72 research outputs found
Modification of Rice Husk-Based Activated Carbon using Sodium Lauryl Sulfat (SLS) for Lead (Pb) Ions Removal
A rice husk-based active carbon modified using SLS surfactant showed an increase on Pb ionic metal removal with the efficiency of 99.96%. Activated carbon is commonly applied as adsorben in waste water treatment, in particularly, waste water containing heavy metals and dye molecules. Even though it is commonly used, the adsorption efficiency of activated carbon to the heavy metal waste is still low. Therefore, in the present work, carbon from rice husk was modified using surfactant which further it is called surfactant modified active carbon (SMAC). Firstly, rice husk-based carbon was activated using 40% H3PO4 for 2,
6, 10, 14, 15 and 16 hours. The activated carbon was then modified by contacting it into SLS in different concentration 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 ppm for 5 hours. Finally, the SMAC was then applied to remove Pb ionic metal. Moreover, several characterisation techniques were performed including FTIR, SEM, UV-Vis and AAS.
Keywords: activated carbon, surfactant-modified active carbon, adsorption, rice hus
Perkembangan batik di Indonesia meningkat seiring meningkatnya volume limbah cair batik yang dihasilkan dan mengandung ion logam berat seperti Fe dan Cu sebagai parameter pencemar lingkungan karena memiliki sifat toksisitas dan dapat terakumulasi dalam rantai makanan sampai ke organisme lainnya termasuk manusia walaupun pada konsentrasi yang sangat rendah. Telah dilakukan penelitian pembuatan karbon aktif berbahan dasar sabut kelapa dengan dengan aktivator H2SO4 (K-H) dan NaOH (K-Na) pada konsentrasi 3, 4, dan 5 N sebagai adsorben kation Fe dan Cu. Waktu kontak adsorpsi juga divariasi 1 – 60 menit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan efisiensi adsorpsi kation Fe dan Cu terlarut dalam limbah cair batik Kebumen serta menentukan kinetika adsorpsi. Proses adsorpsi kation Fe dan Cu dilakukan dengan metode adsorpsi secara batch menggunakan karbon aktif dari sabut kelapa Analisis kandungan kation Fe dan Cu dilakukan menggunakan AAS. Konsentrasi kation Fe dan Cu sebelum adsorpsi masing-masing sebesar 27.27 ppm dan 25.42 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel K-H 3 dan K-Na 4 merupakan karbon aktif terbaik. Efisiensi adsorpsi kation Fe dan Cu menggunakan K-H 3 masing-masing sebesar 56,37% (b/b) dan 44,93% (b/b) sedangkan menggunakan K-Na 4 berturut-turut sebesar 71,54% (b/b) dan 70,89% (b/b).Waktu kontak optimum K-H 3 dan K-Na 4 adalah 30 menit untuk kation Fe dan 45 menit untuk kation Cu. Model kinetika adsorpsi kation Fe dan Cu yang sesuai oleh K-H 3 dan K-Na 4 adalah pseudo orde dua
Pembuatan Karbon Aktif Termodifikasi Surfaktan Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SMAC-SLS) dari Tempurung Kelapa Menggunakan Aktivator ZnCl2 dan Gelombang Mikro Sebagai Adsorben Kation Pb(II)
Penelitian tentang modifikasi karbon aktif tempurung kelapa dengan surfaktan sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) telah dilakukan sebagai adsorben logam Pb(II). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat material baru Surfactant Modificated Activated Carbon (SMAC) dari tempurung kelapa yang lebih unggul dari karbon aktif untuk adsorben logam Pb(II).  Penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa tahap, tahap pertama adalah karbonisasi tempurung kelapa mengunakan pirolisis pada temperatur 400oC selama 1 jam, tahap kedua aktivasi menggunakan ZnCl2 30% dan radisasi gelombang mikro dengan daya bervariasi 80 -800 W selama waktu bervariasi 1 – 9 menit, tahap ketiga modifikasi karbon aktif menggunakan SLS 60 ppm selama 4 jam dan selanjutnya tahap aplikasi SMAC untuk adsorben logam Pb. Karakterisasi SMAC dilakukan adalah dengan FTIR, GSA, SEM dan data termodinamika. keberhasilan adsorpsi SMAC diukur dengan menentukan kapasitas adsorpsi. Hasil modifikasi menunjukkan karbon aktif dapat mengadsorpsi SLS sebesar 1,496 mg/g. Karakterisasi SMAC dengan FTIR menunjukkan adanya pucak S=O pada bilangan gelombang 1341 cm-1, karakterisasi dengan GSA menunjukkan luas area SMAC lebih kecil dari karbon aktif yaitu sebesar 3,924 m2/g, morfologi permukaan SMAC sebagian besar tertutup oleh surfaktan SLS dan data termodinamika memberikan nilai entalpi sebesar -10,282 kJ/mol yang menunjukkan interaksi antara karbon aktif dan SLS merupakan interaksi atau adsorpsi secara fisik. SMAC efektif mengadsorpsi logam Pb(II) dengan efisiensi sebesar 99,89% dan kapasitas sebesar 1,498 mg/g dan interaksi antara SMAC dengan kation Pb (II) merupakan interaksi elektrostatis.Kata Kunci: SMAC, Kapasitas Adsorpsi, kation P
Perbaikan Mutu Fraksi Kerosin melalui Proses Adsorpsi oleh Karbon Aktif
