15-minute occlusion of the common carotids combined with hypoxic conditions. Our immunohistochemical analyses revealed that 7 days after H/I, the expression of TRPV4 is markedly enhanced in hippocampal astrocytes of the CA1 region and that the increasing TRPV4 expression coincides with the development of astrogliosis. Additionally, adult hippocampal astrocytes in slices or cultured hippocampal astrocytes respond to the TRPV4 activator 4-alpha-phorbol-12,-13-didecanoate (4αPDD) by an increase in intracellular calcium and the activation of a cationic current, both of which are abolished by the removal of extracellular calcium or exposure to TRP antagonists, such as Ruthenium Red or RN1734. Following hypoxic/ischemic injury, the responses of astrocytes to 4αPDD are significantly augmented. Collectively, we show that TRPV4 channels are involved in ischemia-induced calcium entry in reactive astrocytes and thus, might participate in the pathogenic mechanisms of astroglial reactivity following ischemic insult

    Interdomain Interactions Control Ca2+-Dependent Potentiation in the Cation Channel TRPV4

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    Several Ca2+-permeable channels, including the non-selective cation channel TRPV4, are subject to Ca2+-dependent facilitation. Although it has been clearly demonstrated in functional experiments that calmodulin (CaM) binding to intracellular domains of TRP channels is involved in this process, the molecular mechanism remains elusive. In this study, we provide experimental evidence for a comprehensive molecular model that explains Ca2+-dependent facilitation of TRPV4. In the resting state, an intracellular domain from the channel N terminus forms an autoinhibitory complex with a C-terminal domain that includes a high-affinity CaM binding site. CaM binding, secondary to rises in intracellular Ca2+, displaces the N-terminal domain which may then form a homologous interaction with an identical domain from a second subunit. This represents a novel potentiation mechanism that may also be relevant in other Ca2+-permeable channels

    Importance of Non-Selective Cation Channel TRPV4 Interaction with Cytoskeleton and Their Reciprocal Regulations in Cultured Cells

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    BACKGROUND: TRPV4 and the cellular cytoskeleton have each been reported to influence cellular mechanosensitive processes as well as the development of mechanical hyperalgesia. If and how TRPV4 interacts with the microtubule and actin cytoskeleton at a molecular and functional level is not known. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the interaction of TRPV4 with cytoskeletal components biochemically, cell biologically by observing morphological changes of DRG-neurons and DRG-neuron-derived F-11 cells, as well as functionally with calcium imaging. We find that TRPV4 physically interacts with tubulin, actin and neurofilament proteins as well as the nociceptive molecules PKCepsilon and CamKII. The C-terminus of TRPV4 is sufficient for the direct interaction with tubulin and actin, both with their soluble and their polymeric forms. Actin and tubulin compete for binding. The interaction with TRPV4 stabilizes microtubules even under depolymerizing conditions in vitro. Accordingly, in cellular systems TRPV4 colocalizes with actin and microtubules enriched structures at submembranous regions. Both expression and activation of TRPV4 induces striking morphological changes affecting lamellipodial, filopodial, growth cone, and neurite structures in non-neuronal cells, in DRG-neuron derived F11 cells, and also in IB4-positive DRG neurons. The functional interaction of TRPV4 and the cytoskeleton is mutual as Taxol, a microtubule stabilizer, reduces the Ca2+-influx via TRPV4. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: TRPV4 acts as a regulator for both, the microtubule and the actin. In turn, we describe that microtubule dynamics are an important regulator of TRPV4 activity. TRPV4 forms a supra-molecular complex containing cytoskeletal proteins and regulatory kinases. Thereby it can integrate signaling of various intracellular second messengers and signaling cascades, as well as cytoskeletal dynamics. This study points out the existence of cross-talks between non-selective cation channels and cytoskeleton at multiple levels. These cross talks may help us to understand the molecular basis of the Taxol-induced neuropathic pain development commonly observed in cancer patients

    Caracterización fucional y molecular del canal TRPV4 en el epitelio respiratorio y su relación con la fisiopatología de la fibrosis quística

