30 research outputs found

    Experimental infection of reindeer, sheep and goats with Elaphostrongylus spp. (Nematoda, Protostrongylidae) from moose and reindeer

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    Six reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), five sheep and six goats (Ovis ovis and Capra hircus) were experimentally infected with the nematode Elaphostrongylus alces. Additionally, one sheep was infected with E. rangiferi. Reindeer infected with E. alces showed no neurological signs. Sheep and goats infected with the same parasite also remained clinically healthy; however, the sheep infected with E. rangiferi showed severe neurological signs and became paralysed. Pathological lesions were minimal in reindeer and domestic ruminants infected with E. alces, but were prominent in the lamb infected with E. rangiferi. Our results indicate that keeping and transferring sheep and goats into ateas inhabited by moose, which is a natural host of E. alces may not harm the livestock, while keeping sheep in areas inhabited by reindeer infected with E. rangiferi may result in petiodic outbreaks of cerebrospinal elaphostrongylosis in sheep

    Intensive Farming: Evolutionary Implications for Parasites and Pathogens

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    An increasing number of scientists have recently raised concerns about the threat posed by human intervention on the evolution of parasites and disease agents. New parasites (including pathogens) keep emerging and parasites which previously were considered to be ‘under control’ are re-emerging, sometimes in highly virulent forms. This re-emergence may be parasite evolution, driven by human activity, including ecological changes related to modern agricultural practices. Intensive farming creates conditions for parasite growth and transmission drastically different from what parasites experience in wild host populations and may therefore alter selection on various traits, such as life-history traits and virulence. Although recent epidemic outbreaks highlight the risks associated with intensive farming practices, most work has focused on reducing the short-term economic losses imposed by parasites, such as application of chemotherapy. Most of the research on parasite evolution has been conducted using laboratory model systems, often unrelated to economically important systems. Here, we review the possible evolutionary consequences of intensive farming by relating current knowledge of the evolution of parasite life-history and virulence with specific conditions experienced by parasites on farms. We show that intensive farming practices are likely to select for fast-growing, early-transmitted, and hence probably more virulent parasites. As an illustration, we consider the case of the fish farming industry, a branch of intensive farming which has dramatically expanded recently and present evidence that supports the idea that intensive farming conditions increase parasite virulence. We suggest that more studies should focus on the impact of intensive farming on parasite evolution in order to build currently lacking, but necessary bridges between academia and decision-makers

    Ontogenetic Change in Behavioral Responses to Structural Enrichment From Fry to Parr in Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    Enrichment is widely used as a tool for studying how changes in environment affect animal behavior. Here, we report an experimental study investigating if behaviors shaped by stimuli from environmental enrichment depending on the stage animals are exposed to enrichment. We used juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in their first autumn. This is a species commonly reared for conservation purposes. Previous work has shown that environmental enrichment had no effect on long-term survival when the fry stage (smaller than 70 mm) was released, but that if late parr stages (larger than 70 mm) are released, enrichment is reported to have a positive effect on smolt migration survival. Here, we explored the effect of enrichment at two different stages of development. Both stages were reared and treated for 7 weeks (fry at 11–18 weeks and parr at 24–31 weeks after hatching) before tested for behavior. Responses known to be associated with exploratory behavior, activity, and stress coping were quantified by testing 18-week-old fry and 31-week-old parr in a six-chamber maze on 7 successive days after rearing in structurally enriched (plastic plants and tubes) or plain impoverished rearing environments. The data show that Atlantic salmon are sensitive to stimuli from structural enrichment when they are parr, but not when in the fry stage. Parr deprived of enrichment (control treatment) were reluctant to start exploring the maze, and when they did, they spent a longer time frozen than enriched parr, suggesting that deprivation of enrichment at this life can be stressful. Our data suggest that structural enrichment could have the potential to improve welfare for salmonids in captivity and for survival of released juvenile salmon if structural enrichment is provided at the parr stage and the fish reared for conservation are released at the parr stage.publishedVersio

    Empirical Support for Optimal Virulence in a Castrating Parasite

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    The trade-off hypothesis for the evolution of virulence predicts that parasite transmission stage production and host exploitation are balanced such that lifetime transmission success (LTS) is maximised. However, the experimental evidence for this prediction is weak, mainly because LTS, which indicates parasite fitness, has been difficult to measure. For castrating parasites, this simple model has been modified to take into account that parasites convert host reproductive resources into transmission stages. Parasites that kill the host too early will hardly benefit from these resources, while postponing the killing of the host results in diminished returns. As predicted from optimality models, a parasite inducing castration should therefore castrate early, but show intermediate levels of virulence, where virulence is measured as time to host killing. We studied virulence in an experimental system where a bacterial parasite castrates its host and produces spores that are not released until after host death. This permits estimating the LTS of the parasite, which can then be related to its virulence. We exposed replicate individual Daphnia magna (Crustacea) of one host clone to the same amount of bacterial spores and followed individuals until their death. We found that the parasite shows strong variation in the time to kill its host and that transmission stage production peaks at an intermediate level of virulence. A further experiment tested for the genetic basis of variation in virulence by comparing survival curves of daphniids infected with parasite spores obtained from early killing versus late killing infections. Hosts infected with early killer spores had a significantly higher death rate as compared to those infected with late killers, indicating that variation in time to death was at least in part caused by genetic differences among parasites. We speculate that the clear peak in lifetime reproductive success at intermediate killing times may be caused by the exceptionally strong physiological trade-off between host and parasite reproduction. This is the first experimental study to demonstrate that the production of propagules is highest at intermediate levels of virulence and that parasite genetic variability is available to drive the evolution of virulence in this system

    Selecting for fast and slow maturing worms

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    oscillating foils with application to fish propulsion. J. Fluids Struct

    Data from: When to reproduce? A new answer to an old question

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    We present a life-history model based on the assumptions that juvenile survival follows a negative exponential function and that fecundity gain increases linearly with time to maturity. This model predicts that the optimal fitness is achieved when survival at maturity is 0.368 (e−1). Survival at the time of maturity is therefore an invariant. We tested this prediction by using published data from infection experiments with mammalian nematodes, where both the initial number of juveniles colonizing a habitat (host) and the numbers surviving at the time of maturation were known. We found that the mean survival at maturity, both across and within species, was remarkably close to our predicted mean. As a control, we also looked at studies where the parasite species was adapted to a host species other than the one used in the reported experiment. In these experiments the mean survival at maturity differed from what our model predicted. Maturation at a fixed survival probability therefore appears as an adaptive trait evolved in a predictable environment, in this case, a host species. Our result further suggests that measures designed to increase juvenile parasite mortality, such as drugs or vaccines, will select for faster developmental rates