Proses adsorpi menggunakan karbon aktif telah digunakan untuk mengurangi kandungan senyawa sulfur dan meningkatkan kualitas warna pada fraksi kerosin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berat karbon aktif dan waktu kontak optimum pada proses adsorpsi adalah 150 gram dan 80 menit dengan pengurangan kandungan sulfur 32,2 % sedangkan kualitas warna meningkat 87,5 % dengan demikian proses adsorpsi oleh karbon aktif lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas warna fraksi kerosin
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity Test of Geothermal Silica/AgNO3 Thin Film
Geothermal silica waste offers convenient, economical, and environmentally friendly material with high hydrophobicity to produce thin films. Silica-thin films from geothermal waste using the sol-gel method, though, no addition of AgNO3 was conducted for antibacterial functions. This study aims to produce silica-thin films from geothermal waste with the addition of AgNO3 and analyze the antibacterial activity. The procedures carried out in this research were (i) an acid leaching process using HNO3; (ii) the production of silica thin film with and without the addition of AgNO3; (iii) thin film characterization including a water contact angle measurement (WCA), XRF, FTIR, XRD and SEM-EDX on silica thin film samples with and without the addition of AgNO3; and (iv) antibacterial activity test. The results show the optimum HNO3 concentration for the acid leaching process was 20%, yielding 99.08% SiO2 by mass. The WCA of the silica thin film in the presence and absence of AgNO3 reached a value of ±160°, indicating the addition of AgNO3 did not decrease the contact angle of the silica thin film. This research employed smart deconvolution of IR Spectra using Fityk software which reveals a higher area ratio for Si-O-Si relative to Si-OH. Furthermore, it was observed that the silica thin films exhibited an amorphous morphology, both without and with the addition of AgNO3, with Ag discovered to be dispersed on the thin film. However, despite the presence of Ag, both TF20 and TF20+Ag samples were found to be ineffective in inhibiting bacterial growth, as evidenced by bacteria-free zones on the samples
Synthesis of Rice Husk-Based Zeolit using Hydrothermal Method and Its Detergent Builder Properties
Detergents are cleaning agents that consist of a complex formulation such as surfactants, builders, bleaching, fillers and other additives. Detergent builder that commonly used is sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) that are unfriendly environmentally. One of the detergent builders that is more environmentally friendly is zeolite. Therefore, in the present work, zeolite was synthesized using hydrothermal method by varying the temperature and characterised its detergent builder properties. Zeolite was synthesized by mixing sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium aluminate NaAl(OH)4 with the presence of NaOH. Firstly, a mixture of sodium silicate and sodium aluminate formed sol and gradually become gel. After that, the gel had been treated by hydothermal for 7 hours at different temperatures: 500C, 1000C and 1500C. Several characteristic techniques such as FTIR and XRD were applied to identify functional group and the crystal structure, respectively. Furthermore, the detergent builder properties were characterised using cation exchange capacity (CEC) and detergency test. The result showed that zeolite synthesized at 100 0C gave better washing capability than others
Synthesis of Rice Husk-Based Zeolit using Hydrothermal Method and Its Detergent Builder Properties
Detergents are cleaning agents that consist of a complex formulation such as surfactants, builders, bleaching, fillers and other additives. Detergent builder that commonly used is sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) that are unfriendly environmentally. One of the detergent builders that is more environmentally friendly is zeolite. Therefore, in the present work, zeolite was synthesized using hydrothermal method by varying the temperature and characterised its detergent builder properties. Zeolite was synthesized by mixing sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium aluminate NaAl(OH)4 with the presence of NaOH. Firstly, a mixture of sodium silicate and sodium aluminate formed sol and gradually become gel. After that, the gel had been treated by hydothermal for 7 hours at different temperatures: 500C, 1000C and 1500C. Several characteristic techniques such as FTIR and XRD were applied to identify functional group and the crystal structure, respectively. Furthermore, the detergent builder properties were characterised using cation exchange capacity (CEC) and detergency test. The result showed that zeolite synthesized at 100 0C gave better washing capability than others
Analysis of Register Used In Female Daily Network