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    En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se caracteriza funcional y molecularmente el canal TRPV4 en varios modelos de células epiteliales respiratorias mostrando por primera vez la participación de este canal en la función osmoreguladora a nivel celular así como la identificación de nuevas variantes del canal. Se demuestra que la entrada de Ca2+ en respuesta a un hinchamiento hipotónico se produce a través del canal TRPV4 y es necesaria para una eficiente recuperación del volumen o RVD. Por su parte, las células epiteliales respiratorias con fenotipo de fibrosis quística no son capaces de reducir su volumen en un medio hipotónico a causa de una regulación defectuosa del canal, indicando, al mismo tiempo, que la regulación del TRPV4 por el estímulo hipotónico es dependiente de la CFTR.La caracterización de las variantes del canal TRPV4 demuestra que los dominios de ANK son determinantes moleculares claves en el proceso de oligomerización del canal. Al mismo tiempo este trabajo describe nuevos aspectos relacionados con la biogénesis del TRPV4 hasta ahora desconocidos: la oligomerización del canal tiene lugar en el RE, orgánulo donde es N-glicosilado de forma simple antes de ser transportado hacia el Golgi donde sus N-glicanos son madurados.This thesis characterizes molecularly and funcionally the TRPV4 channel in various models of airway epithelial cells showing, for the first time, the involvement of this channel in an osmoregulatory cellular function as well as the isolation of new splice variants of this channel. It is demonstrated that the TRPV4 channel is the molecular Ca2+ pathway activated by hypotonic estimulus needed to trigger the RVD response. Furthermore, the cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells showed an impaired RVD due to the misregulation of the TRPV4 channel, indicating that the regulation by the hypotonic stimulus is CFTR-dependent.The characterization of the new variants demonstrated that the ANK domains are key structural determinants in the oligomerization process of the TRPV4. This work also describes new aspects related to the biogenesis of this channel: oligomerization is achieved in the ER, where the TRPV4 is N-glycosilated and then transported to the Golgi where the glycans are matured

    Aplicació d'una metodologia tradicional versus metodologia híbrida entre gamificació i educació esportiva: efectes en la motivació i la futura intenció de pràctica

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    Curs 2019-2020Aquest estudi es basa en l’aplicació d’una unitat didàctica de Kinball a alumnes de 3er d’ESO amb una metodologia híbrida que incorpora dues metodologies diferents, la gamificació i l’educació esportiva. L’objectiu del treball és analitzar els efectes produïts per la UD en la motivació intrínseca, l’autodeterminació i la futura intenció de pràctica dels estudiants, i comparar-ho amb una UD idèntica però que utilitza metodologia tradicional. A més a més, s’analitzen els punts positius i negatius de la UD tenint en compte la valoració que li atorguen els estudiants. La mostra consta de dues classes de 27 i 28 alumnes respectivament. A un grup se li aplica una metodologia híbrida i a l’altre una de tradicional. Es seleccionen els dos grups a l’atzar i tots dos respondran a un test abans i després de la intervenció. Els resultats mostren que el grup d’intervenció (MHB) obté una millora de la motivació intrínseca, l’autodeterminació i la futura intenció de pràctica, però el creixement és menor que en el cas del grup control (MET) en el cas de l’autodeterminació i la futura intenció de pràctica. Finalment, s’obté una comparació de la valoració dels estudiants de la unitat tradicional i la hibrida.This study is based on the application of a Kinball didactic unit to 3rd year of ESO students with a hybrid methodology that incorporates two different methodologies, gamification and sports education. The aim of the study is to analyse the effects produced by the didactical unit in the intrinsic motivation, the self-determination and the future intention of practice of the students, and compare it with an identical proposal but using traditional methodology. Moreover, it is analysed the positive and negative points from the unit taking into account the students’ valuation. The sample consists of two classes of 27 and 28 students respectively. In one grup it is applied an hybrid methodology and in the other a traditional one. It is randomly chosen and both will respond a test before and after the intervention. The results show that the intervention group (MHB) obtains an improvement in the intrinsic motivation, self-determination and future practice intention, but the growth is less than in the case of the control group (MET) in the case of self-determination and future practice intention. Finally, it is obtained a comparison of the valuation students do from the traditional unit and the hybrid unit.Director/a: Flores Aguilar, Gonzal