125 research outputs found

    Les éducations à, enjeux et perspectives pour notre système éducatif, les cas de l’éducation au développement durable et de l’éducation aux Médias et à l’Information

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    International audienceEducations to, from globalized type (complex thinking, systems analysis) to interdisciplinary logic are often associated with practices that can change the educational system. In fact, they bring first a great opportunity for students and teachers (from all disciplines) to contextualize knowledge, innovate in teaching approaches, test new educational tools and to focus attention on skills. In the end, the focus of Educations put prospective in the training curse. A dimension that our educational systems had somehow lost.Les éducations à, enjeux et perspectives pour notre système éducatif, les cas de l'éducation au développement durable et de l'éducation aux Médias et à l'Information Résumé : Les éducations à, de type globalisé (pensée complexe, analyse systémique) et reposant sur plusieurs disciplines (interdisciplinarité) sont souvent associées à des pratiques susceptibles de modifier notre système éducatif. Elles représentent tout d'abord une belle opportunité pour les élèves et les enseignants (de toutes les disciplines) de contextualiser les savoirs, d'innover en matière de démarches pédagogiques, de tester de nouveaux outils didactiques et de focaliser l'attention sur les compétences. Au final, le positionnement des éducations à ne fait que replacer la prospective au coeur de la formation. Une dimension que nos systèmes éducatifs avaient quelque peu perdu de vue

    Comment construire des savoirs transversaux face à l'excès d'économie ?

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    International audienceSince few years, sustainable development has obtained the statut of concept. In the scientific vocabulary, it means that there's a research program to identify its origin, nature, laws (principles) and consequences. Today that scientific synthesis drives us to think about the relevance and modalities of education for sustainable development. In other words, we must bring out transversal knowledge in three areas of sustainable development (environmental, social, economics). This quest is only possible if ecology is able to absorb the economy, and if it becomes a social science. Indeed, seeking to emancipate itself from the forces of nature, the economy has built rules (optimization's program) and tools (markets) that have nothing to concern with the adjustment procedures of the biosphere and the sociosphere.En l'espace de quelques années, le développement durable s'est immiscé au rang de concept. Dans le vocabulaire scientifique, cela signifie qu'il peut faire l'objet d'un programme de recherche visant à déceler son origine, sa nature, ses lois (grands principes) et ses conséquences. Cet effort de synthèse scientifique nous pousse aujourd'hui à réfléchir sur la pertinence et les modalités d'une éducation au développement durable. En d'autres termes, nous devons faire émerger des savoirs transversaux dans les trois sphères (environnementale, sociale, économique) du développement durable. Cette quête ne sera possible que si l'écologie parvient à absorber l'économie, et si cette dernière redevient une science sociale. En effet, en cherchant à s'émanciper des forces de la nature, l'économie s'est forgée des règles (optimisation) et des outils (marchés) qui n'ont rien à voir avec les modalités d'ajustement de la biosphère et la sociosphère

    L’écologie industrielle : quand l’écosystème industriel devient un vecteur du développement durable

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    L’écologie industrielle, définie par Robert Frosch (1995) comme « l’ensemble des pratiques destinées à réduire la pollution industrielle », nous amène à penser que l’écosystème industriel peut être un véritable vecteur du développement durable. L’ingénierie écologique et l’écotechnologie recommandent aux industriels de procéder à un ensemble d’opérations de rationalisation de la production (optimisation des consommations énergétiques et matérielles, minimisation des déchets à la source,réutilisation des rejets pour servir de matières premières à d’autres processus de production). Les symbioses industrielles et les parcs éco-industriels sont généralement présentés comme des modèles de rationalisation industrielle et des illustrations tangibles du développement durable.Industrial ecology is defined by Robert Frosch (1995) as practices intended to reduce industrial pollution. That leads us to think industrial ecosystem as a vector of sustainable development.Ecological engineering and ecotechnology recommend managers to rationalize the production process (optimization of material consumptions, minimization of bads…). Industrial symbiosis and industrial parks are generally presented as models of industrial rationalization and tangible illustrations of the sustainable development

    Combining efficiency and resilience assessments in industrial symbiosis value chains: a comprehensive flow analysis

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    The viability of firms that participate in industrial symbiosis (IS) is influenced by the impact that by-product synergies have on the economic efficiency and resilience of those firms in the IS network. Systems theory, industrial ecology, and value chain dynamics constitute the necessary frameworks to analyze the viability of IS value chains through efficiency and resilience assessments. Using Mexico’s Altamira Industrial Port as a case study, we identify and describe three IS value chains A, B and C and build variables to measure viability through efficiency and resilience. We find that only the three participating firms in value chain B are both sufficiently efficient and resilient to constitute viability. Moreover, these three firms (CABOT, INSA, and CHEMTURA) represent an anchor in port’s/network’s IS viability through the integration of a resilience and efficiency analysis by value chain. The study attempts to get an improved systemic understanding of IS value chain viability if resilience is aggregated to the efficiency analysis of by-product synergic exchanges of each firm involved in the IS. Finally, we recommend applying modular assessments on efficiency and resilience to firms participating in IS value chains, because according to the size and length of stressors influencing the IS dynamics, different actions should be implemented in the industrial ecosystem to anticipate potential scenarios where short-term, long-term, and structural stressors will endanger the viability of the IS network/value chainThis project has received funding from the KTU School of Economics and Business, grant holder of the European Research Area Grant – ERA chairs – “Industry 4.0 impact on management practices and economics” and the ERASMUS + Program of the European Union (Jean Monnet Excellence Center on Sustainability, ERASME) and CAP 20-25 AcademiaPostprint (author's final draft