AbstractThis study discusses about or what forms of registers are used in the Female Daily Network platform which is studied with sociolinguisticsThe study participants were active members of the Female Daily Network who contributed to various beauty-related discussions and topics. The data used consists of articles, discussions, and responses collected from various relevant threads and topics. The research method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method. The register refers to the variety of languages used by forum members according to the context and purpose of communication. This research used Martin Joos (1976)’s theory about the types of the register. The data on this research is in the form of textual data. Data collection technique by oberserving, collect, or choose the data. However, this study added one method for collecting data, namely by capturing screens or screenshots. Data analysis uses register analysis, which analyzes specific vocabulary, term, or colloquialism used in a particular community. The method of presenting data is an informal method, that is, using words that are easy to understand. The findings of this research provide a deeper understanding of the register used in the Female Daily Network. The study reveals the various registers employed by forum members in the context of beauty and women's lifestyle. The research findings offer insights into language preferences and communication styles within this online community.
French Fries-Like Bismuth Oxide: Physicochemical Properties, Electrical Conductivity and Photocatalytic Activity
Bismuth oxide synthesis using hydrothermal method has been conducted. This study aims to examine the effect of the hydrothermal reaction time on product characteristics and photocatalytic activity in degrading methyl orange dye. Bismuth oxide synthesis was initiated by dissolving bismuth nitrate pentahydrate (Bi(NO3)3.5H2O) and Na2SO4 in a distilled water and added NaOH gradually. The solution formed was transferred into a Teflon-lined autoclave and heated at 120 °C with time variations of 8–16 h. The formation of bismuth oxide was indicated by the vibrations of the Bi−O−Bi and Bi−O groups and the crystal structure consisting of a-Bi2O3, β-Bi2O3, and g-Bi2O3. In addition, the highest photocatalytic activity can be examined through several factors, such as: content of Bi−O−Bi and Bi−OH groups, crystal structure, band gap values, morphology, and surface area, acquired as a result of the effect of hydrothermal reaction time. Copyright © 2021 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).
The Existence of Land Bank Institution in Supporting Land Procurement for National Development in Perspective of Indonesian Agrarian Law
Land is a basic human need for a place to live and earn a living for human life. Population growth is getting higher day by day while land for housing is static so that land is increasing in price, this is a problem that must be solved. The state in carrying out national development also needs land for physical development such as infrastructure facilities, roads, bridges, hospitals, dams and others. In the realization of land acquisition for national development, land conflicts often occur between the Government and Land Owners and even go to court. The government in various ways is looking for a way out for land acquisition for development to minimize agrarian conflicts and prepare land that is ready for use if needed for the public interest by establishing a Land Bank. Land Acquisition for development for the public interest is regulated in Law No. 2 of 2012 with the technical regulation namely Government Regulation No. 71 of 2012. Several provisions in Law No. 2 of 2012 have been amended in Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation as an Omnibus Law, which means the regulation made based on the compilation results or the result of combining several rules with different substances and levels and the technical regulation, whereas the Land Acquisition regulated in Article 136 until 148 of the Law and the technical regulation is The Government Regulation No. 19 of 2021. The promulgation of Law Number 11 of 2020 which regulates the Land Bank is in the Article No 125 until 135 and followed orderly technical regulations, namely The Government Regulation No. 64 of 2021, is expected to be a solution for the Government to prepare land for development so that national development is not disturbed and minimizes land conflicts among the people, especially the people holding ownership rights to land. The implementation of the establishment of the Land Bank must be continuously monitored by all components of the community so that its implementation does not violate the laws and regulations and still refers to Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. Keywords : land acquisition, land bank, public interest. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/112-18 Publication date:August 31st 202
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