    Compétences RSE : une approche concernant les étudiants

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    International audienceCette contribution présente une démarche qui cherche à transposer l'« éducation à la RSE » dans une unité d’enseignement appelé «Dynamique d’entreprise ». L’objet est de répondre à la question "En quoi une telle formation initiale prépare au développement de compétences RSE?".L’aspect exploratoire de cette recherche a permis de mettre en évidence une appréhension de la RSE par des étudiants de première année de licence. Les projets entrepreneuriaux présentés portent ici les valeurs de long terme, d’éthique des affaires et s’incarnent dans la valorisation de l’individu et la prise en compte de ses compétences relationnelles

    “By-product synergy” changes in the industrial symbiosis dynamics at the Altamira-Tampico industrial corridor: 20 years of industrial ecology in Mexico

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    The Industrial symbiosis emergence constitute a complex and dynamic process that we set in four different phases in this paper: Emergence, Regional efficiency, Regional learning, and Sustainable Industrial District. Embedded in a theoretical framework concerning the industrial symbiosis dynamic, this paper triggers a historical sequence of consequences in the industrial ecosystem evolution encompassing micro and macro elements, which also depends upon the individual actors’ intervention in the network. The industrial symbiosis at Altamira is depicted here as a centralized and ancillary industrial symbiosis embedding a socio-technical and environmental model, one of the most complete biophysical, social, and economic symbiotic case studies in Latin America. The further historical analysis uses the number of actors composing the industrial network and the amount of material and energy exchange flows as a proxy for the success of the Altamira By-Products Industrial Symbiosis as a way to approach sustainability in the industrial ecosystem and attractiveness in the territory. According to the analysis of those proxies in Altamira, the actors involved in the network decrease at the Regional efficiency stage, with the highest synergies rate. The Regional learning phase follows the dynamic through an eco-innovative ecosystem strategy, encompassing small and medium size firms in the region, as the mechanisms for improving learning and innovation, decreasing transaction costs and boosting sustainabilityPostprint (author's final draft

    Environmental education to education for sustainable development: challenges and issues

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    If the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development national educational policies and strategies has taken place in a context in whichEnvironmental Education was already well established, it has been widely institutionalized by the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. a UNESCO programme. The aim of ESD is to encourage changes in education so that it can effectively contribute to the reorientation of societies towards sustainable development. It proposes participatory methods of teaching and learning such as critical thinking, the imagination of future scenarios, and collaborative decision-making to enable learners to take the actions necessary for sustainable development

    Grounding Social Foundations for Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change

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    Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are commonly used by decision makers in order to deriveclimate policies. IAMs are currently based on climate-economics interactions, whereas the role of socialsystem has been highlighted to be of prime importance on the implementation of climate policies. Beyondexisting IAMs, we argue that it is therefore urgent to increase efforts in the integration of social processeswithin IAMs. For achieving such a challenge, we present some promising avenues of research based on thesocial branches of economics. We finally present the potential implications yielded by such social IAMs.This work was supported by a grant from the French National Research Agency (project VIRGO, ANR-16-CE03-0003-01 Grant) and the anonymous reviewer for the constructive comments and suggestions

    Network of automated vehicles: the AutoNet 2030 vision

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    electronic proceedingsInternational audienceAutoNet2030 - Co-operative Systems in Support of Networked Automated Driving by 2030 - is a European project connecting two domains of intensive research: cooperative systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Automated Driving. Given the latest developments in the standardization of vehicular communications, vehicles will soon be wirelessly connected, enabling cooperation among them and with the infrastructure. At the same time, some vehicles will offer very advanced driving assistance systems, ranging from Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (C-ACC) to full automation. The research issues addressed in AutoNet2030 are as follows: how can all these vehicles with different capabilities most efficiently cooperate to increase safety and fluidity of the traffic system? What kind of information should be exchanged? Which organization (e.g. centralized or distributed) is the best? The purpose of this paper is to introduce the vision and concepts underlying the AutoNet2030 project and the direction of this ongoing research work

    Network of automated vehicles: The AutoNet2030 vision

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    AutoNet2030 – Co-operative Systems in Support of Networked Automated Driving by 2030 – is a European project connecting two domains of intensive research: cooperative systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Automated Driving. Given the latest developments in the standardization of vehicular communications, vehicles will soon be wirelessly connected, enabling cooperation among them and with the infrastructure. At the same time, some vehicles will offer very advanced driving assistance systems, ranging from Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (C-ACC) to full automation. The research issues addressed in AutoNet2030 are as follows: how can all these vehicles with different capabilities most efficiently cooperate to increase safety and fluidity of the traffic system? What kind of information should be exchanged? Which organization (e.g. centralized or distributed) is the best? The purpose of this paper is to introduce the vision and concepts underlying the AutoNet2030 project and the direction of this ongoing research work
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